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Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1)

Page 2

by Lexi Buchanan

  Reaching for her hand, I enclose it within both of mine, wanting to offer her comfort. “Your husband is an idiot to throw away a life with you.” I offer her a small smile.

  “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I mean every word, Sirena.” I flex my fingers around her hand and turn away before I say more than what we’ll both probably be comfortable with. “My turn.”

  She chuckles and moves her hand to intertwine our fingers together. Her touch is so soft that my body floods with arousal, which I close my eyes to try and hide.

  Clearing my throat, I admit, “I’m forty-nine, Sirena.” I glance at her and notice a frown cross her smooth brow. As I continue, I wonder whether my age bothers her as much as her young age bothers me, “I’ve never been married, although I’ve come close and had a lucky escape. I haven’t been in a relationship for too many years to count because I’m sick and tired of someone wanting to be with me because of my name as opposed to me as a person. It gets tiring, and although I’m lonely it’s for the best.”

  “You said that they want to be with you for your name, why?”

  My head rests against the elevator wall and when I turn to look at Sirena she meets my eyes. “I own a small chain of luxury hotels and villas,” I admit. “All everyone sees are dollars signs.” I chuckle bitterly.

  “Instead of the man beneath,” Sirena adds. “That’s a shame.”

  Silence follows and as I let it wash over me I realize that I’ve admitted more to Sirena in those few sentences than I have to anyone else. I also have a feeling that she has done the same when she talked about her bastard of a husband.

  “What do you think is taking so long?” Sirena asks and starts to fidget.

  “I don’t know. Are you okay?” My body turns toward her and I catch a wince of pain flicker in her eyes.

  “For the past month I get back ache and it can get rather painful.” She lets go of my hand and slips it against her back.

  I can’t bear to see her in pain so I quickly stand and hold my hands out to her. She glances back and forth between my hands and my face and then slips her hands into mine.

  With a tug I have her on her feet and turn her to face the wall. “Take your jacket off and I’ll rub your back for you. I can’t just watch you suffer.”

  She hesitates but then her jacket comes off and drops to the floor.

  “You really don’t have to do this.” She bites her lip, which I see through the mirrored wall.

  “I know I don’t,” I whisper as my gaze wanders over her slender back and curvy bottom that leads to legs that I’ll be dreaming about later.

  I push back my arousal and slowly start to rub her lower back. I clamp my jaw shut tightly in determination to be nothing but respectful toward her. Her hands rest against the wall facing us and when she moans in pleasure it goes straight to my balls. It doesn’t help when I watch her reaction through the mirror and notice the tight buds of her nipples against her thin shirt. My eyes quickly lift to her face and that’s when I feel a blush start to rise up my neck at having been caught.

  “Sirena,” I whisper.

  “I know.” She dips her head so when I slowly start to massage up along her spine, I move her hair to the side and place a kiss to the nape of her neck.

  She shivers and presses against my hands as I continue to massage her lower back. I move my lower body away so that she doesn’t discover exactly what her moans are doing to me.

  “Oh, she kicked.” She smiles and presses a hand to her stomach.

  I watch in amazement as her baby kicks and stretches in the safe confines of her mother’s belly.

  Our eyes meet and she nervously chews on her swollen lip, which drives me crazy. I want it to be my mouth that chews and licks along her deliciously plump lips. It makes me sad to realize that it will never happen—can never happen.

  “Do you . . . um, want to feel her kick?” she offers and my fingers twitch. “It’s okay.” She smiles. “I think we’ve gone past the awkward stranger stage.”

  Sirena taking my silence as agreement, slips her hand over mine on her hip, and slowly slides it up to her belly and holds it close. My body heats at being so close to her and blood rushes south at the feel of her against my front . . . and then her baby pushes against my hand and her smile lights her face and does something to my heart.

  “A miracle, Sirena,” I whisper into her ear as my other hand goes to her hip to keep her close. I nuzzle closer and inhale the subtle scent of her apple shampoo.

