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Heir to the Sun

Page 15

by Jennifer Allis Provost

  Where is he? she wondered, her mood having gone from concerned to frantic. Alluria went to speak with the only one who always knew of Caol’nir’s whereabouts.

  Alluria entered the small bathing chamber that adjoined Caol’nir’s room and passed into his twin’s bedchamber. As she looked upon Caol’non in the morning light her breath caught in her throat; he looked so like his brother, from his strong jaw to his sun-colored hair, also bound in a thick braid.

  “Caol’non,” Alluria whispered. As his eyes opened, she saw the one aspect of the brothers that differed: Caol’non’s eyes were blue as a summer sky, not the pale green of her love’s. Caol’non blinked and then stretched in the early morning light.

  “Alluria?” he yawned. “How did you get in here?”

  “Through the bathing chamber,” she answered. “Caol’non, I must find your brother.”

  “He’s gone,” Caol’non replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “Gone?” Alluria’s voice wavered. How could he be gone, gone now when she needed him the most?

  “Only for a short time,” Caol’non replied. “He said he would return in a sennight or so, and that was five days ago. He’s not been gone long enough to worry.” He watched Alluria’s hands tremble as he continued. “Caol’nir made me swear to guard you until he returned.”

  “Do you know where he went?”

  “No, he wouldn’t say.” Alluria turned her face to the wall in a vain attempt to keep Caol’non from seeing her tears; the only man that had ever seen her cry was Caol’nir, and she meant to keep it that way.

  “My lady, don’t be sad,” Caol’non soothed. “My brother loves you very much; he will return as soon as he is able.”

  “He told you that?” she asked, pleased that Caol’nir had confided to his twin.

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “You needn’t be so formal,” Alluria said, “I won’t be a priestess much longer.” If Caol’nir returns and accepts the terms for my release, she silently amended.

  “Then you have the answer you sought,” Caol’non observed.

  “He told you about that, too?”

  Caol’non nodded. “It’s quite hard to keep things from your twin. I remember the day you came to Teg’urnan; when you arrived with our father and Fiornacht, Caol’nir and I were there by the gates. Caol’nir was complaining about the extra work with the priestesses being brought to Teg’urnan. Then he saw you step out of the litter. Nothing has ever quieted him as quickly as the sight of you.” Alluria smiled at Caol’non’s recollection and remembered her first encounters with a young member of the con’dehr who had annoyed her with his constant staring and foolish smiles.

  “He loved you in that moment,” Caol’non continued, “and he’s loved you ever since.”

  “You never told him it was folly to pursue a priestess?”


  Caol’non and Alluria shared a smile, and she noted that Caol’non was as kind as his brother.

  “Are you staying in Caol’nir’s chamber?” he asked, to which she nodded. “If you’d like, once the child sun rises, I will escort you to the temple.”

  “Thank you, Caol’non,” Alluria said as she rose. “That would be very good.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Caol’nir entered his chamber, halting just inside the door. The moon’s red glow illuminated the room, and he could just make out Alluria on his bed. His heart beat faster, for surely she had been released from the temple if she was here. Surely she was a free woman… Caol’nir knelt on the steps of the sleeping platform and kissed her forehead, smiling as her eyes fluttered open.

  “Where have you been?” Alluria demanded as she threw her arms about his neck. “When I emerged, you were gone, and not even Caol’non knew where you were.”

  “Forgive me, nalla,” he soothed, stroking her back. “I didn’t think I would be gone so long. I’ve only just returned.” Alluria didn’t loosen her grip, clinging to him far more tightly than his short absence should warrant. “I was only gone for seven days, surely you didn’t miss me this much.” When she only gripped him harder, he said, “Tell me.”

  “I have learned how I may be released with honor, but there is only one way,” Alluria began. “My vows can only be undone if the one who would claim me makes his intent known to the gods.”

  “Then I’ll make it known, to every god in every land, that I want you as my mate.”

