Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1)

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Baby Makes Three (McKenzie Cousins Book 1) Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  Before he can go on with his lecture, I reassure the doctor, “She’ll rest as she’s coming home with me.” I wink at Sirena when she turns surprised eyes in my direction. “I’ll look after her.”

  “Now that’s sorted I’ll go and sort out your discharge papers.” With that the doctor leaves the room.

  The silence stretches between us but then a smile starts to spread on Sirena’s face and happiness shines in her eyes. “I’m going home with you?”

  “Is that a problem?” I ask even though I can see the answer on her beautiful face.

  She slowly shakes her head. “Are you sure it isn’t going to be a problem for you?” Biting her lip, she turns away. “I said last night that it feels natural to be with you, but are we really thinking about starting a relationship when I’m heavily pregnant?”

  I close my eyes and try not to think about the age difference, but I have to—twenty-four years is a lot to consider. I rest my elbows on my knees. “It’s the whole package that is Sirena Bennett that has me tied in knots, but . . . how old are your parents, Sirena?”

  “I knew there would be a but.” Her eyes shutter, and she whispers, “My mom is fifty-two and my dad is sixty-four.”

  It’s worse than I thought. “Your mom is only three years older than me.”

  Silence follows my statement while Sirena refuses to meet my gaze. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll bite the bullet and go and stay with my parents for the week.”

  My heart constricts as she curls on her side, her back toward me, her silence saying more than words.

  I can’t do this to her.

  Moving closer, I reach out and tug gently on her shoulder, but she doesn’t budge. “Just go Garrett. I’ll be fine. Better you go now than later.” Her voice is husky with tears as I make a decision in light of her distress that I hope doesn’t destroy us both.

  Dashing around the bed, I capture her tear stained face between my palms and kiss the tracks of her tears. “I’m afraid if this between us develops into so much more that eventually you’ll listen to your family when they discover you’re with me, and that you’ll move on.”

  Sighing, Sirena turns to the opposite side and sits up with her legs over the end of the bed. “It’s okay.” She wiggles from the bed and slips her feet into her flat shoes before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

  I sag into a chair and run my hands through my hair in frustration. I should have kept my mouth shut because now she’s shut me out and it hurts—probably more than it should considering our short acquaintance.

  “What’s happened?” Charlotte questions, her face losing all color.

  I warily lift my head and meet her gaze and realize I’m probably making her worry all the more for her sister. “Sirena is fine and her release papers will be ready soon . . . She’s in there.” I point at the bathroom.

  “Thank God.” She presses a hand to her chest. “When I only saw you I thought something was seriously wrong.” She raises a brow.

  I run a hand down my face really feeling my forty-nine years as I watch Charlotte move closer. “If everything is okay with her then why do you look,” she waves her hands around, “like that?”

  “I told her that she could move in with me while she has to rest either in bed or on the sofa—doctors orders—and then, I had to go and mention the age difference. I asked her how old your parents are . . . there’s three years between your mom and me.” I stare at the bathroom door willing her to appear and to say that she’ll still come home with me.

  “I take it she didn’t like it being pointed out, which by the way, I’ve already done.”

  I frown. “When?”

  “Before I took her out to dinner when she admitted that you had her distracted.” Charlotte shrugs. “My sister is loyal to those she loves, Garrett . . . no matter their age.” Smiling, she adds, “I’ve seen the way you look at her. I saw the way you pushed your way through in that restaurant to get to her. If she’s what you want then don’t let anything get in the way.”

  “I really upset her.”

  “Her hormones have her crying at the drop of a hat, plus her soon to be ex is a first class asshole who made her sign legal forms agreeing that he has no claim over her baby.”

  “She told me. What an asshole!”

  “He’s signed his rights away, and don’t get me wrong I’m glad about that and I know Sirena is, but it had to be a low blow regardless of her feelings about him.”

  “Does she still have feelings for him?” I shouldn’t ask but I want to know just what I’m dealing with when I tell Sirena to screw the age difference.

