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The Horror Squad: The Mini Series 2 (Stories 8-14)

Page 13

by Weeks, TJ

  dreaded the thought of going to her two classes she had for the day and then to work. But, as always, she pushed on as her mom and dad had always taught her, or she would never make anything of herself. She

  showered and straightened her curly hair that she hated.

  “TASHA!” She screamed from

  upstairs. “YOU READY!” No response came from the downstairs bedroom. Shianne was sure she wasn’t even up yet. She grabbed her school bag and bounded down the stairs.

  “Tash, get the hell up, I gotta go!” She squealed. Tasha raised her head and picked up her phone. “I am already dressed, just waiting on you.”

  The two headed for the door and pulled it open to a heap of snow on the front porch.

  “Tell me again why I moved to Colorado to do my senior year?” Shianne stated with annoyance.

  “Because you love me and wanted to graduate together!” Natasha belted out.

  The two made their way through the snow and into the warmer truck. They backed out into the small culde-sac slowly and headed carefully down the white covered street. Finally finishing what should have been a ten minute drive after twenty minutes.

  “Glad we left early.” Shianne stated grabbing her books from the back. “What time you out today?” Tasha asked. “I have my Forensics class and that stupid ass history class, so about tenish, I work noon to close today though. I can come get you on my lunch break at three.” She explained to her best friend.

  Natasha nodded and hugged

  Shianne then the two went their separate ways to class.

  Shianne rushed to her forensics class that she loved. Seeing as how that was the field that she wanted to go to college for, she enjoyed the hour immensely every day. She

  participated in absolutely everything in that class and always searched for more information from the teacher. She had been one of the best students the whole year. She hated to leave and go to her next class, but it was a must if she wanted to graduate. It was a history class that had not made it onto her transcripts when she transferred and she was being made to take it again for the credit. She usually read her Forensics books while she sat in that class and just took the tests, did the work as it came about and passed with flying colors.

  Finally the bell rang and Shianne made her way to the hall to wait and walk Tasha to her next class and then home to change for work.

  Shianne had worked since the day she turned sixteen, that was the one thing she had actually listened to her parents on. She knew that if she didn’t have a job, she would not be able to make it anywhere in life. She wanted to be able to support herself and not have to depend on anyone. She was destined to finish school, go to college and work. Her life was filled with many goals and she wanted to reach them.

  “You want fries or tots?” She asked the man on the other end of her head set.

  “Tots please.” The m an answered. Shianne took pride in her job, no matter what it may have been, even the fast food one that she had.

  Shianne bounded out of the door with the tray of food and introduced herself to the man, read his order back to him and handed him his food. The man thanked her and handed her his money along with a five dollar tip.

  Shianne smiled and thanked him and went in to take more orders for the team to make.

  After picking up Tasha, taking her to her job then back to hers, finishing her shift and back to pick up her friend. The two tired girls made it home through the snow, into their warm bedrooms and into bed to rest themselves for the next day.

  Shianne’s alarm went off at six A.M. to wake Tasha for her ROTC practice. Shianne made her way downstairs to wake her up but Tasha was already up and in uniform.

  “Ready sunshine?” She asked Shianne. “Shut up, I don’t have class until nine today. I’m just up to take you.” Shianne spat at her.

  Tasha laughed at Shianne’s

  grumpiness. The two made their way back out onto the snow covered road and to the school. Shianne got back home and decided if she laid back down she would end up back asleep so she stayed up to watch TV until it was time for her to take a shower.

  Shianne headed to her History class as she entered the school. She passed by Forensics and waved at her


  “Good paper Shianne!” The forensics teacher hollered as she passed by.

  “Thanks Mr. Crate!” Shianne proudly replied stopping long enough to pop her head back in the door. “That was a fun one.”

  “BEEEEEP” The bell sounded for her History class to be over. Natasha had beat her there today, in the same place they met every day after her History class.

  “Did you hear about the bullshit going on at the middle school?” She asked Shianne.

  “Well no, I have been in class paying attention to what the teacher was saying.” She said sarcastically.

