Devour (Hellish Book 2)

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Devour (Hellish Book 2) Page 2

by Charity Parkerson

The question came as Niall closed the bedroom door behind him. He didn’t let the inquiry slow him. No one will until you do, baby.

  Since Niall couldn’t shut Jonathan out, he turned his thoughts to the reluctant guest he had locked in the garage. His frustration needed some form of relief.

  Cin’s hand slid down Jonathan’s torso. “He’s right. I can feel the way your body aches.”

  “That’s because you’re holding me.”

  Jonathan meant every word; then again, he didn’t. Short of tying Jonathan and Niall to the bed, he couldn’t force his will on either man. Not to mention, both were immortal. They were too strong for any human binds. He could draw symbols to trap them, but not without trapping himself and pissing them off. For now, if he couldn’t convince Niall to join them, he’d have to make Jonathan forget about the mate he couldn’t have.

  “You should use me,” Cin said, luring Jonathan with his voice.

  Instead of attacking Cin as Cin hoped, Jonathan rolled and met his gaze. “You should kiss me.”

  The green eyes he’d fallen in love with, made brighter by the flush of arousal on Jonathan’s cheeks, had Cin being gentler than he wanted. He leaned in slowly, needing to savor the moment. Cin watched as Jonathan’s eyes fell closed. He heard the man’s heart rate increase. When their lips met, Jonathan hummed as if Cin’s mouth was what he’d been waiting for his entire life. Everything else fell away. Their tongues met and retreated before entwining. Cin’s heart turned over in his chest. This man was the greatest love of his life. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for him.

  Jonathan’s fingers skimmed his side as he sought the hem of Cin’s shirt. Cin leaned away so Jonathan could pull it over his head.

  “This is love,” Jonathan said while holding his stare.

  He sounded so fierce it confused Cin. “I know.”

  “I’m not using you,” Jonathan said, making Cin realize he’d given Jonathan the wrong impression of his intentions.

  “I know,” Cin repeated. “Does that mean I’m not allowed to make love to my baby?”

  He felt Jonathan’s muscles relax. “I’m sorry. Just ignore me. Everything is all fucked up inside my head. You’re too important to me. I don’t ever want you to think you’re not my world.”

  “Oh, I know I am,” Cin said, shaping Jonathan’s erection through his underwear. “And I expect you to cater to my every need.”

  A wicked smile twisted Jonathan’s lips. “Is that so?”

  Cin nodded. “Right now, in fact.”

  While holding Cin’s gaze, Jonathan reached for the zipper of Cin’s jeans. “Tell me all about these needs.”

  After rolling out of Jonathan’s reach, Cin stood beside the bed and stripped as he complied with Jonathan’s request. “First, I need to feel your bare skin against mine.”

  With a nod, Jonathan shimmied out of his clothes. “Go on.”

  “Having your cock beating against the back of my throat is also a huge requirement for me.”

  Jonathan openly stroked his erection, teasing Cin with the sight. “I’m sure I can accommodate you.”

  “Can you?” Cin asked as he snagged Jonathan’s ankle and dragged him to the edge of the bed. Surprised laughter filled the room, making Cin smile at the sound. His chest filled with love and pride. This was his man. He couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t owned by Jonathan. The man’s laughter died away as Cin swallowed his cock. Jonathan was easily the most sexual being on the planet. His hips lifted, openly taking what he wanted from Cin. Cin only let it go on for a minute before allowing Jonathan’s erection to slip from his lips so he could move lower. He sucked Jonathan’s balls between his lips, savoring Jonathan’s moans before moving lower. The way Jonathan pulled his hair as Cin tongued the man’s asshole had Cin’s dick leaking.

  Saliva ran down Cin’s chin. He swiped his face on Jonathan’s inner thigh, wiping away some of the moisture. His fangs grew at the sound of Jonathan’s blood rushing through his veins. He sank them into the vein in Jonathan’s thigh. Blood filled his mouth. It was Jonathan mixed with Niall. A loud moan escaped Cin. He felt Jonathan’s orgasm hit as Cin dragged the man’s blood into his mouth. He sealed the wound and licked a path to Jonathan’s stomach. The man’s cum was Cin’s reward. He swiped his tongue through the mess, letting the salty flavor mix with the copper of Jonathan’s blood. Cin savored every last drop before pushing Jonathan’s knees higher, positioning his cock at Jonathan’s hole and sliding inside. Jonathan’s body took over, pulling him deeper. He sucked in a breath as Jonathan moved beneath him, matching Cin’s rhythm as he rocked inside Jonathan.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” Jonathan growled, urging Cin on. “No one is more beautiful than you are while fucking me. Your face is hard and your eyes glow while your fangs cut into your lip. I don’t ever want it to end. Goddamn, the things you do to me.”