  “She married him because she was told not to. She’s stubborn and doesn’t do well when told not to do something . . . so be warned.”

  Moving toward Charlotte, I shove my hands into my pockets and smile. “That’s a good warning to have, I also know how to make her do what I want when she’s being stubborn.”

  Charlotte rolls her eyes and laughs. “Yeah, well, she’ll figure you out soon enough.” She meets my gaze. “It was nice to see her smile, Garrett. For the first time in months I saw her really smile and that was when you walked in here and held her hand. It reached her eyes, and until I saw that last night, I hadn’t realized it was missing . . . tell her I’ve been by and I’ll go by the lake house and pack her some things.”

  “Thank you, but why are you doing this? Pushing us together? I assumed that you wouldn’t want us together.”

  Charlotte glances at the bathroom door before turning back to me. “Sirena already relies on you more than she does me. Although I’m not sure she realizes that yet.” She shakes her head. “I’m going before she comes out. Just take care of her, and when you swing by for her clothes, I’ll give you my number.”

  I nod as Charlotte walks out and leaves me alone with my thoughts, and anger. How the hell could anyone want to give up his rights to his child? I’ll never understand anyone who does that. At my age I’d give anything to have what her husband had.



  Garrett’s home is beautiful, with nothing but rolling hills of greenery for company just outside of Lexington, Kentucky. The large house is painted white with a wraparound porch that I love especially when I spot two rocking chairs to the left of the front door.

  “What do you think?” Garrett asks.

  I turn to face him and smile, feeling so happy and finally free to be myself—something that I’d always struggled with while being with Harry.

  Taking his hand that rests on his thigh, I intertwine our fingers. “Your home is beautiful, and it reminds me of my grandparents farm.” I kiss his knuckles and bring his hand to my cheek. “I feel as though I can finally breathe here with you.”

  He frowns and to my relief, changes the subject with his question, “Are you hungry?”

  “I might be.” I smile.

  He grins and the smile crinkles the corners of his eyes, making my heart thump in my chest. “Stay put while I come around and get you.” He quickly comes around to my side and opening the door, he slides one arm beneath my legs and the other around my back. “Doctor’s orders.”

  “I’m not about to complain.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “I love being this close to you.” I nuzzle into his neck causing him to stumble.

  “I think you better stop that before I drop you.”

  “You won’t drop me.” I know this is the truth.

  He doesn’t say anything else until he’s placed me on the sofa. “You need to let me go,” he says because my arms are still around him.”

  “I don’t want to. I think you need to come down here with me.”

  His eyes heat and the hands on my hips tremble. “Sirena,” he moans, closing his eyes.

  “I’m still going to be here when you open those mesmerizing eyes.”

  “Mesmerizing, huh?” he grins and crouches between my legs. His arms rest against the side of my thighs and his hands slide around to my bottom. “I have a feeling tha
t having you here is going to cause me a whole lot of trouble, not to mention, keep me in a permanent state of arousal.”

  I chuckle and tease. “Arousal? I like the sound of that.”

  “You would,” he mumbles, shaking his head while backing away from me his eyes full of mirth. “I need to go and grab your things from the car.”

  “I’m curious as to how long you told Charlotte I would be here because three suitcases is a lot, even for me.”

  He watches me carefully and a delightful blush coats his cheekbones. “We’ll see.” With those two words uttered, he dashes out of the front door and a few minutes later I hear him placing the cases by the door.

  Settling back into the soft cushions of the cream sofa, I kick my shoes off and curl my legs under me. Right now I feel that everything is new and exciting, but at the same time there is a nervous flutter in my belly wondering what’s going to happen in the future. In three months I’m going to have a son or daughter to look after and I can’t get past the fact that it would be a lot to ask of anyone to take on with me.

