Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1)

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Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1) Page 3

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I’d love to but I’m afraid I have a overseas conference call in thirty minutes.” I cringe inside at using such a lame excuse.

  “Annalise, you must come for dinner next week. Same time and place,” Jenny invites and I grit my teeth.

  By the look on William’s face he’s going to be having words with his wife.

  “I’d like that. Thank you.” Annalise looks at me, letting me know with that look that she knows I’m not happy but doesn’t really give a shit.

  “I’m sure Garrett won’t mind picking you up.” Jenny has gone too far now.

  “Sorry, I can’t do that as I don’t know where I’ll be coming from or even if I can make it.” I lean forward and for once have to force myself to kiss Jenny on the cheek, and to be polite I offer the same goodbye to Annalise.

  Hitting my brother on his back in a manly hug, I hiss, “Tell her to stop or I won’t be joining you again.”

  I step back and glance at them once more when there’s a loud crashing sound and the screech of a woman followed by cursing and more crashing.

  We all turn to the sound and I feel as though I’ve been punched in the stomach when I spot Charlotte McKenzie, and hear her shout, “Call nine one one, she’s pregnant!”


  “Let’s leave and give them more room,” William suggests, but I find myself moving closer and pushing through the patrons of the restaurant who obviously have nothing better to do than to watch a woman who needs help.

  “Excuse me.” I finally push my way through and my heart stops. It is Sirena.

  Dropping to the floor at her side, I wrap my arm around her and smile when she looks at me. “We really need to stop meeting under difficult circumstances.”

  “Garrett,” she whispers.

  “Yeah, honey, it’s me . . . Are you in pain?”

  She shakes her head.

  “You need to leave. I saw you at dinner and you’re with someone.” She looks at her sister and tries to move away from my touch, but I’m not going anywhere.

  “She’s a blind date that my sister-in-law set up, against my wishes, I might add.” I refrain from mentioning how much Sirena has been on my mind since our meeting in the elevator and tightening my grip around her waist, I say, “Now stop being awkward and let me help you.”

  She holds my gaze and I know she accepts my help as I feel her relax in my arms.

  “An ambulance will be here soon,” Charlotte offers. “I should call Mom.” She bites her lip.

  “No way,” Sirena refuses. “Please don’t call her. Her and Dad will have me moving in with them, which will only drive me crazy.”

  Charlotte sighs. “I get it. Okay, I’ll hold off on calling the troops, but not for long.”

  Sirena turns her head and rests against my chest as though she’s tired and wants peace. “Honey, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m not in any pain, which I guess has to be good, but in truth I was tired before we came out to dinner.” Sirena follows her words by yawning. “Sorry, Charlotte, and Garrett . . .”

  I shake my head and rest my chin on the top of her head. “Don’t be sorry.”

  “Garrett?” Jenny questions, which brings me back to the reason why I’m in the restaurant to begin with. “Do you know this, um, girl?”

  Sirena tries to move out of my arms but I’m not having any of it. “Stay.”

  I turn and face Jenny, William, and Annalise. “Yes, I know Sirena. I’m going to stay with her.”

  Conversation is abruptly broken off when the paramedics come racing inside. They crouch down on either side of Sirena so I try and move out of the way.

  “No,” Sirena clutches at my shirt, “please stay with me.”

  My heart thumps in my chest happy that she wants me to stay with her but it causes her sister to frown at us both.

  By the time Sirena has been loaded into the ambulance the tech asks, “Who’s riding with her?”

  I want to say that I am, but I don’t have that right—Charlotte does, and that makes me jealous and sad, which is stupid.

  “He is,” Charlotte states and steps back. “I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  I’m momentarily stunned and then when I hear Jenny in the background hissing at William that I’m embarrassing them, I snap out of it and reach out for Charlotte. “Wait. Why?”

  She offers a wry smile. “My sister wants you with her, just please take care of her. I’ll see you soon.” Charlotte disappears toward the parking lot and I’m too angry to talk to my family right now.

