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The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History

Page 55

by J. Smith

  Raging Panther Aunties 18

  Ramírez Sánchez, Ilich 71–73, 347

  Ramstein Airbase. See RAF: attack against USAFE Ramstein (1981)

  Rapid Deployment Forces xxiv, 306n, 309

  Rasch, Wilfried 95

  Raspe, Jan-Carl 41, i, 358; captured (1972) 24, 369; interviewed by Spiegel (1975) 370; release demanded by Entebbe skyjackers (1976) 372; Stammheim trial (1976-1977) 30, 250, 365, 373; in Stammheim prison (1977) 34, 36, 39; death in Stammheim (1977) 38, 41, 45, 374. See also Stammheim deaths (1977); mentioned by Brigitte Mohnhaupt 315

  Rattay, Klaus-Jürgen 207–208, 359, 385; mentioned by RAF 288

  Rauch, Georg von 367

  RDF (Rapid Deployment Forces) xxiv, 306n, 309

  Reagan, Ronald 122, 173, 179, 359, 383, 387; 1982 visit to FRG and West Berlin 221–223, 225–226, 386

  rear base areas 22–23

  Rebmann, Kurt 134, 284, 359; during ‘77 offensive 36–37, 299–300; mentioned by RAF 150, 299–300, 314; on capture of Christian Klar 229; on Grußaktion 279; opposition to relaxed conditions for defectors 265, 269, 331

  Red Aid 86, i, 133, 368

  Red Brigades 4, 12n, 270, 313n; mentioned by RAF prisoners 195

  Regarding the Armed Struggle in West Europe (1971) xv, 367

  Reiche, Anne (Annerose) 57, i, 278; hunger strike (1980) 151, 381

  Reinders, Ralf 57, i, 359; captured (1975) 58; release demanded by Entebbe skyjackers (1976) 372; Lorenz- Drenkmann trial (1978-1979) 64, 377; Regarding the Alleged Dissolution of the 2nd of June Movement (1980) 132, 140–149; mentioned 138, 140; social revolutionary politics 64n,

  repression. See also §129a: used against alleged supporters; See also co-optation/ recuperation; See also repression, judicial; See also counterinsurgency; See also BKA (Bundeskriminalamt); See also computers; See also repression and movement dynamics; emergency legislation 313; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 17–18, 194, 201–203; pre-emptive 223, 256–257

  repression and movement dynamics 227n; carrot and stick 114, 208, 269n. See also resocialization; discourages activity 127–128, 226–227, 283; provokes activity 17–18, 79–80, 86–87, 212–213, 227n, 241, 253, 284–285. See also RAF ideas on: the rupture in the metropole

  repression, judicial. See also resocialization; See also §129a: used against alleged supporters; See also RAF trials; aboveground RAF thesis 187–188, 190, 201–202, 207i, 209, 276; collective responsibility thesis 250–251, 266, 268. See also RAF ideas on: collective responsibility; crown witnesses 230, 251–252, 371–372; hard core thesis 343; ringleader thesis 127n, 250; trial conditions 29, 322–323, 326, 370

  resocialization 114, 261–266, 269n, 271, 281, 331

  Revolutionärer Zorn 70, 216

  Revolutionary Cells xxiv, 69–70. See also Rote Zora; See also Revolutionary Feminist Cells; OPEC raid in Vienna (1975) 61n, 71–72, 267; attack on U.S. Army in Frankfurt (1976) 32; Air France skyjacking (1976, Entebbe) 72–74, 82, 372; bombings leading up to Reagan visit (1982) 222, 386; other attacks (1973-1984) 70, 179, 209–210, 352, 369, 374; and anti-imperialism 64, 71; and antinuclear movement 81–82, 381; and Autonomen 168–169; and post-structuralism 214; and Tauras-Dorff Group 51; compared to RAF 70, 168–169, 191, 210–211, 213, 215–216, 293; international wing 5, 71–74, 267, 364; mentioned by 2nd of June Movement 147; targeted 174, 188; The Dogs Are Barking and the Caravan Moves On (1977) and The Dogs Always Bark (1978) 267

