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[His for a Week 01.0] Bought

Page 13


  “What do you imagine when you masturbate alone at home?”

  “Different things.”

  “Describe one.”

  “I once fantasized about getting it on with two NBA players.”

  “Yeah? And?”

  “I’m sandwiched between them and they’re both feeling me up. Their hands are all over my body.”

  “Are they gentle or rough?”

  “Sometimes gentle, sometimes rough.”

  “Which way do you like it?”

  Unconsciously, he held his breath.

  “Both ways.”

  “If you had to pick one, which would it be?”

  “I don’t know. Depends on my mood.”

  “Pick one right now.”


  His cock felt hard as steel. Abruptly, he pulled the car off the road. “Get out.”

  “The masturbating was working...”

  He hopped out of the car and strode over to the passenger side. Just as she got out, he pinned her to the side of the car. He hadn’t touched her for several hours, and those hours had felt like a drought. Pulling her wrists above her head, he felt her breasts rise beneath him. He pressed himself farther into her, molding his body to her soft curves. When she looked up at him, startled, her eyes still glimmering from lust, he grew so turned on, he could have crushed her to the car. Pinning her wrists to the car with one hand, he thrust his other hand up her top.

  “These basketball players, do they feel you up like this?” he asked, his hand firmly upon the rib cage.

  Her breath seemed stuck in her throat. He moved his hand to a breast. Damn athletic bra. He palmed the tit as best he could through the tight garment. Her breath came out ragged.

  “People can see us,” she hissed.

  They hadn’t passed a car for several minutes, but even if the road wasn’t presently deserted, he wouldn’t care. He insinuated his fingers underneath the band of her bra and groped her.

  “Are they this rough?”

  She didn’t answer. He dug his fingers into the pliant flesh.

  “Or rougher?”

  He thrust the band of the bra over the top of the breast, giving him better access. She groaned when he began to maul her and gasped when he tugged the nipple.

  “Even rougher?”

  When he pinched her nipple, she yelped, “No!”

  She had buttoned her shorts before getting out of the car, and he easily yanked them open. Like a child tearing into presents on Christmas morning, he thrust his hand into her shorts. The scent of her arousal, the feel of her wetness, made his head swim with desire. She moaned when he began stroking her.

  “Are they rough down here, too?”

  He fondled her gently as he awaited her answer.

  “I don’t know.”

  He rubbed her harder, rougher. Her lashes fluttered, and she began to squirm. All this writhing was going to undo him. He had a condom, but it was in the car, and he hadn’t planned on using it until she was good and ready. But she was too hot right now not to fuck.

  “We shouldn’t...” she tried to protest.

  “Which is precisely why we will.”

  Slowly, he inserted one, then two fingers into her snatch. Fuck. She was a furnace. She tried to break away but there was nowhere for her to go. He had her trapped and impaled.

  “I’m serious,” she said.

  “No you’re not,” he whispered into her ear. “You didn’t have a problem masturbating on the boat in front of the others.”

  “That was different. This is public.”

  “So what? So a car drives by. They see us for a few seconds. Maybe they know what we’re up to, maybe they don’t. They’re just faceless strangers.”

  “What if they decide pull over?”

  His fingers searched the sweet spot within. “And if they did? Are you worried about giving them a show?”

  He heard her swallow.

  “Would you like that?”

  “Hell no.”

  Her earlier struggles had waned, but she started anew until he found the spot he was looking for, the one that made her shiver and her eyes roll toward the back of her head.

  “Let’s say a car of mountain bikers drives up,” he told her. “Maybe they’ll pull over to get a better look. Maybe they decide to get out of their car. Now they’re not just faceless strangers, and they can see exactly what we’re up to. The way you’re groaning and whimpering is gonna make them hard. Would you like them to pull out their cocks and masturbate to the sight of you getting off against the car?”

  She couldn’t look him in the eye. A part of her was still resisting, but he detected the slight jerks of her body as he curled his fingers against her G-spot. If the fantasy he described to her were to come true, he wondered that he would limit himself to getting her off. He’d want to whip her around and fuck her from behind. Hard and rough.

  However, the vehicle he saw approaching wasn’t going to carry mountain bikers. Blue and red flashed in the corner of his eye. It was a cop.


  Ben gently disengaged from her and released her wrists. For a moment, Kimani was confused in mind and body. What did he intend? Was he going to leave her hanging on purpose? Or was he stepping back to unzip his jeans?

  But then she heard the sirens.

  Shit! As quickly as she could in her agitated state, she pulled her bra down and buttoned up her shorts. It was bad enough her shorts were wet from arousal, now she had to face a cop, who may or may not bust them for public obscenity.

  “Step away from the vehicle,” the CHP officer said through his mic.

  After they had complied, he emerged from his car. He was older and had himself a beer gut. With a frown, he looked them over. Kimani realized he had seen them outside the Jeep. Whether or not he knew what they were doing remained to be seen.

  “License,” the officer pronounced.

  Ben took out his money clip and removed his license.

