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The Iron Tower Omnibus

Page 74

by Dennis L McKiernan

  Barlo: q.v., Old Barlo.

  Barlo Stingy: the name given to Old Barlo by Danner.

  (the) Barrens: the arctic wasteland north of the Steppes of Jord.

  (the) Barrier: the Spindlethorn Barrier (q.v.).

  bascule: the part of a drawbridge that raises and lowers.

  Baskin: a buccan Warrow of the Weiunwood. A member of the Weiunwood Alliance.

  Basq: a Realm of Mithgar between the Lands of Gothon to the north and west, and Vancha to the south and east.

  (the) Battle Downs: a Wilderland range of hills to the west of the Weiunwood. Here was fought a mighty series of battles during the Great War.

  (the) Battle of Brackenboro: a battle in and around the ruins of the village of Brackenboro. Warrows fought Ghûls. In the end, Men rescued the Warrows and routed the Ghûls, slaying many of them.

  (the) Battle of Budgens: a battle at the village of Budgens where Warrows trapped Ghûlen reavers in an ambush. The first battle of the Struggles (q.v.).

  (the) Battle of Challerain Keep: the opening battle of the Winter War. Modru’s Horde whelmed the defenders of Challerain Keep, burning the city and killing all but a handful of the King’s warriors who escaped during the final struggle.

  (the) Battle of Grûwen: q.v., (the) Battle of Grûwen Pass.

  (the) Battle of Grûwen Pass: the valiant five-day battle by the Alliance of Wellen in Arden to delay the Horde in Grûwen Pass. Also known as the Battle of Grûwen, the Battle of Kregyn.

  (the) Battle of Gûnarring Gap: the three-day battle in which the warriors of Valon defeated the Lakh of Hyree for control of Gûnarring Gap.

  (the) Battle of Hile Bay: the battle in which the fleets of Arbalin struggled against the Rovers of Kistan in a sea War upon Hile Bay. The Rovers broke through the blockade and sailed away across the Avagon Sea.

  (the) Battle of Jugo: the battle on the Darkest Day in Jugo. The Hosts of Pellar and of Valon joined in battle against the Lakh of Hyree. The Hosts won when the prophecy foretelling of Gyphon’s return proved to be false.

  (the) Battle of Kregyn: q.v., Battle of Grûwen Pass.

  (the) Battle of the Iron Tower: the battle on the Darkest Day at the Iron Tower in Gron. Galen’s Legion, led by Galen, Gildor, and Ubrik, assaulted the Iron Tower. With the help of Brega’s squad (q.v.), the fortress was invaded.

  (the) Battle of the Keep: q.v., Battle of Challerain Keep.

  (the) Battle of Weiunwood: generally refers to the first battle fought between elements of Modru’s Horde and an alliance made up of Warrows (from Weiunwood), Men (from Stonehill), and Elves (from Arden). The three-day battle was fought during the opening days of the Winter War. The alliance set many ambuscades and defeated the Horde.

  (the) Battle-tongue of Valon: q.v., Valur.

  Beacontor: the southernmost of the Signal Mountains. The Crossland Road passes near its flanks.

  (the) Bearer of the Black Spear: the name given to the Elven bearer of Black Galgor (q.v.). During the Winter War, Tuon bore the spear.

  (the) Bearer of the Red Quarrel: a name given to Tuck, for he bore the Red Quarrel to its destined end.

  Bekki: Brega’s sire.

  Bellon Falls: a great cataract where the Argon River plunges over the Great Escarpment to fall into the Cauldron. Also known as Ctor (Châkur: Shouter).

  (the) Bendels: Tuck’s cousins in Eastpoint.

  Bergil: a Man of Rian. Laurelin’s waggon driver. Slain by Ghûls in the slaughter of the waggon train.

  berserker: one who is possessed with a battle fury and is relatively unaffected by all but major wounds.

  besom: a coarse broom.

  Bessie Holt: a damman Warrow of the Boskydells. Wife of Bringo Holt. Merrilee’s dam. Slain by Ghûls in Woody Hollow during the Winter War.

  (the) Beyond: a term used by Boskydell Warrows to indicate any place outside the Thornwall.

  Beyond the Spheres: an unknown Realm (perhaps akin to Limbo) into which Gyphon was banished by Adon. Also known as the Great Abyss.

  Beyonder: a term used by Boskydell Warrows to indicate anyone living outside the Thornwall. Also known as an Outsider.

  Beyonder Guard: warders posted along the entrances into the Boskydells to guard against unsavory Outsiders. Also known as the ’Guard, the Thornwalker Guard.

  Bigfen: a great marshland in Centerdell.

  Big Folks: a Warrow term meaning, Mankind.