  “It’s not so simple.” Alluria took a deep breath, assuming the calm mask of a priestess. “You’ll need to challenge Olluhm, and prove that you love me. If your heart is pure, he will bind our souls. If he deems you unworthy, he will likely kill you.”

  “How do I perform this challenge?”

  “You will need to claim me in the old way, atop the altar.”

  Caol’nir was silent for a moment, watching as the moonlight imparted a pinkish glow to Alluria’s skin. He was confident that he could withstand whatever challenge he faced. “You say we will be bound afterward?”


  “Then you’ll be mine, truly, irrevocably mine, forever?” he pressed.

  “Yes, if you prevail.” Before she had finished saying the words his lips were on hers. “You will do this?”

  “Of course I will,” he affirmed. “Alluria, I swore I’d take you as my mate if you were released.”

  “But you could die,” she whispered. “Nall, I don’t want to lose you.”

  “If I’m judged based on my love for you, I’ll be fine. Nalla, I won’t fail.” He sat next to her and took her hands in his. “Alluria, will you let me undertake this challenge and become my bound mate?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, elation flooding her voice, “yes, Caol’nir, yes.” Alluria fell into his arms, his confidence having allayed her fears. They held each other for a time, then Alluria rose to her feet and pulled Caol’nir along with her. “Come, we will go now while the temple is empty. I have no desire for my sisters’ to look upon your naked form.”

  Caol’nir caught her wrist. “When you said claim you atop the altar…”

  Alluria met his eyes, and she did not flinch or blush as she replied to the unfinished question. “I mean that you will need to make love to me in the temple, upon the altar stone, and that is where Olluhm will judge your heart.”

  Caol’nir’s brows knit together. “I thought it wasn’t done that way any longer,” he said.

  Alluria shrugged. “Perhaps not in Teg’urnan, but it is what we must do.”

  “I cannot lay you on the hard stone,” he murmured. “You’ll be bruised, and cold, and—”

  Alluria pressed her lips to his, silencing his protests. “If you are so concerned, I will bring one of the furs.” With that, she grabbed a fur from his bed and tossed it around his shoulders on her way toward the door. “Are you coming?” She glanced over her shoulder, looking at him through her lashes.

  Caol’nir grabbed her, trapping her between his body and the door as he kissed her, thrusting one hand into her shining hair while the other slid to the small of her back, pressing her hips against his. He surprised both of them, for even when they had laid in bed Caol’nir was mindful of her chastity. Now his careful touch was demanding, and Alluria responded with passion of her own. When at last Caol’nir released her, his eyes were dark with emotion.

  “Afterward, I’ll make love to you properly,” he said as he stroked her cheek. “I will kiss every part of you, from the top of your head to your pretty toes, and prove how I have longed for you.”

  “Then we should make haste, my love,” Alluria breathed.

  They walked in side by side to the Great Temple, as they had the day Alluria descended to the vaults. Once they reached the eastern door Alluria unsealed it, then Caol’nir kissed her forehead and led her inside.

  “Did you know,” Alluria began, “our entrance is part of the ritual.”

  “Is it?” Caol’nir asked. “Did I do well?”

  “If you show tenderness to your mate
upon passing through the eastern door, it means you’ll treat her well all her life.” Alluria glanced at him. “What else do you know of bindings?”

  “Not much, beyond that you must enter from the east to receive Cydia’s blessing,” he replied. “No one observes, save the gods?”

  “No one but Olluhm,” she confirmed. Alluria strode across the central room and halted a few paces before the altar.

  “We will leave our clothing here,” she stated, and her hands moved to the stays of her robe. Alluria hands fumbled when she attempted to undo the delicate knots. “It is for you to disrobe me, anyway,” she grumbled as she hid her hands in the folds of her garment.

  Caol’nir noted that she would not meet his eyes; the confident priestess was gone, and in her place stood a trembling, chaste girl. He reached for her, not for the simple ties beneath her bosom but for her chin, and tilted her face up to his. “Alluria, it doesn’t have to be now. We can wait until you are ready.”

