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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

Page 42

by J. L. Ryan

  As his tongue was seeking out each crevice that she could provide, she felt her body begin to shake with desire.

  As his tongue slowly weaved its way out of her mouth, she dropped her hands from his head. She closed her eyes and took in deep and slow breaths. She felt him easing his way back up her. Her eyes opened and she stared at him. She only saw desire and nothing else.

  He wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her into a breathless kiss. His tongue circling around hers. He pulled from the kiss, bringing his mouth down to her flesh of her neck. She could barely keep up, as she was fighting exhaustion.

  She closed her eyes and tried to focus on his intimate paths around her skin. Between kisses, she heard his words. “God, you’re sexy!” She could relish in that forever.

  When she felt him retracting, she heaved a sigh. He fell off of her and she could hear the restlessness that he felt. “Wow…” he mumbled, as they both just laid there and tried to catch their breath.

  After their rendevous, Trevor led Jennifer into the kitchen while he prepared their dinner. Not only was Jennifer impressed by is sexual prowess, she was also floored by his cooking skills. "Where in the world did you learn how to cook like this?"

  Trevor replied, "Believe it or not, I studied in Paris at the Cordon Bleu after graduating from law school." He went on to say, "I had dreams of owning my own restaurant for as long as I can remember."

  The dinner was extraordinary, and Jennifer couldn't believe her good luck. What more could she ask for? She was just offered a great-paying job, her laywer boss was gorgeous and very interested in her, he was a great lover and an amazing cook.

  Jennifer wouldn't starting her job at Trevor's law firm for two more weeks, and during this time, she was hoping that she would be able to spend more time with him to get to know him better.

  After they finished dinner and chatted for a while longer, it was time for Jen to leave. Trevor was leaving for a business trip in the morning and would need to leave for the airport very early.

  The couple kissed good-bye and Trevor assured Jen that he would call her when he settled into his hotel room the next day.

  Jennifer couldn't think about anything but Trevor. He's the best lover she'd ever had, and even though they only knew each other for a day or so, she felt that she was falling in love with him.

  Jen believed in love at first sight, and when she called her mother to tell her that she's met the man of her dreams, her mother was not as thrilled as Jen hoped she would be.

  "What do you know about this guy?" Jen replied, "I know that he's a rich, gorgeous lawyer who makes a mean chateaubriand steak."

  Jennifer's mother had an uneasy feeling about the whole thing, but she tried to sound happy and encouraging.

  Jen waited for Trevor to call her when he got to the hotel the next day. When it got to be 10pm, she got concerned, not because she didn't think he would call, but because she feared that something may have happened to him. Since Jennifer didn't have Trevor's cellphone number, she was unable to call him to make sure he was alright.

  Trevor never called that night, and in fact, Jen never heard from him at all. After two weeks went by, it was time for Jen to start her new job at Trevor's law firm.

  When Jennifer arrived at the office, the receptionist let Trevor know that Jennifer was waiting to see him. When Trevor walked into the lobby, Jennifer could barely catch her breath.

  She was expecting a robust welcome from her new boss in light of their wild night of passionate sex, but instead, he greeted her with a curt, "Good morning Ms. Adams. Welcome to the law firm." He barely looked at her.

  Trevor acted like he didn't even know Jen, and because of this, she felt like walking out the door. She didn't even want to start her new job. How could he treat her like this, she wondered. She wondered if she'd said something to offend him or if he was turned off by her passion.

  Jennifer asked Trevor how his business trip was and he replied with a cold, "Very well, thank you." Jen was shocked by his attitude and was even starting to feel a little scared.

  Although she thought of quitting, she decided to make the best out of the job. It paid well, it was close to her home and the benefits were excellent. Jennifer was going to ask Trevor what his problem was and why he was treating her so poorly, but she decided to just let it go.

  She was simply going to chalk up the experience with Trevor as a one-night stand. She's had them before where the guy never called her, so why should this time be any different. It was just weird because this time, the guy was going to be her new boss.

  After a couple days, Jen was starting to settle into her new job, and despite all the drama with Trevor, she was actually starting to feel comfortable. She got along with the other lawyers and paralegals, and while Trevor still treated her like a stranger, he was very professional towards her.

  It wasn't until about a month later that Jen found out that Trevor's great grandfather started the law firm many years ago and than his grandfather and father had also been partners. The firm was steeped in tradition and professionalism, and Trevor intended to keep it that way.

  Jennifer also treated Trevor with respect and never held his icy attitude towards her against him. As time went by, Trevor started to warm up. One day, he asked Jennifer to come into his office.

  She didn't think anything of it and assumed it was to talk about a case she was working on. Jen enjoyed working on this particular case because she got to know the client and his wife very well. They were extremely nice, and they even told Trevor how highly they thought of Jennifer. This is exactly what he needed to hear.

  Trevor held his law firm in very high regard because it was so steeped in tradition. He only employed those who he considered loyal, and who wouldn't "crack" under the pressures of working for him.

