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Billionaire Romance--Plus Size Romance

Page 57

by J. L. Ryan

  She took a seat and placed her portfolio down. “I want to thank you for taking the time out to meet with me.”

  He smiled, “I have made some calls and you have come highly recommended.” He stated. “Your previous employer was sorry to see you go.”

  She blushed, “I had to make a tough decision. I enjoyed working there.”

  “May I ask why you chose to leave?”

  She thought about that, letting out a slow breath. “My fiancé is getting transferred here. So, I had no choice.”

  He nodded, “It’s a good reason.” He looked down at her application. “I am very impressed with your resume. I am assuming you have samples of your work.”

  “Of course,” she said, reaching down and opening her briefcase. She took out her campaigns and handed them to him. It was the first step of letting herself out there and she hoped that he liked it.


  Scott looked up to find Tiffany entering his office. A smile was present on her lips. He stood up. “This is a pleasant surprise.” His eyes instantly went to her necklace. He could definitely see that she wore it well.

  “I got a job,” she said, throwing her arms around him.

  He held her close, feeling how much he wanted that to be an everyday occurrence. “That is wonderful news, Tiff.” She pulled away and there was so much happiness in her eyes. “I bet Erick is ecstatic.”

  Her eyes fell to the ground, “He probably would be if I could get ahold of him.” She shrugged, “I knew that I would be able to see you.”

  He tried not to show how much those words meant to him. He pointed to her necklace, “Nice necklace. Is it new?” He wanted to fish to see what she would say. “I see it has rubies and topazes in it.”

  She smiled, holding the necklace. “Yes, I just got it today. As you know my birthday is in April and Erick’s is in November.” His face fell. He couldn’t believe his luck. Her eyes lit up and she laughed, “I didn’t think about that, but so is yours.”

  He nodded, “The eighteenth. How about him?”

  “The twelfth.” She replied. She seemed to think about that, “What a coincidence.”

  “I’ll say,” He mumbled. “Well, I think that’s amazing news about the job. We should celebrate tonight. I can pick you up when I get off work today. It will be about six o’clock. Does that work?”

  “That would be great,” she smiled. “I’ll see you later.”

  “See you,” He called, as she left his office.

  He sunk down in his chair and opened up his desk drawer. He pulled the letter out from the corner of his desk. He read through it. It was time to make the next move. He was sure of it. He folded the letter and put it into his jacket pocket. He got up and left his office for another meeting. By the end of the evening she would know exactly how he felt and he could hope that she felt the same.


  Tiffany tried one more time to call Erick. She groaned in frustration, disconnecting the call. She didn’t know why she couldn’t get ahold of him. She heard a knock and she went to answer it. “I will be with you in a minute.” She called, heading back to get her purse.

  “I thought we could have a picnic today. If that’s alright with you?”

  She frowned, “It’s been pretty cold. Are you sure about that?”

  He snickered, “Where we’re going it won’t be cold. I promise.”

  She thought that was strange, but shrugged. “Whatever. I’m game if you are.” She shut her hotel room door and headed with him down the elevator and out the hotel. They got to his car and she saw the picnic basket in the backseat. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a picnic,” I admitted.

  “I think you’ll be surprised by the location,” he replied. Their eyes connected and he was smiling. She got into the car and he went around to the other side. The drive was quiet, but in a good way. When they turned the corner, she remembered how they had come down this same road a few days ago. She glanced at him and he was just smiling. She didn’t bother mentioning it. When they pulled into the driveway, she knew that something was going on.

  “What are we doing here?” She asked, staring up at the first house they had visited. A Sold sign was in front of it. “What’s going on?”

  He laughed, “You’ll see.”

  They got out of the car and he grabbed the picnic basket. They then headed up to the front door. She watched as he unlocked the door with a set of keys. “What in the world?” She asked, entering the house.

  He turned around, “I bought it.”

  Her jaw dropped, “Are you serious?”

  He laughed, “I knew you would say that. I just fell in love with this house and decided that it was time to make the move. What do you think?”

  “I think you are out of your mind.” She replied, smacking him on the arm. “This is pretty cool, but sad. You got a house before me and I was the one looking.”

  He laughed, “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to pass it up.”

  She had to admit she was a little jealous, but she was also thrilled for him. “Congrats Scott,” she leaned up to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head so that her lips were touching his. The kiss lingered for a moment, until she realized what was happening. “Scott…” she said, touching her lips.

  “Tiffany, listen to me.” He said. He took his hand to her waist and she slowly pulled away.

  “I’m getting married,” she quickly said, moving backwards.

  “He hasn’t even called you.” He argued.

  She glared at him. “He’s sent me flowers and a necklace to show me that he is thinking about me. That’s all I need.”

  He moved to her, “Tiffany, I bought you those things.” He said.

  She opened her mouth, but no words came out. She shook her head, “You’re lying. His birthstone…”

  “Is my birthstone. You said it yourself. I know your favorite flower. Go with your heart. Do you honestly think I’m making this up?”

