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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

Page 21

by J. L. Ryan

  I will be there at 6, wear this… and your hair down.

  She had to smile, he was so demanding and yet it suited him. She thought about the next steps for her and where she would go from here. It all came back to the same conclusion. She had no choice but to go home. She lifted her arms to brush out her hair with her fingers and winced in pain, once again reminded of Brandon, and his declaration that he would be back. She heard the door and felt the same fear creep in and then she remembered the food. She checked, and opened the door to a lovely young woman with an arm load of boxes. She put them all in the warming oven and looked at the clock. It was 5:45. She decided she would wear it, for him. He was sweet enough to let her come here to feel safe. It was the least she could do. She tried to deny it had anything to do with the fact that they would be alone in his house. She also had thrown the idea of seducing him out the window. For now, she just wanted to erase the past couple of days and feel something good. She changed her clothes and waited.

  He came home quietly, barely a sound. Something that didn’t shock her. He moved into the room and dropped his things as he took long strides to get to the bedroom. He froze when he saw her there. Slowly he undid his tie and started undressing.

  “Come here Sierra, help me.” She did as he asked, watching his face as she stripped him of his clothes. His skin was tight and smooth and she ran her hands over his chest lightly before he grabbed her hands in his. He pulled her behind him and made the short trip to his bedroom. As she had imagined, the room with the marbled bathroom was his. He stopped in front of the bed and let her go.

  “Get on the bed… and then lay on your back.” He said it and moved to the other side of the room to finish removing his clothes.

  When she was done, she felt her heart beating out of her chest. She was laying here like a sacrifice to him. She had a need to be that for him. Whatever made him this way, whatever drove him, she didn’t know. She only wanted to make him feel better, and in turn make herself feel better. He moved towards her and she lay still. She expected to see a sinister smile play across his face, but the one he had was a concerned one instead. He moved easily onto the bed, above her. Instead of ravishing her as she expected, he pulled her closer to him and held her. The action was a simple one, but necessary. She closed her eyes and felt her body relax in the warm strength of his arms. She needed this, the security of it. It wouldn’t be long before even this moment was a memory, and she wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could. They lay that way for a while, his hands slowly moving along her arms and hips. His movements were not sexual but more loving than anything.

  He raised above her slightly to look at her. She was beautiful and she was laying in his bed, something that never happened. He always made a point of being with women someplace else, never here. She was special, he knew it from the beginning, but what he was feeling now was new for him.

  “Do you want to talk about it Sierra?” He played with an auburn curl as he looked down at her. She reached up and put her hand on his cheek.

  “No, I don’t want to talk, A.J. I just want to feel safe, and wanted.” Their eyes made contact and the mood shifted dramatically.

  “Are you sure?” He took the time to make the extra effort before he touched her like that. He was fighting his instincts already, trying to be there and trying to make her feel safe. If she opened that door on her own, welcoming him in, it would take very little before he gave her everything once more.

  “Yes, I’m sure… love me, A.J.”

  He needed no further invitation and his mouth found her full and red lips eagerly. His actions were focused and specific, even he felt the trembling need building within. Her hair was spread across the pillow like a flame, and the lingerie he had sent fit her like a glove. He held his focus on her mouth, kissing her and feeding off of her lips until they were bruised. She touched him back, running her fingers down his back and in his hair as he kissed on her. He moved his hands down her shoulders and chest casually licking and nipping through the lace of her clothing. He nipped the skin on her belly, all the while his hands were freeing her upper body from the confinement of the outfit. He used his hands to cup and love on her until he made his way back up. It was almost painful when he would move the heat of his mouth off of her skin and move to another area. She reveled in the feel of him on her and the patterns his mouth made on her flesh... Her body was on fire. Her hands pulling his head up and back to her waiting mouth. He did as she asked and gave her a passionate kiss, drinking from her mouth. She wanted this, wanted him more now than ever. Only he could make her forget their pain and the worry of what life had in store for her. Only he could take her someplace else.

  He made a leisurely trail down the rest of her body, leaving no area untouched by him. Suddenly stood back to look at her naked form splayed across the bed. She felt no shame in it, in this moment she belonged to him.

  “You are mine, Sierra, do you understand that… only mine.” She nodded to him and he smiled at her before making a trail up her thighs with his mouth. Soon it was too much, the way he touched her, the way he loved her. She wanted to be in this moment for as long as possible

  He moved above her and she felt the joining of their body’s like a tidal wave. He felt the heat of her envelop him and he stopped, waiting and feeling her. She was more than any women he had ever known and he knew he was forever changed. There was and urgency to hold her, to love her. He moved slowly, savoring every second of it, she was lost in it, just as he, he had thrown back and her eyes were glazed over from his lover. She looked at him now as he moved and he never broke stride once as he laid his chest against hers and kissed her deeply. She moaned loudly, driving him more and he his pace became quicker, more demanding. Both unwilling to let go of what they felt they had moved frantically exploring and enjoying the other. She was lost in a swirling of color and heat. She felt the familiar stirrings deep down and her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him.

