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Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material

Page 6

by Kindle Alexander

  From the deck, the views were gorgeous. They drew Jace in, mesmerizing coastline for as far as the eye could see. Emerald green pinnacles towered above the turquoise water, and velvet green cliffs were decorated with waterfalls that plummeted into deep, narrow valleys. The colors alone were amazing; at times the sheer sea cliffs looked as if they’d been hand painted with the red dirt of Kauai. Jace snapped hundreds of photos, wanting to remember every minute of the tour. Regretfully, none included Colt, although he seriously wanted to. He was forced to etch the memory in his brain of how handsome Colt looked leaning against the rail with the majestic coastline backdrop behind him.

  Alcohol was flowing like crazy for the entire trip, and spring break had the cruise packed full of tourists. The whole experience was beyond anything Jace’s lower middle class background had ever before offered. Being on a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean was something Jace never thought he’d get an opportunity to do, and he truly loved every minute. He just wished he could share the experience with Colt like a normal couple.

  Jace didn’t begrudge the flirtatious banter of the two current females parked at the table with them, or the ones who’d hiked along beside them through the trails. Much like the coastline outside, Colt just had that draw. People flocked to him like flies to honey. From the time they started the hike, until the time they were back seated in the car, people they met along the way seemed to cling and follow them everywhere. And it had nothing to do with Jace. He learned early on, his entire game plan for the day was to stay quiet, and that’s pretty much what he’d done. For Colt, this seemed a big fun game, sneaking private moments and simple touches when no one was looking. To Jace, it was just incredibly stressful to hide his body’s reaction from everyone around him every time Colt made one of those bold, secret moves.

  Acting straight with girls flirting was another incredibly difficult thing for Jace. In no time of his life could he ever remember any girl actually coming on to him. He grew up in a small town, all his years in the same school system with the same group of friends. From the time he was a little boy, he’d loved gymnastics and dance. His very well-adjusted, stable parents knew about his sexuality before he ever did. He cheered from junior high all the way through high school. Girls were his friends, never a romantic interest, and they always just somehow knew he was gay. That same attitude lasted through college. He couldn’t remember being hit on by a girl one time in his entire life, until these two at the table popped into his life.

  Neither seemed to clue in on his sexual orientation or Colt’s for that matter, and both looked eager for whichever one wanted the hook-up. Jace gave Colt one hundred percent of the credit. He could totally see the football guys all wanting to be Colt’s wingman. Colt’s good looks and fun attitude would draw the females in for the whole group of guys.

  “Don’t you like your drink?” Colt asked from across the table. All eyes were trained on Jace, and he realized his internal dialog must have been noticeable.

  “Yeah, it’s fine,” he said to Colt’s grin and wink. Colt drained his Mai Tai and raised his hand to the waiter, motioning for another round for the table.

  “I love mine… they’re so good. Jace, there’s a cool club close to the beach. It’s fifty cent beer night. It was packed last night. You two should come!” Mandy said, grinning super big. All Jace could do was stare at her as she flashed her boobs at him. Her sheer, crisscross cover-up, with no bathing suit top underneath didn’t quite cover anything. Did she know? Surely she did. But if she didn’t, would she be completely mortified later? After a minute, Jace grew a spine and finally confronted the problem.

  “You know, your top keeps opening,” Jace whispered so as not to draw any attention. He could feel the blush on his face at his words. Colt actually rolled his eyes at Jace.

  “I know! Right? They’re new. A graduation gift from my parents.” Mandy squealed in delight, quickly opening her cover-up, exposing her large, perfectly shaped silicone breasts for both Jace and Colt’s inspection. First, she turned to Colt, and then to Jace, shaking her shoulders at him. They bounced as he stared.

  “Touch them,” she said, reaching out and grabbing his hand. She was fast and before he could even blink, his palm covered an exposed breast, and she squeezed his hand, encouraging him to feel her up. “They feel real, don’t they?”

