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12 Days (Hope Harbor)

Page 10

by Karla Doyle

  With his parents gone, the house was quiet, and would remain that way until he and Addie filled it with noise later. Maybe this is what people meant by the stars aligning. Whatever it was, he’d take the win.

  He prepped dinner first. Once some of her cold-weather favorites were in the oven, he collected a few tools and headed for her bedroom.

  He paused briefly before turning the door handle. He’d been in her room before. Plenty of times. But never without her permission, and rarely without her by his side.

  She’d be by his side later. And under him. On top of him. As many variations of connection as they could handle in one night. Whatever they didn’t do tonight, they’d do tomorrow, the next night, and all the nights beyond. But, first—tonight.

  He stepped deeper into the room, taking it in as if he hadn’t seen it before. In a way, he hadn’t. When he moved into this house in the middle of third grade, this had been the spare bedroom. A landing spot for his grandmother when she visited. A place to play hide-and-seek with Addie. Hard to believe he’d once fit in the space behind the door. He’d fooled Addie with that hiding spot more times than he could count.

  She’d taken possession of this room halfway through their senior year of high school, when her parents had unexpectedly uprooted from the house next door. Convincing his parents to let Addie move in so she could finish out the year had been easy.

  Despite her undemonstrative nature, his mom had always claimed to love Addie like the daughter she’d never had. Being the smart, silent type, his dad went with the flow.

  After grad, Addie had turned her part-time job at the flower shop into a full-time position, with a plan to buy the business from her boss when the woman retired. His parents had insisted she stay put in this house and pay them marginal rent, rather than move out to a place that would suck a big chunk of her paycheck. To his relief, she’d accepted the offer.

  Even then, when he’d had no intention of seeing Addie as more than his best friend, he hadn’t wanted a day to go by without her in it.

  Thinking back, he remembered all the times he’d been on his way out for a date, and his mother had casually posed the question, “What about Adeline?”

  He’d laughed it off, told his mom they weren’t each other’s tagalongs anymore. He’d honestly thought his mother’s question was a suggestion to include Addie as an additional person. Now, he saw it for what it really was. Not a question at all. A, “wake up and see what’s right in front of you,” nudge. He’d missed the signal. Every damn time.

  That explained her reaction yesterday.

  After Addie had left for work, he’d hit his mom with some adult truth—he was working on building a romantic relationship with Addie, and they needed some privacy. He’d offered to pay for a nice hotel room. One night, that’s all he’d asked for. Then his parents could come back and continue staying at the house.

  Instead of dishing up a heaping serving of guilt, his mom, the non-hugger, had hugged him.

  This morning, she’d packed their suitcases and smiled—legitimately smiled—when he saw them to the door. “What time on Christmas Day is good for a visit?” she’d asked. “Or would you like to call us when it’s convenient for us to come by, instead? But do phone us at the hotel, darling. I can never figure out how to answer the tiny phone when it rings.”

  That’s when he’d realized they weren’t coming back tomorrow. Also, that his mother fully supported his intentions with Addie. He wasn’t a mama’s boy, but the approval didn’t hurt, either.

  Addie had redecorated her bedroom after he bought the house. As he stood in the middle of it, he couldn’t help smiling.

  What used to be just another room was now one-hundred-percent Addie. Pale-pink walls held white-framed flowers—prints, photos, the dried-and-pressed variety. Framed photos of the people she loved most sat atop a tall, white dresser. White curtains hung at the sides of a small, bay window lined with pink, white, and gray throw pillows. The double bed had a tall gray headboard and plush, white bedspread. The perfect backdrop for his purchases.

  He retrieved the lingerie bag from the other room and set it on the bed. The bright-pink plastic popped against the white, but he could do better. He tipped the bag and spilled its contents onto the bed, then fanned the panties into a six-color rainbow. Yeah. Much better.

