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Unexpected Love Story (Love Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Natasha Madison

  She takes me the way she wants to, and all I do is let her. Once I feel my balls get tight, I pull back. I pull her up, turn her around, and unzip that fucking pink skirt to find there isn’t anything under it. She looks over her shoulder at me, her hair ruffled and flipped to the side, her lips swollen from our kisses. I have tonight with her, and I’m going to fucking make sure she fucking remembers me for a long, long time.

  Chapter Eleven


  The sunlight hits my face, waking me up when I turn my head, and I blink slowly. I’m lying face down, the sheets are white, and a soft snore comes from beside me. I turn my head to take in ‘John.’ He is on his back with one hand over his head, the other on his chest, and the white sheet covering the best part of his body. Don’t get me wrong; his six-pack was a welcoming surprise, the ink on his arms and chest even more so, but his cock. I hit the motherload, and fuck, do I feel it today. I stretch out my body, tensing while I do it. I look over at the clock and see it’s a little past seven. I sneak out of bed, trying not to make any sudden movements. When my feet touch the floor, I hear his moan beside me, so I stop, but he just moves his head to the other side. A soft little hickey has formed by his nipple, making me smile when I remember when it happened. I walk to the bathroom, bypassing the pile of discarded clothes. His jeans, my shirt, his shirt, my shirt, a wet towel, another towel, my shoe. I bend down, picking up the empty condom wrappers. We used a box of twelve, fucking twelve. I’ve never had sex like this. I’ve never wanted sex like this before. We did it fucking everywhere, giving in to every single one of our fantasies. I step into my skirt, zipping it up, then move to my shirt. My leg muscles scream at me; I guess squatting over his cock for ten minutes wasn’t the best idea since I haven’t worked out in forever, but I honestly felt like a porn star. That was right after the shower, or was it before he ate the whipped cream off me? I look in the living room area and see the uneaten strawberries, but the whipped cream is all gone, or better yet, it’s smeared on the coffee table. I really hope they disinfect this whole room. I bend to pick up one of my shoes and tiptoe around the room to look for the other one. I look out the window overlooking the city … is that my ass print? I tilt my head—it must be—and right next to it are my handprints clear as day from when he took me from behind. I finally find my other shoe and bend to put it on.

  I look back in the bedroom one last time, taking him all in. I will never ever see him again, and it kind of hurts that we don’t even know each other’s real names. But it was meant to be this way. I grab a pad on the desk that does, in fact, have more whipped cream on it. Grabbing the pen, I quickly write.


  You rocked my world, literally.

  Jane Doe

  I quietly open the door, holding it in my hand until I finally hear the click. I walk down the hallway with my head down as I pass the maids wheeling their carts for the start of their day. I smile at one of them. I’m not even sure I look halfway decent, but I don’t really care because all I could do was play last night over and over in my head. It plays while I walk out of the hotel, while I flag down a cab, and especially when I climb into my bed. His smell still all over me, and he isn’t the only one with wounds. I have his teeth marks right on my hips, where he bit me, and I smile at the memory. The guy was a beast in bed, and if we had more time, I would totally do it again. I fall asleep, only waking when my alarm rings at five p.m. I roll out of bed, and my vagina actually hurts. I haven’t been that into sex in forever. Maybe the fact I knew I would never see him again added to the fact his penis was perfect and he knew how to use it like an expert. I just took advantage of it.

  When I walk into Hailey’s house an hour later, I smile at my family who have come together to say goodbye to her. She has no idea I’m leaving with her, so we say goodbye while she sheds tears, and I tell her I love her. I nod at Blake, right before I walk out to go back home for one last time.

  The Uber picks me up right on time, helping me pack my two pieces of luggage. I text Blake I’m on my way.

  We pull up right when Hailey pulls away from hugging Blake. “You came back to say goodbye,” she says, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “Pfft,” I blow out, smiling. “As if I would let you leave without me,” I say, going to the trunk to help the Uber driver.

