Devour (Hellish Book 2)

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Devour (Hellish Book 2) Page 1

by Charity Parkerson

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author


  Hellish 2

  Charity Parkerson




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author


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  --Warning: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Copyright © 2017 Charity Parkerson

  Editor: Hercules Editing and Consultants

  Cover art: Q Designs

  All rights reserved.


  The battle between Vampire and Demon rages on.

  It’s been two months since journalist Jonathan Jones uncovered a band of demons kidnapping women from Tortola. His run-in with the pack left him with him two choices—turn vampire or die. Now, as part of clan Hellish, Jonathan must learn a new way of life. He also has a huge problem—the turning has left him mated to the vampire prince, Niall. Unfortunately, Niall isn’t who owns Jonathan’s heart.

  Torn between Cin, the Scottish vampire who’s been his whole world for six years, and the vampire whose blood bond has Jonathan craving more, Jonathan has to find a way to hang on to his sanity. Between trying to uncover the demons’ secret agenda, a kidnapped demon spawn in their garage, and a love triangle tearing apart the clan, the Hellish group has their hands full. They need to work things out before the world comes to an end—literally.


  The small of Jonathan’s back called to him. The man had been sleeping on his stomach for hours. Niall would know. He’d been watching him. The bond between them was more than a sickness, and deeper than any addiction. He’d only turned one other human in his seven hundred years on earth. Niall hadn’t been allowed to touch that man either. Jonathan was different. He was right there, within reach, and taunting Niall with an existence that didn’t belong to him. Niall had gone away, hoping he wouldn’t do exactly as he was doing now—craving a man only feet away he could never have.

  As if the invisible link that bound them pulled him closer, Niall moved to Jonathan’s side. For several long minutes, he fought himself before touching his lips to the spot that held him captivated. Jonathan didn’t stir. Niall took advantage and did it again. His lips moved higher, savoring every bump in Jonathan’s spine. He could’ve easily moved lower as well. The gods knew how badly Niall wanted to drag his tongue over the curve of Jonathan’s ass. A low gasp caught in the back of Jonathan’s throat. Niall heard it like the loudest of gunshots. Before he did something he wouldn’t regret, Niall climbed into the empty spot next to Jonathan on the bed and stared at the man. With Jonathan’s eyes closed, Niall was free to enjoy the sight of his blood mate unimpeded. The dark slash of perfect eyebrows and the curve of his cheek; those things belonged to Niall, yet they didn’t.

  Two months ago, Niall had turned Jonathan to save his life after a demon Niall’s clan was battling had sliced the man’s throat. There were a thousand problems with that act, starting with how Niall had always secretly craved Jonathan, and ending with how they were now bound for eternity. Oh, and Jonathan was in love with one of Niall’s best friends. So, yeah, everything about this sucked.

  For Niall, besides the blood bond, the problem was Jonathan himself. Not only was the man two steps beyond sexy with his sparkling green eyes and choppy brown hair, he was crazy-smart and deliciously perverted. Most people wouldn’t know that last part. Niall wasn’t most people. As the fourth son of the vampire king, Niall was too far down the line to ever ascend to the throne, especially since they were all immortal. However, his untainted royal blood—passed down from the Gods — gave him powers most vampires didn’t have—like the ability to save Jonathan’s life when no one else could, and to see into anyone’s mind no matter how they tried shutting him out. That last part was a blessing and a curse. No one could stand against his interrogation, shut him from their dreams, or keep him from their perverse fantasies. The downside of no one keeping him out was no one kept him out. There was never a moment’s peace. Never any solitude. All Niall knew was noise.

  Sometimes he could focus on a solitary soul and everything would slow to a crawl—like now. Jonathan was soothing. Niall wanted to soak him in. Jonathan shifted in his sleep. His hand sought Niall’s, as if searching for an anchor. As their fingers linked, Niall released a slow breath through his nose, trying to control his true nature. He was at heart a beast. Jonathan was his blood mate, and Niall was the man’s prince. By law, there was nothing stopping him from rolling Jonathan beneath him and claiming the man as his. Their laws were the only thing not standing in his way.

  Instead of ruining his friendship with Cin, the vampire who’d won Jonathan’s heart, Niall closed his eyes and pushed his way inside Jonathan’s dream. A smile touched his lips the instant Niall caught his first glimpse of Jonathan’s nighttime fantasy. The man was spread eagle in the grass, staring up at a full moon. Even the man’s dreams were peaceful.

  “I wondered when you’d show up,” Jonathan said without turning his head. It was a fair call. Niall was guilty of visiting Jonathan’s dreams almost nightly. It was the safest way to soothe his desire to claim his mate without destroying anything tangible.

  “You know I can’t resist. Did you know most people don’t have control over their dreams? But I swear you do. It’s obvious you’re aware you’re dreaming, where most people are not, and shape your surroundings to suit your mood.”

