Nice Guys Collection With Added Bonus Material
Page 47
He reached for the shampoo and lathered his hair before scrubbing down his body. He continued to ignore his dick. As the moments ticked by, the ache only got worse, but he was not going to give in. After he’d cleaned himself, he turned the nobs and the water ran ice cold. Shit! He jumped back and shut the faucet off, completely frustrated as he left the shower stall.
Why was he acting like this? And just like he’d done all day, he started thinking about Mitch again. He dried himself and then ran the towel over his fog-covered mirror. He could see the evidence of a blush creeping up his neck and cheeks as he remembered last night’s phone call. Mitch had so easily gotten him off. He had been asleep and drunk when Mitch called. All things considered, it should have taken him much, much longer to orgasm. Then he must have fallen asleep afterward, because when he woke, he found his phone still lying on the pillow next to his head.
How fucking embarrassing was that? Had he really fallen asleep with Mitch still on the line?
Cody tossed the terrycloth towel over the shower rod to dry. As he brushed his teeth and ran a comb over his short hair, he noticed his flushed skin was made worse by the hints of sunburn across his cheeks and nose. His arms and neck were burned too.
Much like he was doing with his dick, he ignored the sunburn. The bedroom was still dark, and he bypassed the underwear and went for the bed, flopping his exhausted body onto the mattress. The sheets were cold against his freshly showered skin. He tucked himself in, rubbing his legs together to build some warmth. His hand hit his cellphone. That was another thing he’d done today. He’d forgotten his phone when he left this morning. He never forgot his phone.
Palming his cell, he checked the missed calls. Those were all normal. He hadn’t missed anything too important. Then he went straight to his text messages. There were two. He opened them, and his eyes stopped over Mitch’s phone number. Mitch had sent him a text? Instead of opening his family’s first, he tapped the screen and read the few words Mitch had sent him. The time of the text was five fifty-eight this morning. Okay, close to seven Eastern time. His heart did a flip-flop as he read the words.
“I enjoyed last night. I got off a couple of times before you fell asleep. Your voice is amazing. Call me today when you get a chance.”
He dropped the phone and looked up at the dark ceiling and closed his eyes. He let himself reminisce over the few details he vividly remembered from last night. His eyes snapped open when his hand moved to his rock hard cock and his hips automatically arched for the touch.
“No…No!” He picked up the phone and reread the text. It came in fifteen hours ago. Surely since he hadn’t responded, Mitch would get the hint and move on, right? Cody stared back up at the ceiling and then back at the phone. It was already ten thirty at night, eleven thirty in Washington, DC. Ah hell, he needed to man up, and end this thing. He couldn’t leave Mitch on the hook like that. Cody decided on a text.
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” It took him a second before he finally hit send. There, he’d replied. Technically he should have called, but Mitch messed with his head too much. He chose the chicken’s way out by sending the text. As he continued to lie there, he reasoned everything out again reaffirming his decision to stand strong and stop all this non-sense. He was twenty-six years old. He had a certain time frame laid out for his life. He had goals. None of those goals included having his heart trampled on by a player who enjoyed the sex ‘em and leave ‘em game as well as Mitch Knox probably did. Distractions like those were bad if he wanted to achieve his dreams.
“What’s not a good idea?” That reply text had him narrowing his brow. He thought he’d been pretty clear.
“Us, we’re not a good idea.” Cody explained quickly. There, no confusion in those words. Seconds later his phone vibrated, and he opened the message.
“There’s an “Us”? You elevated you and I to an us, like a couple?” Okay, now that made Cody feel like an ass. Had he misunderstood Mitch’s intentions? No, he hadn’t, right? Oh, man.
“No, I’m not saying we’re a couple, I’m just saying, we should probably not do this.” Cody typed back.
“It might be all right to say “us”. I like the idea, not opposed to it in any way. Probably should spend more time getting to know each other first though. I think that’s kind of the more natural way of it. But you don’t like texting?” Mitch texted back to him. Cody looked at the phone, read the words, and then re-read them. What? How had Mitch come to the conclusion that he didn’t like texting? And then the phone began to ring in his hand. Glancing down at the screen, his stomach twisted and his heartbeat sped up. Mitch. He so didn’t need this, not right now. He let the phone ring four times before he decided to answer.