  Cin tilted his chin to the ceiling and pivoted his hips, trying to get deeper. He’d climb inside Jonathan and never leave if he could.

  “You make my dick so hard, Cin. Let me have it. Give me your orgasm. It belongs to me.”

  The spring that had been winding tighter by the second inside Cin gave way. The pressure squeezing his balls burst from his dick, bowing Cin’s spine and tearing a roar from his throat. As his muscles relaxed, in the aftermath of Jonathan, Cin dropped his chin and met Jonathan’s gaze. Possessiveness and obsession mixed with Cin’s love and desperation, creating something so ugly it was beautiful. Goddess Celeste knew he would level this whole goddamn planet just to have five minutes alone with Jonathan. May God have mercy on them all.


  Niall hated leaving Jonathan after feeding him. In truth, he hated walking away from his mate at all. It seemed as if that was all he ever did. At first, his leaving had been about finding the demon who’d gotten them into this mess to begin with. Then, the blood bond had settled in. Now everything was about making Jonathan’s life easier. Niall had headed first to New York and dealt with Jonathan’s job. He’d put the idea in their heads that Jonathan had moved on to bigger and better things. It hadn’t been hard to manipulate minds at the magazine. As an award-winning journalist, Jonathan was their star. No one was surprised he’d found a better job, especially since he’d once seriously dated the boss only to end up cheated on. That tidbit had Niall considering dropping some erectile dysfunction into the man’s brain, but his loss was Niall’s clan’s gain.

  From New York, he’d switched gears, going on the hunt for their missing demon pack. He wanted the one who’d harmed his mate with something akin to madness. The beast living inside Niall demanded blood for blood. He’d known the pack would find new hunting ground after Tortola had been compromised. Niall had picked up their trail in Port Allen—a twenty-two-mile stretch of sea port along the coast of Crown Haven. After months of surveillance and searching the docks, he’d set up a new home for his clan. Now they were together again. That was how Niall had ended up here, spending half the morning staring at his mate and craving what he could never have. What he shared with Jonathan wasn’t love. They hadn’t spent years in each other’s pockets, building a partnership. This was worse. It was a gnawing, bone-deep craving that clawed at his gut all hours of the day. That was why he needed to make someone or something hurt. Lucky him; Niall had captured a demon right before Jonathan’s arrival.

  “What’s your name?”

  The demon looked down at himself. “I believe his name was Larry.” He shook his head. “Such a plain name for such a handsome man. Oh, and the things he let me do to him before I took control of his body. In my real form, no less. He’s a freaky fella.” He cackled as if Niall didn’t intend to make him hurt.

  Faolan held out a water gun to Niall. With a dip of his chin, Niall accepted. He eyed the plastic toy for a second before squirting the demon. An angry-sounding growl rent the air before transforming into a moan. Demons were a masochistic lot.

  “Holy water? Mhmm, that’s an interesting choice for a vampire. I nev
er realized vampires were into pain play. Obviously, I prefer whips and chains, but I can get into holy water as well.”

  Niall exchanged glances with Faolan before responding. “Holy water has no effect on vampires,” Niall said, pointing out a detail any demon should know—unless he was a young one.

  “You lie,” the demon spat.

  At the accusation, Niall shot himself in the arm. He flashed his wrist toward the demon, showing no damage had been done. “Seems you should’ve polished up on your knowledge of other species before joining the fight against the human race.”

  “Join. Ha! You say that as if there was a choice.”

  Something wasn’t right. The spot where the holy water hit should’ve healed by now. Not only was it not healing, the damage wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it should be. This was no demon, but he was young—a demon spawn, perhaps.

  “What’s your name?” Niall asked again. “This time, don’t lie. I’m much older than you. Older than you can fathom. I know this is no demonic possession. This is your true form.”

