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Protecting Her Heart: A Lesbian Billionaire And Her Nanny Romance

Page 7

by Berri Fox

  After everyone is gone and everything is cleaned up, Tiffany and I plop down on the couch. We’ve put Ana to bed and, for now, don’t have anything that requires our urgent attention.

  I lean against her before I remember that we don’t quite know what this is. I pull away, embarrassed.

  Tiffany smiles at me. “It’s okay. You can lean on me.”

  I sigh and go back to leaning against her. It feels nice after the night that we’ve had.

  It’s funny. I should feel so much more stress, but it all just melts away when I’m touching her.

  Here goes nothing. I decide to take the plunge and ask what I’ve been wondering.

  “What is this?” I ask while I’m still feeling brave.

  She hesitates. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean,” I say.

  “What do you want it to mean?” she asks. She sounds a little scared.

  I almost have to laugh at that. Tiffany Wake is afraid of my thoughts on something. I would have never expected this to happen when we first met.

  I reflect back on the events that have unfolded since we met. We’ve had our trials and tribulations. If this happened with anyone else, I would for sure think they came with too much drama and baggage.

  But there’s something different about Tiffany. She’s just different than anyone else I’ve met before. She’s genuine and tough. She’s soft when she needs to be.

  And I have to admit, I can see myself in her family. Ana and I get along and I just love her.

  I can’t go on without her. I’m in too deep. There’s no turning back now.

  So I need to tell her. I need to tell her all the things that are going on in my head and in my heart.

  “I don’t want to ever be without you,” I say. I look up at her. “That’s how I feel. I want to date you seriously. I can’t go back to how things were before knowing now how incredible you are.”

  She looks frozen. I don’t think she breathes the entire time I’m talking. Then, she lets out the breath she’s been holding, and she smiles.

  “I feel the same way,” she says.

  A knot of anxiety I didn’t know was there releases. I sigh happily and wrap my arms around her, getting more comfortable. I could definitely get used to this.

  I’m happy I’ll be able to get used to this.

  She strokes my hair, and, for a while, we just enjoy each other’s company. I happily melt into her while our breathing sinks up. It’s a nice break from the chaos that’s been going on recently.

  But then I realize that I want more. I think she’s thinking the same thing.

  My hands wander around her body and her hands wander around mine. It isn’t sexual at first. We’re simply getting used to each other’s body. We’re exploring what we now own through our relationship.

  I’m hers and she’s mine. Nothing can ever change that.

  She continues to do this for a while before slipping a hand underneath my shirt. Her hand wanders around my back and stomach before reaching up for my breasts. I chuckle and smile up at her.

  “I think I know what you want,” I say. “I want it too.”

  “Let’s go to my bedroom,” she says. She leans down to give me a kiss. “We’ll figure everything else out tomorrow.”

  She gets up and offers her hand to me. She’s so chivalrous.

  I take her hand. She leads me upstairs to her bedroom. I feel like I’m floating on air as we walk.

  When we reach the bedroom, she shuts the door behind us and pulls me in for another kiss. I happily kiss back.

  We’ve never kissed quite like this before. It’s new, but just as good as the kisses that were driven by lust. This one is driven by love.

  I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me. I’m frustrated at the results. These pesky clothes are keeping me away from my girlfriend.

  I start to pull at her clothes and she pulls at mine. We quickly undress each other and toss our clothes haphazardly aside.

  I pull her in for another kiss. She takes me over to the bed and we lay down in it. I cuddle up to her. Now we’re close.

  I look over her and she looks over me. Our bodies are tangled together. With her leg in between mine, I know she can feel how wet I’m getting. She smiles and gives me another kiss.

  “Let’s do something about this,” she says as she reaches down to play with my pussy. She pushes me onto my back and spreads my legs.

  She starts to slowly play with my clit, building up the pleasure inside of me. I didn’t know it was possible, but it feels even better than it did before. I think it’s because I’m more sure now.

  I know I’m not going to lose her and she’s not going to lose me. We’re holding onto to each other for the rest of our lives.

  And it certainly is a nice bonus that she knows how to make a girl feel good. While she’s massaging me, she reaches over to her bedside drawer and pulls out a few toys. She spreads out a few dildos and vibrators on the bed.

  She leans down and gives me a kiss.

  “Now we can really have fun tonight.” She says.

  I don’t know if it’s that she’s doing something different now or that the anticipation is making me hornier, but that might be the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me.

  I spread my legs a bit more and thrust my hips up towards her. I know it probably looks lewd, but I’m too worked up to care. She’s all mine and we’re about to have the best sex of our lives.



  Rachel is thrusting her hips up at me. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. I try to keep my head on straight while I plan my next move.