  “Someone killed one of the kids, the school is on lockdown, they are investigating now and about to lockdown all of the schools.” She explained.

  “Glad I am leaving then. I gotta be at work at two today.” Shianne told her stopping at Tasha’s next class.

  “Falcon High School is officially on lock down, no one is allowed to enter or exit. If you have a cell phone, feel free to call your parents.” The voice of the secretary came over the PA system.

  “Oh hell no!” Shianne hollered at the speaker on the wall. “”Shianne, people are killing people out there. Please stay, it has to bw dangerous if they are locking down the school.” Tasha told her.

  Shianne sat down on one of the benches against the wall. “I have a few hours, but I have to be out of here by one.”

  Shianne made her way to Mr. Crate’s class to sit in on his next class, just for good measure.

  “Today we are going to test a few things and see if we can figure out a crime scene. Shianne this is old for you, but you can help the others.” He proudly stated of his best student.

  Shianne nodded and rose from her seat to help. Mr. Crate walked past her and patted her on the back. Shianne smiled and listened to him explain what the lower classmen were to do until the PA interrupted.

  “Attention Falcon High School!” The voice said in almost a panic. “We will be locked down for the rest of the day and possibly into the night, unless your parents come to pick you up, that includes seniors. There has been a confirmed attack and until all is figured out, we are to keep you all here safe.” The shaky woman’s voice explained.

  Shianne took out her cell and called her boss. He answered quickly. “We are closed today Shianne!” He stated and then quickly hung up.

  “What the hell is going on? What kind of attack?” She quietly

  questioned herself.

  Mr. Crate approached Shianne as she looked a bit perturbed. “What is it kid?” He asked.

  “The schools are locking down, work is closed. What the hell is going on out there?” She questioned.

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” He stated and continued his lesson. Shianne peered out of the

  classroom window, waiting for an answer to pass in front of her.

  Nothing showed to her except a few birds in the sun that had finally

  peeked out and began to melt the snow that had unseasonably fallen. Shianne turned to help a freshman student complete her analysis of the crime scene she had been given and the class began to rise from their chairs in a ruckus. Screams echoed out and the sound of the desks

  scooting across the floor hurt her ears. Shianne looked at everyone and finally realized they were all staring and pointing out the window she just stood at. Shianne turned just as the man took his last step to approach the window.

  He was covered in blood and what looked like dried guts glued to his shirt. His face was sunk in like someone was standing behind him pulling his extra skin back. His mouth hung open because the skin had been tugged so tight around his face, he couldn’t close it. He was able to clatter his teeth that were inundated with particles in between them. He chomped a few times then stopped and cocked his
head to the right and began to walk again running face first into the window. He put up his hands and dragged them across the rectangle window showing the torn muscle on one of his forearms and spreading blood from the top to the bottom of the glass.

  Shianne jumped back and turned to Mr. Crate who was backed up against the far wall with the other kids. She looked back to the window, stared at the man and then walked forward to gain a better perspective on the situation. Mr. Crate arrived by her side in seconds and took her by the shoulders.

  “He could have a gun.” He

  whispered. “Everyone into that closet right there just in case.”

  The class began to pile into the closet in a panic and shut the door. “I don’t think this is the type of guy to have a gun.” Shianne stated pulling forward.

  “You don’t know Shianne, I can’t let you get any closer.” He whispered. “My dad writes horror for a living; this is definitely not that type of situation.” She said aloud.

  Shianne took another step forward, the man outside hit the window with his dilapidated arm and growled a loud deep sound. His teeth clattered a few more times before he ran face first into the window again.

  “I need to find Tasha!” Shianne turned and ran out of the classroom. “TASHA!” She screamed running down the hall.

  Tasha ran into the empty hallway to meet Shianne. “What the hell are you screaming for?” Tasha stood still waiting for Shianne to approach. “What is


  “Zombies, let’s go!” Shianne grabbed her arm. “What are you talking about?” She asked as she was dragged down the hall.

  “The emergency is zombies, there was one at that forensic lab window. We need to get to my parents. Get in the damn truck!” Shianne told her as they approached the front door of the school.