  Doing what he did to Jennifer was somewhat of a test to determine if she had what it took to still do her job despite extenuating circumstances. He fully expected her to quit or not even show up on the first day of her job because he failed to call her after their sexual encounter.

  After Jen proved that she could maintain her professionalism and even excel at her job in spite of what happened, proved to Trevor that she was the type of employee that he wanted at his law firm.

  Trevor finally decided that he had to come clean. "I had to do what I did to prove to myself that you were right for the law firm."

  He also said, "You see, Jen, I just wanted to make sure that you would still be able to perform your job in spite of adverse circumstances."

  Jennifer replied, "I actually cared for you, and for me, it was more than just a one night stand."

  Trevor responded, "I had feelings for you as well and even though I wanted so badly to call you when I got to the hotel, I just couldn't."

  Trevor further explained that the law firm was almost "sacred" to him and he had to do everything in his power to ensure that the employees were dedicated and that they would not quit just "because."

  While Jennifer thought his tactics were unethical, in a way, she understood why he did what he did. A couple of paralegals and attorneys quit abruptly at her last job, leaving the clients in the lurch. Because they quit so suddenly, cases were delayed, which often caused financial hardships for the litigants.

  Trevor and the other partners in the law firm always saw to it that their clients were treated with the utmost respect and that their legal cases were handled as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  Trevor now knew that Jen was "true blue" and dedicated to the law firm. She had a strong work ethic and her legal skills were an asset to the company. Once Trevor explained the reason behind his behavior, the couple hugged. Jen said, "I'm so glad you finally explained yourself."

  She further said, "I don't think what you did to me was right, but I'm hoping that maybe we can start over, now that I "proved" myself to you." Trevor sheepishly replied, "I would love it."

  The couple took it slowly and were very discreet around the office. They d
idn't want anyone to know about their relationship. After a few months, Jen and Trevor declared their love for one another and decided to get engaged.

  Jen eventually applied to law school and was accepted. When she graduates and passes the bar exam, she'll become a partner in the law firm that she almost stopped working for.

  The Billionaire's Desire

  Alexander Jacobs knew his life would be different from now on. Nothing could prepare him for the changes coming. Had he known, he would have done something differently, prepared somehow. He would have tried to make his father proud of him, and he would have loved his mother more.

  He hung his head in his hands. There was nothing he could do now. His life was changed, and all he had left to focus on was tomorrow. His life was quiet now, too quiet.

  His parents were both gone. They were killed by a drunk driver, he had no siblings, and only a few friends he could count on one hand, friends he could trust that is.

  He sat back in the high backed chair and took a deep breath. Even the friends he did have were busy with their own lives. He was 23, still too young to know what he was doing most of the time, and now he was going to have to run a business that he hadn’t much thought about before.

  He enjoyed the fruits of the family business. He always had everything he needed or wanted. He was spoiled and selfish. He shook his head. Now he had to grow up.

  Alex glanced up at the clock on the mantle. The meeting started at 2. That gave him ten minutes to get his head together. He started rifling through the ledger on his desk, trying to prepare for the day ahead.

  His parents had been gone almost a week. The funeral was yesterday. They deserved more...deserved better. He would do his best to make them proud. He knew he would have to because there was no one else who could.

  The only bright spot in his life yesterday at the funeral was Brienne. Brienne Warhol had been there. He remembered the day he first saw her in 4th grade. She was all elbows and freckles with her long red hair in braids. She was beautiful. They grew up on the same street, or close to it.

  She was always a gangly tomboy, playing in the dirt and riding bikes with the boys while all the other girls were happy playing inside with Barbie and practicing with makeup and nail polish. He smiled thinking about the 6th grade dance.

  He prepared to ask Brienne for weeks, but she never seemed to notice he was there. She was always busy with everything else. Most of the boys thought of her as one of them, but not Alex. He was very much aware of the fact that Brienne was a girl. He had it all planned out and walked up to her at lunchtime. She was sitting at a table with some of their friends all arm wrestling each other. He took a deep breath and simply said:

  “Brienne, will you go to the dance with me?” He said it casually despite his racing heart and had taken his usual seat across from her while waiting on a response.

  “Sure.” She said it so quickly he had to look at her to catch her eye and make sure she was actually responding to him. She gave him a slight smile and set out to arm wrestle, and beat, Bobby Anderson on the next match.

  His dad sent him in the company car to pick her up the night of the dance and he was terrified. She came down the stairs in a green dress and her hair all brushed out. It looked just like fluffy orange cotton. She was beautiful. He opened the door for her, and once they were inside, she started chattering away about school and how these girl shoes were so dumb.

  He just let her talk. He liked the way she went on and on. He was always the quiet one and she didn’t know how to be. It may have been because she had no mother, and her dad was doing the best he could with her. Whatever the reason, she always had a lot to say.

  They pulled into the school parking lot and immediately their group of friends gathered around. It was just like any other school day. At some point she had braided her hair so it would stop “flying all over the place” as she put it. The rest of the night was spent with the group of friends. No dancing, and certainly not what he planned.