  My eyes go to the mirror and the look of arousal on Sirena’s face as her eyes drift closed causes my hands to tremble, the want running through my body.

  I know this is wrong but I want this one moment in time with this beautiful woman. I kiss the curve of her neck and move my hand from her hip to cover hers on the wall. Our fingers intertwine and the fingers of my other hand spread over her belly.

  Sirena opens her eyes and locks on to mine, letting her head drop back against my shoulder. She turns her face up to meet mine . . . and the elevator makes a sudden and loud cranking noise before it starts to move downwards.

  I curse softy under my breath and slowly step away from her, making sure that she doesn’t stumble. “Let me help you.” I grab her jacket from the floor and help her back into it before scooping up my own and grabbing my briefcase.

  Knowing that I can’t leave her without someway of getting in touch, I ask, “Cell phone,” and hold my hand out for it.

  Sirena looks almost relieved when she passes it over and watches me input the numbers. “My home number is in there along with my personal cell number. If you need anything . . . anything at all call me. Even if you only want someone to talk to.” I pass it back to her and the doors swish open.

  “Sirena.” In a whirlwind of movement, her brother dashes inside and wraps her up in his arms. “Are you alright? The baby?”

  Holding my gaze over her brother’s shoulder she smiles. “Thank you,” she mouths and pulls out of her brother’s arms.

  I don’t hang around to listen to them because my need to be the one taking care of her is driving me crazy, and I know that I will never be able to do that. I also know that my sudden feelings toward her are ridiculous.

  Making my way down the stairs to the parking garage, I quickly climb into my car and then curse a blue streak because I forgot to get her number. At the time I was more concerned about her being able to contact me.

  I hit the steering wheel and curse again when my cell buzzes in my pocket. I want to ignore it but unfortunately with the completion of my new hotel nearing I can’t.

  The damn thing won’t stop buzzing with messages now my cell reception has reconnected, but I find a grin splitting my face when I see an unknown number, with the words: Thank you. Sirena x

  I now have her number, which I quickly save to my contacts. I do pause though when I slip my cell back into my pocket as my brain engages. All I see now is the twenty plus years between us, which is a lot more than a small problem.

  With a mirthless laugh, I rest back against the seat of the car knowing that I’m being stupid. Sirena is a beautiful young woman and surely wouldn’t have even looked at me if we hadn’t of gotten stuck in the elevator together.

  Who are you trying to convince?

  She was interested.

  I’m not going to dwell on it because the chances are that I won’t see her again, and I’ll just put this afternoon down to a brief encounter. It doesn’t change the fact that for the first time in a very long time, I felt happy.



  “Sirena, you’re not listening to me, honey.” My sister, Charlotte, sits beside me on the other sun lounger and takes my hand into hers. “What’s wrong? Have you heard from Harry?”

  I shake my head, knowing that she’s going to be thinking I’m sad.

  For the past month I haven’t heard one word from my so called husband even though it had been me to walk away from the asshole—I’m not sad though.

  “His lawyer sent a legal document to me to be signed stating that he gives up his rights as the father of our unborn child.”

  I hear Charlotte cursing under her breath, disbelief in her voice.

  Receiving that document had crushed me and I felt sad that my baby wouldn’t have a father. But then I realized that I’d never have to hand my baby over to him for weekend visits, and that I’d never have to see Harry again. I shouldn’t have been relieved, but I am.

  Now I’m more angry than hurt about Harry and the way he has treated me, but my real depression and down in the dumps feeling has everything to do with Garrett.

  He gave me his number, and I sent him a text wanting to say thank you so he would have my number. I haven’t heard from him at all though and that’s what has me sad.

  I relive the moment in the elevator on a daily basis knowing that I hadn’t imagined the connection I’d felt to Garrett. He probably hasn’t given me another thought.

  “Sis, you’re worrying me with this silence, and I’m glad that Harry isn’t going to be around.” Charlotte has been nothing but patient with me, which must be driving her nuts because she really doesn’t have one patient bone in her body.