  Stepping into the ambulance, I sit where indicated and take Sirena’s sweaty hand and encase it in my own.

  Pacing outside of Sirena’s hospital room, I glance at Charlotte and meet her gaze. “How much longer?”

  Charlotte’s sighs. “I have as much clue as you do.”

  “They’ve been in there for an hour,” I complain. “What’s taking them so long?”

  Tipping her head to the side, Charlotte holds my gaze and very slowly pats the chair beside her. “Sit, Garrett.”

  I hesitate because I’m worried to stay in one place, which is ridiculous. This is only the second time that I’ve seen Sirena so why am I acting like the father of her child? And why am I so concerned about her health?

  Closing my eyes, I inhale and finally sit next to Charlotte who smiles.

  “I’ve heard so much about you that I told Sirena to stay away from you.” She shrugs. “I think I was wrong to do that. She was really upset when she spotted you across the restaurant with the other woman’s hand on your back.”

  In a way, I’m glad to hear that because it means I’m not the only one who felt something that day in the elevator, but the last thing I’d ever want is to cause her distress. I rub my chest and admit, “My sister-in-law arranged for her to be at dinner. She wants me with one of her friends. I however, have no interest.” I lean forward and rest my head in my hands. “She stopped for a while but tonight she seems to have started again.” I glance at Charlotte. “I’m not interested in anyone else, Charlotte.”

  Offering a mirthless laugh, I continue, “I’ve spent the past month trying to forget your sister,” I glance to the door and back to Charlotte, “but I haven’t been able to. I’m too old for someone who is just starting out on her own . . . There’s just something there, between us . . . I’ve no idea how to explain it, but I have this need to look after her and to give her everything she wants. To care for her, and just to damn well be with her.” Sitting back I close my eyes and leave Charlotte to make out what she will from what I’ve just admitted.

  The silence stretches out, which is good on my throbbing head although my patience really is wearing thin now.

  “My sister has been badly hurt and she’s struggling to put a brave face on everything now . . . All I ask is that you please tread carefully with her because I have a feeling that you’re going to be the only man to ever have the power to totally destroy her.”

  I sit back and rest my head against the wall behind me. Closing my eyes I imagine Sirena smiling at me, and my heart turns over. How is that possible, so soon?

  I hear Charlotte suddenly jumping to her feet, her eyes locked onto Sirena’s door. I turn my head and see her doctor walking out of the room.

  He smiles. “The baby is fine.”

  “And Sirena?” I ask, holding my breath.

  “Sirena is fine, or will be once the bruising on her coccyx otherwise known as the tailbone heels.” The doctor smiles. “Please don’t worry. All is well but we are keeping her in overnight just to be safe.”

  “Can we see her?”

  “Go ahead.” He waves us toward the door.

  I hesitate and give Charlotte space to visit with her sister even though the urge to dash inside and see Sirena for myself is nagging at me.

  To distract myself, I grab my cell and notice text messages from my brother and Jenny, all wanting to know what’s going on and who ‘the girl’ is.

  Sighing heavily, I drop
back to the chair and read the messages, and as I do my anger grows.

  I’d never been close too my brother, who is thirteen years my senior, but after his slight stroke he re-evaluated his life and decided that he wanted me around him more. I’d started to enjoy meeting him for a weekly dinner, it’s just a pity that he has to bring his wife, Jenny, who seems to think that she has to play matchmaker all of the time. I’ve no interest being set up with anyone.

  I think my brother gets it because one of his messages is apologizing for his wife’s behavior, until he starts getting annoyed telling me to answer Jenny.

  So I do.

  Me: Who the WOMAN is, is no ones business!

  My next move is something that I haven’t done in years—I switch my cell off all together.

  “She’s asking for you,” Charlotte startles me, but my heart feels full as I jump to my feet and follow her into the room.