  “You’re thinking too hard,” Garrett says, staring down at me from behind the sofa. “You need to rest and be stress free, so stop worrying.” He bends and kisses my cheek before he clears his throat and moves away. “I’m going to take your luggage upstairs.” He pauses. “Do you want me to unpack for you?”

  The thought of him unpacking my panties and bras fills me with amusement, but I let him off the hook. “No, I’ll do it before going to bed, thank you though.” I smile gratefully up at him.

  “If you’re too tired then ask for help. You’re not alone now. You need to realize that.”

  Sighing softly, I admit, “Even though I’m always around my family, I’ve felt alone for a while as though I didn’t belong and I realize that it’s all because of Harry. He made me feel like I had to be someone else when I was with him, and I was miserable.”

  Garrett stares at me for a few minutes and then he slowly moves around the sofa. He sits beside me. “Spread out so that you’re comfortable.” I place my legs over his lap and let out a small sigh when he gently caresses back and forth along my legs. “That’s better. I hate seeing the creases of worry and regret spread across your beautiful brow. That’s all in the past so try and move forward and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.” He offers a small smile. “My home is your home, Sirena. I want you to be comfortable here and to move around freely once you’re time on bed rest is over.”

  He’s right and reaching out, I take his hand from my leg and smooth my fingers over his palm. “I’m afraid, Garrett. I’m afraid that I’m going to get so comfortable here with you that I won’t ever want to leave.” I shrug, trying to act nonchalant when I already can’t imagine my life without him in it.

  The worry etched on his face causes my belly to tighten with nerves. Have I said too much? Moving too fast for him to catch up?

  I’m being as truthful as I can so instead of staying silent, I add, “When I’m with you I feel so many emotions.” I smile shyly. “Comfortable, happy, attraction, but most of all, I feel as though I’m meant to be here with you. I know the way that I feel at ease with you is so damn fast but there you have it…I’ll, um, stop rambling now.” I cringe at my muddled way with words, hopefully he’ll find it cute.

  He offers me a wistful smile. “I don’t ever want you to feel that you have to leave, okay?” Squeezing my hand he rests his head back against the sofa. “I have a feeling that I’m going to enjoy having you around, and feel free to ramble all you like.” He grins.

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so.”

  “Oh!” I jump slightly and quickly place Garrett’s hand over my protruding stomach. “Feel, my baby’s active.”

  His eyes widen as his hand on my stomach is pushed outward while the game going on inside of me continues. He laughs and tears reach his eyes, which of course sets me off. “Amazing,” he breathes and reaching out places his other hand on my belly. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.” Holding my gaze he adds, “Thank you.” He dips his head and places a soft kiss on my bump.

  My emotions finally get the better out of me as tears flow down my cheeks while I try to smile through them. Garrett brushes them away with his thumbs, settling his hands on either side of my face. “You’re going to be an amazing mother, Sirena.” With his eyes solely focused on me, he leans closer and very slowly caresses my lips with his own.

  He pulls a breadth away as though he’s testing my reaction and then I sigh with pleasure as he continues to place light kisses along my lips. He groans applying slight pressure, which causes my mouth to part allowing him access. His taste bursts on my tongue and all I can think about is getting closer to him as my fingers slide through his hair.

  “Sirena,” he whispers, breathing heavily his forehead resting against mine. “What you do to me.” Closing his eyes, I watch as he slowly pulls himself together. “I think I was doing something before you distracted me.”

  Licking around my lips with the tip of my tongue, Garrett’s eyes follow the motion and they darken with lust. I reach out and lay a palm to his cheek, which he leans into. “I think,” I say, “that you were about to take my luggage upstairs.”

  “Hmm.” He kisses my palm. “I’ll be quick and then I’ll make us some lunch.”

  Softly smiling, I lay back on the sofa and after a short pause he disappears to sort my luggage out.

  I listen to the soft thud of his feet as he moves up the stairs, and then I try to listen for his movement above, but that’s less obvious until a door clicks closed.

