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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

Page 12

by J. L. Ryan

  Mike glanced down at the man on the floor. The guy didn’t even have a chance. Braden knocked him out with two hits. Braden made his way upstairs and checked to make sure she had yet to come back. He wasn’t sure where she would go, she had a few friends, but no one she spoke about enough to give him any clear direction to head in. He walked back over to Mike's and sat in the chair by the window so he could watch and wait. He glanced up at Mike.

  “Give me your phone.”


  “Just trust me, I’ll give it right back.”

  He took the phone from Mike and sent a text to her from his number. He visibly relaxed when he got a response. It was wrong, but it had to work. She would be furious, but he would at least get to look at her and make sure she was ok.

  Chloe was concerned. The message said that she needed to come home right away. She wasn’t even sure who sent her the message, but she had to find out what was going on. She dropped Charlie off at a friend's house and made her way home quickly. She had so much to figure out and she was exhausted. She glanced at herself in the mirror. It had only been a number of hours, but her right eye was purple and bruised.

  She couldn’t go back in there. He was horrible. What had ever possessed her to let him move in in the first place? Money, always money. She wanted to keep Charlie in one place with his friends, something she never had, and this is what happened. She pulled into her parking lot and got out of the car. She would wait out here. She couldn’t go in there alone ever again. It was then that the door next door opened and she saw him.

  It was only a couple of months, but he was perfect. He took a few long strides to get to her and before she could say a word, he wrapped himself around her and picked her up. He literally picked her up. She heard him whisper her name and she closed her eyes against the emotional overflow she felt inside her. Why was he here? She pulled away and he stood back looking her over. When he looked at her face, he swore.

  “That asshole.” He started walking towards her place and she went after him.

  “Braden wait.” She went behind him and they made it to the door. She grabbed his arm. Suddenly there was another man there. He pulled Braden away.

  “Calm down man.” Braden turned towards her as the police pulled up out front.

  “Oh no, Braden the police?” She walked towards the car again. She felt his hand on her arm.

  “Yes, the police Chloe. Look at your face and what he did to you.” She tentatively touched her face with her fingertips. She saw the rage fill his face again and she touched him. “I’m fine Braden, really.”

  He watched her go speak to the police and he glanced at the front door as it slowly opened. Josh came staggering out and Mike once again grabbed Braden by the arm, preventing him from going to jail. The police made their way over to Josh and cuffed him. After they were gone, Braden turned to face her.

  “We need to talk Chloe, now.” He went inside and she soon followed, but not before Chloe saw the blond from before walking hand in hand with Mike. So she was never with Braden. Somehow that helped to make her feel a little better. At a wave from the two of them, she made her way inside where Braden was waiting.

  “Braden, nothing has changed. I love that you came here to help me, I do, but we are still so different. Everything we do is…” She stopped as he kissed her. She closed her eyes, even if they couldn’t be together, she could enjoy the way it felt when he kissed her, even just for another moment. She relaxed in his arms and he felt it. He pulled her even closer to him and ran his hands over her curves.

  She was everything, and he wanted all of her. The kiss intensified and he undid the back of her dress pulling it to the floor. She was lost in him, his touch and felt the coolness of the air against her skin. She trusted him unlike she had ever trusted anyone else. He pulled her into the living room never stopping the kisses he trailed down her neck. When they made it there, she stopped him. She could be herself with him, for the moment. She walked around him and shed the rest of her clothes. She walked to the couch and laid back on it, fully unclothed and waiting. He watched her, his mouth hungry to touch her, but reveling in the way she was with him now.

  She was no longer concerned about if he was attracted to her, or if he wanted her. She believed in him and how much he wanted to touch her. He finally moved towards her, gently moving his mouth down her chest, stopping to kiss and run his tongue over each crested peak. He buried his face in her breasts pulling on them and kissing every inch of them. She had her hands in his hair now pulling his head back up to kiss her deeply. He moved his hands along her curves and she arched up to meet them.

  She moaned at the sensation and was aching for him with a need deep down. This is how he wanted her, how he needed her to be with him. He moved his fingers over her, working to a fevered state and he watched the expression on her face as she became more demanding of release. He wanted to give her more and he slid down, burying his face in her and tasting her.

  He felt her hands in his hair as she grinded into him and finally he felt her reach that ultimate peak and he knew it was time. He raised above her, his excitement evident and she stood to touch him. Sliding her hands down his body over his chest and further until with a swift intake of breath, she held him in her hands. She slid to the floor, and when he saw her look up at him, it was almost too much. He pulled her up to him and kissed her deeply before pushing her to the couch again.

  He mounted her swiftly, pushing into her depths. He reached the full hilt of himself and stopped. He wanted to just feel her surrounding him like this. He looked up at her face. She was flushed from her climax and eager for more, but he wanted to watch the expressions as he moved her. He moved slowly now stretching her to her limits and testing himself, his ability to prolong the inevitable.