  Next, the lamp. He unfolded the ladder near the headboard, then climbed up with the drill, an anchor, and a hook. Rick’s comment about the hook holding a sex swing popped into his head as he twisted the small cup hook into the anchor. He’d been pissed off at Rick for implying Addie would be into kinky sex.

  Now that he’d kissed her, the thought of hanging a sex swing over the bed initiated entirely different feelings. Maybe they’d go there one day. Maybe they wouldn’t. Either suited him fine, as long as whatever they did, they did it together.

  He grabbed the swag lamp and secured it from the hook. The cord was smooth, the lampshade level. Not quite right, though. Surveying it from the bottom of the ladder, the lamp hung too low. He could tweak it to her liking later, but it wasn’t good enough to leave as-is.

  He climbed the ladder again, looking around the room as he adjusted the cord length. The jewelry box on her dresser caught his eye, initiating a wave of gift ideas. She loved charms. Dangly earrings. Necklaces. Good thing he still had a couple of shopping days left before Christmas.

  He turned to descend the ladder, his gaze landing on something he recognized all too well. The box he’d accidentally opened sat behind a framed family photo. He hadn’t noticed it from ground level.

  He had no business looking in the box. The second he stepped off the ladder, that’s exactly what he did—on the sly. Without removing it from its location, he pushed the flaps open. The cock ring was inside. A good sign. Not good signs—the package of red wrapping paper and card in a coordinating envelope beneath the box. She wouldn’t have those things waiting unless she still planned to give the sexy gift. Shit.

  After their kissing and talking, it didn’t make sense. Only, it did.

  While drunk and sober, she’d been completely honest. She had feelings for him. Deep, lifelong feelings she was terrified to explore, because she didn’t believe he’d reciprocate long-term.

  That’s why she had the cock ring in standby mode. She hadn’t cut the intended recipient loose because he was her backup plan.

  He didn’t blame her. His track record with women had “short-term good time” stamped all over it. That’s all he’d wanted until now. Until her.

  Addie needed reassurance he wouldn’t break her heart. Tonight, he’d give it to her. Commitment. A path he’d never imagined taking, but had actually been on since the day he met her. Maybe that saying about stars aligning had some merit after all.

  Chapter 9

  December 21


  Mouthwatering scents filled Addie’s nose as she stepped into the house. “Whatever you’re cooking, I want some,” she called, while removing her winter gear.

  No answer from the kitchen, just the clatter of dishes mixed with loud rock music.

  She’d expected only one of his parents to be here, since their rental car wasn’t in the driveway. Both sets of their boots were missing from the tray in the front hall, along with both coats from the closet. That explained the loud music and lack of greeting from Kelly. He hadn’t heard her come in.

  His absence at the front door suited her fine today. She’d cut her finger halfway through the afternoon and had the blood stains on her pink sweater to prove it. Not something she needed Kelly to see at any given time, but especially now, while he was in this wildly affectionate phase. She wanted to look her best, even if she was setting herself up for imminent heartbreak.

  She placed her work bags on the floor and moved stealthily to her bedroom. Turning the handle carefully, she opened the door the smallest amount possible and snuck into the room.

  Thank goodness he had the music cranked in the kitchen. Otherwise, he would’ve
heard her shocked gasp when his handiwork came into view.

  She flicked off the main light switch, leaving only the new swag lamp to illuminate the room. Small cutouts in the shade cast a gentle, dappled glow around the room. She moved to the bed and ran her fingers across the row of panties he’d arranged. The exact ones she’d looked at while they were shopping the other night.

  If he were some other guy, the gesture would strictly be a ploy to get sex. Not Kelly, though. Just as he’d remembered the style and size of panties she liked, she remembered his admission about lingerie. He’d never bought any for a woman, because he’d never cared enough about anybody he’d dated to go out and do so.

  The spread of panties was far heavier than their lacy material.

  Kelly wasn’t likely to feel this way about her forever. But he did right now. That was enough.