“Hello?” It came out more as an uncertainty than a greeting.
“You don’t like texting?” Mitch’s smooth deep voice made his body tighten and his dick pay even closer attention. Fuck, he was in serious trouble here. Why had he even texted Mitch back tonight?
“No, texting’s fine,” Cody managed, even though his mouth went dry and his voice was a little shaky. Mitch had a way of making him like that, all hot and flustered.
“Okay. Texting’s generally easier for me too, especially when I’m working. What about this us thing? I’m confused about that,” Mitch said.
“I didn’t mean us like that,” Cody said, slightly at a loss for words.
“What did you mean?” Mitch sounded confused, and Cody didn’t know how to explain. This was why he’d chosen to text. Texting was so much easier than a one-on-one conversation. And how did he make Mitch understand what he meant? How did he say that Mitch was too far out of his league? He didn’t play those kinds of games. Mitch was too hot and too smooth….Cody was more of a relationship kind of guy. All that sounded way too lame and he closed his eyes, running his palm over his face. Why had he even texted Mitch in the first place? Mitch’s voice caught him off guard. “Are you there? Did I lose you?”
“No, I’m here,” Cody finally answered.
“What are you doing right now?” Mitch asked. Cody froze. He certainly couldn’t say lying in bed, right? Yeah, no that would definitely be a bad idea. “Is that a hard question too?” Mitch laughed this time, and Cody gave an inner groan.
“That sounded hot. What are you doing that you’re making sounds like that, I’d really like to watch.” Mitch’s voice had dropped an octave or two lower. Cody sighed and pushed himself up in bed, resting against the headboard since he couldn’t find it in himself to just tell Mitch to stop calling him.
“I was thinking about going to bed. You know like sleep, and I saw your text,” Cody answered truthfully.
“You just got my text from this morning?” Mitch sounded surprised.
“I left my phone at home today. It’s been that kind of day. I forgot it this morning when I headed out the door.” He crossed his legs at the ankles and pulled the cover across his waist silently berating himself. His stupid heart was connecting during his break-up call and that was what scared him the very most, the fear of a broken heart.
“I wondered why you didn’t text me back. My ego was a little hurt today because of it. But I’m good now. So, what did you do on your day off?” Mitch questioned.
“I moved cattle. My family has a farm down near Austin.”
“I figured something like that. You look like a cowboy. Do you have a laptop?” Mitch asked.
“Yes,” Cody answered wearily.
“Can you get it? I’ll Skype you,” Mitch said. “Tell me your email address again?”
Cody paused and forced himself to stop this before it started. He opened his mouth to say the words he’d tried to use in the very first text, but those didn’t come out. Instead he rattled off his email address. “Give me a minute.”
He left the phone on the bed, went to the living room, grabbed the laptop, and returned to his bedroom. He looked in the dresser mirror to make sure his hair wasn’t sticking every which way and debated putting on some a
thletic shorts. Instead he opted to tuck himself back in bed, covering everything below the waist. He opened his laptop and put the phone to his ear again.
“Okay, I opened the program, what do I do now?”
After a moment, Mitch’s profile picture filled the screen. Oh fucking hell, the guy was hotter than he remembered. Need instantly slammed into his body causing his dick to tent the sheet. Thank god Mitch couldn’t see that.
What the hell was wrong with him? He was such a fucking contradiction. He’d just relaxed on this bed and decided to end this stupid intense infatuation, and now he was answering Mitch’s call on Skype. The reasoning side of his brain finally made an appearance. He clearly wanted Mitch. That was obvious. He just didn’t want to want him.
As the call connected and video initiated, all Cody could do was stare down at the screen—Mitch reclined against his headboard with his laptop in his lap, too, and not wearing a shirt. Damn, the man was so freaking fine, with all that bulked up, tattooed chest showing. A detailed cross decorating his left pectoral muscle and the words ‘Only God Can Judge Me’ inked in black scroll across his collarbone stood out like a beacon against his olive skin. The man’s dimples showed, big and tempting. All Cody could think about was pressing his lips to one of them.