  Revolutionary Feminist Cells 170

  Rieck, Horst 367

  Ritzmann, Olaf 288n, 382

  Roaming Hash Rebels 18

  Rohwedder, Detlev Karsten 343n,

  Roll, Carmen 105, 359

  Rollnik, Gabriele 96, i, 359; captured (1975) 58; escape from prison (1976) 58–59, 372; captured (1978) 67, 377; anti-imperialist politics 64n, 66; in prison 67–68, 103–104, 380; on RAF and 2nd of June Movement 131n; response to Dissolution Statement 132; support from mother 153

  Rommel, Manfred 45

  Rood Verzetsfront (Red Resistance Front) xxiv, 94

  Roos, Helga 187, i, 359; dpa occupation (1978) 97n; charged for attack against Kroesen (1981) 188, 201, 385; hunger strike (1982) 188; conviction (1983) 276, 284, 387; mentioned by RAF 201; psychiatrization 190

  Rössner, Bernd 28, 278–279, 359, 371

  Rote Hilfe 86, i, 133, 368

  Rote Zora 70–71, 170, 275. See also militant women’s movement

  Roth, Karl-Heinz 58, 360

  Ruhland, Karl-Heinz 251–252, 360

  Russell Tribunal on Civil Liberties in West Germany 98, i, 100–101, 376, 379; conclusions 319–327; opposition to 98, 100

  Russell Tribunal, Second 98

  Salameh, Ali Hassan 258–260, 259i, 360, 379

  SALT II 124, 381

  Sandinistas 123, 304–305, 380, 383

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 31, 267, 307

  Sauber, Werner 56–58, 57i, 360

  Saudi Arabia 71, 123, 312

  Scheel, Walter 44, 255, 301, 360, 375

  Scheer, Jens 80–81n,

  Scheicher (Bonn Security Group) 67

  Schelm, Petra 22, 360, 368

  Schiller, Karl 307, 360

  Schiller, Margrit 360; captured (1974) 35n, 369; force-feeding 36–37

  Schily, Otto 88, 360

  Schleyer, Hanns Martin 38–39, , i, 301, 312, 360, 374. See also RAF: kidnapping of Hanns Martin Schleyer (1977); executed 43, 375

  Schmid, Norbert 372

  Schmidt, Helmut 39, i, 77i, 121i, 361, 383. See also Social-Liberal Schmidt- Genscher Government (1974-1983); antiterrorist grandstanding 27, 254; during ‘77 offensive 45, 299; economic program 76–77; on Green Party 88; mentioned by RAF 150, 199, 247–248, 299

  Schmitz, Sabine 202, 361

  Schmude, Jürgen 159

  Schneider, Gert 361; captured (1977) 49, 375; in prison in Holland (1977-1978) 94, 376, 378; trial (1980) 152, 382; campaign for amnesty (1982) 269–270

  Schneider, Jürgen 187, i, 361

  Schneider, Peter 328

  Schoner, Herbert 109

  Schröder, Gerhard 262, 361

  Schubert, Ingrid 35, 361; release demanded by Entebbe skyjackers (1976) 372; dies (1977) 43, 375; mentioned by RAF prisoners 112–113, 193, 376

  Schulz, Adelheid (Heidi) 133, 228i, 284, 361; almost captured (1978) 54, 378; killings at Dutch border (1978) 55; captured (1982) 228, 387; squatting 210; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332; visit to GDR 337

  Schumann, Jürgen 40

  SDS (Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund) xxv, 17, 58, 328. See also APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)

  Seckendorff-Gudent, Ekkehard von 128, 361. See also RAF dropouts

  2nd of June Movement xx; origins (pre-1972) 18, 140–141, 367; British Yacht Club bombing (1972) 62n; Drenkmann assassination (1974) 27, 57–58, 170, 370; Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 47n, 57–58, 60n, 133, 137–138, 142, 162, 371; Lehrter Straße Women’s Prison jailbreak (1976) 58–59, 372; Palmers kidnapping (1977) 59–61, 67, 130, 133, 375; Lorenz-Drenkmann trial (1978-1979) 64, 88n, 377; Moabit jailbreak (1978) 64–66, , i, 130, 377; in France (1979-1980) 129–132, 382; Statement Dissolving the 2nd of June Movement (1980) 132, 137–139, 210, 382; Regarding the Alleged Dissolution of the 2nd of June Movement (1980) 132, 140–149, 382; bank robberies 56, 108–109, 141, 367; factions 62, 64, 66, 73, 132, 140; former members 71, 88, 133, 278–279, 386. See also Viett, Inge; “fun guerilla” 56, 138, 140; “populist” or social revolutionary politics 18, 56–57, 64, 137, 143–144, 147. See also herein factions; prisoners 61n, 66–67, 94–95, 103–104, 130–131, 151, 279; and RAF 56–57, 60, 62n, 108, 137–138, 140–142, 367, 375; joins RAF 131–132, 134, 137–149, 204, 279, 382; and Stasi 68–69, 377

