Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance Page 13

by J. L. Ryan

  Justin was curious to find out what Jodi wanted. His relationship with Christine was starting to cool, and lately, he started thinking about how much Jodi loved him when they were together. He hesitated at first, but after a couple days, Justin returned Jodi's call.

  You could have knocked her over with a feather when she saw Justin's number come up on her caller ID. She was shaking as she answered the phone, and as soon as she heard his voice, she broke down sobbing.

  Something stirred in Justin's heart, because he too, felt tears welling up in his eyes. Their phone call was brief, and in fact, it lasted only seconds, because Christine walked into the room just as Jodi answered. Justin took this as a sign.

  Jodi knew that Justin still felt a connection to her. She quickly put that phone call out of her mind, and tried to focus on her job. She went on a few more dates, and much to her surprise, Jodi found a guy with whom she clicked with.

  Her friend introduced her to an accountant who was from the same town that she was from. In fact, they lived within a few blocks of each other when they were teenagers, but they went to different schools. He went to a private, all-boys school, and Jodi went to a public school.

  At first, the relationship progressed slowly, but after a few months, Jodi started developing strong feelings for her new friend, whose name was Nathan. He took Jodi to meet his family in New Hampshire, and they absolutely loved her. Unlike Justin's mother, Caroline, Nathan's mother, Kerry, felt that they were the perfect couple.

  As their relationship grew stronger, Jodi's feelings for Justin were becoming distant memories. In fact, days went by where she didn't even think about Justin at all. Justin, on the other hand, couldn't get Jodi out of his mind. His relationship with Christine was hanging by a thread, and he yearned for the relationship he once shared with Jodi.

  He was starting to realize that breaking up with her was a mistake, and he hoped that she was not involved with another man. Justin finally raised enough courage to call Jodi back, and when she answered, his heart stopped. He almost hung up, but was able to whisper out a weak, "Hi Jodi, how are you?" Jodi was gracious and warm, and replied, "Hi, Justin, it's nice to hear from you."

  The conversation was strained and awkward, but in Justin's mind, the ice had been broken. He was certain that he could get back into Jodi's good graces once again, so that they could pick up where they left off. Their conversation consisted solely of small talk, and neither one asked about the other's personal life.

  Jodi almost felt sick to her stomach when she heard Justin's voice, because it brought back the painful memories of their breakup. She was grateful that she had Nathan, because he filled the void that Justin left. When she told Nathan that Justin called, he became suspicious. Why, he thought, would Justin call Jodi, out of the blue, after three years apart. Did Jodi initiate the first call, he wondered? Jodi finally confessed to Nathan that she did, indeed, "drunk dial" Justin days before.

  It seemed that now, the tables were turned. Justin was the one who was pining away for Jodi, while Jodi, on the other hand, was blissfully "in like" with someone else. It never occurred to Justin that Jodi would move on and start a new life with someone else. He also felt that Jodi was his "ace in the hole," in case his relationship with Christine didn't work out. Would he and Jodi ever reconcile, he wondered?

  Even though Jodi was happy with Nathan, she couldn't get Justin out of her mind, and wanted to connect with him again, just to find out more about his relationship status with Christine.

  Jodi felt a twinge of guilt for thinking about calling Justin because Nathan had been so good to her. She didn't want to be shady or go behind his back, so she talked to him about her intentions.

  Jodi felt that she needed to get Justin out of her system once and for all before she would be able to move forward with her relationship with Nathan. A total commitment to Nathan was out of the question, in Jodi's mind, unless she was completely over Justin.

  Nathan agreed that Jodi needed to get Justin out of her system before they could take the next step in their relationship, so he encouraged Jodi to make the phone call. Feeling better now that she confessed her feelings to Nathan about Justin, Jodi picked up the phone and dialed his number.

  He answered on the first ring, and couldn't believe his good fortune that Jodi was calling him. "I want to see you," Jodi said, as soon as Justin answered the phone.