  “What is this?” she asks me as Blake grabs my luggage and puts it in the backseat.

  “This is me and you taking on the world,” I tell her, smiling as I wipe tears from my own eyes.

  “You can’t come with me; you have a job here,” she tells me as Blake laughs, and she turns to glare at him.

  “No, I had a job here. Now, I have a job there.” She just blinks at me. “I left my job, but good news, I got one in town. It’s a family practice. No gunshot victims and no stabbings, so it will be a walk in the park.”

  “You’re coming with me?” she asks me, shocked.

  “Of course, I’m coming with you.” I roll my eyes at her.

  “B-but,” she stutters, “but we had a goodbye dinner last night.”

  “Well, it was a free meal. How would we not?” I tell her as I grab my last bag from the Uber. “So what do you say, should we start our new adventure?”

  She smiles at us then looks down at her feet nervously. “I have to lock up the house. Um, if it’s okay, I’d like to do this on my own.” We don’t move from the street as we watch her walk inside the house and say goodbye to her memories. Blake leans against the back of the car.

  “You guys going to be okay?” he asks, and I lean next to him.

  “I think so, but it all depends on her.” I shrug my shoulders. “She decides she wants to come back, we come back.”

  “What about your job?” He looks over. I shrug my shoulders again. “Will you tell her about Samantha?”

  “Yes.” I rest my head back. “When she’s ready.” We look up when she comes out of the house with tears streaking her face. I rub her arms while she gives Blake the keys to her house. “Good thing I’m coming. Who else would drive?” I tell her and walk to the car to give them the chance to say goodbye.

  She climbs into the car, buckling up, and leans her head on the window looking outside. “Isn’t this just like Thelma and Louise?” I ask, and she laughs.

  “Can we do it without the whole driving off the cliff or shooting Brad Pitt?” she asks me as I pull up the Waze traffic app and follow the directions.

  “I say we still shoot Brad Pitt but don’t die either. I mean, imagine if one of us survived without the other.” I shake my head as she leans her head on the cold window. “I’d come back and haunt you. Just saying.” She laughs and closes her eyes as I proceed to the directions. We don’t talk much. Both of us finding out we start back at work in four days. Hailey is a web designer, so she will be working from home.

  After four hours of driving, we stop to get gas and use the bathroom. Hailey grabs some food for us, and we get back on the road for the rest of the journey. Having both windows down allows the country air to settle in with us as the mountains in the distance get closer. We turn off the interstate at our exit, the full trees lining the street on both sides, and we follow the directions, turning once to go down Main Street.

  Passing over a little bridge, we watch the creek on both sides, the water flowing down. Once we get off the bridge, I see every single shop has the American flag hanging outside. As we slowly roll down the street, I look at all the shops. The sidewalk consists of tiny red blocks. The bank sits right next to the post office. I see two cop cars parked right in front of the police station.

  A guitar hanging outside the fourth building makes me know it’s a bar.

  “I think everyone knows everyone,” Hailey comments as she looks at her side of the street. “We should take a walk tomorrow night,” she says as I turn left in the front of the pharmacy, which just has the mortar and pestle on it. We pass the courthouse, or at least it’s what I think it is because it has courthouse written in the middle o
f it.

  We continue down and pass what looks like a cul-de-sac with two houses on the street. We turn down a gravel road, and I take in the lush trees on both sides as we get to the house. The white house looks deserted and nothing like the pictures.

  “What the fuck?” Hailey says what I’m thinking. I put the car in park in front of the house. I open my door, going around to the front of the car, and I see a shutter that looks like it’s falling down. Motherfucking, I think to myself.

  “That picture lied.” I grab my phone to call Nanny right away, and not surprising, it goes to voicemail. “I know you’re not answering because you know why I’m calling.” I don’t even say goodbye. “Maybe it’s just the outside.” I dig in my purse for the key Nanny gave me last night. “Let’s go and see how bad it is.” We walk up the front steps and find one whole step missing. Missing a fucking step. I look up at the sky, praying for fucking patience. I’m cranky, I’m tired, and while my body still aches from my sex marathon, it’s asking me to go back for more.