  She didn’t know what to believe. She was going to be Erick’s wife and this wasn’t supposed to happen like this. “I am getting married,” she spoke again.

  “To the wrong man,” he replied.

  “Stop it!” She yelled. “You are my best friend and nothing will ever happen between us.”

  “Why not? Are you that scared?” He asked, intently staring at her.

  “Why are you doing this? I know those gifts came from Erick.” She looked away from him, feeling tears stinging the back of her eyes. “Take me home.”

  “Tiffany, don’t….talk to me.”

  She shook her head, “Take me home.” She spoke again. She turned from him and ran from the house. She couldn’t let him get to her. She knew the truth and that’s what mattered.


  “Tiffany, won’t you please hear me out.” Scott said for the hundredth time. “I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  She couldn’t stay in that car and listen to him. Nothing seemed real. She reached for her door handle. “Don’t call me,” she said, with anger in her voice.

  Pain was etched on his face. He pulled something from his jacket pocket and placed it in her hand. “Just read it. Please.”

  She closed her hand on the letter. She anticipated, she would just throw it away, but she didn’t say that. “Goodnight,” she replied, jumping out of the car and heading into the hotel.

  The moment she got inside, she felt the tears fall. She got into the elevator, feeling her body shaking from the tears. When she got out of the elevator, she walked to her room. She opened the door and fell to the bed.

  She looked at the folded piece of paper and thought about just throwing it away. Instead, she opened it up and started to read. The more she read the worse she felt. She covered her mouth. The fact that he felt that was shocking to her, but it didn’t change the fact that she wasn’t available. As she got up, she threw the note into the wastebasket. She heard her cellphone ringing and she grabbed it from her pocket. She sighed with relief, seeing Erick’s name across the s


  “Hey, babe. It’s been awhile.”

  She wanted to argue that that was his fault, but she didn’t have the energy. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear your voice.” She said, falling back down on the bed.

  “I’m sorry I have been out of touch. It’s been crazy, but I did get your messages.” She held onto his words. It would be a relief to hear him talk about the gifts that he got her. “I must admit, I’m a little confused. What flowers and necklace are you referring to?”

  A gasp escaped her lips. This couldn’t be. “Um…never mind, I was mistaken.” She said, dumbfounded.

  “Oh…” he snickered.

  She felt a weight in her chest, but tried to get over it. “I got a job today.”

  There was a long pause, before he spoke again. “You did? There’s actually something that I need to tell you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “There has been a change of plans. I was offered a better position if I stay here. It equals more money and more responsibilities. In the long run I can’t pass it up.”

  “You didn’t call me. This would be news that you should have told me before I went and got another job.”

  “I know, baby, but I just found out and I couldn’t let you know earlier. It wasn’t finalized. Just tell the place that hired you that you’re fiancé is staying in New York. They’ll understand.”

  She couldn’t find the words to express how upset she was. “I won’t understand. This job is giving me opportunities that I don’t want to pass up. I love you, but…” her words dropped off.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “We barely know each other. You are obviously more wrapped up in your job than I could ever compete with.”

  “That’s not true,” he argued.

  “Yes…it is.” She continued, “It would never work out.”


  “I will mail you the ring back. Good luck and I wish you every bit of happiness.”

  “Tiffany, don’t…” he started, saying the same words that Scott had spoken. She hung up the phone, feeling relief.

  She looked at her ring and pulled it off her finger. She placed it on the dresser and went back to the wastebasket. She picked up the letter and reread it. She knew that Scott was someone that could handle a mixture of being with her and working. She grabbed her purse and headed to the door. She needed to talk to him and she hoped there was a cab around. When she opened the door, she nearly ran right into him. “I, couldn’t just leave…” he began, before he could go on she wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him close to her. Their lips connected and she melted into him. His tongue ran along hers and she pulled from him.

  “I’m sorry,” she spoke, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the hotel room. “I love you,” she spoke, pulling him back to her and wrapping her arms around him. They could talk later. The only thing that mattered to her was showing him how much she cared for him and she would show him that the rest of her life.

  Lost Love

  Although Chase had broken up with her 2 years earlier, Liv hoped for a reconciliation. Chase had long since moved on, while Liv, a hair stylist, never went out on a single date. When they first broke up, Chase wasn't sure that he made the right decision.

  As time wore on, however, his feelings for Liv were quickly fading. Conversely, Liv's feelings were getting stronger for Chase, despite his snubs.

  Liv, a seasoned employee at Salon54, first laid eyes on Chase when he came in to get his haircut. Liv and her friends were swooning over this six-foot-two brunette who walked in with a confident smirk. He knew he was hot.

  Liv thought he was the hottest guy she has ever seen but felt that he was "out of her league." Chase was a partner in a large law firm who played polo, was a member of a posh country club, and who traveled all over the world. Of course she didn’t know that at the time, but his appearance and attitude ended up perfectly matching his background. No surprise there.