  “That’s not fair! My parents won’t get me any!” Tonya spoke up, reaching across the small table to take the drink the roving waiter placed in front her. Jace had no idea what to say. His big eyes looked over at Colt who was absolutely no help. Colt laughed so hard, he was having a hard time staying in his seat. The waiter placed another Mai Tai in front of him, even though Jace hadn’t drunk any of the other three sitting there, but it appeared, the waiter only had eyes for the tipsy female’s breasts and never noticed he didn’t need another refill.

  “That’s because your breasts are great, Tonya! Show them,” Mandy said, encouraging her friend. Jace was horrified. His gaze flipped to Tonya, praying she wouldn’t expose herself, and thank God, she didn’t.

  “I love them! If I could go topless, I would!” Mandy said, loosely covering herself back up when the captain walked by, giving them the eye. The problem was the captain didn’t eye them in a negative way. He clearly approved of the show, grinning down at the girls. It seemed just enough incentive to have Tonya popping her bikini top up, flashing everyone in the room. Damn.

  “See, I told you, you have great boobs!” Mandy said, downing the rest of her Mai Tai. Jace dropped his head to his palm. Why hadn’t he listened to Colt? He was absolutely positive he was an embarrassingly bright shade of red at the moment. They should have gone back to their bungalow like Colt wanted. At least he would have had a much better reason for blushing. But no, he’d insisted on going on this little excursion and up till dinner had pretty much enjoyed himself.

  “Where’s that bar?” Colt asked, still laughing. They had drawn the attention of everyone on the boat. All of the sudden, the Na Pali coastline wasn’t near as interesting as the pretty blonde girl exposing herself to everyone seated near them.

  “It’s just down the road from Polynesian Treasures. Like a few miles south of Kapa’a, it’s called The Dry Dock. You can’t miss it. Let me give you my number. Call me when you get in the area. We can go with you, right, Tonya?” Mandy said, running her hand up Jace’s thigh. What the hell? He looked over at Tonya, and her eyes were focused on Colt. Apparently they’d made their decision between the two of them. Mandy leaned into Jace. He thought she might have tried for a whisper, but didn’t pull it off at all.

  “I’m a sure bet. We can just go back to your place if you want, Jacey.” Mandy grinned up at him, and evidently Colt caught the action of her hand running up his thigh or maybe just the deer in headlights look that surely decorated his crimson face. Obviously the amusement couldn’t be controlled, Colt burst out a laugh so hard he did finally topple from his seat.

  “I… I’m here with someone,” Jace offered lamely, stopping her hand from winding its way any farther up his leg.

  “That’s okay. I like girls too. Tonya and I do it for guys all the time. They love that shit! I bet you would, too.”

  “His date won’t go for that. Very jealous! Give me your number. I’ll call you when we come back into town.” Colt saved him, and she moved closer to Colt, spouting out her phone number. Tonya followed suit because clearly, Mandy wasn’t going to tread on her chosen territory.

  Jace used the opportunity to escape. He stood quickly, dropping his napkin on the table. “I’m going to the restroom,” he stammered, taking several steps backward as he spoke. Jace turned on his heel, heading for the door, completely unprepared for the busboy in his path. The contents of the tray went flying, crashing down around them, and just like with the breast, every eye in the cabin looked his way.

  Fuck my life!

  “That was hilarious.” Colt laughed as they walked down the boat ramp. “I mean, honestly, when you ran into that
waiter. Oh man!”

  “Not funny, and I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. I was just so uncomfortable. And those two girls… Man! Thank God Mandy seemed into the captain or we might not have ever gotten free. This whole hiding thing makes me crazy. I’m not any good at it. I freaked myself out,” Jace rambled, dropping his hands in his pockets as they walked across the parking lot to the car.

  “Whooo hooo! Call me!” Mandy yelled from a car Tonya drove, speeding from the parking lot.

  Jace rolled his eyes. “Is it safe for her to be driving?”

  “Probably not. They said they would call a cab.” Colt shrugged, his easy attitude firmly in place as he watched the car’s back lights until they couldn’t be seen.

  “So you felt her up… huh?” Colt nudged him in the shoulder.

  “Don’t even say another word. You aren’t funny, and give me the keys. You drank too much to drive.” Colt laughed, but tossed Jace the keys and headed for the passenger side.