  I shake my head as we make it to the door, turning and seeing that swing that stood out in the picture. The chains that hold the swing are rusted and covered in spider webs. The wicker seat is so dirty, and the pink rug that was under it is blown half over. “Okay, so we need to do a couple of projects,” she says as she puts the key in the door and turns the lock. “Well, at least we aren’t locked out.” She opens the door and takes a step in.

  The huge living room is empty. Just a single white chair in the middle of the room faces the fireplace that has a board nailed in front of it. The gray floor has seen better days. I turn the lights on, but they just flicker. We walk in to see the kitchen to our left with a wooden island in the middle and all the cabinets white and sterile. The only thing with color is the brown wooden butcher block counters. The deep white porcelain sink faces the window looking out to the front. The windows have no shades. The white gas stove with black burners has seen better days as has the fridge. Making my way to open it, I’m accosted with the smell of rotten cheese mixed with some eggs and god knows what the fuck else. It smells worse than the fucking morgue. “We need to buy a new fridge and stove,” I tell her. I hate to be the one always thinking negatively, but this is the worst shit ever. When I get my hands on my grandmother, I’m going to throttle her.

  I follow Hailey down a hallway, rolling my eyes at the bathroom, and then see the bedroom with access to a closed-in back porch. It almost gives me the creeps, so I don’t fight with her when she calls dibs. Besides, I need to be away from noise when I sleep.

  I head to the living room and walk up the stairs, where we find two more bedrooms with a huge bathroom with a sunken tube. After we walk to the back of the house, I pick my room, and Hailey decides to make the third bedroom her office. “Fuck. Where the hell are we going to sleep tonight?” I ask as we walk back downstairs.

  “We are going to sleep here,” Hailey says as my phone rings.

  “Nan, you have so much explaining to do,” I start off and then walk around the empty room.

  “I just got your message. Is the house not to your liking?” she says.

  “It’s empty,” I tell her. “Like so empty I don’t even think racoons would live here,” I continue as I walk to the back of the house.

  “You were always so dramatic. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Well, you’d better call your friend and tell her that we need the super or someone to come and clean this shit up.”

  “Okay, fine, I’ll call Delores and have her come see you. Now make the best of it.”

  I press the end button. “I don’t think there is a super.” I look at Hailey, who stands there smiling. “We need to hit up a Walmart or a Target.” I open my maps and google the closest Walmart. There must be a mistake, so I refresh again. “What the fuck? The closest Walmart is an hour and four minutes away.”

  Hailey nods her head and smiles, then heads outside to grab our bags and bring them inside. “An adventure,” she tells me, and I glare at her. If I could, I would growl at her. Not only am I sleeping on an air mattress, but I also have to hit up a Walmart. Someone kill me now; I pray this is the only hiccup I have while I’m here.

  Chapter Twelve


  I pull up to the clinic and slam my car door. I walk in without a word to anyone. I just nod, walking back to my office. I’ve just gotten back into town from the conference.

  The conference where I met the hottest chick of my life and had the best sex of my life. Multiple times, so many times I thought my dick would chafe. Only to wake up to an empty bed, warm strawberries, and a goodbye note. I don’t even fucking have her name. Jane fucking Doe. I grab my white lab coat, and I’m putting it on when my father comes in smiling, and it irritates me. “Hey, son.”

  “Yeah,” I grumble.

  “The new nurse starts on Monday; just giving you a heads-up.”

  “Did you hire that one from the city?” I ask, grabbing my stethoscope to put around my neck.

  He nods his head while I shake my head in disbelief. “I think it’s a big, big mistake.”