  The cop took note of the Ben Franklins. “You rob a bank there?”

  The tone wasn’t lighthearted, and Ben gave him a sharp look.

  “I don’t have my license on me,” Kimani said.

  “I was the one driving,” Ben said.

  The cop gave Ben a hard stare, as if he wasn’t sure Ben was telling the truth. He glanced between the license that was handed to him and Ben. “You here legally?”

  Ben narrowed his eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “ICE is cracking down on California,” the cop replied. “They’re not happy about the ones that got away down in the Bay Area.”

  She saw Ben’s features harden.

  “And because I’m Asian, you assume I’m here illegally?”

  “Just saying, you don’t look and sound like folks around here.”

  “Even if I was illegal, California’s a sanctuary state. You’re not supposed to cooperate with ICE without just cause.”

  The cop took a step toward Ben, his chest out. “You telling me how to do my job?”

  Seeing that Ben wasn’t going to back down, Kimani jumped in. “Officer, it was so nice of you to stop and check that everything was okay with us.”

  He turned his frown to her and looked her up and down. Ben seemed to notice him leering, and stiffened. She put her hand on Ben’s arm before he said anything. “We appreciate it, sir.”

  The officer looked at Ben again. “Wait here. And don’t move.”

  “Tosser,” Ben murmured as he glared at the cop’s back.

  “It’s not worth it,” she said. “You went to Howard. You know that in his eyes, you’re guilty just because your skin’s the ‘wrong’ color.”

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t call him on his shit.”

  “Yeah, but you think that’s going to stop him from being a racist? He’s just gonna find some reason to throw you in jail for a while. Just to mess with you. Because he can.”

  “He can learn he shouldn’t. Jail doesn’t scare me. It wouldn’
t be the first time I’ve had to sit behind bars.”

  “In America? Bad shit happens in our jails.”

  He gave her a searching look. “You worried about me?”

  “You haven’t done anything wrong, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to innocent people. Besides, I still need to pee.”

  His shoulders relaxed and his expression softened.

  “Look,” she said, “if you want to take him on, I’ve got your back. I’ll sit in jail with you. I’ve got as much beef as you, right?”


  “I just don’t want a jerk ruining our time.”

  Ben said nothing as the cop walked back to them. “This isn’t a parking spot. I could give you a ticket—”

  She could see Ben was ready to retort with something like, “Then why don’t you?”

  “—but I’ll let you off with a warning,” the cop finished, handing Ben back his license.

  Kimani breathed a sigh of relief when Ben took the license and said nothing. To the cop, she said, “Thank you, sir.”

  Ben opened the car door for her, and she climbed in. She watched in the side-view mirror as Ben came up to the cop on his way around the car. Just get in the car, she pleaded silently. He stopped in front of the officer. Ben was almost a foot taller and in much better shape, but a cop was a cop. The officer puffed out his chest.

  “Hey, bae, we gotta get back so I can make dinner,” she called to him.

  Ben glanced in her direction, then back at the officer. Without a word, he continued around the car and got into the driver’s seat. The cop shook his head and strode back to his vehicle. Ben started the car and pulled back onto the highway. The officer followed until they turned off the highway onto the road that would take them to the cabin. Kimani didn’t relax until she saw the CHP’s car continue on the highway.

  “You’ve got a lot of forbearance,” Ben commented.

  “In a good way or bad?”

  “It’s neither good, nor bad. But it was the smart thing to do, not to waste more time with that prat.”

  Leaning the side of her head against her hand, she blew out a long breath. “I don’t know. Like you said, someone’s got to call him out on crap like that, but you never know who you’re dealing with. I remember when my father got pulled over for nothing more than a DWB, and I was scared to death that something would happen to him. These days, standing up for yourself can get you killed. But if you don’t stand up, are you being complicit? A coward?”

  “Every situation’s different.”

  She looked out the window, feeling unsettled. She didn’t like that she had to make nice with a man who didn’t deserve it. It felt like he had gotten away with something he shouldn’t have. But she had been fairly certain by the cop’s demeanor that he would have made trouble for them if they’d made any waves.

  Ben’s voice cut into her thoughts. “Like you said, it’s not worth it.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Would I rather sit in jail when I could be spending that time making your body quiver and shake? Hell no.”

  “Then why were you antagonizing the guy?”

  “I wasn’t in a good mood. He interrupted us.”

  Which was a good thing, she considered. She had let Ben mess with her enough.

  “It was fun hearing you call me ‘bae’ though,” he said, looking over at her.

  She flushed. “It’s just what came out first because I was worried you were going to mess with the cop still.”

  He nodded as he focused back on the road. “I like ‘Master’ better.”

  Course you do. She cleared her throat. “So when and where were you behind bars?”

  “In Hong Kong when I was a juvenile delinquent.”

  “What were you jailed for?”

  “I was in a brawl at a dai pai dong—it’s kind of like an open-air food market.”

  “Do you miss being in Hong Kong? Or China?”

  He glanced at her. “Are you just making conversation?”

  “What’s wrong with making conversation?”

