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Horse (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 6)

Page 3

by Candace Blevins

  “Sex. It isn’t a bad word. You can say it.”

  He glanced towards the area with the most bikers and looked back to me. “Most of the RTMC engages frequently, and I’ll admit to doing so as well, but I’m not quite as public about it as my brothers.”

  I took a few seconds to really look at him. His full beard was trimmed closer than it’d been when I’d first met him, and his hair looked as if it’d been cut as well — I remembered it being scruffier and below his ears. He’d been ruggedly handsome before, and he still was. His black t-shirt didn’t hide any of his muscles, and he was still a giant of a man. I didn’t even want to think about how big he’d be in bear form. I met his eyes again, and the kindness I saw gave me the courage I needed to ask my question. “Bears tend to be loners. It seems odd for one to join a group of wolves, who are social creatures.”

  He shrugged. “We’re promiscuous sexually, as are the wolves until they find their mate, and then they go monogamous. They know I’m not big on groups and they’re good with me being quiet in the clubhouse, most of the time.”

  “And talking about sex embarrasses you?”

  He rolled his eyes, clearly uncomfortable. “There are women around the clubhouse who are, well, easy? I don’t know a nice way to put it. I’ve gotten used to being frank with them about it, but I like you, and it bothered me when you were scared of me. I don’t want to do or say anything else that might scare you.”

  Aaron and Sophia had both vouched for this man, and he’d shown me through his actions he didn’t intend to hurt me. I took a breath and spoke fast. “Okay, so rabbits are easily frightened under the best of circumstances, and I guess you’ve figured out my circumstances haven’t been all that great. I freeze and freak way too much, and I’m working on it, but I haven’t had sex since I got to this realm and if you’re interested I’d really like to leave here as soon as we politely can.”

  I could smell his arousal, but he was also a little mortified I was being so frank about it. Or, perhaps that I’d been the one to ask for it. I was still wary, but no longer terrified around him, and I reached for his hand. “Rabbits don’t get embarrassed about sex, Horse. We just don’t. I’ll fill in a couple more blanks for you, too. My body will adjust to yours — doesn’t matter how big you are, I’m made to be fucked, basically.”

  He shook his head, his eyes fierce. “Doesn’t matter what you shift into, Gabby — you weren’t made to be fucked. Maybe you enjoy it more than other species, maybe your body reacts differently, but you have a brain and a personality. You’re made for so much more.”

  “Maybe, but the point is, I’m asking if you’d like to come back to my place when we leave here.”

  He looked at me a few seconds before saying, “I’ll go back to your place so you can get a good night’s sleep, knowing you have a guardian watching over you and keeping you safe, but I won’t have sex with you until you tell me your secrets.”

  I just stared at him a few seconds, flabbergasted. I could smell his lust, I knew how badly he wanted me… and he was turning me down?


  He tilted his head and smiled, and I stood as I told him, “I’m not looking for a relationship, Horse. I just need a friend I can fuck sometimes.”

  I walked away, and he didn’t stop me.

  Sophia was sitting around the fire, talking to Gen, Viv, and another woman I didn’t recognize. They introduced her to me as Kirsten and made room for me to sit with them. I genuinely liked these women, and I cut up and talked with them for probably an hour before Gen and I went to get something to drink.

  Most shapeshifters can drink without getting drunk. Not so much with rabbits, so I usually stay away from alcohol. However, tonight I thought maybe I’d be okay with one drink.

  Gen and I got a glass of wine and were headed back to the fire when a vampire stepped in front of us, clearly wanting Gen to introduce me to him.

  “Gabby, this is Abbott. Abbott, this is Gabby.”

  I’d heard rumors that Aaron Drake lived near The Abbott, but the fact I was talking to him in His Majesty’s back yard made me want to run. However, doing so would be unbelievably rude, so I planted my feet and forced my voice to work. “It’s nice to meet you, Sir.”

