Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance Page 14

by J. L. Ryan

  A.J. was frustrated. His latest business merger was in trouble, he was in desperate need of a woman and lastly, he had this blasted date tonight that he didn’t want to go on. The day was dragging and he wanted to go. He flicked open the black book on the top of his desk and sighed. He had an unusual appetite and he needed something new, something exciting to help him calm down. This company… his company was everything to him. He built it from the ground up, and with it, he become an important figurehead in the community. The truth was they didn’t really know him.

  He had a dark side, one he kept hidden and he needed more. His appointments were short today. One merger meeting. Tomorrow morning he had one charity appearance for a donation he had made locally. He was always glad when the corporation could donate funds in the city where it was needed. It was almost a penance for the side of him that he couldn’t control. He owed his mother his life and so, from time to time when she would request this of him, he would do it, to soothe her worried soul about the playboy reputation he had developed. He checked his reflection in the mirror and smiled to himself.

  He was a playboy, and that suited him just fine. There were far too many women out there for him to have to settle for just one. He loved them all, and enjoyed his life exactly as it was. The unfortunate thing was that he was an only child and his mother was constantly on him about settling down and finding a nice girl to marry, to carry on the family name.

  He gave his hair one last smoothing down before he put on his glasses and made his way to the waiting car. One of the perks of running a multi-million dollar company was the luxury of enjoying someone else driving you to and from.

  He would be lying if he said he didn’t get a thrill of impressing the ladies by having a driver when he pulled up to a new club in town. He liked to be impressive and his looks helped with that. He took care of himself, working out 5 days a week until he was toned. He had jet black hair, almost shaved on the sides and longer on top. His eyes were described as black by most and he always had a shadowed goatee. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, and his evasive nature with women gave him an air of mystery.

  He settled into the cool leather of the seats and leaned back to rest for a second. Hopefully, this night would go smoothly. The last time he went out with one of his mother’s “girls” she bored him to tears until they made it back to his penthouse. There, she became a tigress and the sex was phenomenal. It was typical of his situation. More often than not, these girls would come in, hoping to find a husband and he would charm them right out of their clothes before they knew what happened.

  This date would be the same, of that he was sure. He felt the car come to a stop and he made his way to the restaurant with ease. He gave the hot little hostess a smile and she started shuffling the papers in front of her as she blushed. It was almost too easy for him. What he wanted most was a challenge, something to work for, at least a little. He was led to a table in the corner, as requested , and he waited. As usual, he arrived early so that he could watch and decipher the woman his mother sent for him this time. It was almost like an animal stalking its prey. He leaned back some and waited with hooded lids.

  Sierra took a deep breath before entering the restaurant. She was nervous that her date would find out that she really wasn't Katie. She knew she wasn’t a mess since she was receiving appreciative looks from random men in the main entrance. She was led to a table, thanked the young lady who seated her, and turned to meet this month's “guy.” She felt the blood in her veins warm up and her mouth go dry at the same time. He stood and extended a hand to her, helping her into her seat. She felt the faint presence of his fingers trace her back as he helped push her seat in. Before she choked on the water she was sipping, she decided to speak first.

  “So, you must be A.J?” She took another sip.

  Surprised by her forwardness, he raised an eyebrow. “I assume that makes you Katie. Yes, I am A.J. It’s nice to meet you.”

  He had a voice that spilled out of his mouth like honey. She knew exactly why he was getting appreciative glances from the waitresses. He was almost too attractive. He had classic good looks with a mix of ruggedness which made it clear that he was no innocent poster boy, but rather a force to be reckoned with.

  “It’s very nice to meet you too. This is a nice restaurant. Do you come here often?” She was trying making small talk, and he knew she was nervous. He could tell by the way she sipped her water uncontrollably.

  “No, I’ve only been here a handful of times, but it’s very good, trust me.” He gave her a dashing smile and Sierra knew in his simple off-handed comment that he was going to irritate her.

  It wasn’t his looks. The truth of the matter was that he was the most intensely gorgeous man she ever saw. That alone gave him some kind of arrogance that reached out of him. He was put together like a package. Every piece of him from head to toe was perfect. Part of her wanted to ruffle his hair and put him in sweats. He almost seemed too well put together. He was gorgeous, but his cookie cutter life made him unattractive to her, not to mention that he was far too sure of himself. She again sipped at her water as he watched her. It was almost unnerving.

  “Do I have something on my face? You seem to either be lost in thought or overly concerned with what I'm doing.” She said it simply and with a smile, and enjoyed the puzzled look that crossed his face.

  “No, on the contrary. I was just looking at you, Katie.” He delivered his words smoothly, and she had to stop her heart from racing. He gave her a smile and she felt her stomach lurch. She was as bad as the hostess. She rolled her eyes and glanced at the menu. With any luck, this would be over soon anyway.