  She eased the red panties from their place in the rainbow, collected her prettiest, satin robe from the closet, then snuck to the bathroom. She took a breath and turned on the water. Like so many other things in this old house, the pipes made their presence known while in use. Kelly would know she was home now.

  His awareness of her presence was evident the moment she emerged from the bathroom. Low-volume, country music had replaced the loud, grunge rock. White candles dotted the living room. The best part of the ambiance was the man waiting on the couch.

  One arm slung over the back, he smiled at her. “You snuck in on me,” he said, perusing her from head to toe and back again.

  Her body fired up as if he were touching her. Okay, not that much. But close. “Sorry. I wanted to freshen up before you saw me.”

  “No apology necessary. Especially when you walk into the room looking like a goddess. Sneaking in is always okay. Just don’t sneak out.”

  “I won’t.” Heart hammering in her chest, she loosened the tie at her waist and let the robe fall open, exposing a swath of her mostly naked body. “I only want to be here, with you, like this.”

  “Addie.” His voice was lower than normal. Huskier. His strong forearms flexed as he gripped the couch, and his Adam’s apple slid up and down. “Are you sure?”

  Nodding, she inched the robe open far enough to reveal her bullet-hard nipples.

  He groaned and rose from the couch. He crossed the room, leaving enough space between them to continue checking her out. “You are so sexy.”

  “Thank you,” she said, trying desperately not to fidget that sexiness away under his heated gaze. “And thank you for the bedroom.”

  “I’m glad you have enough confidence in me to thank me before we go in there,” he said, the classic twinkle returning to his eyes.

  “You know what I was talking about.”

  “I do.” Grinning, he caught her playful swat and drew her hand to her side, squeezing before releasing it. “And you’re welcome, but it was my pleasure. I’ve always liked doing things that make you happy, but every day we’re together, together, I want to do more for you.” Holding her gaze, he trailed his fingertips along the column of her neck, then lower, to her collarbone and the swell of her cleavage. He cupped her breasts, groaning as he strummed his thumbs over her hard, peaked nipples. “I want to do everything with you.”

  “Then do,” she whispered. “I want as much of you as I can have.”

  “That’s everything I’ve got, inside and out.” He nudged the robe from her shoulders, exhaling long and low as it pooled by her bare feet. “You picked the red ones,” he said, tracing the top edge of her only remaining clothing item.

  “You said it’s your favorite color.”

  “I did.” He molded his palms to her hips, curled his fingers over the top edge of the panties, and wiggled them downward, until they joined her robe on the floor. “But I have a new favorite color,” he said, sliding his hand between her legs. “And it’s called Adeline.”

  The part of her brain that turned thoughts into speech short-circuited as he massaged her clit with enough precision to make her eyes roll back in her head. She’d been with guys who never figured out what worked for her, no matter how many techniques they tried. Kelly had it mastered on the first touch.

  She grabbed his shoulders for support, shamelessly opening her stance to give him better access. Shameless wasn’t right, though. She’d never felt more confident about being naked, about wanting sex. Another gift he’d given her.

  He slid one long finger inside her, groaning as her tightness clenched him. He withdrew his touch and transferred that finger to his mouth. “You’re my new favorite flavor, too.”

  “Then you should definitely have more.”

  “That’s my plan.” He scooped her up, sealing their lips together as he carried her from the living room.

  “You don’t want to go to mine?” she asked, when he broke the kiss to lay her out on his bed.

  “If you’d rather that, then we’ll go. But before you answer, hear me out.”


  Holding himself above her on one strong arm, he stroked her face and gave her a soul-deep, heart-on-his-sleeve gaze. “I understand why it might seem awkward or less special in my room, because I’ve had other women in here. But they’re my past. You’re not just the present, you’re the last woman I’m bringing to this bed.”

  She bit her lip to prevent her mushy-gushy feelings from spilling out of her mouth.

  “I’m not playing you, Addie. This isn’t a phase. I’ve never said this kind of stuff to someone before.”

  “I know.”

  He tilted his head toward her touch when she cupped his cheek. “It feels so good when you touch me.”