  He chuckled. “You don’t have to lie, little one, but you also don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  I knew it was a vampire trick, but I didn’t care that I suddenly felt safe and protected. I sighed with relief as I said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  Gen looked from Abbott to me and back, and finally asked me, “Do you want to head back with me, or are you going to stay and talk to Abbott?”

  “I’ll stay and talk. Aaron told me I’d be safe around anyone who came to his party.”

  “Okay, but come back and sit with us when you finish, and let’s go ahead and exchange numbers, in case I don’t see you again tonight.”

  We did, and when she left, Abbott put his arm around me and walked me to a little seating area at the edge of the yard without many people around.

  “You’re a little more skittish than most bunnies. Are you okay, little one?”

  “I’m fine, Sir, and thanks for helping me relax.”

  “I’m surprised you realized I had. Do you live in this realm, or are you just visiting?”

  Whatever he’d done to keep me from being afraid felt so good. I smiled and answered, “I’m going to UTC, but I haven’t been here long.”

  “Many of my flock go to UTC. I can introduce you to some of them, if you’d like. What are you studying?”

  “Everyone is being so nice. Thanks for the offer. I’m double majoring in criminal justice and psychology.”

  “One of my girls is taking political science classes in the hopes of eventually getting into law school, so it’s possible the two of you might have a class together at some point, or at least be in the same building so it’s easy to meet up for lunch. I live next door, if you’d like to walk over and meet her?”

  I could smell his lust, and my body reciprocated by sending heat through my veins and I stifled a moan. He grinned and said, “Or, we can skip meeting her until later, if you’d prefer. It’s been centuries since I’ve tasted rabbit.”

  His words stoked a fire in me and I put my arm in his as I told him, “Lead the way then, we don’t have your kind in Faerie and I’m looking forward to the experience.”

  We were almost to the gate when Horse was suddenly in front of us. He was still in human form but I could see the grizzly in him, blocking the way.

  My right hand was looped through Abbott’s left arm, and he stilled and covered my right hand with his. “I was under the impression you were unattached, Gabriella.”

  “Horse turned me down earlier, Sir.”

  Horse looked at the Master Vampire without an ounce of fear as he told him, “She’s mine. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  “I’ve recently had a painful reminder that claiming someone who doesn’t want to be claimed can result in heartache.” The Master Vampire turned to look at me. “I’ll be around. You should talk to your Grizzly before you make a decision. Should you want my attentions after you’ve talked, let me know.”

  I didn’t want him to go. I wanted to go next door so we could fuck each other’s brains out, but I couldn’t get the words out before he was gone.

  I glared at Horse and spat the first thing that came into my mind. “You don’t want to fuck me, but you don’t want anyone else to, either? Oh, what a great friend you’re turning out to be! Blackmail me by withholding sex until I reveal my secrets, and then cockblock me when I find someone I’m interested in who also happens to want me. Well, fuck you very much!”

  Without a word, he lifted me, cradled me in his left arm, put his right hand to the back of my head, and leaned down to kiss me.

  Apparently, when Horse makes up his mind to do something, he doesn’t do it halfway. His lips took mine in an almost savage kiss, and I felt his bear claiming me as he pressed my lips open and his
tongue invaded my mouth. Heat pulsed through my veins and my body lit up like a Christmas tree inside, every nerve ending screaming for the energy I’d get from this man, this bear, during sex.

  Rabbits are sexual creatures, but it’s more than physical for us. I mean, sure, we need a hard cock pounding us, but even more, we need the transfer of energy during orgasm. Don’t get me wrong — it’s a two way street and we give as much as we get, but if we don’t get it, we go into a state of depression and it can be hard for us to get out. Aaron was right that I’d gone too long without, but I hadn’t realized how badly I needed it until tonight.

  Horse carried me around the house and I tore my mouth away long enough to ask where he was taking me.

  “To my bike. I’m taking you to my house.”