  Justin was shocked, but elated. By this time, he and Chistine were barely speaking, and she was spending more and more time away from the apartment that they shared since the beginning of their relationship.

  Jodi and Justin planned to go out for dinner so that could talk. Both were excited, anxious, but uncertain about a future together. When Jodi saw Justin for the first time in three years, she was surprised that her heart wasn't racing, and that she did not have butterflies in her stomach.

  Although it was nice to see Justin, that intense spark of passion and love was not there. Justin, on the other hand, could barely contain his emotions, and started to cry when they hugged.

  He apologized to Jodi for hurting her, but she was unfazed. The cold and uncaring manner in which he "dumped" Jodi always bothered Justin, but he never had the opportunity to tell Jodi how he felt. They talked about Justin's relationship with Christine, and how it started out so intensely, but then, over time, seemed to have burned itself out.

  Jodi listened quietly as Justin spoke about how Christine was a workaholic, and how she never cooked a meal for him in three years. Not only didn't she cook, she never cleaned either. Justin finally hired a cleaning service to come in twice a month to tidy up, but he wished that Christine was a little more domesticated. She wasn't into the "housewife" thing, and she certainly didn't have any maternal instincts either. Jodi couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction while Justin was droning on about his faltering relationship with Christine.

  Justin was the type of guy who enjoyed home-cooked meals, who liked a clean home, and who wanted to start a family some day. Jodi wanted to start a family too, but it was becoming more apparent to Jodi, that instead of wanting to start a family with Justin, she wanted to start one with Nathan.

  Throughout the entire dinner, Justin talked about himself and his relationship with Christine. He didn't ask Jod what was going on in her life until it was almost time for them to leave.

  Justin was certain that Jodi had been waiting around for him to come back all this time, and was profoundly disappointed when Jodi told him that she had met someone else. What made Justin feel even worse was when Jodi told him that she was falling in love with Nathan. Justin asked, "how could you have fallen out of love with me?" Jodi replied, " It took a long time, but I finally found someone who appreciates me, embraces me for who I am, and whose family loves me." On one hand, Justin was happy for Jodi, but on the other hand, he was jealous, hurt and angry.

  How could he have let Jodi go? He knew what a great woman she was, but he let his mother's silly opinion of Jodi get in the way. Justin now realizes that Jodi was the "one that got away," and his hopes of finding his one true love have been dashed.

  As their dinner date was ending, Justin felt that he had lost Jodi forever. He decided to swallow his pride and beg Jodi for another chance. He realized the error of his ways, and vowed that if she would give him another chance, he would do everything in his power to make her the happiest women alive.

  Although tempting, Jodi gently declined. Her feelings for Justin had changed, and she knew that she would never be able to love him like she once had. Justin wouldn't let up on his request for another chance, and Jodi, who kept politely turning him down, was getting increasingly aggravated by his persistence. Jodi once thought that the sun rose and set on Justin, but now, she was beginning to see his true colors emerge.

  Justin had always been on the arrogant side, and was accustomed to getting his way all the time. He was spoiled as a child, and always seemed to have the upper hand when it came to relationships. If he didn't get what he wanted, he becam
e pushy, overbearing and selfish.

  Justin was sure that if he kissed Jodi, that old spark would re-ignite in her soul. Not only did Jodi turn away from Justin's attempt at a kiss, she was repelled by it. He no longer had the same effect on her, and in fact, she wished that she could have snapped her fingers to bring her back home to Nathan. She felt safe with him because he was so genuine and kind. There was not an arrogant or selfish bone in his body.

  Jodi always lived on the edge with Justin, and always questioned his feelings for her. She knows that Nathan is in love with her, and only her. He is not on the lookout for someone better, or for someone who is on the same level as he is educationally. Even though Jodi doesn't have a college education, she is extremely bright, quick witted, wise and perceptive. Qualities that Justin never saw in her.

  He criticized Jodi because of the way she spoke and because she never attended college. He wanted to pay for her college education so that she could "better herself," however, Jodi believes that he only wanted her to go to college because he was concerned that she wasn't "scholarly" enough, and that it didn't look good for him to be with an "uneducated" woman.