  Big Men: a Warrow term meaning, Mankind.

  Bill: a Man of Stonehill. A member of the Weiunwood Alliance.

  Bingo Peacher: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Hunter of renown at the time of the Winter War.

  (the) black armor: the armor worn by Danner in the Winter War. Originally made by the Dwarves of Mineholt North for young Igon, the mail was given to Danner by Laurelin to wear at her birthday feast. Buried with Danner at the Iron Tower, there to remain until recalled by Aurion’s shade. Also known as the black mail.

  Black Drimmen-deeve: q.v., Drimmen-deeve.

  (the) black Elven harp: a harp of unsurpassed tonal qualities given to Patrel by Gildor after the Winter War.

  Black Galgor: a black spear borne by Elves and said to be a token of power (q.v.).

  (the) Black Hole: a name given to Drimmen-deeve by Men.

  (the) black mail: q.v., (the) black armor.

  (the) Black Maze: a name given to Drimmen-deeve by Men.

  (the) Black Mere: q.v., (the) Dark Mere.

  Black Mountain of Xian: a great dark mountain in the Land of Xian. Home of Wizards.

  black-oxen horn: War horns used for signalling and borne by the Men of Valon. These horns, coming from wild black kine living in the Lands of Hoven, Jugo, Tugal, Valon, and Vancha, are much prized by the Vanadurin.

  (the) Black Wall: the edge of the Dimmendark reared up into the sky like a great dark rampart; hence, it was called the Black Wall.

  blade-gem: q.v., blade-jewel.

  blade-jewel: special gems set in blades of Elven weapons that emit light when Evil is near—specifically, when creatures of the Untargarda are in proximity, although some Mithgarian beings (such as the Krakenward) also cause the jewel to glow. The brighter the light, the nearer the Evil.

  (the) blue-and-white of Wellen: the colors of the flag of Wellen: white falcon on a field of blue.

  (the) Blue Bull: a Boskydell inn in Budgens.

  Bockleman Brewster: a Man of Stonehill. Owner of the White Unicorn Inn during the Winter War. Hero and leader of the Men of the Weiunwood Alliance. Also known as Squire Brewster.

  Boeder: a Man of Rian. One of Galen’s One Hundred. Slain by Vulgs while carrying word to the High King that the Dimmendark had started south.

  Bogland Bottoms: a large boggy region south of the Crossland Road and thirty or so miles east of Stonehill.

  (the) Bog River: a river in the north of Harth flowing west from the Bogland Bottoms to the Spindle River.

  (the) Boreal Sea: a frigid sea north of the Dalara Plains, Rian, Gron, and other Lands, and bordering on the Northern Wastes.

  Borel: a Man of Valon. Fought in the Battle of Gûnarring Gap.

  (the) ’Boro: q.v., Brackenboro.

  (the) Boro Spur: the road running south from the Crossland Road to Brackenboro.

  Borta: Dwarven DelfLord of the Red Caves in the Red Hills during the Winter War.

  (the) Bosky: q.v., (the) Boskydells.

  (the) Boskydell Fair: an annual midyear’s fair held in Rood, Centerdell, the Boskydells.

  (the) Boskydells: a Warrow homeland surrounded by the Spindlethorn Barrier (q.v.). Bounded to the north by Rian, to the east by Harth, to the south by Trellinath, and to the west by Wellen. Also known as the Bosky, the Dells, the Seven Dells.

  bothy: a small dwelling, usually associated with the fens of the Boskydells.

  (the) Bottom Chamber: one of the chambers of Kraggen-cor through which the Deevewalkers strode.

  Brackenboro: a Boskydell village south of the Crossland Road and inside the western edge of Eastdell. Here was fo
ught the Battle of Brackenboro during the Winter War. Also known as the ’Boro.

  (the) Brackenboro Hills: the range of hills surrounding Brackenboro. Here grows the ferny undergrowth that gives the hills and the village their names.

  Braggi: a Dwarf warrior. Leader of a doomed mission into Kraggen-cor to slay the Ghath.

  Braggi’s Raid: Braggi’s doomed mission. (Q.v., Braggi.)

  Braggi’s rune: Braggi’s name written in large rune letters of Squam blood on the wall of the Hall of the Gravenarch

  Braggi’s squad: Dwarves led by Braggi (q.v.) on a mission to slay the Ghath.

  Brate: a Man of Valon. A Captain in Galen’s Legion.

  Brega: a Dwarf of the Red Caves. Bekki’s son. A Hero of the Winter War. One of the Deevewalkers. Leader of the squad to lower the drawbridge and open the gate of the Iron Tower on the Darkest Day. DelfLord of the Red Caves after Borta. Also called Axe-thrower, and Warrior Brega.