  He shook his head and smiled as he was brought back to the present. She came to the funeral. She was there for him, and he loved her all the more for it. They were friends now, not as close, but still friendly enough.

  She would send him emails from school and he would write back talking about whatever was going on in their sleepy town of Dale City Virginia, as well as what was happening to their friends and who was moving and who had come back.

  He enjoyed the way she would write about her classes, which ones were easy, and which were harder for her, and the way men seemed to always want to ask her out and not ask her opinions. She had gone off to New York after high school. She always dreamed of going there, and since her goal was Columbia Law, she thought her best option was doing her undergraduate work there as well.

  Brienne always worked hard to do well. Alex would frequently ask her if she needed anything and she always told him no. She was defiant and determined to succeed. He admired that in her. He went to college locally at Mary Washington and studied Business. He didn't have a clue what he wanted to do and his father told him it was a great back up for whenever he figured it out.

  Today he was thankful for that. Seeing Brienne yesterday after such a long time felt good. Gone were the braids and freckles, and in their place, was a sophisticated woman. She was still as beautiful as the day he met her. He never even had a chance to speak with her though. She gave him a wave at one point, and he smiled back.

  She was rarely in town, and when she was, he always tried to make time for her. They would usually eat Chinese take-out and laugh and listen to music from the year they graduated. The last time she visited was over two years ago. Even then, she hadn’t strayed much from The Brienne of middle school. It was obvious something changed. Yesterday, he was surrounded by his parents' friends and business associates. By the time he was able to get a few moments alone, she disappeared.

  It would be easy to find her. Still in the same house, her father lived down the street. They lived in the cul-de-sac of the neighborhood off the loop that led to his house.

  Alex's parents were wealthy and enjoyed living in a mansion. They planned to have more children but it never come to pass. Brienne's house was part of the mill town and he knew he would find her there.

  He had every intention of going to see her tonight. After this meeting of course. He stood and grabbed his paperwork, took a deep breath and headed down the corridor. He could do this.

  Two hours later, Alex pulled forcefully on the tie at his throat. What a mess. The merger was two days away when his parents were killed. He wanted to go home and grieve but this paperwork had to be done before something, or someone, showed up to rock the proverbial boat.

  He spent two hours being briefed about acquisitions and merger paperwork. The logistics of operations and the appointing of officers to manage the foreign accounts was making his head spin, but he had to learn every detail of the business.

  The only person he trusted was Jameson, who was his father's trusted advisor and best friend. He was the one who prepped him for today and the one who would help him take the business to the next level. Alex would be fine, he had no other choice.

  Alex headed home to organize the pieces of his life he could still control and to change and relax before tackling the next big thing that would inevitably come up. The driver pulled up to the gate and they moved on until they rounded the front of the house.

  Not really one for the rules, Alex jumped out of the car as they stopped. He refused to wait for the chauffeur to open the door for him. He was capable and refused to follow all of the rules.

  He bounced up the front stairs and opened the door to the main hall. He could smell his mother’s perfume when he entered the house. He hoped it would always be that way, but sadly time erases everything. He made his way upstairs and changed into jeans and a t-shirt.

  He was sure being seen in town like this was something frowned upon now that he was the head of the business. He was suddenly forced to become his fathe
r. The thought made him cringe as his father had been stern and fair, but not easily approachable. His mother was the nurturer and his father the businessman.

  Alex ran a hand through his black hair and looked at his reflection for a moment. He had lines around his eyes. The stress was already taking a toll and it had been days. He had short black hair and blue eyes. Not unattractive he supposed.

  He dated his fair share of women and enjoyed having fun and meeting new people. He would figure out his new life as he went. He shrugged and grabbed his jacket as he headed out. He decided to walk. The April air was crisp and clean, and it helped him to clear his head.

  Brienne always had something to say that would make sense, make it better. She never indicated she was interested in Alex at all. Once upon a time he thought she was the one for him, but instead, become good friends. That was worth so much more than romance or sex. He walked the ¼ mile in silence thinking about his parents. They loved each other very much. They were always together and the night of the accident had been no different.

  His father had been hosting a dinner to raise funds for one of his business mergers. His mother accompanied with him, ever devoted to her husband. They said goodbye to Alex that night as he watched television in the den eating a snack. He yelled a hello and gave them a wave and a glance before they left. Why didn’t he go say goodbye the right way, why hadn’t he hugged his mother? The fact that he barely gave them a wave made his resolve that much stronger. He would make his parents proud.

  He made his way up the drive of the house Brienne grew up in. It was small and quaint but clean. Even now, her ten speed bike was propped up against the side of the house. Untouched in years, it was a symbol of a childhood long gone. She opened the door before he even knocked.

  “Alex.” She smiled at him and opened the screen door and came out on the porch. She hugged him tightly. “I’m so sorry about your parents.” She stood back and he took her in. She was more beautiful than he could remember. She finally tamed her hair and was dressed in a black dress. She was elegant and he was lost.


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