  The minute I see Sirena swallowed up in the large bed, I realize that I’m where I need to be. She’s curled up on her side but her gaze holds mine as I make my way closer and drop into a chair beside her bed.

  “Hey, you.” I sit forward and reach for her hand.



  “If you’re alright here, I’m going to head home,” Charlotte says standing over me.

  I offer her a sleepy smile. “Go and sleep, sis . . . and thank you for everything.”

  “You don’t need to thank me.” Charlotte looks worried as she leans over the bed and kisses my forehead. Her eyes lift and look to the opposite side at Garrett. “Sirena has my number, please call me if she needs anything.”

  Before I have time to wonder why she would say that to Garrett, who I expect to leave with her, he says, “I’ll call.”

  Charlotte leaves and Garrett smiles. “You’re thinking rather loudly . . . I’m not going anywhere.”

  I’m relieved that Garrett wants to stay with me, but I feel bad that it’s so late and he looks tired. Biting my lip, I offer, “You should go and get some sleep as well.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not leaving you, and that’s final.” He kisses my knuckles. “Unless you really don’t want me here.”

  At his words my eyes fill with tears and I find Garrett standing over me, his thumbs wiping away the tears that slowly trickle down my face.

  “You don’t know me,” I whisper. “How can you want to stay with me?”

  “Shush, honey.” He glances at the door and then at me while his brain is obviously working overtime on something I’m hoping he’ll share.

  “There is something between us, at least there is on my part, and right now I just have to be here with you so that I know you’re okay. I know it doesn’t really make sense to either of us, but it’s there.”

  I’m embarrassed with how open he is about his feelings for me because since I met Harry I’ve always shied away from opening up because he’d always hurt me with his callousness. Garrett is the opposite and I need to learn to share with a man again, with Garrett. “You’re not alone. I feel it too.” His eyes immediately caress my face as though he’s searching for the truth.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Ask me anything,” I offer.

  “I don’t see your wedding ring, but if he comes to you and begs you to go back to him what will you do? I need to know now before I let this happen.”

  Sighing, I admit, “I won’t be going back to him, Garrett. We got married over a weekend in Vegas and it’s the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, but I’ll never call my baby a mistake.”

  “Oh honey,” he takes my face between his palms, “a child is only ever a gift.”

  “Harry doesn’t think so. He had me sign papers giving up his rights to my baby.” I try to smile but somehow don’t manage it.

  “He did what?” Garrett fumes, angry on my behalf.

  I reach up and trace along his jaw and watch as his eyes change from anger to pleasure. “I was upset at first, but then I felt relieved. I’m afraid of doing all this on my own Garrett, but I’m glad he no longer has a say in anything.”

  He nods. “Can I hold you? I just want you to know how safe you are with me?” he asks, a shy smile gracing his beautiful lips.

  I fight happy tears at his request and biting my lip, I move slightly over, giving him enough room to climb onto the bed. He wraps his arms around me. It’s a bit awkward because my belly is in the way, but it feels good to be in his arms.

  “I can’t remember the last time anyone held me like this,” I admit. “My family are always hugging me, but this, it’s different and I’m afraid that I like it too much.”

  His hold subtly tightens around me, and his fingers splay out along my back as he kisses my forehead. “I already like it too much.”

  Silence follows as I feel myself drifting to sleep, but then I have a thought, and I mumble, “Why didn’t you call me?”

  Holding his gaze, he says, “I’m older, Sirena.”

  I snuggle against his chest so that he can’t see my face and reply, “I know there are a lot of years between us, but you make me tingle in places that haven’t for a long time.”

  “Sirena,” he growls. “Please don’t say things like that. You’ll drive me insane.”

  “I’m sorry but lying here with you, even if it’s in the hospital makes me so happy.” I press my face against his chest and I feel Garrett shudder beneath me, and seconds later my baby kicks.