  Jonathan’s gaze locked on Niall at the claim. The man’s smile caused Niall’s stomach to cramp with want. “It isn’t me I’m trying to please. You’re the one who needs a break from all the noise.”

  Niall’s chest tightened. Eternity had been especially cruel to him many times. Jonathan was no exception. The man was perfect in every way, except one—he’d never belong to Niall. He sucked it up as always.

  “Does that mean I’m free to join you?” Niall asked, motioning to the spot next to Jonathan on the ground.

  With a pat to grass, Jonathan lured Niall in. “Please do. I’ve kept your spot warm. I suppose, now that you realize I can somewhat control my dreams, you’ll be putting in
requests,” Jonathan said as Niall settled in next to him.

  Niall waited until he was on his back, shoulder to shoulder with Jonathan before responding. “Maybe I should.” He hadn’t meant for his voice to come out in a growl, but he couldn’t stop. The idea of Jonathan giving him anything, even in a dream, was too much temptation.

  A low chuckle rumbled from Jonathan. “If it’s sexual, I’ll need measurements. I’d hate to insult you one way or the other.”

  A bark of laughter escaped Niall. He snagged Jonathan’s hand and brought it to his lips. For a full minute, he simply held it there while breathing in the man’s scent. It was sweet—like he bathed in cotton candy. “If you’d asked, I would’ve asked for this. Just this. Your time is more precious than anything.”

  “You’re sad,” Jonathan said, sounding as if he’d pushed the words through a straw. Fuck. He’d forgotten to shield his thoughts from Jonathan. Normally, no one could breach his mind without his permission. As with all things now, Jonathan was different. Moments before Niall had turned Jonathan, Jonathan had freely offered his blood to heal Niall from an injury. When Jonathan had been dying, Niall hadn’t considered that before giving Jonathan the blood needed to pull him from death’s clutches. Their reasons for the blood exchange didn’t matter. It was equally unimportant no one had explained their world to Jonathan. The exchange was complete and binding for all eternity. They were now blood-mated vampires. In their world, it was the equivalent of a marriage, and it was permanent. There was no such thing as divorce—only the final death. Niall wouldn’t be allowed to turn another human as long as Jonathan lived. The man’s existence changed everything for Niall. That didn’t mean he had to let Jonathan feel his loneliness.

  “You should kiss me and take it away,” Niall said, infusing as much humor as he could drum up into his voice and only half joking. Damn, he loved when Jonathan caved and kissed him. Of course, it was only a dream. He’d never kissed Jonathan in reality.

  Jonathan chuckled. “I never know if you’re toying with me.”

  Before he could stop himself, Niall rolled and straddled Jonathan’s hips, pinning him to the ground. He stared down at the man he couldn’t shake. His green irises no longer held any trace of human. Now, they glowed with immorality. Niall had never wanted anyone more. “You should kiss me and take it away,” he repeated.

  Jonathan couldn’t hide his hunger, especially from Niall. His fingers curled around the hem of Niall’s T-shirt. The material tightened across Niall’s back as the man drew him down. Their gazes never wavered from each other. Niall’s mouth watered. His palms landed on the ground on either side of Jonathan’s head. He didn’t stop moving until barely an inch separated them.

  “Take it from me,” Niall whispered, needing Jonathan’s kiss.

  Jonathan closed the final gap between them. When their lips met, the knot living in Niall’s chest loosened. He didn’t deepen their kiss. Instead, he let his lips linger, giving Jonathan all the power. Jonathan could push him away or go as far as he liked. Niall would accept either fate. At least, that was what he told himself until Jonathan’s mouth opened over Niall’s bottom lip. He realized then how often he told himself lies. Niall told himself he’d be okay. Jonathan was better off with his clansman, Cin. He’d let Jonathan choose his fate. As their tongues met, Niall saw all those things for the falsehoods they were. Eternity was long. Too long to fight fate. They were meant to be together.

  “Niall,” Jonathan whispered as he switched angles. “You’re a hole missing from my heart. Don’t tell, okay?” he said before reclaiming Niall’s mouth. He understood. Jonathan loved Cin; so did Niall. Life had such a sick sense of humor.

  “No more,” Niall begged, because his heart couldn’t take it. He pulled from Jonathan’s dream and waited for the man to wake. With his gaze locked on Jonathan’s sleeping form, he didn’t realize Cin was there until his old friend spoke.

  “You’re back,” Cin said quietly, obviously not wanting to wake Jonathan. Niall moved to leave the bed. He had no right. Cin set his hand on Niall’s chest, stopping him. “No. Stay.” He climbed into bed at Jonathan’s other side.

  “I’m sorry,” Niall whispered, seeing all his fears come to life. He’d been back amongst his clan less than three hours and already he’d spent every single one of those seconds with Jonathan and stolen into Cin’s bed to be closer to his blood mate. “I know I shouldn’t be in here.”