  He felt her hands on his chest as he looked down at her and he watched her curvy body move with his. He wanted her, always. He pulled out and slammed back into with a force that shook them both to the core. It had never been this good, this satisfying. The need was far too great and they both were aching to reach that final release. He moved faster now, steadily grinding into her and she was almost whimpering, and calling for him. He loved her like this, with abandon.

  He increased his speed and was both grinding and pounding into her at the same time. It was good, too good. She called his name as her body moved on its own. She was no longer in charge of it and she felt the orgasm start low until it shuddered through her entire body, leaving her spent and breathless. Her explosion rocked him to the core and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He slid his hands under her and lifted her off the bed slightly as he plunged into her again and again until he shared in her release. He buried himself inside her as far as he could. He wanted her to know he had given it all to her.

  They lay there holding on to each other. Both afraid to speak, afraid to break the beauty of what they had shared. He knew she would run from him now, but he wouldn’t let her. He was in love with her and he couldn’t imagine life without her in it. She was the first to move, raising her head to look at him.

  “Braden.” She whispered and he gently kissed her lips. He held her that way, the two looking at each other waiting for the other to say something else. She was what he had been missing his entire life, she was family.

  She raised up, suddenly self-conscious of her nakedness. He knew the person she was in the throes of passion was not who she was every day. It was a part of her she shared with only him, and he loved her all the more for it. He pulled her dress from the floor and helped her into it. He noticed she relaxed some and glanced at him sheepishly as she did it.

  “Chloe, before you say anything, I need you to know something.” He moved the strands of hair that had fallen into her face as she moved. She waited and looked up at him.

  “I am in love with you.” I know you don’t know how this will work, but I know you have feelings for me too. I know you worry about everything, from yourself, to Charlie and money, and this house.”
  “Braden” she started, but he held up a hand to her...

  “I’m not finished. The last few months have been the worst kind of hell for me. I found my mother dead on my living room floor when I was twelve, and aside from a loving couple who gave me a family for three years, I have been alone my whole life. I didn’t even know what I was missing until you and Charlie. I love you. Chloe. I want you with me… you and Charlie. I have more money than I can ever spend and I want to share everything with you.”

  “Braden… I love you too.” He relaxed with her words and pulled her closer to him. She was worried about life with Braden, what she never considered was how awful life would be without him. She smiled up at him and asked.

  “Will you miss all the models and thin girls? Can I really satisfy you, Braden?

  “Chloe, what we have is better than anything I have ever done in my whole life. You are sexy and gorgeous, and ALL I want is you.” She smiled and a giggle escaped.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Charlie said you liked me even before any of this. Now I have to tell him he was right.”

  “I love you Chloe.”

  He kissed her again, and for the first time in her life, she believed it.

  Second Chance Romance

  Ruthless pig Justin dumped devoted Jodi after he hooked up with a younger, thinner, more attractive woman. While Jodi tried moving on with her life, she couldn't shake the paralyzing depression she felt.

  She craved Justin's love more then ever, even though it had been three years since he left her. She begged him to take her back but this only turned him off more.

  Jodi met charismatic Justin when he came into the hair salon where she worked. She fell in love with him at first sight even though she found him arrogant, cocky and brazen. Everything about him was thrilling to her. He was a champion polo player who belonged to an exclusive country club and he traveled all over the world.

  Jodi grew up poor, and while she did well in high school, she was unable to attend college because of financial constraints and responsibilities at home. After her father got fired from his job, Jodi had to work full-time to help pay the bills.

  Justin was 12 years older than Jodi, although he acted much younger. She found his friends to be boring, stodgy, and arrogant. Despite her disdain for his friends, she quickly fell in love with him. He treated her like a queen, and even offered to pay for her to go back to college. At first, they were blissfully happy.

  The couple soon settled into a mundane dating routine, and although Jodi was still jubilant about their relationship, she sensed that Justin was becoming restless and bored with her. He seemed irritated and distant, and even stopped coming home after work. When he began hurling cruel comments to her, she felt hopeless and vulnerable.

  Most of Justin's family members liked Jodi but his mother never warmed up to her. She never thought that Jodi was pretty or smart enough for her son, but remained cordial to her.

  Justin's mother, Caroline, on more than one occasion, tried introducing her son to various women. These women were all professionals, and a few were lawyers, just like her son.

  Justin's father, Peter, also an attorney, stayed out of his wife's shameless matchmaking schemes. He was in his own little world, with a mistress of his own and a huge drinking problem.

  Justin didn't invite Jodi to his grandmother's birthday party, and when he arrived, he was greeted at the door by one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. He never saw her before, and wondered who she was there with. Little did he know, his mother invited her in an attempt to get him interested in someone other than Jodi.

  Her plan worked. Justin and the other women, whose name was Christine, hit it off almost instantly. He couldn't stop looking at her, and was intrigued by her New York accent.

  Christine worked as an entertainment attorney, who represented a number of big name sports and music personalities. She even invited Justine to a sporting event which had been sold out for weeks.