  Brega, Bekki’s son: q.v., Brega.

  Brega’s Dwarven Company: a company of forty Dwarven warriors led by Brega during the Winter War. The entire company, except for Brega, was slain by the vanguard of one of Modru’s Hordes. All members of the vanguard were also slain. Also known as the slain forty.

  Brega’s squad: the force led by Brega to lower the drawbridge and open the gate at the Iron Tower on the Darkest Day. Specifically, Dwarf Brega, Elf Flandrena, Igon (Man), and six Warrows: Danner, Harven, Tuck, Rollo, Dink, and Patrel.

  Brek: the Dwarven King in Mineholt North during the Winter War.

  (the) bridge: the Warrow name for the bridge along the Crossland Road over the Spindle River.

  (the) Bright Veil: a haze of stars in an north-northeast to south-southwest band across the skies of Mithgar. (Thought to be the Milky Way.)

  (the) Brin Downs: a north-south range of hills along the border between Jugo and Harth.

  Bringo Holt: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Husband of Bessie Holt. Merrilee’s sire. Slain by Ghûls in Woody Hollow during the Winter War.

  Bringo’s Stable: a pony stable owned by Bringo Holt.

  (the) Broad Hall: one of the chambers in Kraggen-cor through which the Deevewalkers strode.

  Brûd: a Man of Wellen. A scout for Vidron’s Wellenen army.

  Bryn: a Boskydell village south of the Crossland Road. Located in Eastdell.

  Bryn Road: the road from Greenfields to Bryn.

  buccan: (plural: buccen): the general name given to a male Warrow. Also the specific age-name given to male Warrows between 30 and 60 years old.

  buccaran: a Warrow term of endearment used by dammen Warrows when speaking to or about their husbands or sweethearts.

  bucco: a Warrow term meaning, son.

  Budgens: a Boskydell hamlet. Site of the first battle of the Struggles during the Winter War.

  burrow: an underground Warrow dwelling.

  Burt Arboran: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Warrior of the Struggles. Fought in the Battle of the Iron Tower.

  Burt Underbank: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Husband of Tulip Underbank. Tuck’s sire. Slain by Ghûls in Woody Hollow during the Winter War.

  Byroad Lane: the road running south from Budgens to the Crossland Road.

  - C -

  Caer Host: a term meaning, castle army, or army of the castle.

  Caer Lindor: an Elvenholt on an island in the River Rissanin between Darda Erynian and the Greatwood. Destroyed in the Great War.

  Caer Pendwyr: southern strongholt, winter home and Court of the High King. Located on Pendwyr Isle, Pellar, between Hile Bay and the Avagon Sea.

  (the) Caire River: a river with northern origins in the west side of the Rigga Mountains and running south to the Rivermix at Luren.

  (the) Captain of the Infant Brigade: a title bestowed upon Patrel by Vidron at their first meeting.

  Captain Rushlock: q.v., Patrel.

  Castle-ward: a force of warriors charged with guarding a castle. In the Winter War, the Company of the King warded Challerain Keep.

  Catchet’s Market: a market in Woody Hollow.

  (the) Cauldron: a great churn of water where Vanil Falls and Bellon Falls plunge down the face of the Great Escarpment to thunder into the River Argon.

  (the) Cellener River: a river flowing into the Quadrill in Darda Galion in southwest Riamon.

  Centerdell: midmost of the Seven Dells of the Boskydells.

  Chabba: a Land on the Avagon Sea. Bounded by Sarain to the north, Thyra to the east, the Karoo and the Avagon Sea to the west.

  Chabbain: a Man of Chabba. In the Winter War, one of Modru’s puppets was a Chabbain.

  Chagor: (Sylva: jag-top): q.v., Loftcrag.

  Châk: (plural: Châkka): (Châkur: Dwarf): Dwarven word meaning, Dwarf. (Incidentally, Châkian [plural: Châkia] is the feminine equivalent, though it is uncertain whether a Châkia are actually a Dwarves, though they do bear Dwarven young.)

  Châkka: (Châkur: Dwarves; of the Dwarves): Dwarven word meaning, Dwarves, and of the Dwarves.

  Châkur: (Châkur: our tongue): The secret language of the Dwarves. Also known as the Dwarf Speech, Dwarf Tongue, and the hidden tongue. (For various Dwarf words and phrases, see Appendix: Translations of Words and Phrases.)

  Challerain Keep: northern stronghold, summer home and Court of the High King. Located in Rian. Also known as the Keep.

  (the) chasm at the Iron Tower: the sheer-walled crevasse completely beringing the fortress of the Iron Tower.

  Chief Captain of the Thornwalkers: the leader of all Thornwalkers, headquartered in Rood. Also known as the First Captain of the Thornwalkers.