  “Let’s stay at the bungalow from now on. I think we’re safer there. At least I won’t be forced to feel up anyone,” Jace said, as he settled into his seat. “And plus, apparently I don’t like sharing. I wanted more of your attention. When you said a dinner cruise, I had something totally different in mind.”

  As Jace reached to start the car, Colt was on him, turning him for a deep thorough kiss. Several minutes later, when they surfaced, Colt’s palms held Jace’s face, staring into his eyes.

  “You wanna hear something crazy?” Colt whispered.

  “I don’t know,” Jace said, worry in his eyes. What could be crazier than the dinner they shared?

  “It made me jealous when she grabbed your hand,” Colt said. Jace could only stare at him. He had no idea how to respond. “I think we should stay at the beach house too, so I don’t have to bitch slap a ho for touching you again! Now drive us home or find someplace to park. I want to practice my blowjob skills. Goddamn, Jace Montgomery! It turns my shit on to have you in my mouth. I love giving you a blowjob.”

  Jace sat there a minute, staring at Colt who leaned in, gave him a chaste kiss, and wiggled his eyebrows. Jace had to get a hold of his body in order to even remember how to drive. After a second, his brain did finally work again. He started the car, backed out of the parking space, and began to drive with Colt’s head propped on his shoulder, his hand running back and forth over his thigh. Man, he wanted more of these moments.

  Chapter 7

  The sun baked Jace’s skin, turning his tan darker than he’d ever remembered. He was totally relaxed, lying on the beach, letting the water lap at his legs with each push of the tide. Jace loved Hawaii. The sun heating his skin, the sounds of the ocean churning in the distance, the squawk of the seagulls as they flew over the beach in search of a handout. This was the perfect place and the perfect vacation; he could easily get used to this life. Jace groaned as he rolled from his front to his back. They only had a short time left before they headed back to reality.

  Jace had again abandoned his normal swim trunks, opting for a Speedo kind of deal. Once assured he was completely alone on their little slice of the beach, Jace shed those, too. He lathered his ass in sunscreen, hoping for a full body tan, not the Coppertone baby white ass he currently sported.

  In the distance, he could hear the sounds of Colt’s feet swishing through the wet sand. Jace was thankful he was back. Colt went for another run today, not letting a day go by without taking his five mile jog. It wasn’t a bad thing, Jace loved to watch Colt’s ass bounce as he ran off down the beach.

  Jace turned his head and propped up on his elbow, watching Colt in the distance, running back toward him. Colt was a sweaty hot mess. He wasn’t wearing a T-shirt, his chest bare, and the jogging shorts were small and tight, riding low on his hips. The sun had done wonders on Colt’s skin too, creating a sun-kissed bronze, which made his dark features more pronounced and more alluring, if that were even possible. He was flawless. The most perfect thing Jace had ever seen.

  Jace kept his eyes focused on Colt; his heart hammered in his chest, and his thoughts ran rampant. This vacation couldn’t have been any better. He and Colt fit so well together. They laughed, joked, teased one another, and never one time did Jace feel the need for distance. He craved Colt’s company, and Colt seemed to feel the same way about him. They did everything together. But this was Hawaii. What was going to happen to them when they went back to their lives? The overwhelming uncertainty made a desperate anxiety build inside Jace. A connection like this didn’t just happen every day. Could they hold it? Jace prayed they could.

  “You’re fucking hot laying out here. I couldn’t run fast enough to get back here so I could fuck you senseless,” Colt chuckled breathlessly. Jace grinned, hiding behind his smile. He pushed all other thoughts out of his head, wanting to just be in this moment with Colt. Jace had had four days of Colt methodically reeling him in. He’d long since abandoned any effort at keeping his guard up. That had crumbled the very first time he pushed into Colt’s body. Colt was the perfect lover, a great companion, and seemed truly into him.