  “But I want to be yours,” she replied. To prove her words she unlaced his riding tunic and pushed it from him, his shoulders so broad she needed to stand on her toes and stretch to bare them. She brought her hands back up the length of his arms, then across his shoulders and down the smooth expanse of his chest as she lightly stroked his skin. Alluria’s fingers then traced a path across his back to that rope of sandy hair, and she tugged at the thick braid.

  “Around,” she ordered. “Help me undo this.”

  Caol’nir didn’t turn but took his hair from Alluria’s hands, his gaze never leaving hers as he unwound his hair. Once his hair was loose Alluria smoothed it across his shoulders, then she placed his hands on the ties of her robe.

  “If you would claim me, it is your right,” Alluria said huskily, and Caol’nir tugged the knot loose and pulled the thin garment from her. He gasped as her robe fell to the floor; he had known she would be beautiful, but to look upon her naked was almost more than he could bear. She is perfect, he thought, gently tracing the curve of her shoulder. Mindful of the fact that she had never bared herself before another, he wrapped the fur about her shoulders, then he shed the remainder of his clothing. Alluria shyly watched him, only to look away once he was naked as well.

  “Do we approach the steps now?” he asked softly.

  “Yes.” Alluria took his hand and led him to the base of the altar. He was about to climb the steps, but she halted him. “You must wait, and then follow me,” she whispered as she shrugged the fur from her shoulders.

  As Alluria ascended to the sacred altar, Caol’nir was entranced by the sight of her smooth skin. Her chestnut hair fell in soft waves against her back, the contrast between her dark hair and pale skin exquisite. When Alluria reached the uppermost step she paused, and glanced over her shoulder at Caol’nir.

  “Come, warrior,” she commanded. “Our god awaits us.”

  She disappeared onto the altar, and Caol’nir climbed the remaining steps. When he reached the grand, wide platform, he found Alluria standing before the altar stone, extending her hand to him. When their skin made contact, Alluria began reciting the binding ritual in the old language. Caol’nir responded in kind, swearing his body and soul to his beloved as he laid her atop the altar. Alluria’s voice resonated throughout the temple and light swirled about the altar, at first like lightning bugs on a hot night, then blindingly powerful. It was not only light but a sentience, and Caol’nir realized that Olluhm, himself, had come to pass judgment.

  Who dares to claim my child? demanded a booming voice they heard not with their ears, but within their thoughts.

  “I do,” Caol’nir replied, “look into my heart and know that I love her!”

  Alluria paused in her recitation and grasped Caol’nir’s hand. He mounted the altar and knelt between her knees, but when he reached toward her the light thrust him backwards, almost off the stone. Alluria gasped as he caught himself on the edge.

  You think you are worthy, boy? Worthy enough to claim a god’s child?

  “I love her!” Caol’nir shouted. “I love her as no other ever will! I would forfeit my life to keep her safe!”

  The light was joined by a wind that whipped into a frenzy atop the altar. Caol’nir struggled against it as it tried to push him off the stone, clinging to the edge as he pulled himself toward Alluria. He felt the light examining him; tiny needles of pain speared through his flesh and into his bones. Finally, Caol’nir reached Alluria and grabbed her hips; she pressed her face against his chest, gasping against the wind.

  What say you, my daughter? Do you accept this man?

  “I give myself to him, freely and completely,” Alluria declared. To Caol’nir’s amazement, the light paused, listening as the priestess spoke. “I do not seek to disavow what I have learned from you, but your central lesson has always been love. Would you deny your child the opportunity for a love of her own?”

  “She is mine,” Caol’nir proclaimed in the old language. “She is yours no longer. Her heart belongs to me, as mine belongs to her.” The light surrounded them, enveloping them in a sensation of shelter and warmth, and Olluhm’s voice was benevolent when he spoke again.

  Then go into his arms, my beloved daughter, and may your union be blessed.

  The light became brighter, so strong that it could have been solid, until all Caol’nir could see was a pair of blue eyes looking up at him. He gazed into those sapphire orbs as he claimed her, and she him.