  Chief Constable: the chief of the Constables of the Boskydells. Headquartered in Rood.

  (the) Chieftain: the leader of the Baeron. (Q.v., Baeron.)

  Chubb: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. Warrior of the Struggles. Slain in the Battle of Brackenboro.

  Cianin Andele: (Sylva: shining nomad): the brightest of the wandering stars (planets). Also known as Courser, Jarak (Châkur), and Shining Nomad.

  Claw Gap: the gap between Claw Spur and the Gronfang Mountains. Entrance to Claw Moor.

  Claw Moor: a high, desolate land in Gron bounded by Claw Spur and the Gronfangs. Here is located the Iron Tower.

  Claw Spur: an arm of mountains curving out west and south from the Gronfang Mountains.

  (the) Claydunes: a region of hills in the Boskydells where pottery is made.

  (The) Clearing: a vast clearing within the Greatwood.

  (the) Cliffs: a western Warrowholt. A honeycomb of Warrow dwellings in a limestone cliff along the Wenden River in Westdell.

  Cold-drakes: q.v., Dragons.

  (the) Cold Iron Tower: q.v., (the) Iron Tower.

  (the) Comet Spawn: q.v., (the) Myrkenstone.

  (the) Commons: a town square generally without buildings other than a pavilion or two for entertainment or speech-making purposes.

  (the) Common Tongue: q.v., Pellarion.

  (the) Company of Eastwood: the name given to the many Warrows who banded together in Eastwood to combat Modru’s Reavers.

  (the) Company of the King: the name given to Patrel’s Company of Thornwalkers by Captain Darby before they set out for Challerain Keep in answer to the King’s muster.

  (the) Company of Whitby’s Barn: the name given to the many Warrows who banded together at Whitby’s barn to begin the struggle to set the Boskydells free of Modru’s Reavers.

  consort: a mate, e.g., husband or wife.

  Constables: buccen Warrows charged with keeping the peace within the Boskydells. Generally, they serve more as roving gossips and heralds than as police.

  copper penny: one of three common types of coins used for commerce in Mithgar (gold and silver being the other common types, though, in places, bronze and pewter are used, as well as jade and ivory.)

  Corby Platt: a buccan Warrow of the Boskydells. A member of the Eastdell Fourth and of the Company of the King. Slain at Challerain Keep.

  Coron: (Sylva: King/Ruler): El
ven name for Coron Mountain (King of the Mountains) (q.v., Stormhelm) and for their own Elven King. (Q.v., Eiron.)

  (the) Coron-hall: (Sylva: King-hall): the King’s hall in Wood’s-Heart, Darda Galion.

  (the) corpse-foe: q.v., Ghûls.

  (the) corpse-folk: q.v., Ghûls.

  (the) corpse-people: q.v., Ghûls.

  cot: a small dwelling (cottage), usually a small, stone field-house or a tiny house in the woods. (Also known as cote.)

  cote: see cot.

  (the) Council: q.v., War-council.

  Courser: q.v., Jarek.

  Crestan Pass: a pass above Arden Valley, crossing the Grimwall Mountains, connecting the Crossland Road with the Landover Road.

  (the) Crossland Road: a major east-west road of Mithgar, west of the Grimwall Mountains.

  (the) ’Crow: q.v., (the) One-Eyed Crow.

  (the) Crown: the monarchy.

  crue: a tasteless but nutritious waybread.

  Ctor: (Châkur: shouter): Dwarven name for Bellon Falls (q.v.).

  - D -

  Dael: the capital city of North Riamon.

  Daelwood: a forest in Riamon within the ring of the Rimmen Mountains.

  daemon: (Valur: demon): demon.

  Dagnall: a Man of Valon. A healer.

  Dalara: a Realm of Mithgar bounded on the north by the Boreal Sea, on the east by Rian, on the south by Wellen, and on the west by Thol and by the Ryngar Arm of the Weston Ocean. In the eastern marches of Dalara lie the Dalara Plains (q.v.).

  (the) Dalara Plains: a great space of plains in Dalara west of Rian.

  (the) Dalgor March(es): a region of Riamon west of the Argon River and east of the Grimwall, through which the Dalgor River flows.

  (the) Dalgor River: a river flowing eastward from the Grimwall into the Argon River.

  dam: mother.

  damman: (plural: dammen): the general name given to a female Warrow. Also the specific age-name given to female Warrows between 30 and 60 years old.

  Damman Thornwalker: a female Thornwalker. In all the history of the Boskydells, only one damman has become a Thornwalker: Merrilee Holt (q.v.).

  dammia: a Warrow term of endearment used by buccen Warrows when speaking to or about their wives and sweethearts.


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