  Jace didn’t respond; there was too much churning through him, so he kicked his leg up, splashing water on Colt as he dropped to his knees on the towel next to Jace. When Colt looked shocked, Jace kicked his other leg, splashing more water in Colt’s direction before bolting up, seconds before Colt reached for him. He barely dodged Colt’s grasp, but it was still a small victory. There weren’t too many times he’d successfully outmaneuvered Colt over the last few days. When he got a safe distance away, Jace reached down, splashing more water in Colt’s face.

  “You’re gonna be sorry…” Colt started, and Jace splashed him again, laughing this time as he ran out into the ocean. He was completely naked, running into the surf. He looked back over his shoulder to see Colt shedding his shorts on the beach before following close behind him. He’d need this head start and more to keep away from Colt.

  Jace swam hard. He wasn’t a weakling by any means. He’d lifted girls over his head and tossed them in the air for years, but Colt was faster and caught Jace easily, pulling him under by the feet. Jace broke the surface, gasping for breath. Colt grabbed him, wrenching his body forward, holding him securely in his arms. His tongue plunged inside Jace’s open mouth before he could even clear the water from his eyes. Jace responded immediately by wrapping his long legs around Colt’s waist and deepening the kiss. Seconds later, Colt pushed against his rim.

  Between the suntan oil and the ocean, Jace was slick and ready, allowing less resistance when Colt entered him. Jace tore from the kiss, tossing his head back, gasping at the welcomed invasion. Colt pushed deep inside him in one mind-blowing thrust.

  They were awkward. Neither able to get much leverage, the waves made it too difficult. Colt worked Jace, using his hands and hips. Jace wrapped himself tighter around Colt, using his thighs to help hold him against the waves. It was so freaking hot to be making love to Colt in their own little secluded spot in the Pacific Ocean. Jace grabbed Colt’s face, kissing him with all the passion inside his heart.

  Colt tried to keep his wits about him. There was no way he was breaking from the kiss or removing himself from Jace’s ass, but he wanted Jace on the shore and that proved difficult.

  Colt moved his hips, continuing to kiss Jace, all the while slowly moving them back to shore against the pull of the current. He hadn’t bothered with a condom, but Jace didn’t seem to notice or mind. Colt certainly didn’t. Having Jace bareback again was his dream come true. Damn the consequences.

  When Colt got closer to the shore, he gripped Jace’s ass, balancing him as he held all of Jace’s weight, and managed to keep himself buried deep inside his ass. Jace never seemed to notice they’d left the water. The look of sheer ecstasy lit his face. Jace closed his eyes, slanting his mouth over Colt’s.

  Colt took a few steps onto the beach before he dropped to his knees, the water still covering their legs as he pounded into Jace. He flexed his body, fucked Jace with
everything he had in him. He was a man consumed, a man in love, and he needed Jace to feel how much he loved him before he spoke the words aloud.

  “Goddamn, you feel good,” Colt muttered, dropping his head to Jace’s chest. His hips pistoned, and Jace could do little more than beg. Colt had no idea what Jace begged for. He wasn’t certain Jace knew, but seconds later, Jace came, shooting creamy ribbons between their wet bodies. He hadn’t even touched Jace’s cock. It was such a turn-on knowing he could make Jace come without stroking him to climax.

  They’d made love no less than fifteen times over the last four days, but here Jace was, eager and still ready for him. He couldn’t control his release any longer. Colt came with a roar, wrapping Jace tighter in his arms as his release filled Jace’s ass.

  After several long minutes, well past the point of them both coming down off their orgasm, they lay in the surf, just holding one another in the wet sand. The water covered their legs, receding in intervals as the waves rolled in and then back out again.

  “You’re everything to me, Jace. We have to work this out when we get home. I don’t want this to end.” Colt finally rolled off Jace, to his side.

  “Me either,” Jace whispered back. This was Jace’s first time to agree. Colt pushed up on his forearms and smiled down.

  “It took you long enough,” Colt said and kissed Jace’s lips.

  “I had to be sure you were serious about us,” Jace replied honestly, his meaning clear in his gaze. What they shared between them was real. For Colt, it had been since the very beginning, all those years ago. Now he knew Jace returned those feeling, even if things had been left unsaid.


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