  Though I suppose if I don’t remember everything, I can always try it later. The thought makes me practically giddy. I can’t believe that the gorgeous, writhing naked woman in front of me is my girlfriend.

  The thought only makes me more determined to give her the best sex of her life. I want her to feel so good, she remembers this moment forever.

  And I’ll be there to make sure she does. I’m never leaving her side again.

  After all of the craziness of tonight, I think we both need this. It isn’t as urgent as it was last time, but we need each other just the same.

  I would move mountains for her. I didn’t think I’d feel this way about someone ever again. She’s someone I trust enough to be with my family. Someone I trust to always love me.

  And I’ll always love her. I’ll remind her of that every day. She’ll never feel a bad feeling ever again if I have something to say about it.

  I grab one of the dildos and start to slowly pump it into her. She moans as it enters her. She thrusts her hips down onto it, fucking herself with it.

  She’s wet enough that it slides in easily. How did I get so lucky that someone I love like this would be this sexy?

  I lean down and kiss over her breasts. She arches her back up towards me. I gladly take the invitation and begin to suck on her breasts while I fuck her with the dildo.

  This part is just to build some anticipation. I hope she doesn’t think I’ve forgotten about her clit. That’s for the grand finale.

  I get her nice and worked up. Her moans turn me on more and more. Finally, I can’t take it anymore, and neither can she. She pushes me over to my side. I slide the dildo out of her.

  She takes a dildo of her own. This one vibrates. She turns it on a low setting.

  “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you.” She says this in a breathy whisper before leaning down to kiss me. She runs the dildo all over my body.

  It tickles me in all the right ways. I’m so overstimulated from getting her worked up that the slightest movement feels like an electric shock.

  Now it’s my turn to moan and writhe.

  She pays particular attention to my breasts with the vibrations. She circles them around, getting closer and closer to my nipples.

  Finally, she reaches them and runs over them with the dildo. I feel my nipples harden as she does. I als
o feel myself growing wetter and aching for a release.

  She plays with my nipples for a while before bringing the dildo down to my pussy. She slides it into me, fucking me with it. The vibrations feel intense, and she quickly finds my g-spot.

  She keeps going, make me want more.

  I grind against her. The motion feels incredible, but, ultimately, it isn’t what I want. These toys are fun, but nothing feels as good as she tastes.

  I gently push her hand away. She takes the dildo out of me and sets it aside.

  “I know what I want to do to you,” I say between kisses.

  “What’s that?” she whispers back.

  “You’ll see.”

  I give her a few more kisses and give her breasts some attention. She makes happy little noises as I do.

  I push her on her back and give her another kiss before sitting up. I scooch myself up the bed and straddle over her face. I lean forward for access to her pussy as well.

  I use my hands to spread her legs. I wiggle my hips above her. She laughs.

  I start to rub her clit.

  “This is no laughing matter,” I say. Her breath hitches in her throat.

  “I guess not,” she says between desperate pants.

  “Do you want it?” I ask.

  “Yes. So much.”

  I smile to myself.

  “Me too.”

  I lean down, putting my head in between her legs. I begin to eat her out. She lifts her head up in between mine and does the same.

  In this position, we’re like a circle of pleasure. The better I feel, the better I want to make her feel, and vice versa.

  I tease her and do my best to get her off. She does the same to me.

  She finishes first, orgasming hard. She stops eating me out for a moment while she does.

  I get off of her and massage her clit as she comes down. She looks happy and worn out. She smiles up at me.

  “Now it’s your turn,” she says.

  She pushes me onto my back and nestles in between my legs. She gets her head down and starts to lick me again. Her hands reach up and start playing with my breasts.

  I have to give it to her, this is an incredible feeling.

  I don’t last too long like this. I was already on the edge, and this is more than enough to push me over. I finish and feel my body spasm as wave after wave of pleasure washes over me.

  When I’m done, I pull her up close to me so I can hold her. I press my front to her back and spoon her. I hold her tightly in my arms.

  If it were up to me, we’d stay like this forever. This post-orgasm haze, sleepily holding each other feels like a dream come true.

  But maybe it’s good that it’s not up to me. Then we’d just be here. We’d be happy, but we’d never experience all the other happy things yet to come.

  I sigh as I hold her. I can feel her breathing start to slow as she drifts off to sleep. I follow shortly after, hoping I’ll dream of her.



  I sigh happily as I survey the shelves in front of me. I put in a huge order for around a hundred new titles from up and coming LGBT writers last week and the books have finally arrived. I’ve spent all day arranging them into a new display at the very front of the store.

  It’s quiet just now, but I know it’s about to pick up soon. We have a book signing taking place tonight, and then a new Domme is going to do a show at the after-hours club. Things are really picking up around here.