  SEK (Spezialeinsatzkommando) xxv, 282, 284, 387

  sexist abuse. See violence against women

  Shah of Iran (Pahlavi) 122, 366, 379

  Shultz, George 308, 361, 386

  Siepmann, Ina 362; freed in Lorenz kidnapping (1975) 57, 371; detained in Czechoslovakia (1978) 68–69, 377; dies
during massacre at Sabra and Shatila (1982) 386

  Sinn Fein 295

  skyjackings. See Entebbe/Air France skyjacking (1976); See Mogadishu/Lufthansa skyjacking (1977)

  Social Democratic Party of Austria (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs, SPÖ) 258, 308n

  Socialist Lawyers Collective 355

  Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1983) 383, 387. See also Schmidt, Helmut; See also Baum, Gerhart; See also SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands); See also FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei); economic policy 76–77; lurch to the right 254, 272

  social revolutionary politics; and RAF 310–311; and 2nd of June Movement 18, 56–57, 64, 137, 143–144. See also 2nd of June Movement: factions

  Söhnlein, Horst 156n, 362

  Somalia 146

  Somoza, Anastasio 123, 380, 383

  Sonnenberg, Günter 34, i, 362; captured (1977) 35, 373; trial (1978) 377; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332; release demanded 102, 115, 152, 153i, 192, 380, 384

  South Africa 36, 82i, 374

  South Korea 122, 146

  South Yemen. See People’s Democratic

  Republic of Yemen

  Soviet Union; discussed by Antiimperialistischer Kampf 218–219; invasion of Afghanistan (1979) 123–124, 381; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 218n, 235, 244, 309, 342. See also RAF ideas on: East-West relations; mentioned by 2JM prisoners 145–146; targeted 15, 117n, 123–124, 375

  Spain 4, 270, 353; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 115, 178, 193, 200

  Späth, Lothar 133, 150

  SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands) xxv–xxvi, 16, 76–77, , i, 255–256, 299. See also Schmidt, Helmut; See also Social-Liberal Schmidt-Genscher Government (1974-1983); cooptation by 78, 165, 185, 223, 281–282, 295n, 307n; during ‘77 offensive 246–248, 299–300; mentioned by 2JM 147; mentioned by RAF 117, 246–248, 297–303, 306–309. See also RAF ideas on: social democracy; support for repression xxvi, 99–100, 167, 254, 272; targeted 156, 160, 181

  SPD (West Berlin) 59, 65, 165–166

  Speitel, Angelika 55, i, 252, 362; captured (1978) 55, 378; trial (1979) 55n, 250, 381; eighth hunger strike (1981) 157

  Speitel, Volker 50, 253i, 362; arrested (1977) 97, 374; crown witness 101, 252, 261, 263, 379, 381

  Spiegel 87, 160, 167, 252, 291, 336; during ‘77 offensive 300; interview with Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Ulrike Meinhof, and Jan-Carl Raspe (1975) 370; interview with Gerhart Baum (1981) 263; and Peter-Jürgen Boock 264, 332; and Hans-Joachim Klein (1981) 266; interview with Horst Mahler and Gerhart Baum (1979) 262; interview with Irmgard Möller (1992) 42–43; occupied during eighth hunger strike (1981) 153, 384

  SPK (Socialist Patients Collective) xxv, 366–367; former members 105, 349, 351–352, 354, 356, 359–360, 363, 365; and Holger Meins Commando 371

  SPÖ (Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs) 258, 308n

  Spontis xxvi, 84; and guerilla 69, 71, 84, 267, 269; and other movements 78, 84, 89, 126, 164