  He stopped and I told him, “You were going to hold sex over my head as a bargaining chip earlier and I can’t risk you doing it again. I’ve gone too long without, and Aaron assured me everyone here would be safe. I’m not going to blow my chance.”

  He set his jaw, looked away, and then looked back. “I give you my word I’ll fuck you through the mattress whether you tell me your secrets or not.” I smelled the truth in his words, saw it in his eyes, and I couldn’t deny how badly I wanted this man. This bear.

  I needed to be sure, though. My need was great and now that I knew the kind of shape I’d let myself get into, I couldn’t risk not having the kind of sex I needed tonight. “And we’ll both orgasm, multiple times.”

  I smelled another surge of lust as he rolled his eyes and said, “Yeah, that too.”

  “I think it’s cute you’re embarrassed.”

  “I think it’s cute I can carry you in one arm.”

  “Yeah, I’m not complaining about that, either.” I snuggled into his embrace a little more. “I need to let Jonathan know I’m riding home with you, since he brought me.”

  Aaron stepped into our view and said, “I’ll let him know.” He looked at Horse, his eyes so intense they reminded me he’s a Dragon in human form. “Take care of her, and don’t push for her secrets. You’ll do better by showing her you’ll always be there, no matter what. If she thinks your affection is dependent on getting what you want from her, she may never feel it’s safe to open up to you.”

  He sighed and stepped back. “I see why Abbott backed off so easily now. The dance your auras are doing — that kind of connection doesn’t happen often. Be kind to each other, and think twice before you throw it away.”

  Aaron turned and walked away, and I wasn’t sure what to say to Horse. He handed me a helmet and I noted how small it was. “You just happened to have a helmet that’ll fit me?”

  He shrugged. “I was hoping.”

  I put the helmet on and he helped me buckle it. I watched him put his on and asked, “How far is it to your house?”

  “I took it easy when we went to the restaurant — straight roads in heavy traffic. We’ll have curvy mountain roads and possibly not many cars in our way. If you need me to slow down, make a fist and pull back on my stomach. If you’re okay and think you’ll be fine if I speed up, pat my stomach.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I could make it in twenty minutes if I knew you could handle it, but without knowing how you’ll react, it could take twice that, or longer.” He put his finger under my chin, his eyes dark with lust. “I don’t want to scare you. Riding my bike should be fun.”

  Chapter Eight


  I worried about her the first couple of miles. She leaned the wrong way, and she pulled on my stomach to get me to slow down several times when I hadn’t thought I was going fast.

  I did my best to drive carefully, though I admit I was disappointed she wasn’t enjoying the wildness of the wind in our faces.

  About halfway down the mountain she leaned with me instead of against me, and from that point forward everything changed. Four curves later, she patted my stomach and I sped up a little.

  I wasn’t going full speed by the time we reached my street, but we were going much faster than I’d have dared to dream during those first couple of miles.

  She was exhilarated when we got there, her smile huge and her eyes wide as she told me how she’d never felt so alive.

  In that moment I knew how much I loved her.

  I unfastened her helmet before I took mine off, and watched her expression as she looked around. My home looks tiny because only a small portion is above ground. Since rabbits like to burrow, I was hoping she’d appreciate my cave-of-a-home. I like living in the ground with the earth above me. It feels safe.

  The above-ground portion has a small living room, bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen. It’s the floorplan of a cheap apartment, and is barely eight hundred square feet.

  Downstairs, however, is nearly three thousand square feet of man cave. I love to cook, and have a kitchen most restaurant owners would drool over. It’s big because I spend a lot of time at home in my grizzly form, and my bedroom has both a huge bed and a large cushion on the floor in a back corner.

  Hell, I even created a gigantic remote on a wall in my den, so I can work the TV with my bear claws.

  Chapter Nine


  His house was in the middle of nowhere, woods all around, and was at the edge of a huge clearing. I don’t know why I expected him to live in a larger space, but I was a little surprised at the size. It was tiny.