  “You have got to be kidding, there is no damn way there are zombies out there.” Tasha half laughed.

  Shianne pointed out of the glass door toward the student parking lot. Four men and a woman and small child walked in a group through the vehicles. All of them were dirty and looked like homeless people

  searching the cars with their eyes as they passed by them.

  “Shianne those are just homeless people looking to break into cars, let’s go get Officer Sanchez and get him out there.” Tasha expressed.

  “Look just a bit closer. Remember my dad’s Gnawing Bone book we read?” Shianne explained. “They don’t always look like full zombies right off the bat.”

  Tasha stood and watched what Shianne already knew was a horde of them. The group came closer to the front of the school and Tasha was finally able to see the group of bloodied bodies stumbling their way.

  “Oh my God! The side door!” Tasha told Shianne. The two ran around the office and down the hall to the side door that was closer to the student parking lot. They peered out of the door searching for a chance to run and not get caught by anymore of these preying people.

  “Okay, you have to run, there is no stopping, there is no hesitation. We have to run. The truck is open, you get in on the passenger side and I will get in on the driver’s side.

  Understand?” Shianne instructed.

  Tasha nodded as Shianne turned the deadbolt on the door. She slowly pushed the door open just enough to get through.

  “One, two, three, GO!” She

  whispered. Tasha and Shianne ran down the small sidewalk to the parking lot, they weaved in and out of the few cars to get to the truck. The plan worked with success. Theyclosed the truck doors at the same time and sat trying to catch their breath.

  “What…about…all of the others?” Tasha tried to ask. “We can’t worry about them Tash, we have to get to my parents, they will know what to do.” Shianne said starting the truck.

  She backed out of the parking lot and headed down the narrow aisle of cars. A child from the horde stepped out in front of her, Shianne swerved, but still hit him. Tasha looked behind them as the small kid rolled across and under another vehicle.

  “You just hit that kid!” Tasha confirmed. “Yep, it was a zombie, screw the zombie kids, they are the creepiest ones anyway.” Shianne sped out of the parking lot and onto the street.

  They drove a few blocks toward the middle school to get to the highway. “Mrs. Tynes?” Shianne questioned.

  A woman in a flowered dress limped into the street and reached for the truck as it sped by.

  “Oh my god, our teachers are zombies!” Tasha screamed and

  covered her face.

  “I told you, the apocalypse is here. We have to get to mom and dad. Call them!” Shianne handed Tasha her phone.

  Tasha pushed the button to call Kris. A loud busy signal sounded in her ear and caused her to pull the phone back from her ear.

  “Pretty sure phone signal is gone.” Tasha stated poking her finger in her ear.

  “Shit, we’re goint to head to Texas, we have to stop and get gas. I have enough to get us out of Colorado, maybe there won’t be any hordes that far out.” Shianne hoped for the best.

  The two drove on and spotted a few of the zombies walking from their small town of Peyton.

  “I’m hoping this all started here and we can out run them to be able to stop for gas.” Shianne watched them in her rearview.

  They finally hit the next town and Shianne pulled into a Shell station, she ran around the truck, popped her credit card into the card reader and punched the button it instructed. “It works!” Shianne hollered.

  She willed the gas to pump faster and waited for the pump to click telling her it was full. The numbers on the screen showed twenty two dollars and then the pump went blank. Shianne pulled the lever again and nothing was coming out. She pulled the nozzle out and pulled the lever again, a drip of gas dropped to the ground.

  “Shit!” Shianne dropped the nozzle to the ground ran back to the driver’s side. “I got some gas, but it would have taken another ten to fill it up, the pump went dead. Maybe we can hit another one that still has power.” Shianne explained starting the truck.

  A man pushed open the door to the store and peered at them before taking a step towards them. Tasha rolled her window down.

  “Did your power go out sir?” she asked.

  The man continued his clumsy stumble toward them.