  He didn’t say anything. She couldn’t figure him out. One instant he was offering up all kinds of information about himself, the next he somehow managed to steer the conversation from answering her questions.

  “You still need to piss?” he asked.

  “Ugh. Now that you mention it...”

  “Take your shorts off.”

  “That’s okay. What if we get pulled over again?”

  “You think there’s more than one patrol officer out here?”

  “You never know.”

  “Just undo them.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  He raised a brow. “Is there a reason my pet isn’t following orders?”

  “I’m not in the mood anymore.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You will be.”

  She bristled. This is what came of giving in to the man in the first place. Now he felt he could exploit her lust anytime and anywhere. “I just want to get to the cabin.”

  “The sooner you comply, the sooner we’ll get there.”

  Did that mean he would pull the car over if she didn’t do what he said? Probably. How much longer before they reached the cabin? Could she hold it?

  “The cabin’s still fifteen minutes away,” he informed her.

  She groaned. “Look, just pull over so I can do my business behind a bush.”

  “If I pull over, I get to watch.”

  Her mouth fell open. She didn’t like either of her options, but which one was worse?


  She looked away quickly, but Ben saw the flare in her eyes. The way her lips pursed in obvious displeasure was almost adorable. It didn’t bother him that she wasn’t the best behaved sub. Part of the fun lie in the training...and especially the disciplining.

  But he didn’t quite understand why she was resisting. Dealing with the cop had soured her mood, but this wasn’t the first time she’d held back.

  He gave her a few minutes to weigh her options. He could tell she was trying to come up with a third alternative, a way out.

  When it was clear she hadn’t come up with anything, she asked, “Are those my only choices?”

  “You want to opt for what’s behind curtain number three?”

  “What’s behind curtain number three?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “I always hated that game show,” she grumbled after a moment of contemplation.

  “You hate uncertainty.”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “Sometimes it pays to take risks. You took a big one participating in the Scarlet Auction.”

  “Yeah, but if I don’t like my situation, I can walk away.”

  “And give up the two thousand dollar deposit.”

  “Yeah, nifty how they set it up like that.”

  “You feel like walking away right now?”

  She gave him a restrained glare. “How can I? I’ve got to pee.”

  “I’m giving you three ways to relieve yourself.”


  “If you think you can hold it all the way back to the cabin, you can use the bathroom there, but then you choose to submit to what’s behind curtain number three.”

  “That’s not a choice. How can I agree to something when I don’t even know what it is?”

  “Everything is a choice, pet. Even doing nothing is a choice you make.”

  She stiffened when he called her pet. He shook his head. She wasn’t a typical sub. Most subs he dealt with enjoyed being called pet and saw it as a term of endearment.

  “So which is it going to be?” he pressed.

  With a vexed sigh, she reached for the button of her shorts.

  Interesting. He would have thought pissing on the side of the road the easiest option, but maybe that was because he was a guy. Maybe pissing was a more delicate act for women. If he had more than a week, or if Kimani proved a more amenable sub, he might obliterate all of her sensibilit

  “Good choice,” he said.

  “I bet for you, they’re all good choices,” she retorted.

  He smiled. “Yeah, they are, but my top pick would’ve been curtain number three. Now pull that zipper down nice and slow.”

  Taking in a breath, she drew the zipper down. Because she wasn’t wearing any knickers, he would let her keep the shorts on. He shouldn’t have allowed her to buy underwear at the CVS, so he could be assured she would always go commando. But she did still have a lot of walls that needed knocking down, and kindness would go further with her than brute force.

  “My turn,” he said when she was about to reach a hand into her shorts.

  Grasping her thigh, he inched her closer to him before settling his hand at her crotch. It was a warm and inviting space. Her curls there were soft and delicate. She inhaled sharply when his fingers grazed lower. Still wet.

  He wanted to adjust his jeans, but with a hand buried in her shorts, he needed the other one on the steering wheel. He alternated between looking at her face and the road ahead. Her brow furrowed as if she was concentrating on something. Not pissing her pants, maybe. Or maybe she was still resisting. But why would that be? She had let him masturbate her twice before already—once on the boat with the others in plain view, no less.

  He was thinking too much. Sex, and even the seduction prior to sex, rarely required thinking on his part. Even with the ones who played hard-to-get, like the daughter of a Japanese tycoon who held old-fashioned notions that the Chinese were inferior to the people of the rising sun, he’d rarely had to deviate from his modus operandi. The challenge of seducing princesses like her didn’t much interest him. And when it became clear he wasn’t going to bother, her demeanor had changed and she began to seek out his attention. It hadn’t taken long after that before he had her wriggling beneath him in bed, gasping and crying out in the high-pitched manner of female anime characters. It had grated on his ears, so they only fucked once.

  But Kimani was different. She was a challenge that did interest him. He didn’t know why. Sure, she was lush. A hot piece of ass. But in a modestly confident instead of in-your-face way. She was a little quick to judge and opinionated, but that shouldn’t matter because he had bought her for sex, not to be his mate. He should stay focused on the sex.


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