Fuck my life.
“You can put the phone down now,” Mitch chuckled. Cody slowly lowered the cell and kept his eyes on the screen with his mouth shut tight. Like he’d thought a hundred times since meeting Mitch, he was so in over his head. Cody closed his eyes at the thought and ran a hand over his face and through his still damp hair.
“We were talking about what you did today. Your family has a farm in Texas? It’s like big enough to run cattle?” Mitch questioned.
Cody nodded. He’d lost count of how much land they still owned. Over the last ten or so years, the area where they lived had started to grow. They had slowly sold parts off. He guessed maybe they still had six to eight hundred acres, but who knew for sure with his brain so jumbled.
“Did you grow up there?” Mitch asked.
“I did,” Cody finally said something. He was proud of himself.
“I grew up in New York. I’m a Yankee, I guess,” Mitch smiled. Those damn dimples were back. “Do you live at home still?”
“I have a place in Austin,” Cody answered.
“That’s right. I think you told me that last night. You live alone.”
“Right.” Cody couldn’t take his eyes off Mitch. How in the world had someone like him drawn the interest of a guy like Mitch?
“I’m gonna tell you something… You sure look good against that headboard. That’s a headboard, isn’t it? Are you in bed?” The smile spread further across Mitch’s face.
“Yes. I’m sitting in bed. Are you in bed?” Seeing that smile on Mitch’s face and admitting he was in bed made his body tighten even more.
“Your voice got lower. I get it. I feel the same way. And yes, I’m in bed too,” Mitch said, and Cody watched as Mitch rested his hands behind his head. His chest muscles flexing as he settled into position. Fuck! His dick swelled with every movement Mitch made.
“This, between us. It isn’t very good timing for me,” Cody finally blurted out.
“Is that what you were trying to say in your text?” Mitch’s face softened as he stared back at him.
“Yes, I…I can’t…” Mitch cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
“I agree. It’s terrible timing for me too, but I can’t seem to get you out of my head.”
Besides the fact that was exactly the problem Cody was having about Mitch, no one had ever said anything like that to him before. He had no idea how to respond to those words. All he could do was stare at the screen. His heart picked up an even faster beat, his breath slightly panted, and he focused on Mitch’s chest, once again reading the words ‘Only God Can Judge Me’ tattooed on his chest. He could already tell that was Mitch’s motto for life. The guy was perfect, and he wanted to take him all in, so he let his gaze slide lower, as far as the screen would let him.
“Ah, you’re killing me, man. And it’s that right there. That thing you do right there. It’s that distance you carry, but when you open yourself up and let yourself feel, you’re hot as hell,” Mitch said, leaning his face into the webcam as he spoke.
“What?” Cody wasn’t sure he understood. Mitch paused, clearly thinking before he spoke again.
“You’re telling me you don’t want me, but you’re eye-fucking me all at the same time. That’s hot as hell. You’re fucking gorgeous, Cody. Last night got me off like you were right here fucking me. I closed my eyes, and damn, I could just imagine the look on your face when you came.” Mitch moved so his face completely filled the screen. “Let me see you, let me watch you.”
Cody sat there waging an internal battle. The problem keeping him from closing the screen was, deep down, Cody was too drawn to Mitch. He wanted him in the worst way, more than he’d ever wanted any other man before. Maybe he should give in and do what his body and instinct begged him to do.
“Push the sheet down, show me what’s under there. I need to see you, Cody.” Mitch’s voice sent chills across his body. Damn, he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from Mitch’s gaze. His eyes were the most perfect shade of amber he’d ever seen, compelling and provoking. His body heated under their scrutiny. Cody found himself obeying the command and slowly started to push the sheet lower. Damn it to hell, he wanted to give Mitch Knox exactly what he asked for.