  Panic crossed the creature’s face before sliding behind a mask of indifference. He shrugged. “I’d rather settle in for some torture. Don’t let my age fool you. Names have power. Power means control. I’ve been controlled my whole life. You can’t be any worse.”

  “If you won’t give us your name. Tell us about the piers,” Faolan demanded. “We know you’re using them to kidnap women. Where are you taking them? Which dock are you using?”

  The demon spawn snorted. “Ask better questions.”

  Niall bit back a growl. Sometimes demons could be quite literal. If they didn’t ask the right questions, he’d never answer or tell plausible lies that would keep them chasing their tails for eternity. A wave of sadness washed over Niall. It wasn’t his. Everything around him disappeared as he focused on Jonathan.

  What’s wrong?

  Just feeling useless and out of place today. Get back to work. Don’t worry over me.

  Niall ignored Jonathan’s demand. Instead, he focused harder on Jonathan, opening all his senses and climbing inside the man’s head. He needed to know if Jonathan was telling him the whole truth. Jonathan was trying to push him out. All Niall felt was unnatural warmth.

  Where are you?


  Niall shot to his feet. Stay put. He handed the water gun to Faolan. “He’s yours. I have business.”

  Faolan dipped his chin. A smirk touched his lips. “Thank you. You know how much I love inflicting harm.”

  He did, but that was not why Niall was walking away. Jonathan needed him. The demon spawn wasn’t going anywhere.

  Stay put? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Jonathan ducked his head beneath the deluge of water, hoping to drown his thoughts from Niall. The air stirred at his back. Jonathan didn’t lift his head. He knew Niall was there without having to look. His dick stirred. Niall was too close while Jonathan was too naked. He knew he needed to react, but he didn’t know how. Cool lips touched Jonathan’s nape. Jonathan’s lips parted on a breath. With his mind carefully blank, Jonathan turned.

  “Talk to me,” Niall said, sounding heartbreakingly sweet.

  “I’m taking a shower.”

  Niall dipped his chin. “I’m aware. It’s pissing down on my good boots.”

  Jonathan dropped his gaze to Niall’s feet. Sure enough, the man wore unlaced work boots. Jonathan’s gaze traveled up Niall’s body. His legs were encased in ragged jeans. A half-tucked T-shirt plastered to the man’s ripped stomach as beads of water splashed from Jonathan’s body onto Niall’s skin. He also wore a red unbuttoned flannel shirt as if it wasn’t ninety degrees outside. His outfit, combined with the full beard covering his chin, brought a certain image to Jonathan’s mind.

  Despite their circumstances, a snort escaped Jonathan. “You look like a large Scottish lumberjack today.”

  Niall’s eyes never wavered from Jonathan’s face. His mouth lifted in one corner in a small smile. It was enough to bring out the man’s dimples and make Jonathan’s heart turn over in his chest.

  “What’s wrong?” Cin asked, ripping open the shower door and looking panicked.

  Niall glanced over, obviously unconcerned over their current location. “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

  “I’m taking a shower,” Jonathan repeated through numb lips.

  Niall sighed long and loud. “Hand us a towel, Cin.”

  Cin dutifully passed one over.

  Before Jonathan could protest, Niall’s arms encircled him. He wrapped the towel around Jonathan’s waist. His gaze held Jonathan’s the entire time, as if making a point of not eyeing Jonathan’s nude body. Jonathan burned every place they touched. He was hyper-aware of the way Niall carefully avoided brushing Jonathan’s erection. He could’ve easily done so, even by accident. It wouldn’t have been difficult, considering Jonathan’s dick was twitching and trying to get closer to Niall.

  Niall’s gaze turned heated. In the man’s eyes, Jonathan saw all the ways Niall would take him if they were alone. He couldn’t tear his gaze away.

  “There,” Niall said, tucking one corner of the towel in tight and ensuring Jonathan wouldn’t lose it. “Now you’re sufficiently covered. You can stop thinking about how Cin will be mad at you over this and tell us what’s wrong.”

  “Why would I be mad?” Cin asked, sounding hurt.