  Her reaction was stronger than any she’d ever had before. It ripped through her and she felt it shoot through even her fingers and toes. She yelled out his name as it happened and something about that pushed him over the edge as well. He grabbed her face and leaned down over her as he found release inside her. They lay that way for a long time, both feeling and thinking. Neither of them wanting to move. She drifted off to sleep at some point and knew she was safe.

  He woke up before she did and stood looking at her. She was curled on her side, oblivious to the fact she was being watched. He was lost and confused at himself. Last night he had broken more than one of his own rules. He had never been so careless with anyone. She could be pregnant from what they had done. Thinking it brought up images of what their child would look like and the warm feeling spread through him and he swore inwardly to himself. What the hell was wrong with him? He knew before he even admitted it to himself, he wanted her, wanted to be with her. She was moving, but there was no way he would allow it now. She was in his bed, and in his heart. He was all over the place with her. One minute he wanted to protect her and the next, he wanted to scold her because she was so stubborn. He wasn’t sure what he would do now. He padded his way back into the living room and decided to start plating food. She would be up soon and they had to talk. This time not laying in a bed, or nothing would ever get discussed. He picked up her bag from the floor and when he did, he found a notepad with something scratched on it.

  When finally she woke up, she knew he was gone. She moved to the shower and washed the lovemaking off of her from before. She felt him come in before he said a word. He waited, a hooded look to his eyes

  “Why didn’t you tell me someone was trying to hurt you, Sierra?” He picked up the soap from the dish and lathered up the sponge she was holding. He started with her shoulders, making lazy circles as he washed her.

  “Why would I tell you, A.J.?” she managed to get the words out despite the sensations he was creating with the sponge. He moved the sponge lower lathering her as he went.
/>   “I told you that you belong to me, Sierra, and that means everything. If anyone tries to hurt you, that is my business too.”

  She bit her lip to keep from giving him the satisfaction of knowing what he was doing to her again. When he was around, she lost all control of her body. He turned off the water and dried her off helping her get dressed in a shirt of his. She had to admit to herself she was left wanting more. They walked into the kitchen where the food was still warm and he played it for them all the while watching her. She looked at him, she had never seen him this way. He was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. Gone was the tailored suit and tie, even his hair was a ruffled mess, and she was lost.

  “Sierra, hello.” He was waving his hand in front of her and she snapped back to the present.

  Finally, he asked.

  “This guy, is his name Brandon? Don’t lie to me.”

  “Yes, but how did you know that A.J.?” she stopped eating and looked at him.

  “I had someone look into the situation this afternoon after you left. They are coming by tonight with an update. I’d rather you know now, than to be upset later.” He took a long drink. “Then there is this.” He slapped the notepad from her bag on the table and she went pale.

  “A.J. it’s not what you think.” She took a step backwards as he turned to look at her, anger apparent on his face.

  “Really, it’s not?” he read from the list. “Get him to fall for me pros, Jacobs meds, great sex… thanks for that one by the way, not being scared.” He looked at her with her head down now. “Cons of getting him to fall for me. He is a playboy, great sex and the best one… incapable of love.” He threw the pad on the table in her direction.

  “I write a lot about what's in my head, A.J. that’s all. I knew better and I wouldn’t even try….”

  He cut her off “Really, you wouldn’t try? When you first came in the office tonight you were handsy then, were you not trying?” He was bitter and upset.

  “Well, yes, but I knew it was wrong and I couldn’t… I’m not stupid, A.J., I knew better than to even consider it.” She grabbed the pad up from the table and walked over to face him. “Exactly what part are you mad about, A.J.? The fact that I said the sex was great or the fact that someone else considered turning your own games against you, which is it?” She spun around but he was there in an instant. He was inches away from her face and his eyes softened.

  “You're right, everything on that list is right, so I guess you win. I brought you here to protect you, I’m not as horrible as you think.”

  She was angry. “You have no right to get involved, A.J., he is misguided and yes, he scares me but this is not your problem to look into.” She stood quickly and made her way back to the bedroom they had shared only hours before. She looked around gathering her clothes, but her bag was gone. She was on her way back into the kitchen where he still sat eating and she stopped. He didn’t move, only continued to eat.

  When she headed towards the door he finally spoke to her. “Sierra, don’t.”

  He said it with such deep intent, it made her freeze in her tracks. He was there in an instant. He stood in front of her, between her and the door. He reached up and gently brushed her hair away from her face. She saw something different in his eyes then, something she couldn’t place. He reached up and cupped her face in his hand and kissed her gently. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He stood back and opened it, letting in a man in a dark coat. He grabbed her hand in his and brought her with him to the bar where the man could share his findings.

  “This man, Brandon Baker, he isn’t who he says he is. We checked your car and spoke with some people in the neighborhood and we are pretty sure he is the one who did it. That isn’t the real problem.”

  Sierra felt the dread welling up inside her as he continued to speak. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.