Mitch had known from the minute he received Cody’s text that this was a pivotal step in getting to know Cody Turner. He’d played dumb, acted like he didn’t understand the point Cody tried to make. Hell, he knew exactly what the guy meant, because he was usually the one making the damn excuses. But there was something so innocent and sweet about this hot cowboy that had him breaking protocol. He’d even teased the guy about rushing them into a relationship, but there was just no way to describe how excited he was to have Cody reaching out to him. Texting him, even if it was to tell him to back off.
Guy code dictated—if you aren’t interested, you never respond. Even if it was fifteen hours later, Cody responded. That meant he was in, no matter what he’d said.
“Push it lower. I want to see all of you.” Mitch watched as the sheet slid down Cody’s body, revealing a flat stomach and treasure trail of dark blond hair that had Mitch’s mouth watering at the promise of what was to come. That promise had him reaching for his own cock.
Mitch saw hesitation in the way Cody looked at him. “That’s it, don’t freak out on me now, cowboy, go ahead show me. Damn, I’m so fucking hard, Cody. You make me so motherfucking hard just thinking about what your dick looks like.” His eyes stayed focused on the screen as Cody’s perfect cock came into view.
“So beautiful, I knew you’d be,” he groaned.
“Yeah?” Cody looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Oh, yeah. Look at what you’ve done to me.” He pushed his laptop past his aching dick, spread his legs, and sat the computer on the bed between them. He bent his knees, adjusted the screen, propping his feet on either side of the laptop. From Cody’s intake of breath, he knew exactly what view Cody had. Fuck, his cock was already leaking just knowing that Cody watched him.
“See how hard you make me, Cody Turner?” He leaned back, his fingers circled his dick, and he started to slowly stroke himself. “Fuck, this feels so good.”
“Shit, that’s hot…I…I’ve never done anything like this before.” Mitch could hear the nervousness in Cody’s voice, but he hadn’t run away and that was a good thing.
“You mean you’ve never done anything this sexy before?” He gave Cody a wink and his own cock a few long, slow tugs, for Cody’s benefit of course.
“No, I guess not.” A shy smile lit up Cody’s face.
“Good then, I’ll be your first. I’m so going to pop your online cherry.” He waggled his brows and shot Cody a grin. “You want that,
Trooper Turner?”
“Ye…yeah, I do.” Cody’s sexy blue eyes locked on his.
“Then touch yourself for me and don’t hold anything back.” It was Mitch’s turn to groan when Cody wrapped his big fist around that swollen ruddy cock and started stroking.
“Mmm…that’s it. I love watching you, Cody. So beautiful. I need to taste that gorgeous dick,” Mitch murmured.
“Oh, god…” Cody’s hand picked up speed, and his breathing grew deeper, but his eyes stayed on Mitch, and then all of a sudden he was out of the picture. Mitch could hear his moans, and he could see part of the headboard, but Cody wasn’t there.
“Umm…Cody? Hey, Cody, I can’t see you, where did you go?” He spoke as loudly as he could without yelling.
He heard a rustling of the covers as the picture on the screen moved, and then Cody’s beautiful smile came into focus. “Oh, shit, sorry, I kinda moved and the laptop slid. I’m not that experienced at this.” Mitch could tell Cody was adjusting the laptop. He must have placed it on the nightstand because now he could see all of Cody’s big perfect body as he sprawled out on the bed and Cody’s hand returned to his cock.
“That’s much better, I can see everything and I like it. Do you like jacking off for me?”
Cody turned his head toward the camera and nodded. “I do,” he said breathlessly.
“That’s it babe, fuck your fist and pretend it’s my ass you’re driving into.” Mitch brought two fingers to his mouth and sucked them in, getting them wet. He stopped stroking his dick long enough to reach down, spread his cheeks, and work his fingers into his ass. He pumped them in and out slowly, watching as Cody fucked his fist, his hips thrusting hard up into his palm. Cody’s hooded eyes taking in every movement he made.
“Oh, god, Mitch. That’s so hot,” Cody moaned.
Mitch kept his fingers in his ass and pulled slowly on his cock with his other hand. He looked at the screen. Fuck, the look in Cody’s eyes was enough to force his orgasm from his body. He bucked up into his rough palm, his eyes drawn to Cody’s hand, stroking that big dick.