  Garrett chuckles. “You have an energetic little one in there.” He tugs me closer and kisses my forehead. “I want to be with you Sirena.” He sighs. “That’s all I know right now.”

  “I want that as well . . . just please don’t hurt me.”

  “I won’t. I promise I won’t.”

  He caresses gently down my spine and I moan when the warmth from his palm covers my bruised tailbone. He freezes and hesitates to carry on.

  “Your hand takes the pain away,” I offer and slip my leg between his to get into a more comfortable position.

  In this position, I realize that it probably isn’t all that comfortable for Garrett with his arousal hard and throbbing, trapped in his slacks against my thigh.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers, applying slight pressure to my lower back.

  I smile. “I wish I could get closer.”

  His hand on me hesitates and then it’s gone altogether. “Can you turn over without any pain?”

  “Let me try.” With some rearranging my back is now pressing against Garrett’s front. I wiggle closer still until I’m completely surrounded by the man. One of his arms is my cushion and the other rests over my belly as though he’s protecting my baby.

  “Is that better?”

  “Mmm, but you’re uncomfortable,” I point out.

  He laughs. “I’ll survive.” He kisses the back of my head. “It’s late. Try and get some sleep.”

  I’m not sure I’ll sleep in his arms because I’m too afraid he’ll leave. But I’m curious as to why he’s attracted to me. “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out, ending my private thoughts. “I mean I’m six months pregnant with a huge tummy. I don’t get how I, um, arouse you.” Thank God he can’t see my face right now because I can feel the heat lighting up my cheeks.

  “The first thing I noticed about you was your hair as you walked down the corridor in front of me, and I’m not going to lie, I totally checked you out.” I hear the amusement in his voice. “I noticed the sway of your hips as you walked and your shapely legs, and then when you turned, I noticed your swollen belly seconds before your wedding ring. I felt a stab of disappointment when I saw your ring.”

  “And then I told you the truth in the elevator.” I sigh.

  “You did and I’ve been obsessed with you since . . . I’m not going to lie Sirena, since a failed engagement, many years ago, I’ve always kept my distance from anyone who has commitment written all over them.” He chuckles against my ear. “You don’t get a sign as big as this one,” he caresses my stomach, “but I find mys
elf unable to move away from you. I have this need to take care of you.”

  I cover his hand on my belly, and feel my baby kick out against his hand. My fingers intertwine with his as I yawn, but I’m desperate to stay awake and talk. “Tell me why you had a failed engagement . . . if you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I don’t mind. It was a long time ago.” He rests his cheek against my head. “I was young and in love, except it turned out that my dear fiancée was in love with my bank balance more than me.”

  “Oh.” I squeeze his hand, trying to provide some kind of comfort.

  “As time went on I realized that I didn’t really love her and that I’d just gotten caught up in the moment. I’m not a monk, Sirena, but over the years I’ve been selective, and there hasn’t really been that many. I spend more time working than anything else . . . and when I should be concentrating all my time and energy into the completion of my new hotel, all I can think about is you.” He chuckles.

  My heart swells with longing because he’s occupied enough of my thoughts since our first meeting and feeling him wrapped around me . . . “It feels natural.”

  “Yes, it does,” he whispers, understanding my confession. “Please try and sleep now. We can talk more tomorrow.”

  “Sweet dreams, Garrett.” I bring his hand up to my mouth and press a kiss to the back of his palm.

  He sighs and the warmth from him lulls me to sleep even though his erection throbs against my bottom.



  Waking an hour ago with Sirena in my arms had felt amazing . . . and uncomfortable. My morning erection had been rock hard and hard to miss with it pressing up close and personal to Sirena.

  I smile at her now while she pouts at the doctor as he tells her to rest up for a week. “Take it easy, please.”

  “I think we have a difference of opinion about ‘taking it easy’ Sirena. When I say rest up, I mean bed but I will concede to the sofa during the day if you wish,” the doctor makes his point and gives her a stern look.


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