  “Roll it up! Roll it up! Roll it up!” Shianne hollered. Tasha’s window was an inch from the top when the man slammed against the truck. He stuck his fingers into the crack left and Tasha

  continued rolling up the window. The man’s fingers were squeezed and then crunched before they fell into her lap. Tasha pulled her feet into the seat and stood bent over in the truck seat and backed her ass into Shianne’s face as she screamed about the bloody fingers now in her seat. The man stood outside the truck still pressing his bloody hand onto the window.

  “Get them away! Go away you fucking asshole!” She screamed. Shianne pressed on the gas and got out of the parking lot.

  “Sit down dammit!” Shianne pushed her ass over.

  “There are damn fingers in my seat, fuck that! Fuck this!” Tasha cried. Shianne reached over and wiped the fingers into the floorboard and pulled Tasha by the shirt for her to sit. Tasha sat, but half on Shianne, she sat in the middle of the bench seat that went across the truck.

  “Can you scoot over a bit so I can drive and get the hell off of my lap?” Shianne asked with frustration.

  Tasha wiped the blood with a fast food napkin that was on the dash and threw it quickly to the floor.

  “Ewww, I can’t deal with this, I am not going to make it through this shit, I can’t do blood Shianne. I am going to get eaten.” Tasha squealed in disgust.

  “Hell Tasha, sit down, shut up and start acting like you got a pair! At least you are not out there with them and you are in here with me.” Shianne hollered.

  Tasha looked at Shianne and began to cry. “Why are you so damn mean?” Tasha put her hands over her face and the tears started streaming.

  “You know I am scared to, but we can’t lo
se our shit just yet. We have to get somewhere safe and then we can do whatever in the hell we want. Suck it up Tasha!” Shianne demanded.

  The two drove down the road in silence for a long time. The twists and turns were coming to an end in the state they were trying to escape from. They both saw the sign that told them they were entering the small part of New Mexico they would have to go through to get to Texas. Shianne drove on without speaking a word. The flat deserted land was almost scary as Shianne kept an eye on the sides of the road for anything that moved or any signs of zombies. Shianne thought it was strange that things seemed to be so quiet. She thought maybe she was right, maybe the apocalypse had not made it out of Colorado.

  “We will stop at the next store. We need to get more gas and grab some food. We still have quite a few hours ahead of us to go.” Shianne broke the silence.

  Tasha nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I am getting a bit hungry.” Tasha replied.

  Shianne saw a tall sign up ahead, soon she was able to read the word “GAS” and pulled into the parking lot. The lot was as empty as the rest of the state had been. There were no other cars, she was unable to see any people inside the store but all of the lights inside were on as she pulled up to the gas pumps.

  “I need you to keep a look out while I get gas, if you see a zombie you have to tell me.” She told Tasha.

  Tasha nodded and began to scan the parking lot. “All clear so far.” Shianne slowly pulled the lever to open the door and stepped out. She swiped her card into the gas pump card reader and grabbed the nozzle to place in her truck. She pulled the handle up, locked it and began to turn slow circles to take in her

  surroundings. The pump stopped and she turned to pull the lever back up to make sure it was full. She pumped the lever two more times then replaced the nozzle into its holder. Shianne twisted the cap to the gas tank closed and turned to grab the door handle to the truck to get back in but ran into a small child standing at her door. The child had a stream of blood coming from her mouth, her shirt had been torn and her small shorts she wore were soiled with urine. Her hair matted with blood and stuck straight up on one side. The child lunged forward, opened her mouth to take in a piece of Shianne’s arm. She back handed the small child and it hit the cement barrier that blocked the gas pump. The small girl looked to be about ten years old, Shianne began to cry at hurting the child and stood watching her in guilt. The child rose from the ground and shook her head, she began to stumble back towards Shianne and lunged at her again, she grabbed her arm and began to bring it to her mouth. Shianne did not want to hit the child again, but she popped back to reality quickly as she felt the dirt from the child’s hand grind into her wrist. Shianne raised her other hand and punched the child in the head, the little girl loosened her grip and dropped to the ground, Shianne kicked the child with anger. Shianne kicked the child three more times and stomped on its head to stop it from squirming.


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