  Just to make sure that Justin was completely out of her system, Jodi relented an kissed him. The kiss soon became more intense, and Jodi could sense that Justin was getting overly enthusiastic. Since she wasn't feeling the same way, she retreated. She now knew, for sure, that Justin wasn't the man for her. When she kissed Nathan, passion stirred inside her, but when she kissed Justin, she felt nothing.

  Although Jodi felt guilty about kissing Justin because she knew it would hurt Nathan, she just had to know for sure if the excitement, love and passion were still there. They were for Justin, but not for Jodi. It was then and there, that she decided to say good-bye, once and for all. Jodi would never turn back, and would finally close that chapter in her life.

  After a year had gone by, Jody and Nathan started planning their wedding. They were now totally committed to each other, and were living together. Jodi quit her job as a hair stylist, and was now working for Nathan. This allowed them to spend all day together, which they cherished. Some couples enjoy the time they spend away from each other while they are both at their respective jobs, but for Jodi and Nathan, working together in the same office works well for them. In addition to being soul mates, they are best friends, and can let their respective guards down when they are together.

  Although Nathan is technically Jodi's boss, he never plays that card. He is also careful, however, to never show favoritism to Jodi in front of his other employees. He treats everyone with respect, and no one is treated better than anyone else. Many of Nathan's employees have been with his for years, which is a true testament to his character. Jodi is proud to be his life partner, both personally and professionally.

  Jodi was getting excited for her wedding, and before the big day, members of her bridal party gave her a bachelorette party. Jodi almost forgot what it was like to have a good time with her friends, because the last time they all went out together, Jodi was in a funk over Justin.

  She is grateful that her friends saw her through her ordeal, and is honored to have them be a part of her wedding day. The celebration started off at a neighborhood bar where the ladies indulged in a few tropical drinks, then it was off to Jodi's favorite restaurant. The night was exciting and fun, and Jodi couldn't remember when she had such a fun time with her friends.

  The merriment came to a screeching halt in the blink of an eye, however. While the ladies were enjoying their dinner and each other's company, a familiar figure walked through the door. It was none other than Justin. He was accompanied by an older woman, who Jodi later recognized as his mother, Caroline. The two looked solemn as they were seated at their table, and barely spoke to one another while they dined.

  Justin and his mother hadn't yet noticed that Jodi was at the restaurant, and Jodi wanted it to stay that way. She didn't want anything casting a pall over her special evening, but when she had to go to the bathroom, she wondered how she'd sneak past their table without her cover being blown.

  After thinking about it, she realized that she didn't care if they saw her or not. She didn't owe either one of them anything and didn't even feel obligated to greet them. Jodi and her entourage made a beeline for the bathroom, but not before Justin's mother noticed them. "Isn't that Jodi?" she asked.

  Justin was stunned and took this as another opportunity to try and win her back. It's fate, he thought. Yes, it was fate, but not in the way that Justin had hoped for. He stalked the bathroom door and waiting for Jodi to come out. When she did, he greeted her with a hug. Jodi tried to be personable, but again, she couldn't hide her disdain for Justin.

  Jodi and Justin ended up having a brief conversation. Jodi was more than happy to tell Justin about her impending nuptials to Nathan. She then learned why Justin and his mother looked so stone-faced when they walked into the restaurant.

  It turned out that Justin was the one who was now battling severe depression ever since Jodi didn't return his affections the last time they had dinner together. In fact, his depression got so bad that he had to give up his law practice and move in with his mother.

  This was the first night he had been out in public in months. His relationship with Christine had long since fell apart, and he was having a hard time re-building his life. Jodi felt bad for Justin, and now wondered if his mother felt any remorse for sticking her nose in their business by setting him up with Christine.