  Liv came from a blue-collar family, whose father was a construction worker. Her mother was a stay-at-home mom, but worked part-time as a manicurist in the basement of their modest Seattle home.

  While in high school, Liv excelled in math and science, but her family was unable to afford sending her to college. She wanted to become an engineer, but her dreams were dashed when her father lost his job.

  Liv had to go to work to help support the family, and in her spare time, she decided to go to cosmetology school. She paid for her beauty school tuition out of the money she made from working at the local pet shop, and after about a year, she passed the state boards to become a licensed cosmetologist.

  On Liv's 30th birthday, her friends took her out to a popular nightclub to celebrate. Although she met a few guys that sparked her interest, all she could think about was Chase. She was hoping that he would make a second appointment for a haircut and return to the salon.

  As luck would have it, Chase returned to the salon a couple months later, and to Liv's complete surprise, he asked her out. Their first date took them to Chase’s country club, where Liv met his friends.

  Chase was 10 years older than Liv, although he acted and looked much younger. Even though he acted youthful and vibrant, his friends seemed boring and arrogant. Despite her dislike for his friends, Liv quickly fell in love with Chase. He treated her well, and even offered to pay for her to go back to college.

  The couple soon settled into a mundane dating routine, and although Liv was still happy, she could sense that Chase was losing interest in her. He seemed irritated and distant with her, and started going out a few times a week.

  Most of Chase’s family members liked Liv, however, his mother never warmed up to her. She never thought that Liv was good enough for her son, but remained cordial to her.

  Chase’s mother, Vera, on more than one occasion, tried introducing her son to various women. These women were all professionals, and a few were attorneys, just like her son.

  Chase’s father, Jack, also an attorney, stayed out of his wife's matchmaking schemes, as he was in his own little world, with a mistress of his own and a huge drinking problem.

  Chase didn't invite Liv to his grandmother's birthday party, and when he arrived, he was greeted at the door by one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. He never saw her before, and wondered who she was there with. Little did he know, his mother invited her in an attempt to get him interested in someone other than Liv.

  Her plan worked. Chase and the other women, whose name was Chelsea, hit it off almost instantly. He couldn't stop looking at her, and was intrigued by her New York accent.

  Chelsea worked as an entertainment attorney, who represented a number of big name sports and music personalities. She even invited Chase to a sporting event which had been sold out for weeks.

  Even though Chase had no intentions of breaking up with Liv, he could no longer ignore his feelings for Chelsea. They soon started having lunch dates at 5 star hotels, and even managed to plan a getaway weekend to the Poconos.

  When Chase started becoming increasingly distant from Liv, she started to suspect the worst. By this time, Chelsea was pressuring Chase for a commitment. Although they've only been seeing each other for about a month, their relationship was growing more and more intense.

  The sex was amazing, and Chase never experienced anything like it before. Chelsea was willing to try new things in bed, and seemed to want sex multiple times a day. Liv, by contrast, was rather modest, and her sexual appetite was diminished by her escalating depression, and the side effects from the medication she was taking.

  As the months passed, Liv was getting ready to go to Florida for a hair show. She and Chase were drifting further and further apart, but they still managed to maintain a dim spark of excitement between them. On the evening before she was schedule to leave for her trip, Liv and Chase went out for a romantic dinner, and then came home and spent the next three hours making love.

ter their love fest, Chase turned over and went to sleep. Liv, the eternal romantic, want to cuddle, but Chase rebuffed her advances. The next morning, Chase drove Liv to the airport, and he couldn't help but feel profound relief. He would now be able to spend the next week with his new "friend," Chelsea, and called her as soon as Liv boarded the plane.

  For almost the entire week that Liv was on her business trip, Chase stayed with Chelsea at her downtown apartment. The couple enjoyed cooking dinner together and waking up next to each other. Chase didn't know how he would tell Liv that he no longer loved her, and he even wished that she would stay in Florida for the long-term.

  He was not responsive to her text messages, and only took her phone calls sporadically during that entire week. The week flew by quickly, and before he knew it, Chase found himself at the airport once again, but only this time, he was picking Liv up. She was elated to see him, but he cringed when they hugged.

  Liv sensed that something was wrong, and was starting to worry. Chase told her that he was tired because he spent the entire week working on a brief for an upcoming legal case.

  The couple trudged through the holidays together, but as Valentine's Day approached, Chase could no longer suppress he desire to be with Chelsea. Although he knew that Valentine's week was not the most appropriate time to break up with Liv, he felt it was necessary, because he wanted to spend Valentine's Day with Chelsea.

  He didn't bother with formalities, and simply blurted it out. He told Liv that he was no longer happy with her, but didn't volunteer any information about his other woman. He further explained that he just needed time to be "by himself," and that "maybe" he would come to his senses and come back home to be with her. After Liv pressed him for answers, he finally came clean about Chelsea.


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