  Charlotte is smaller than I am and is more on the petite side. But when we’re together we often get asked if we’re twins. If Michael is in the vicinity and I knew he’d heard that question, I always milk it for what it’s worth because it annoys him. He hates anyone not knowing that he’s Charlotte’s twin and when I’m not teasing him I find it endearing.

  “Sirena,” Charlotte growls.

  A laugh bubbles up inside me and for the first time in the month since I met Garrett I find real amusement. “I’m really fine, Charlotte. I signed and sent the document back via my lawyer . . . I honestly don’t mean to worry everyone.” I look out at the lake and thank God that I’m on dry land. I actually love sailing but since I became pregnant just the thought makes me nauseous.

  “You’re my sister of course I’m going to worry, but you know that you can talk to me if you need to.” Charlotte pouts.

  Sighing, I turn and hold Charlotte’s stare. “I promise you that I no longer feel anything toward Harry. What I did feel died long before I walked out,” I admit, knowing she won’t let the subject of Harry drop. “It’s . . .” I drift into a world of my own when a memory of Garrett smiling at me takes hold.

  “You were saying?” she prompts.

  I frown at Charlotte for interrupting and finally admit to her, “I met someone else.”

  Charlotte’s eyes pop and she stammers, “What? When? How? I really don’t understand.” She swivels to a sitting position and glares down at me. “Please explain.”

  “You can’t mention anything to Michael or Joshua, or anyone else. Promise me Charlotte.”

  “I promise just get on with it. You know my patience is slim to none.”

  I smile. “He was in the elevator when I got stuck downtown. I ended up with a really bad pain in my back.” I pause because I’m not sure I can go on without crying, and then the tears come anyway. “He rubbed my back, Charlotte. For the first time there was someone with me who cared that I was in pain and acted like he wanted to take it away . . . and you should have seen his face when he felt the baby kick.” I swipe at my tears.

  Charlotte looks surprised. “I rub your back,” she mumbles and I roll my eyes and then think better of it.

  “I mean who wasn’t you or the rest of our family. He was a handsome man and he cared.”

  “Okay, and I was only teasing about the ‘I rub your back’. Do you know who he is? How to get in touch with him?”

  I nod my head.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Charlotte asks, confusion written across her face.

  “I thought about getting in touch with him, but what do I say, ‘hey, I’m the pregnant woman from the elevator, remember me’?”

  Charlotte lets out an exasperated breath. “Well that would be a start. I mean really Sirena, what is wrong with you?”

  “I’m still married.”

  Just saying those words, I know that if Garrett messages me to meet him, that I will. I want to see him again even though I look like I have a huge beach ball up my dress.

  “Harry,” her lips twist in annoyance, “is a first class jerk and there is no way on this earth that I will ever let you get back with him if he should ever ask, or you should beg. None of us will. You have never had a marriage and Harry certainly doesn’t think you have, so I don’t see the problem.”

  Charlotte sometimes is like a dog with a bone so I tell her the one bit of information that will shut her up, “He’s forty-nine.”

  “What?” Charlotte whispers.

  I shake my head and tug the blanket more snugly around me. “You heard me right the first time.”

  “Mom’s fifty-two.”

  “Charlotte that isn’t helping.”

  “Dad’s sixty-four and even that’s closer to his age than yours is.”

  I shake my head and cry softly into the blanket.

  “Oh honey, I’m sorry.” She rubs at my arm. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. You just took me by surprise . . . please calm down.”

  Charlotte gets to her knees between the two lounge chairs and wraps her arms around me, which is more awkward than comforting with my belly in the way. She doesn’t seem to care and brushes her fingers through my hair.

  “I love you, Sirena, and if this man makes you feel things that you’ve never felt before then perhaps you should call him or send him a message. His age is but a number if he’s the one you want.”

  I pull back and hold her gaze. “You mean that?”