  Jodi and Nathan were married in a beautiful ceremony, and now have an adorable baby girl. Justin is still living with his mother, and has let his law license expire. He did get a job working as a handyman in the neighborhood, however, and Jodi has since shown pity on him and hired him to install a white picket fence around her and Nathan's sprawling new home. Karma at its best...

  The Billionaire's Game

  Sierra stared at her reflection and sighed heavily. Her hair, always tightly drawn up in a ponytail, gave the impression that she had a very angular face despite her chubbiness. She turned her head from side-to-side, looking at all of the planes that made up who she was. Her hair was a copper brown and her eyes blue. She had a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks that gave her a playful look. She had full lips that were always tinted as though she were drinking Kool-Aid, never forcing her to wear lipstick to give herself some more color.

  Not that she ever wore make-up, really. As a waitress, she rarely had the time to care about things like make- up, or much else for that matter. She sat there contemplating what she could do to make herself pretty, or what she could do to improve her looks, or at the very least, make her more exotic or something.

  She should have never agreed to stand in for Katie on a blind date. It's not so much that she was going to stand in for Katie on the date, it was that she had to actually pretend that she was Katie. It was just as much her own fault for saying yes, as it was Katie’s for asking. She was always there for her, and this minor thing was no big deal, until now. She used her forefinger to push around the skin on her face, testing to see what she would look like if she had a face lift or something. That is until Katie herself came around the corner and gave her a short laugh.

  “What the hell are you doing to your face, Sierra?” She said it with what remained of her scratchy voice.

  “I’m looking at it, I wish I was more… I don’t know, exotic or something.” She continued to poke and prod.

  “Why would you want to be exotic? You're beautiful the way you are.” Katie made her way across the room. “I really appreciate this Sierra, it’s a one-time thing, I told my mother I would go… and you know how she is.” She rolled her eyes as she said it. Asking you to pretend you're me on a blind date is too much to ask, I know."

  “I don’t mind at all. I never get to go out, especially to a nice place like Giovanni’s. Are you worried you will get found out somehow?” Sierra stopped long enough to glance at Katie, who was rifling through the make-up pile.

“No, Mom doesn’t even know what he looks like or anything. She set this up for a friend of a friend or something. The guy's mother is desperate for him to find a nice girl and settle down because he's somewhat of a playboy. The only reason I agreed to this blind date was because I owe her for missing my cousin, Owen’s wedding. I just wish I could have found a way out of it without dragging you through it.”

  Sierra glanced at Katie. “It’s okay. This interview you have could really be a big break for you. You can't risk missing it by going on a blind date with a guy your mother fixed you up with. I understand, and like I said… free food. Who goes out on a Thursday night, though?” She gave her a smile.

  Katie giggled. “So what are you wearing? Oh, and I’ll do your make-up, maybe make you look more exotic!” They laughed together as they set out to getting Sierra ready for her date. They also had to figure out how to make the guy think that Sierra is really Katie.

  An hour later, Sierra turned to take a long look at herself in the mirror. She was transfixed on her appearance. The Sierra she looked at everyday was gone, and in her place was a beautiful woman. Her hair, normally full of curls when left, down, had been straightened and now felt like silk on her shoulders. Her freckles were hidden and her eyes were the focal point of her face. Katie used her skills to give Sierra's eyes a dark and dusky look and she added some pink to her cheeks. Her dark lips only needed a hint of color, and she was definitely a different woman.

  “Are you gonna stand there and look at yourself all night or go get this silly date over with?” Katie was equally made up for her interview. The two of them stood side by side, staring at the mirror.

  “I don’t even look like… well me.” Sierra giggled.

  “Well, tonight you’re not you, you’re me.” Katie said simply as she picked up her bag to go. “Don’t forget, meet him at the entrance at 7pm. He said he would have a red handkerchief in his jacket.” Katie walked over to reassure Sierra once more. “I really do appreciate it girl.” She gave her one last smile and she headed out. After Katie left, Sierra slipped on the tall black pumps Katie pushed on her to go with her outfit. She took a deep breath, and with a sigh, she left for the restaurant.


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