  Even though Justin had no intentions of breaking up with Jodi, he could no longer ignore his feelings for Christine. They soon started having lunch dates at 5 star hotels, and even managed to plan a getaway weekend to the Poconos.

  When Justin started becoming increasingly distant from Jodi, she started to suspect the worst. By this time, Christine was pressuring Justine for a commitment. Although they've only been seeing each other for about a month, their relationship was growing more and more intense.

  The sex was amazing, and Justin never experienced anything like it before. Christine was willing to try new things in bed, and seemed to want sex multiple times a day. Jodi, by contrast, was rather modest, and her sexual appetite was diminished by her escalating depression, and the side effects from the medication she was taking.

  As the months passed, Jodi was getting ready to go to Florida for a hair show. She and Justin were drifting further and further apart, but they still managed to maintain a dim spark of excitement between them. On the evening before she was schedule to leave for her trip, Jodi and Justin went out for a romantic dinner, and then came home and spent the next three hours making love.

  After their love fest, Justin turned over and went to sleep. Jodi, the eternal romantic, want to cuddle, but Justin rebuffed her advances. The next morning, Justin drove Jodi to the airport, and he couldn't help but feel profound relief. He would now be able to spend the next week with his new "friend," Christine, and called her as soon as Jodi boarded the plane.

  For almost the entire week that Jodi was on her business trip, Justin stayed with Christine at her downtown apartment. The couple enjoyed cooking dinner together and waking up next to each other. Justin didn't know how he would tell Jodi that he no longer loved her, and he even wished that she would stay in Florida for the long-term.

  He was not responsive to her text messages, and only took her phone calls sporadically during that entire week. The week flew by quickly, and before he knew it, Justin found himself at the airport once again, but only this time, he was picking Jodi up. She was elated to see him, but he cringed when they hugged.

  Jodi sensed that something was wrong, and was starting to worry. Justin told her that he was tired because he spent the entire week working on a brief for an upcoming legal case.

  The couple trudged through the holidays together, but as Valentine's Day approached, Justin could no longer suppress he desire to be with Christine. Although he knew that Valentine's week was not the most appropriate time to break up with Jodi, he felt it was necessary, because he wanted to spend Valentine's Day with Christine.

  He didn't bother with formalities, and simply blurted it out. He told Jodi that he was no longer happy with her, but didn't volunteer any information about his other woman. He further explained that he just needed time to be "by himself," and that "maybe" he would come to his senses and come back home to be with her. After Jodi pressed him for answers, he finally came clean about Christine.

  After hearing the news, Jodi broke down, and didn't think she would be able to function at work the next day. Of course, Justin told her that he didn't mean for it to happen, but when he met Christine, an instant connection was made. He didn't really want to divulge so much information about how he felt about Christine, but he felt that unless he "drove his point home," Jodi wouldn't take him seriously.

  Jodi was blindsided by the breakup. She tried to keep busy with work and going out with friends, but she couldn't shake the despair she felt. Although she was asked out on dates, she always declined.

  In Jodi's eyes, nobody would ever hold a candle to Justin, and she had no desire to date anyone because she knew it would never progress into anything further. In the meantime, Justin and Christine were seen around town at various restaurants and social events.

  On one occasion, Jodi caught a glimpse of the couple getting out of a cab. This almost pushed her over the edge, but she managed to hold onto her dignity. After three years passed, Jodi's feelings for Justin were still as intense as they
were when they first started dated. Justin's feelings for Jodi, on the other hand, were almost non-existent. Sure, he had fond memories of their time together, but never really felt as though Jodi was his soul mate.

  Jodi eventually started seeing a counselor because she was not bouncing back from the breakup. Her sleep pattern was disrupted, her diet was poor, and she stopped socializing altogether. The only social stimulation she got was when she went to work, and even there, her social interactions were severely limited.

  The counselor was worried for his patient's safety, and feared that she was spiraling into a deep, dark depression. Jodi was eventually referred to a psychiatrist, who adjusted her medication and sent her on her way. When the medication kicked in after a few weeks, Jodi's mood brightened, and she started considering dating again.

  Jodi met a nice guy at the gym, and when he asked her out for coffee, she felt flattered. Like Justin, Brandon was older, distinguished and well-educated. Their coffee date was pleasant, but according to Jodi, there was no spark.

  When Brandon asked her out for dinner, Jodi hesitated, but decided to give him another chance. She was very critical of other men, but hoped that she would once again, find love. Brandon took Jodi to dinner and a play, and as the date was coming to a close, Brandon leaned in for a kiss.

  Jodi had no intentions of kissing him, and in fact, she had no intentions of ever seeing him again. All she could think about was Justin. Three years have passed, and still, her love was as strong as ever. Jodi's co-workers were worried about her, and when she had too much to drink one night and drunk dialed Justin, they really became concerned. Fortunately she hung up before he answered the phone, but her number showed up on his caller ID.


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