  She wipes one side of my face with her fingers. ”He obviously made an impression with you, and apart from Harry, you’re usually a really good judge of character . . . so yes, I mean that.”

  “He’s had my number just as long, Charlotte. Why hasn’t he contacted me?” I push myself up to a sitting position and grabbing the end of the blanket wipe at my eyes.

  “Perhaps he has a problem with the age gap, and, didn’t you say you met him in the elevator, which means that he came from the McKenzie head office, right?”

  I nod. “He had a meeting with Alexander.”

  “What’s his name?” Charlotte sits back down on the lounger and waits for my answer, which I’m not sure I want to give. “I’ve already promised you that I won’t say anything, and all I really have to do is sneak a peak at Alexander’s schedule.” She grinned.

  “Ugh!” I huff and with some struggling get to my feet and stretch. “Garrett Hudson,” I mumble.

  I hear a gurgling noise and watch as my ladylike sister sloshes her mouth full of water down her shirt. I raise a brow and laugh.

  “Garrett Hudson? As in The Garrett Hudson?”

  I ignore her and walk back inside Michael’s lake house, but she follows and won’t let it go.

  “Garrett Hudson?”

  “Charlotte, please don’t make me regret telling you any of this.” Grabbing some juice from the fridge, I turn and face her.

  “I’m sorry.” She composes herself and then starts laughing. “I have to agree that he is a handsome man and so unapproachable.”

  My eyes snap to her. “He isn’t unapproachable. I think you’re remembering someone else.”

  She shakes her head. “No way. I’ve met him and although he was polite, he’s a business shark. Stay well away from him.”

  “You don’t like him?” I ask feeling disheartened.

  “Sirena,” Charlotte takes hold of my hands, “he is a business man with a sharp mind and has no interest in a wife or children. It’s well known that he got burned a long time ago and he hasn’t been serious about anyone since.”

  “It honestly sounds like you’re talking about a different man.”

  “I promise you I’m not, and to set your heart on him would mean having it broken more than ever before.” Charlotte kisses me on the cheek and holds me. “Leave it be and
forget about him . . . Let me take you to dinner.”

  As I agree to dinner, I’m not sure I’ll be able to forget about Garrett, and I’m finding it difficult to associate the Garrett that I met with the one Charlotte has just told me about.



  Sitting through dinner with my brother, his wife, and a blind date arranged by my sister-in-law, Jenny, isn’t my idea of a relaxing meal with family—it’s torture. I’ve repeatedly told Jenny, that I’m not interested in blind dates and to stop arranging them. Of course tonight goes to show that she doesn’t listen to a word that I say.

  The woman in question might be pleasant, but she isn’t Sirena Bennett. If she were I’d be sitting here throbbing. However, no one comes close to Sirena, and I don’t think a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about her and wondered if she’d finally kicked her husband out.

  Her cousin, Alexander, has told me that he hasn’t seen her for a while but she must be doing well otherwise he’d have heard, so I have to settle with that.

  My fingers still twitch with the urge to touch her, and my palms tingle when I think about touching her belly to feel her child.

  She’d been shy and soft when she’d asked me if I’d like to feel her baby move, and that had endeared her to me all the more.

  “Garrett, you with us?” William, my brother asks, waving a hand in front of my face as I realize they’re getting up to leave.

  I blink a few times. “I’m sorry. I have a lot going on.” Feeling like the worse date ever, I turn to Annalise. “I also need to apologies to you. I’m distracted with the new hotel and it takes up a lot of my time.” That’s only half true, but I can hardly tell her the truth, that I’ve been thinking about another woman.

  “I understand, Garrett.” She takes my arm and stays close. I tell myself five more minutes and then I’ll be home free. That is until my sister-in-law opens her mouth.

  “Garrett, why don’t you take Annalise into the bar for a nightcap.” Jenny smiles and my brother frowns at his wife. He opens his mouth, but I interrupt because the last thing I want is to cause a problem between them both.


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