  “You’re my prince and Jonathan’s mate. You have every right.”

  Sadness washed over him. This was why he’d stayed away. He’d known Cin would feel the weight of obligation. Niall’s throat burned. For over six years, Cin and Jonathan had been in love before this…

  “I should go.”

  Jonathan’s grip tightened on Niall’s hand. They were so connected at all times of the day, he’d forgotten they were holding hands. His gaze shot to Jonathan’s face. One light green eye popped open. Jonathan’s mouth turned up in one corner.

  “Niall.” He rolled back into Cin’s hold, letting Niall know Jonathan was equally aware of Cin’s presence.

  “Hey, babe.” Even Niall heard the breathless note to his voice. “Cin tells me you’ve been sleeping a lot—like you need my blood.”

  Jonathan’s disappointment hit Niall like a tidal wave washing over him, making it hard for him to breathe. “You only came in here to feed me.” It wasn’t a question. Jonathan was sure in his knowledge Niall wanted nothing else and would disappear again the moment it was done.

  This is all I’m allowed to give you. Don’t steal it from me.

  Jonathan chewed his bottom lip but gave Niall a short nod.

  “Thank you for this,” Cin said over Jonathan’s shoulder.

  Niall tore his gaze away from Jonathan’s beautiful eyes and focused on Cin. “It’s no problem. I worried this might happen.”

  “What?” Jonathan asked, pulling Niall’s attention back his way.

  Because he couldn’t lie to this man, Niall gave him brutal honesty. “You can survive on Cin’s blood alone, but you’ll always feel a bit weak if you do. His blood isn’t as powerful as mine, and I’m the one who turned you.”

  How often?

  Niall understood Jonathan’s mental question. He wanted to know how often he’d be forced to suffer through drinking from Niall. The draw between them was almost crippling every second of the day, but when feeding… It was only a matter of time before this blew up in their faces.

  Every four to six weeks, probably closer to four.

  To Niall’s surprise, a smile exploded across Jonathan’s face. “You can’t go away again. I’ve got you trapped now.”

  “Is it still a trap if I willingly chose it?”

  Jonathan’s mouth quirked. “If we’re getting philosophical, it’ll have to wait until I’m not so tired.”

  At the reminder, Niall dropped Jonathan’s hand and cupped the back of his head, drawing the man closer. He could offer his wrist, but Niall couldn’t resist pulling Jonathan in and offering his throat instead. Jonathan held his stare. Niall moved slower than ever before, dragging out the anticipation. Teasing himself. Jonathan’s mouth on his skin was a sensation he wanted to savor.

  It was worse than expected. The lust lingering from Jonathan’s dream mixed with Jonathan’s purposeful teasing nearly caused Niall to come in his jeans once Jonathan’s mouth touched his neck. Jonathan wasn’t content to take Niall’s blood and send him on his way. The man treated the exchange like a test of wills. His lips brushed Niall’s throat in a lingering kiss before parting. The man’s tongue caressed Niall’s vein. The only thing saving Niall from complete loss of control was Cin’s presence, holding Niall’s gaze over Jonathan’s shoulder. Light blue eyes held him pinned in place as Jonathan’s fangs pierced Niall’s skin. Cin’s cheeks flushed as if it was happening to him. He found himself reaching for Cin’s hand. When their palms met, Niall’s lungs finally filled with air. They were in this together.


The longing in Jonathan’s voice as it filled Niall’s head was massive. He knew that whatever Jonathan asked of him in that tone, he’d get.

  You have to make me stop, Niall. His short fingernails scraped Niall’s side, heading for the waistband of Niall’s jeans. I don’t want to stop.

  It was hell, but Niall pushed Jonathan away, allowing Cin to pull the man against his chest. The lust coating the air was cloying. Niall could scarcely breathe from it.

  His fingers were still linked with Cin’s. Cin tightened his grip when Niall tried pulling away. “You should stay.”

  With a shake of his head, Niall finally managed to free himself. “Jonathan needs you to care for him.”

  Cin’s lips brushed Jonathan’s shoulder, but his gaze never left Niall’s. “Tell him, Jonathan. He should stay.”

  The lust dripping from Cin’s offer almost convinced Niall.

  “You should stay,” Jonathan said, making it even harder for Niall to pull away, especially when Jonathan’s thoughts hit him. Images of the three of them together, enjoying every fantasy Niall ever experienced. Niall couldn’t draw a breath around the desire. Against his better judgment, Niall dragged his thumb down Jonathan’s bottom lip. His gaze locked on the sight. He wanted to capture that lip between his teeth as he sank inside his mate. Temptation was a cruel bitch.

  If I thought you meant it, I’d stay.

  If I thought you’d stay, I’d mean it.

  “Let Cin ease the ache.”

  Niall slipped from the bed before he did something he couldn’t take back.

  Who’ll ease you?


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