  “Is everything okay?” He puts his hands in his pockets. “You look angry.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m just tired. I got in late last night. I’ll be fine.” I smile at him and then walk out to the nurses’ station. “Okay, what do we have?” I ask them, and they tell me where to go. The day drags by or maybe it doesn’t. I don’t know; the only thing I think about is Jane, or whatever her name is. I am about to kick myself in the ass when I walk out of examine room three, heading to the nurses’ station, and I hear that laugh. My whole body goes on alert; my feet stop moving, but my cock springs into action as if he knows. Turning the corner, I see the back of her, and I know it’s fucking her. The question is, what the fuck is she doing here? My father looks over the woman’s shoulder. “Oh, great, Gabriel, come and meet Crystal. She was next door and decided to pop in and introduce herself before she starts on Monday” It happens in slow motion, just like in the movies. She turns her head, her hair flying with her, and then I see her face. The face that has haunted my dreams for the past two nights.

  Her eyes widen when she finally sees me, and I see she is just as affected as I am. I make my way to her, holding out my hand. “Pleasure to meet you.” I smile at her the whole time I’m fighting with my body; my brain says one thing, but my cock says ‘it’s go time.’

  She puts her hand in mine as I shake it harder than I want to. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Walker. I’m Crystal.” Everyone is looking at us now as we smile at each other and our hands go up and down.

  She finally pulls her hand from mine. “I’m excited to get started,” she finally says, looking around.

  “I’m sorry.” I tilt my head at her. “You look like someone.” I watch her throat move up and down as she swallows.

  “I don’t think we’ve ever met.” She smiles and then looks at my father.

  I tap my lip with my forefinger. “Nope, wasn’t you. The girl was Jane,” I say as she smiles while her eyes glare at me.

  “Well, I’m glad we got that out of the way.” She turns to my father. “It was lovely to meet you, and I look forward to working with you on Monday.” I don’t say anything, nor do I reach out and drag her back to my office to talk, or taste, or fuck against the door.

  She waves goodbye to everyone and stops to talk to all the nurses on her way out.

  “Where did she come from?” I turn to my father, who is watching me.

  “Your grandmother’s friend Sheila, the one she met at one of those senior getaways.” he says as I nod. “That’s her granddaughter.”

  “Oh,” I say softly.

  “They are renting Walker’s house.”

  My eyebrows pinch together. “What do you mean, Walker’s house?”

  “Well, the white house,” he says, looking down and then up. “I have to go. Your mother is waiting for me.”

  “Holy shit,” I say u
nder my breath; she is living in the white house. I pull out my phone to call Walker.

  His answer is gruff. “So how is your day going?” I ask, knowing it’s probably shot to shit.

  “I just left your grandmother’s house, who, by the way, thought it was a good idea to rent out my house to two fucking chicks from the city.” He always calls her mine when she does something wrong, which knowing our grandmother is something huge.

  “Really?” I say, turning and going into my office. “Which girls?”

  “How the fuck should I know? I just want them out, but one of them came down here and threatened to sue me when I laughed and told her to fuck off. Gram also thought it was a good idea to invite them to live with her till I fix the house.”

  “Wait a second.” I try not to laugh at him. “Gram rented away the house of torture?” My laughter finally escapes me.

  “Fuck you,” he says right before he hangs up, and I laugh louder. Shaking my head, I take off my lab coat and go to the computer, opening it up to the employee records. I type in Crystal’s name, but nothing comes up. They probably haven’t entered the info yet. I get up, going to the front desk. “Hey, Debra, by any chance do you have the file for Crystal, the new nurse starting Monday?”

  She picks up some files and then finds the one she is looking for. “Here it is, but there isn’t anything in it yet.”

  I nod. “No worries,” I say, going back to my office. I try going by the rental house and see no one there. The next day, I drive to my grandmother’s and find the house empty. I try later that night, and they are still out. What the fuck?

  I’m on my way home when the phone rings, and I see it’s Brody. “What’s up?”

  “I need your help tomorrow, please,” he says. “We just finished the remodel at Walkers, and well …”


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