  Tonight also marks the unveiling of our new bar in the after-hours club, and I’m excited to see what people will think. Thanks to Tiffany’s investment I’ve completely remodeled the basement club and installed new equipment. It was closed for a month for renovations and tonight is the grand reopening.

  Our stock has expanded drastically and we’ve been able to implement a new stock checking routine thanks to the new technology Tiffany bought for the place.

  She suggested we hire decorators but I had a better idea. We bought gallons of paint from the hardware store and the bookstore girls and their kids, as well as all our friends and the kids who attend the story time sessions, all helped to paint the walls. The memory of excited shrieking, and the pleasure on the kids’ faces when they sit in their children’s corner now, make me beam with happiness.

  “What’s gotten you so happy?”

  I turn around as I hear Tiffany’s voice float across to me. I’m about to respond when Ana hits me with the full strength of her tiny body, making me take a step backwards.

  “Mama Rachel we’re going to eat pasta tonight! With cheese and carrots and strawberries!”

  I scoop her into my arms and make a face. “Ew, strawberries in pasta? That sounds gross, young lady.”

  She beams at me, throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me hard. “No, silly! The strawberries are after the pasta but they’re going to be the best bit, I can just tell.”

  Tiffany appears beside us and wraps her arms around us both. I reach up to kiss her softly on the lips, and lean back into her. I love being the little spoon with her, she always makes me feel safe and warm.

  “Well? What’s gotten you so excited?” Tiffany prompts me again.

  “Oh, just – this. The bookstore is thriving, everyone is happy. I have you.”

  “Sappy girl,” Tiffany teases, kissing me again.

  Ana breaks us apart and demands attention too. I laugh as I catch Tiffany’s eye, and we both swoop down to peck Ana on both cheeks. She giggles madly.

  “You ready to go or do you need more time here?” Tiffany asks me.

  This might be a big night for the after-hours club but I’m leaving it in Lucille’s capable hands. Tiffany is taking me and Ana for dinner at the new Italian place nearby that I’ve been dying to try for weeks.

  “Nah, I’m ready. Just let me get my coat and say goodbye to the girls.” I leave Tiffany and Ana to make their way back to the front of the store and head to the office to grab my coat and purse.

  I straighten a couple of displays on the way, and stop briefly to compliment one of our regulars on their latest book deal. I check my reflection in the mirror in the office, and carefully wipe away a smudge of lipstick from when Tiffany kissed me. I haven’t looked this happy in months.

  When I reach the front of the shop again, I find Ana surrounding by the girls. Tiffany winks at me as she spots me, and I realize that Ana is once again telling the story of how she got me and Tiffany together… with some extra embellishments of course.

  “And then I decided that because Mommy and Mama Rachel are both useless I’d have to steal myself to get their attention! So I did and then Mommy was crying because Mama Rachel couldn’t get out of the bathroom and then she did and then the police were there because there was some man there and he was yelling. But it was okay because Mommy got Mama Rachel out of the bathroom and was really soppy and then we got noodles.”

  “Who told you we’re both useless?” I ask her defensively as the girls all laugh.

  “Lucille,” Ana, Cody and Jess reply in unison.

  Lucille shrugs sheepishly. “Well you are useless. If you’d have just called me instead of moping about for weeks I could’ve told you that.”

  “Yeah, I was going to call you on your honeymoon and drag you away from your beautiful wife. Sure.”

  “The beautiful wife thanks you for your restraint,” Sara chimes in, and we laugh again.

  “See? I averted the first argument of your married life. You should be thanking me, not calling me useless!”

  “Ahh well, the first argument of our married life happened at the airport when Sara told me off for giving the boys too much cake and promising Lucas a pony so really you only prevented our second argument.”

  I snort as Sara swats Lucille around the head, but quickly rearrange my features into a more sympathetic expression when she turns to mock glare at me too.

  “When are we getting the pasta though? It’s now, right?” Ana has grown bored of us adults teasin
g each other, and my stomach rumbling tells me that it agrees with her priorities.

  “It is now, but you have to get your coat on.” Tiffany rolls her eyes at me before helping Ana shove her arms into her coat.

  I hug all of my girls in turn, squeezing Lucille extra tightly. “You’re the best,” I whisper to her.

  “Not as good as you. You’re doing a really good job Rachel, I’m so proud of you.” She whispers back, returning my squeeze.

  Despite Ana’s insistence that pasta needs to happen sooner rather than later, she insists we wait while she hugs all the staff members too. Then, she runs ahead of us to the door, before running back and grabbing our hands.

  As she leads us out of the bookstore and down the street, I look over and meet Tiffany’s eyes. She smiles at me, and my heart flips in my chest.

  I’ve never felt so happy and safe.




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