  “His description fits a suspect that is wanted in the disappearance of a woman in Montana. Apparently he was too overwhelming and suddenly she went missing. The guy they are looking for is Richard Carson, but I was able to track his entrance into town around the same time Mr. Randolph disappeared from Montana. I think it’s worth looking into.”

  A.J. spoke first. “Thank you Darius. I'll be in touch, but I definitely want this handled, and quickly.”

  Sierra was in shock, the tears streaming down her face. She dated Brandon for two years before he started to act this way, at any moment she could have been hurt. She had to get home where she was safe, where everyone was safe. She turned around and suddenly he was there. He pulled her into his arms and she let it all go, the tears and her heartache, for the time spent with someone who could hurt her. She pulled away and wiped her face.

  “I have to go home, to my father's.” She headed back to the door.

  “No, it’s not safe Sierra, stay here, with me.” He stood there and she glanced between the door and him. She wasn’t sure what to do.

  “Then what, A.J., stay here until morning and then be scared to even go home to get my things?” She slumped down to the couch. She started to put on her shoes and he watched her helplessly.

  She suddenly leaned forward and he knew she was crying. Instinctively he moved towards her, gathering her up in his arms. He knew she wouldn’t put up a fight and he carried her to his room and his bed. She silently let the tears go unchecked down her face. She didn’t want to fight the emotions anymore, she just needed to let it all go. She didn’t say a word as he undressed her and tucked her into the bed. He followed suit and spooned in behind her, pulling her into his arms. She rolled over and let him wrap her up, laying her head on his chest and cried until she was asleep. He looked down at her, gently stroking her hair and enjoying the heat of her body against this. There was a simple pleasure in this, something with no sexual bearing, he was in uncharted territory. He was losing himself with her, his focus had shifted to loving her, and protecting her. She was determined to run, but he wouldn’t let her, she just needed to realize what she felt back to him too. It would take some patience, but he would show her, he had too, or lose herself in the process.

  Sierra was aware of everything around her. She had been lying there, thinking about what was to come for a long time. He was there, beside her. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to be here with him like this. She was in love with him, but he would never know it. He was a playboy and that would never change. She slid away from him slightly and in his sleep, he pulled her back to him. With a sigh, she let herself feel for a while longer. The next time she woke he was gone. She had planned to try and leave quietly, not disturbing him. It was no longer an option since he was in the kitchen. She threw on his shirt and walked quietly into the room and watched him. He was humming to himself and stirring something on the stove. He finally noticed her there and he froze.

  Standing there, in his shirt and her hair a tangled mess she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She was watching him with a half-smile and he could almost feel his heart beating out of his chest. He looked like an idiot standing there staring and he shook his head slightly to get it together.

  “I see you're up, sleepyhead, coffee is ready and breakfast will be in a moment.” He turned back to what he was doing and she watched the muscles in his back flex as he worked. There was something sexy about a man cooking and she smiled despite the knowing fear in her stomach about the day to come.

  “Thank you, I have to go soon, but I’ll stay and eat. It looks heavenly!” He delivered her eggs and bacon with pancakes and she sat back overwhelmed by the food on her plate.

  “Sorry, I have a rather big appetite for breakfast food.” He shrugged and joined her at the bar.

  They ate in silence, neither wanting to broach the topic at hand. They would smile from time to time, but it was a quiet affair. Once everything had been cleared, she couldn’t avoid it any longer.

  “A.J., I can’t thank you enough, for everything you did for me last night.” She gave him a smile as she wound her mass of hair
up into a bun.

  He watched the woman he loved become the woman he was afraid of, all business and stern.

  “Sierra, we need to talk. I don’t want you to move, especially with that guy still running loose. I don’t trust the situation.” He couldn’t say the words he was really feeling, not yet, it was still too new.

  “It’s not just about that, A.J. There is much more to it. My father needs me.”

  He stood. “I asked you if your family needed you, if they were in trouble.” He frowned at her.

  “I know you did, and I just didn’t want to add to the situation, I’m sorry.” She slipped out of his shirt and changed back into her clothes. He took a steadying breath as he watched her naked form move and sway with her movements, this was damn near killing him.

  He moved towards her and upped her chin in his hand. “Tell me Sierra, please talk to me.”

  She looked at his expression and knew he was being sincere. With a sigh she settled back into the barstool. “My father is taking out a loan on the house today and I have to go sign paperwork with him. It’s a legal issue more than anything. When my mother died I was given executor over the estate because my father didn’t want to have any part of it, he was devastated when she died.”

  “Why does he need to take out a loan on the house?” He frowned.

  “It doesn’t matter why A.J., you asked what I had to do, and I told you.” Her eyes were flashing at him and he knew she was angry. As she went into the bathroom to fix her face, he took matters into his own hands, that’s how she found him when she came back out.

  “Oh yes, I completely understand, yes, Mr. Ford. I’m happy to help, really, that won’t be necessary. Give him a hug from us. Okay, bye.”


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