  Springer Press 24, 366, 368

  squats 164–168, 207–208, 384; 12-12 riot (1980) 165, 383; comments by Gerhart Baum 257; Ekhofstraße 205; Hafenstraße and Kiefernstraße 209, 385; and RAF 152–153, 204–205, 209–210

  Stachowiak, Ilse 35n, 362, 369

  Stahl, Wolfgang 162, 362

  Stammheim deaths (1977) 41–43, 45, 374–375. See also German Autumn; ideological preparation 299–300; letters from Gudrun Ensslin 41, 113; mentioned by Antiimperialistischer Kampf 218; mentioned by RAF and prisoners 43–44, 112–114, 118, 193, 248; NATO death squad theory 118, 174, 193; prisoners demand information 94, 113, 376; weapons smuggling theory 101, 252, 381

  Startbahn West 166–167, 185, 188, 278, 385; targeted by Revolutionary Cells 179, 210, 352

  Stasi xxiii, xxvi. See also RAF: and GDR; informants 17n, 347, 356; prosecution of agents 184, 336; question of providing arms 337; and RAF 46–47, 134–136, 183–184, 333–340, 383; relationship with RAF ends 227, 334, 339; and 2nd of June Movement 68–69, 377

  Staub, Ernst-Volker 286, 362, 388

  Sternebeck, Sigrid 128, 362. See also RAF dropouts

  Stoll, Willy Peter 54, i, 362; almost captured and then killed by police (1978) 54–55, 127, 378; mentioned by prisoners and supporters 96–97, 119, 378

  Stoltenberg, Gerhard 306n,

  Strategic Defense Initiative 387

  Strauß, Franz Josef 363. See also CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern); mentioned by RAF and prisoners 199, 247, 299, 300, 312, 340; and Olaf Ritzmann 288n, 382

  Ströbele, Hans-Christian 88, 363, 383

  Ströbele, Wolfgang 86

  Struggle Against World Imperialism Organization. See Commando Martyr Halimeh

  student movement. See SDS (Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund); See APO (Außerparlamentarische Opposition)

  Stümper, Alfred 314n,

  Stürmer, Gudrun 363; captured (1978) 67, 377; anti-imperialist politics 64n; in prison 68, 103–104, 380; support from mother 153

  Süddeutsche Zeitung 300

  support scene 22, 161i, 168. See also Autonomen and anti-imps; See also anti-imperialism; attacks on 44, 100–101, 155, 189, 229, 256–257, 277–279. See also repression, judicial: aboveground RAF thesis; See also §129a; dpa occupation (1978) 96–98, 378; during eighth hunger strike (1981) 152–156, 157i, 159–160, 288; and German Autumn 44, 94, 100–101, 128, 211–213, 233, 252; and liberals 101; and May Paper 211–214, 216, 219–220, 227, 235, 238–243; and Northern Ireland 176; and prisoners 26–27, 31–32, 34, 96–98, 103, 120i, 151–153, 174, 262n, 276–281, 285, 288, 294i, 372, 378, 380. See also lawyers, attacks on; See also Russell Tribunal on Civil Liberties in West Germany; See also Grußaktion an die politischen Gefangenen (Greetings Action to the Political Prisoners); sabotage attacks 31–32, 156, 181, 184–185, 284–285; squats 152–153, 164, 204–205, 209, 288; and women’s movement 170–172

  Swiss People’s Bank 109

  Switzerland 60–61, 79; prisoners from West German guerilla 61n, 115, 154, 371; Zurich bank robbery 109–111

  Taufer, Lutz 18n, 28, 363, 371

  Tauras-Dorff Group 51, 162

  Tauras, Jürgen 51, 363

  taz 210, 229n, 270n; founded (1978) 86–87, 363

  Teufel, Fritz 363; captured (1975) 58; Lorenz-Drenkmann trial (1978-1979) 64, 377; and Entebbe skyjacking 73, 372; mentioned 138, 140; social revolutionary politics 64n,

  Thatcher, Margaret 177, 227, 363, 380, 383

  Thimme, Johannes 202, 364

  Third International Russell Tribunal on Civil Liberties in West Germany. See Russell Tribunal on Civil Liberties in West Germany

  Third Reich. See Federal Republic of Germany: Third Reich successor state; See Nazis, former