  Afterward, when the light had faded but power still coursed around them, Caol’nir held his mate close as he nuzzled her neck. Alluria reached between their legs and then pressed her wet fingers to Caol’nir’s forehead, and recited the final words of the ritual.

  “Your heart is true, Caol’nir, son of Tor. I mark you with the seed of a warrior and the blood of a virgin, as the gods have marked our souls. You challenged Olluhm, and you prevailed. You’ve claimed you mate, warrior.”

  He kissed her, his heart swelling for she who gave so selflessly, she who had just renounced everything she had ever known for him. “All I ever wanted was you.”

  “And you are all I ever truly wanted.” Alluria shifted against Caol’nir, and laughed softly.

  “What’s so funny, beloved?”

  “You left the fur on the floor.”

  “So I did.” With that, Caol’nir rose and carried his mate down the western stairs, traversing the sacred path without missing a step. He brought them to where their clothes lay in a heap and set his mate on her feet. They dressed quickly, but when Alluria turned to leave, Caol’nir wrapped her in the fur and scooped her into his arms. He carried her through the empty corridors, not releasing her even after they entered his chamber. Caol’nir brought Alluria, his mate, his beloved, to bed, and they lost themselves in each other.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When he woke Caol’nir felt Alluria’s soft hair against his face, breathed in her sweet wildflower scent. He brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed the tender skin over her spine. She moaned softly, and Caol’nir’s lips made their way across her neck before gently nibbling her earlobe. Alluria moaned again, and his tongue continued to travel across the edge of her ear; as he gently drew the pointed tip between his lips she shivered, and Caol’nir smiled. “How much longer are you going to pretend to be asleep?”

  “As long as you keep doing that,” she replied without opening her eyes.

  Caol’nir rolled her onto her back and kissed her neck with abandon, now that he knew she was awake. Alluria laughed as he pulled her against him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Once they parted, he held her face close to his. “You’re every dream I’ve ever had come to life before me.”

  “Then I look forward to waking in your arms every morning, my love.”

  Caol’nir nestled his mate against him, and took a deep breath. “I never got to tell you where I was these past few days.”

  “It’s understandable. You were distracted.” Alluria kissed the hollow of his throat. “In truth, I care n
ot where you were as long as you’re here with me now.” She felt him tense, and leaned back to regard Caol’nir’s face. “You can, of course, tell me.”

  “I followed the king when he left Teg’urnan,” Caol’nir began, and recounted all that had occurred while she had been in the vaults, from his conversation with Rahlle to observing the king meet with Ehkron.

  “Why would Sahlgren engage in any sort of a meeting with the mordeth-gall?” Alluria mused.

  “There’s more,” Caol’nir said, stroking her hair. “Did you know that Sahlgren goes to priestesses in the guise of the god? Apparently, he is sent by Olluhm.”

  “That’s blasphemy,” Alluria said. “My god would never send another in his stead! It goes against everything we believe!”

  “My father claims it is the way of things, and has been this way for many years.”

  “I cannot say what has happened in this temple, but in my temple that would never occur.” Alluria met Caol’nir’s eyes. “There are certain rituals that involve a priest, fertility rites and such, but no priest or king has ever been granted leave to act on Olluhm’s behalf. Someone has lied to your father.”

  “I know,” Caol’nir said softly. “I believe it is the king.” He nestled her head against his neck, and steeled himself to continue. “Rahlle has told me that there is a resistance.”

  “And you want to join them,” Alluria concluded. “Very well, I will go with you.”

  “You cannot, it won’t be safe.”

  “As your mate, my place is at your side.”

  “Not if it puts you in harm’s way.” They stared at each other, and Caol’nir was the first to look away. “I don’t want to be apart from you, but I must learn what they’re about. If their cause is noble, as Rahlle believes, I’ll help them. If they’re nothing more than treasonous rabble rousers, I’ll inform my father and they will be apprehended.”


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