  “Then take off your clothes and let me touch the rest of you.”

  He leapt at the suggestion—literally—stopping with his t-shirt half-on, half-off, to look into her eyes again. “Do you want to go to your room instead?”

  “Next time.”

  He peeled the shirt off. A couple of tugs and kicks later, his jeans and socks joined it on the floor, leaving a pair of boxer briefs between her and the only part of Kelly she’d never seen uncovered.

  “You’re wearing white ones tonight.”

  “You said they’re your favorite color.”

  “They do look great on you,” she said, beckoning him with a come-hither gesture. “But I think they’re going to look even better on the floor.”

  Grinning, he shoved them down and off. Then climbed on the bed, looping her legs over his shoulders in the process. He settled there, his breath fanning her pussy in a touchless teasing he seemed in no hurry to end.

  Her stomach knotted. “Is everything okay…down there?”

  “You’re perfect, baby. So fucking perfect. I just needed a minute to round up some control before I get lost in you.”

  Oh. Well, then. A girl really couldn’t complain about that kind of waiting.

  He shifted closer, traced the line of her pussy with the tip of his tongue. Slow and patient ended there. His deep rumble vibrated throughout her body as he buried his face between her legs—licking, sucking, wiggling his tongue against her clit.

  She pushed her fingers through his hair as the tingling spiral of need tightened. “Kelly…” His name left her lips like a plea.

  He answered with a growl, his fingertips curling into her flesh as his relentless, erotic ministrations pushed her over.

  White flashed behind her closed eyelids as Kelly scratched her lifelong itch for what could’ve been forever, but still wasn’t nearly long enough.

  “Oh, my God,” she said, breathless and wrung out, as he climbed up to cage her beneath his body. “My poor vibrator is never going to be able to live up to that.”

  Laughter ripped from his handsome mouth, still glistening from devouring her. “It better not, or I need to step up my game.”

  “Your game couldn’t get any better.” She placed her hands against his solid chest and pushed. “Mine could use some practice, so roll over.”

  He shifted onto his back, taking her along for the ride.
Pancaked on top of him, her boobs squashed against his chest, his hands gripping her butt and his cock nudging her pussy, she nearly forgot to breathe. They were really doing this. All of this.

  His gaze softened. “We can put the rest on hold,” he said, stroking her hair.

  She shook her head, dislodging the hair he’d just tucked behind her ear. “I don’t want to wait one more minute to be with you.”

  He pulled her down for a soft meshing of lips, a merging of so much more than their mouths.

  She broke the connection, trailing kisses down his chest, then along that line of dark hair that’d captivated her for years. Kneeling between his legs, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock. Then took him in her mouth, as slowly as she could.

  “Fuck me,” he said, as her lips connected with his pelvis.

  Exactly what she planned to do. Soon. But first, this. Up and down, she bobbed, sliding her tongue against his shaft on the way down, sucking him hard on the way up. Slow, then faster. Pumping him with her hand some strokes, cupping and stroking his balls with others.

  “Addie…” His voice was hoarse as he fisted her hair with both hands. “You’ve got to stop, baby. I need to be inside you.”

  One last, deep suck, then she released him with a noisy pop.

  He rolled her onto her back, devouring her with his eyes as he smoothed a condom down his cock. “I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this,” he said, then filled her in one deep thrust. “You feel perfect.” He captured her mouth again, kissing her deeply, as he moved in and out of her body.

  Every stroke, every sweeping kiss, felt like a promise.

  “Roll over, baby,” he said, retreating from her body. “I want to look at your sexy ass while I’m fucking you.”

  Not a position she would’ve willingly done with other guys. Especially with the lights on. With Kelly, she flipped to her stomach and tipped her ass in the air. “Like this?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Cock standing at attention, wrapped up like the best Christmas present she could ever have dreamed of, he pushed her knees together, then boxed them between his thighs. He guided the head of his cock to her entrance, then sank deep into her pussy.


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