  However, it was neat enough inside, though it didn’t really look lived-in.

  “When I said I was made for sex, earlier, I didn’t mean I was made for only sex,” I tried to explain. “I just meant my body is more suited to sex than most other species. Even my human body morphs so it’s the perfect size for whoever I’m with.”

  He chuckled. “That’s good to know. I’m a little worried about breaking you, to be honest.”

  I shook my head. “For the record, I’ve had a procedure to keep me from getting pregnant, so it’s safe to come inside me and we don’t need a condom. As for breaking me, I haven’t had sex in this realm yet, but I’m sure my body will react the same. We should be fine.” Almost as an afterthought, I added, “My dad made sure I stayed a virgin when I was here, before.”

  I never talk about my dad. Ever. I have no idea why it popped out now, and when he started asking questions I wanted to kick myself for opening up the conversation.

  “How old were you when you moved to Faerie?”

  “Fifteen, but rabbits are different than humans. Some start having sex as early as eight, and just about all of us are sexually active by the time we’re eleven. Most are born as rabbits, though, and my dad made sure I was born a human. I seem to be mostly the same as other rabbits, but sometimes my great-uncle talks about me as if I’m another species.”

  He sat me on a sofa and looked nervous as he said, “I need to be upfront with you about what I know.”

  My heart sank into my stomach, and my voice wouldn’t work enough to ask him what he knew.

  “We have someone who’s really good at researching people, and I gave him the footage of you in the gun store and asked him to find out what he could about you. When he started looking, the U.S. Marshals Service decided we needed to be taken in for questioning. They say it’s because you were missing for so long, and your file is still open so it triggered when he started poking into your background.”

  And I knew he didn’t believe their story. Dammit, I wanted to wring Marshal Faulkner’s neck. That’s how he knew I’d been looking to buy a gun.

  “I told Brain not to look any farther, but from what he found out before they brought us in, my guess is something bad happened when you were fourteen, and you were put into the witness protection program. Maybe your family worried about your safety, and took you to Faerie. Now you’re back, and they made arrangements for Aaron Drake to look after you.”

  I opened my mouth to speak and he said, “One more thing. Let me say one more thing before you respond, please?

  I nodded and he said, “I want to protect you and keep you safe. If I know who might want to hurt you, and why, I can better do that. Also, if I understood why you’re afraid of wolves, maybe I could help by not putting you into situations more likely to trigger your fear.” He caressed my hair and gave me a sad smile. “I understand that whatever happened is hard for you to talk about, so I’ll wait until you’re ready. No pressure.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, and then closed it when I realized I no longer had to explain to him why I didn’t want to talk about it. He’d meant the ‘no pressure’ part. I could hear and smell the truth in his words. I nodded and moved one of my legs over his, so I was straddling his lap, facing him.

  I leaned in to kiss him, but he moved his mouth and kissed my cheek. “You get to see one of my secrets first. This is just a showplace up here, or where I let people live when they need to crash for a while. I live downstairs.”

  He shifted me sideways as he stood, so I was on his hip like a toddler, and he walked towards the kitchen area. It was all one big room, but he touched a spot on the wall and a piece of wood opened to reveal a number pad. He punched something in and I gasped as a piece of the floor rose to show a staircase.

  Lights were still coming on below as he stepped down — he must have had everything automated. I was doing semi-okay until the ceiling above us closed as he reached the first landing, and I freaked. I didn’t say a word, didn’t make a noise, I just froze in terror as my claustrophobia made me feel as if everything was closing in on me and there wasn’t enough oxygen. My pulse raced, spots of white floated in my vision, and I was seconds away from losing the contents of my stomach.

  He knew immediately, and he headed back upstairs with me without saying a word. When he got me above ground he didn’t stop until we were on his back deck and I could feel the cool night air and see the stars above me.

  “I thought rabbits burrowed in tunnels, and you’d be okay.”


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