  He leaned back into the booth, watching her intently. She was so beautiful, it was almost painful. He enjoyed the banter they were having because she wasn’t like most women. She had no idea how beautiful she was and that intrigued him even more. Usually the women he went out with were all superficial and very much aware of their beauty. They ordered their food and managed to make some small talk about nothing. He knew she was nervous and that gave him some sort of excitement. She moved without thought and enjoyed her food without counting calories. The entire scene was refreshing for him. She made an idle joke about the waiter, which he found amusing and they laughed about it.

  “The decorating in here reminds me of a painting. I think art is beautiful.” She gave him a half smile, less concerned about his good looks now that she was three glasses of wine into the date.

  “Really? Maybe we should go to the art show that’s traveling into town next week. I can get tickets fairly easy, actually.” He gave her a smile and she felt the warm heat travel up from the pit of her stomach. He certainly had a way with words, and with women. She saw more than one lady go by to use the restroom and his eager attempts to greet each and every one of them. Playboy all the way.

  He wasn’t sure why he even asked her to the art show. She was definitely not his type, and not an easy conquest either. Perhaps it was the challenge that made him want her more. He gave her every look and effort that he possibly could, and she brushed him off at every turn. Maybe he wasn’t her type, but whatever it was made him want her even more. Even now, as she hummed along to the ambient music in the restaurant, he wanted to kiss her full pouting mouth. He felt his pants tighten and he knew she would be his before they were through. Soon, dinner was over and they made their way outside. He walked her to her car and waited for her to look up at him.

  “Well, I guess I'm gonna go." She gave a hiccup and a giggle, and he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. He walked her over to the area where his driver was and after a moment of tapping on the roof, he safely tucked her into his car.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re not driving anywhere.” He let his hand linger for a moment on her waist.

  She was full of fire. “You can’t kidnap me A.J. No way, Jose.” She fell into a fit of giggles, then and he couldn’t help but smile at her.

  He felt the tension rise even more than be
fore. As he clicked her in the seat belt, he was able to follow the line of her clinging dress up her hips and ending with a set of full breasts straining against the soft fabric, begging to be released. She looked up at him and he smiled at her. He wanted her. He knew it the second she looked up at him. There was something different and refreshing about her. Her hand trembled just slightly and he felt the heat rush through him. He let her go, watching as she straightened her clothes and looked at him.

  Her heart was beating faster than usual and she wasn’t sure why. He held her hand for just a second longer than necessary when he helped her in the car. He made his way around and slid into the seat beside her.

  He looked up at her and leaned over closer. “I’m taking you home, you obviously cannot drive.”

  She felt a tremor go through her body as she felt his hot breath on her ear. He owned a really flashy car with a driver, it was one good sign, but even still, she was leery of getting into a car with someone she just met. The reality was, she didn’t have much choice in the matter. She couldn’t walk, let alone drive.

  She gave him directions and soon enough they were at her apartment. He guided her up the stairs and soon she was inside. She felt her body come to life as he walked her inside. She watched him slide his eyes over the bed and then back to her.

  “I hope you will be more careful Katie, perhaps not drink as much?” He reached out and took her hand in his.

  His touch was sending little balls of fire through her veins and she knew this was dangerous ground. She felt his fingers moving along her wrist and he leaned towards her closer and closer still until she heard the front door open. Reality came crashing back in and she turned red as she glanced up at him. He stood slowly and moved towards her.

  “Hey Sierra, I can’t even begin to tell you how much stuff costs at the store now, I mean it’s ridiculous.” She stopped short at Sierra’s door noticing the man inside. Sierra struggled to sit up some.

  The blonde was much closer to his typical tastes. She had come bounding in full of sassiness.

  Sierra gave her a look and Katie smiled. “So who is this?” She extended her perfectly manicured hand towards A.J. and he eagerly held it to his lips.

  Sierra felt her face flaming as she explained the story, and how they came to end up here, now.

  “Wait a second who is Sierra?” He gave them both a confused look.

  “Me, I am… it’s actually my middle name.” Sierra gave Katie a sour look but he seemed to buy it.

  “My name is Alayna, it is nice to meet you.” She stifled a smile at Sierra. Alayna was actually Sierra’s middle name. This was getting more complicated by the moment.

  There was a moment of silence that passed between them before he took a step towards Sierra. He watched her for a moment as she struggled to stand, somehow trying to put herself together. She gave Katie an apologetic look.

  “Well, I have to go back out, Katie, I’m glad your home safe, and A.J. thank you taking such good care of her. You two have a good evening.” She winked at an angry Sierra before leaving the apartment.

  He gave Alayna a wave and once she was gone, he turned to look at her. She wasn’t sure what to do or feel. The alcohol in her system was more than she should have taken in and it had impaired her judgement. It didn’t matter what she wanted really as he made his way over to her and leaned in close before his mouth made its descent on hers. He pulled her towards him and explored her mouth at length. He was radiating heat and she met his kiss with equal intensity. They moved together with him pushing her back into the couch and holding her arms above her head with one arm. He ran his hands under the hem of her dress and up along her thigh, she wanted him to touch her, but yet she didn’t. He found the laced edge of her panties and she froze, finally coming to her senses. She was anticipating his touch when her phone rang, shattering the moment. What the hell, she inwardly cursed herself?