  Garrett’s home isn’t what I’d expected, although I should have realised he wouldn’t live in a fancy, modern mansion, it wouldn’t be very ‘him’. It’s homey with two large comfortable sofas and matching chairs spread through the room. There is a television on the wall with a DVD player beneath and if I’m not mistaken a PlayStation four. I smile at that because he obviously likes his games. My cousins Ryan and Jaxon are gamers and spend more time than I’d consider normal, battling it out online.

  The huge living room leads through to a kitchen, which looks like sunshine. The yellow walls and white trim make me think of daisies on a summer’s day. I notice Garrett quickly making his way over. His smile always seems so easy when he looks at me, and mine in return feels natural.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks, moving to crouch at the side of the sofa, and leaning over me, he kisses my nose before he settles with his face nuzzling into the top of my head. “You always smell so good.”

  I reach above my head and sigh as my fingers make contact with his head, holding him close. “Mmm, I was thinking about you, which is why I was smiling. You make me smile.”

  A low growl has my eyes searching for his, but they’re looking further down my body. As I follow his gaze, I realise my shirt has split open and is now showing rather a lot of my baby bump. “Oh,” I whisper.

  Garrett smiles when his eyes finally meet mine. “You make me crave things that I’d given up on long ago,” he says so quietly that I almost don’t catch his words, then clearing his throat, he says, “Sandwich’s and fruit. Does that sound good?”

  “As long as we eat together then that sounds amazing.”

  His eyes flicker back to my belly before my face. “I wouldn’t want to eat anywhere else but with you.” He kisses me on the nose and straightens, disappearing into the kitchen, but not before I spot his arousal pushing against the zipper of his slacks.

  If seeing part of my stomach gets him worked up then wait till he seems me in my pyjamas . . . Sleeping arrangements! I haven’t given them much thought, well none really. Will I be sharing a room with Garrett? Or will he give me my own space? I do want to be with him, but at the same time, it’s probably way too soon for room sharing. It doesn’t stop my body from wanting him though, and it has nothing to do with not having sex in what feels like forever, it’s so much more. I have a feeling that with Garrett I’d feel well and tru
ly loved, which doesn’t scare me as much as it probably should.

  Thinking all that though, I can’t help wondering what he sees in me when I look like a beached whale. My belly is only going to be getting bigger as well over the next three months.



  Fastening the navy blue tie around my neck, I then adjust the collar of my white button down into place before turning and grabbing my suit jacket. Yawning as though I haven’t slept in weeks, I make my way downstairs and find Sirena with her feet up on the sofa and a paperback book in her hands. When she sees me her face lights up with joy causing my heart to flutter wildly in my chest. She’s so beautiful that I still have to pinch myself, to prove that she’s really here.

  She lays the book face down on her belly but then changes her mind and once it’s on the coffee table, she holds out her hands. “Will you help me up, please?”

  “Of course.” I place my jacket on the chair by the front door where my briefcase awaits, and move to assist her. “Here,” I tug her to her feet, “aren’t you supposed to stay put?” I raise a brow.

  “I promise to stay on the sofa for the rest of the day, but I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you leave so that means being in the kitchen with you . . . besides, I adore your kitchen.” One of her hands goes to her stomach and the other stays entwined with mine.

  “I can’t stay for long. I have a meeting at the new hotel.” I lead her into the kitchen and once she’s settled at the kitchen table, I place a cup of decaffeinated coffee in front of her. “There are some last minute changes that I need to go over with my staff otherwise I’d be spending the day here with you.”

  “You must be so busy with everything, and yet you took time off to help me,” Sirena mentions.

  While making up some scrambled eggs and toast, I think about how to answer her. She knows that I’m attracted to her but what she doesn’t know is just how much I want her to be at home inside these walls. She doesn’t know that I’m hoping she doesn’t want to leave. But I can’t tell her all that otherwise she’ll think I’m crazy. I probably am but now she’s here with me, I’m not going to argue with myself over something that I want so badly.


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