  “I don’t like being useless,” Jonathan said over the top of him before they had time to discuss things none of them wanted to talk about. This was an easier topic. “For the past couple of months, I’ve gone from sitting around because I was healing to sitting around because I’m useless here. I’m used to working and helping. Eternity is going to be ridiculously long if I’m forced to spend it doing nothing.”

  Niall nodded. His expression never changed. “All you needed to say was you were ready to work. I’ve got plenty for you to do. Finish your shower and then you can get started.” Without another word, Niall stepped from the shower and headed for the door.

  “Hold up, Niall. We need to talk,” Cin called at the man’s back. Niall didn’t stop. If anything, he picked up the pace.

  Cin growled. It sounded ridiculously sexy. “Fuck.” He spun and covered Jonathan’s mouth in a hard and quick kiss. His eyes said everything his lips didn’t. Cin loved him. “I can’t believe you thought I’d be angry.” He released a loud sigh as if exhausted by it all. “Finish your shower.”

  Jonathan’s shoulders fell once he was alone. He was failing everyone.

  Cin’s rage boiled as he followed Niall’s trail of water to the man’s bedroom. Without bothering to knock, he threw open the door and stormed inside. Niall stood shirtless, looking less than surprised to see Cin.

  “We have to talk about this, Niall.”

  “There’s nothing to discuss. I’m trying my arse off here, Cin. Just leave it at that.”

  “I know you’re trying.”

  “Do you?” Niall shot back. “You think talking this out will change anything? It won’t. No matter which way I go, I’ll lose. I’m losing my mate already. If I claim him, I’ll lose you. Tell me how talking it out will fix anything? Fuck. This is why I stayed away.”

  “You stayed away because you’re a coward,” Cin said, losing his temper. “We were right where you left us, waiting—”

  Cin found his back shoved against the wall and a pissed-off Niall hovering over him before he realized it would happen. Niall’s fangs were bared as if he intended to take Cin apart.

  “Is this the reaction you sought? Do you need to see and feel my fury?” He leaned in, pinning Cin to the wall with his weight before loudly inhaling Cin’s scent. “You smell like him. It’s my mate’s blood pumping through your veins.” His lips touched Cin’s pulse point. Cin didn’t dare take a breath. He’d never seen Niall like this before. He’d always been intense, but this was different. Cin wondered if the man would kill him. After all, he was the only thing standing between Niall and Jonathan. “I
can’t decide if I want to drain your blood to get all of his, or kiss you so I can taste him on your lips. Is that what you hoped to hear?”

  “Do it,” Cin taunted, because anything, anything at all was better than living in constant suspense, waiting for the ax to fall.

  Niall slammed his fist into the wall beside Cin’s head. Cin refused to show an ounce of weakness. The way Niall’s nostrils flared proved his temper hadn’t eased upon impact. “You’ve been feeding him while I was away.”


  With each breath, Niall’s shoulders rose and fell. “Thank you for taking care of him. You need to feed too.”

  “I’m fine,” Cin lied. He couldn’t imagine biting anyone else. Faolan had been keeping him fed so he wouldn’t have to sully his teeth with a stranger. It was crazy, he knew, but fuck. He’d never have as much to offer Jonathan as Niall did. His blood would never be royal. The least he could do was keep his fangs within the clan.

  Niall bared his throat. “Take my blood.”

  Cin stared at Niall’s neck and listened to the blood pumping through his veins. Like Niall, Jonathan was a sickness. Niall shared Jonathan’s blood. It was as if they were all one and the same now. It would be just like tasting Jonathan. He moved closer without realizing it. His lips touched Niall’s skin. It was as if an invisible line lured him in. Cin’s fangs grew. Blood filled his mouth as they pierced Niall’s vein. A moan rose in his throat with no chance of him calling it back. As a royal, Niall’s flavor was unique. He was rich, like the most expensive wine. Cin had to force himself not to take too much since Niall had just fed Jonathan.

  As he pulled away, other hungers made themselves known. Niall was standing too close. Waves of lust rolled off his skin. They were connected through Jonathan in a way they shouldn’t be, but there it was. The way Niall watched him, as if he could offer Cin endless pleasure, had Cin ready to do anything. The lines were blurred. This was Jonathan’s mate. Even with desire swimming in Niall’s gaze, his fury hadn’t eased. Cin couldn’t take the uncertainty of his life any longer. He couldn’t stand the gap between them.


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