  He stood now, facing her and looking down at her. He wasn’t upset, but merely amused. He wanted her, eventually, but never like this. He stood once more and made his way to the door. Leaving her with an aching need she felt deep down and nothing to cure it. She glanced down at her clothes and straightened them quickly. What was wrong with her anyway? She always had control over her actions, but today she most definitely was not in control. What he must think of her, meeting him on a blind date and then within an hour letting him touch her like that.

  “I’ll pick you up next Friday at 8pm Katie, be ready, I can be impatient.” He rebuttoned his jacket and smoothed his hair before dropping a quick peck on her forehead and leaving her stunned.

  “What was he even talking about anyway?” she whispered to herself once he had left.

  She hung her head in her hands and sighed. She had very strict rules about sex, and dating and right now she was breaking every one of them. She allowed herself a moment to try and recover, but she had been changed for good. Whatever she did, she would need to stay away from A.J.

  The next week passed by and she did her best to stay calm and not think about him. Katie was making it nearly impossible with her line of questioning that seemed endless.

  “Oh wow so you kissed him, that’s it? Honey, he is gorgeous, I should have totally went on that date.” She laughed at her own joke but seemingly aware of Sierra's unhappiness.

  “Yes, and it was stupid because he is an ass, totally shallow and he thinks he is some gift put here for women to look at.” She rolled her eyes. “Not to mention, he kissed that night's version of me, not the real me.” She threw her bag into the window of the car.

  “Maybe he is a playboy, and shallow and whatever, but the truth of the matter is he liked you Sierra, and when was the last time you went out and had any fun anyway? It’s good for you, go enjoy it.” She made her way to her car. “Byeee.” She gave a wave.

  “Whatever, be quiet Katie.” She said it with a laugh as she settled into her car. It was then she noticed the note that was under the wiper. She moved to retrieve it.

  That was only the beginning, I want you

  She felt her body come to life with the excitement of the words. He certainly had no problem sharing what he wanted, but she had decided to not let it go any further than it already had. She had very strict guidelines about how she lived her life. She had been reckless and let the fantasy take over yesterday. It had been the make-up, the dress and the stupid wine. Nothing more. She wouldn’t let it happen a second time. She needed to focus on the important things in life like her family, and taking care of herself. She made her way towards the town where she had grown up. She was off this morning and was going to see her little brother off to his first day of school. She loved the small town charm that made up the community where she used to live. It was hard to imagine that just two towns over the city was overfilled with people and congestion. It was good to sometimes come home and put things into perspective. She only hoped to not run into A.J., ever. He had wanted that woman from dinner, not the one getting ready to visit her family in a sundress and flip flops. The fantasy was something she couldn’t give him, or anyone for that matter. All she had to do was get refocused.

  She saw her little brother in the front yard with their father and she got out of the car just in time to hop into the SUV that would take the four of them to the school. He was excited, and scared, she could tell by the way he was fidgety but not talking much. Having a child after so many years since Sierra had been a struggle for her parents, but they loved Jacob more than anything in the world. He had been a miracle child for them really, and completely unexpected. She had been 16 when he was born and the shock had just subsided about having a new toddler running around when he was getting ready to go to school. Even harder was the fact that her brother needed medication for his condition. When he was five he had been diagnosed with myeloid leukemia. The medication alone had cost her father their savings. She knew she needed to do something to help, but she wasn’t sure what. She looked down at her brother and put her hand on his knee and he
moved his to hers smiling, then after a second she tapped his nose and he would tap hers back. Finally, she stuck out her tongue and he followed suit. He relaxed as she tickled him in the back seat.

  The brick building was spread out ranch style and had two wings. It was a beautiful undertaking and after years it was finally ready. She walked hand in hand with Jacob, her father ahead of them. He really was a good boy. They watched as the announcer made a speech about the importance of family. It was then that she froze. She heard his voice before she even looked down towards the podium. He was dressed impeccably as he had been yesterday. He was far away enough that he did see her but she watched him as he shared the importance of meeting educational goals. That was where she had recognized his name. Trager Enterprises was the largest business in the area and often would give money to local causes. It was his money that made this building possible. The old school had been falling apart and now, apparently with his help, they had a new one, one that had a special wing for children with illness like Jacob. She felt her heart soften a little towards him. This knowledge would only make it that much harder to stay away from him.

  She walked with Jacob and her father to his class. She felt the sense of loss once he was inside for them both. She only wished her mother could have been there to see him go inside. Just two years ago, she was killed in a tragic car accident that left her and her father with Jacob. They did the best they could and now he was getting older. Her father headed back to the car and she waited a few seconds longer wanting to remember this moment for her mother. She turned to leave and there he was, leaning against the wall watching her again.

  “Hello Katie.” He enunciated her name strangely and gave her a stormy look.


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