  Thomas, Simon 353

  Traube, Klaus 256n,

  Treuhandanstalt 343n,

  Tröber, Peter 283

  Tunix 84–86, , i, 166n, 376

  Tupamaros Munich 18, 351

  Tupamaros (Uruguay) 11, 305, 307

  Tupamaros West Berlin 18, 140–141, 354

  Turkey 123, 164; coup (1980) 174–175, 178, 383; mentioned by guerillas and prisoners 40, 118, 178, 193, 195, 197, 200

  Tuwat 166, 181–182, 384

  Uganda 72, 372

  undogmatic left 85, 89. See also Tunix; See also Spontis

  United States 2–4, 121–125, 227, 380–381, 383. See also NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization); antiimperialists 4, 10–12, 171; and counterinsurgency 29n, 67, 72, 173–174, 199, 255, 260n; targeted by RAF 24, 106–107, 116–118, 179–183, 197–200, 368, 384–385; mentioned by RAF 55n, 116–117, 193–194, 197–199, 235–236, 240–241, 246–248, 305, 309. See also RAF ideas on: imperialism’s current situation; mentioned elsewhere 138, 145–146, 177–178; targeted by others 31–32, 85, 151, 156, 179, 181–182, 185, 222–223, 225–226, 282–283, 288, 381–382

  Uruguay 122, 360. See also Tupamaros (Uruguay)

  USSR. See Soviet Union

  Ustashe 53n,

  Verein zur Rehabilitierung de
r wegen Bestreitens des Holocaust Verfolgten 355

  Verfassungsschutz xxiii, xxvi, 99, 254, 257, 324–325. See also Lochte, Christian; and Verena Becker 230–231, 383, 385; antiguerilla activities 29n, 97, 136, 163, 189, 270–271, 283–284; criticized by Russell Tribunal 101, 324–325, 327, 379; statements on RAF 107, 339–340

  Verfassungsschutz (Hamburg). See Lochte, Christian

  Vetter, Heinz Oskar 306n,

  Viehmann, Klaus 364; captured (1978) 66–67, 377; Regarding the Alleged Dissolution of the 2nd of June Movement (1980) 132, 140–149; social revolutionary politics 64n, 66

  Vietnam War 2–4; and RAF 18n, –19, 24, 156n, 366, 368. See also RAF ideas on: Vietnam as turning point; opposition to 6–7, 18

  Viett, Inge 57, i, 61–62, 132i, 204i, 364. See also 2nd of June Movement; multiple arrests and escapes from prison (1972-1976) 58–59, 372; release demanded by Entebbe skyjackers (1976) 372; Palmers kidnapping (1977) 59–60; detained in Czechoslovakia (1978) 68, 377; in France (1979- 1981) 129, 204, 384; leaves guerilla (1982) 204, 385; captured (1991) 333; anti-imperialist politics and decision to join RAF 64n, 131–132, 134; contact with Stasi 68–69, 134, 334, 337; statements about Stasi 183–184, 333

  violence against women 89, 157n, 172, 175, 387

  Violleau, Francis 204, 384

  Violleau, Yolaine 204n,

  Vogel, Andreas 364; captured (1976) 58; attempted jailbreak (1978) 65–66, 377; Lorenz-Drenkmann trial (1978- 1979) 64, 377; anti-imperialist politics 64n, 66; on Grußaktion 279–280; and RAF prisoners 94, 279

  Vogel, Hans-Jochen 102, 185, 302, 364

  Voigt, Helmut 69, 336, 364

  Voigt, Karsten 185

  Vollmer, Antje 364. See also Vollmer- Walser proposal

  Vollmer-Walser proposal 342, 364–365

  VSP (United Socialist Party) xxv

  Wackernagel, Christof 364; captured (1977) 49, 375; in prison in Holland (1977-1978) 94, 376, 378; trial (1980) 152, 383; campaign for amnesty (1982) 269–270

  Wagner (Judge) 250

  Wagner, Rolf Clemens 364–365; joins Taurus-Dorff Group then joins RAF (pre-1976) 51; captured and released (1978, Yugoslavia) 51–53, 329, 377–378; captured during Zurich bank robbery (1979) 109–111, 381; trial, prison, and extradition from Switzerland (1979-1982) 110, 154, 383; statement on Boock’s lies 328–332; on hunger strikes 26n; on Vietnam War 19n; support from mother 153


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