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Something Fierce [The Underground 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  There were no coherent thoughts running through her mind, just mindless need that had her every cell on fire. She peeled her eyes open, surprised that she hadn’t even realized they had closed, and stared at him. Kash watched her with a strange look on his face, but she didn’t contemplate what it could mean. She could feel his erection against her thigh, and she knew what she wanted to do. She flattened her hands against his chest and gently pushed. He knitted his brows but lifted himself off of her. When he was on his back she pushed herself up, staring down the length of his body until she got a good look at his cock. The ring at the tip was thick, and although she knew nothing about gauges when it came to piercings, she knew it was thicker than what had to be normal. Had he kept his cool composure the whole time or did the wall around him break for an instant? A fleeting thought came to mind and she wondered if he was the type of man that enjoyed pain and inflicting it on others. Tristan had never thought about pain being associated with pleasure, but she would be lying if she didn’t admit that there was a touch of curiosity in her.

  Tearing her eyes from the hard length before her, she stared into his eyes. Of course, he held an unreadable expression, one that had nothing to do with the shadows playing in the room. Gone was the man that had laughed and talked with her carelessly over movies. The man before her was hard in more ways than one. He didn’t need to tell her what he wanted her to do. The gleam in his eye spoke loudly. His erection strained forward and she grabbed the root as she leaned in. Kash hissed when her fingers tried to wrap around his girth. She had only given head a few times before, and after Zac berated her on the poor job she had done with him, the thought of disappointing Kash didn’t sit well with her. There was a part of her that wanted to please him as much, if not more, than he had pleased her.

  “Do I have to explain what I want you to do?” Even in the darkness she could see his eyebrow raise in question. A shiver ran up her spine at his dominating tone.

  Leaning down, she brought her mouth to the tip of him. She could feel his heat and opened her mouth to flick her tongue over the ridge of the tip. No noise came from him and she worried she was doing a poor job at it. Steeling herself, she knew she had to up her game. She wanted him to ache for her like she did for him. She ran her tongue over the flared edge and engulfed him. The taste of him exploded in her mouth. Salty, sweet, with a faint taste of metal from his piercing nearly undid her right then. She groaned around him. Despite her earlier orgasms, her pussy was drenched and her clit throbbed. She sucked him hard and deep, and when he gripped the back of her head and started thrusting into her mouth, she knew she had won this small battle. His whole body was strung taut and she knew he was going to come very soon. His fingers tightened in her hair, but before she could taste him fully he pushed her back. His breathing was haggard and the look he gave her heated her entire body.

  “On your back with your legs spread, Tristan.” When she did what he said she watched his expression waver for a moment. His gaze dipped between her spread thighs and he let out a gruff sound. “Jesus, baby.” He ran a hand over his mouth. “I want to be inside of you so fucking bad.” He flicked his eyes to her and a mask of composure covered his expression instantly. “Tell me you want my cock in you. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you.”

  Oh, God. His words were like gasoline on a fire. She had never been with someone so incredibly compelling and forceful with their words. It was like he knew exactly what to say to have her on the precipice of climax. In the next instant his hard body was blanketing hers. His mouth took hers in a searing kiss and she wrapped her hands around his neck. He pulled back with a scowl on his face.

  “If we do this, we do it my way.” His words brooked no argument.

  Tristan’s mouth went dry and her pussy convulsed. Yes, she so wanted to do it his way. A nod was all she could accomplish, but it satisfied him nonetheless. He clasped her wrists in one of his hands and brought them above her head. As if she could read his mind she gripped the wrought iron bars of his headboard. A ghost of a smile flittered across his face, as if her act of submission pleased him. When his hands skated over her collarbones and landed on her breasts she closed her eyes and arched her back. Yes, that was what she needed. She needed to feel his callused hands scrape over her flesh. He tweaked her nipples, massaged the mounds, and brought a flush of heat to her chest. His hands were rough, worn, and all she could think about was how powerful he was when using them. A wave of lust slammed into her so hard it took her breath away. She was surprised at the intensity of desire that her thought caused.

  The feel of his shaft straining against her cleft had the desire to rub against him rising to the surface, but she knew he wanted this to be done his way. For some reason, she knew that if she was patient and obedient, he would bring her to a place she had never dreamed of.

  His warm breath moved across her ear, and she forced herself not to turn toward him. “Are you ready for me, for this?” He squeezed her breast lightly. “Are you ready to have a monster thrusting inside of you?” He pinched her nipple. “Does the idea of what I do, of what I want to do, scare you?”

  Tristan didn’t know if he was trying to shock her, and although it might have worked, she was far too gone in her need to pay it much attention.

  “I’m not any good for you, Tristan. The world I live in should scare the hell out of you, not turn you on.” His mouth was still by her ear and his hands were still on her breasts. His words may have held a note of desperation and despair in them, but his body was still primed for her, just as hers was for him.

  “I should leave you to your pretty little life, but I crave you so fucking bad. Never have I wanted something as much as I want you.” He emphasized his point by pressing his erection against her. A mewl escaped her mouth. “I admit I’m a selfish bastard because, even though I know this is wrong on so many levels, I can’t stop. I won’t.”

  She didn’t want him to stop. “Please, Kash, please take me. I don’t care about all of that other stuff. I just want you to ease this burn you started inside of me.” She turned her face toward his and pressed her mouth to his. Thankfully he kissed her back. His tongue slipped into her mouth at the same time the head of his dick pressed into her opening. She lifted her hips, knowing that she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Please—” Her words were cut off when he slammed into her. She broke the kiss and threw her head back, groaning out her pleasure. He was like a wild man, thrusting, pumping, bringing her so close to the edge and then stopping right before she went over. Her pussy was so wet for him, and the sound of his skin slapping against hers reverberated in the room.

  “So wet and tight.” He growled against her neck and picked up speed.

  Soon she was falling over the edge into mindless, blissful completion. Her hands grappled for something to hold on to, to anchor her to reality. She gripped his wide shoulders, felt her nails dig in, and screamed as another smaller orgasm wreaked havoc on her body and mind. Just as the high started to slowly dwindle, she found herself flipped on her belly. He lifted her ass until she finally realized what he wanted. She shouldn’t have wanted any more, especially what she knew was about to come, but she couldn’t stop herself from giving him everything.

  Palms flat on the mattress and legs spread wide, she waited for him to make his next move. Her vagina still convulsed from the after tremors of her orgasm. With her chest still on the mattress, her ass was high in the air for the taking. She had done anal before, but it had been only once, and she had been drunk. The thought of letting him in there, with his massive erection and frightening jewelry lanced through his dick, should have scared the hell out of her. All she felt was the mindless pleasure of wanting more.

  Tristan closed her eyes when she felt his fingers skate over her slit and gather her cream. There was no tensing, no worries about what was going to happen next as he spread her juices over her anus. The sheets were tightly fisted between her fingers, and he repeated the action, over and over, bringing he
r closer to begging him to fuck her ass. She thought he would push right into her, but when he covered her back with his chest and kissed the shell of her ear, she blinked her eyes open. His fingers teased her vagina and she swallowed back her moan. Of course the fear of pain was present, but his soft touches and soothing voice told her that he would be a gentle, if dominating lover. She could be wrong, but she didn’t think so. He had already ensured her pleasure above his by bringing her to climax three times and he still had yet to find his own release.

  “You’re so responsive to my touch. Will you be this responsive when I’m buried deep in your ass?”

  A shiver shook her body. She didn’t answer, couldn’t. The sting of his hand coming into contact with her ass had her gasping. The pain was a sharp contrast to the pleasure he had just delivered.

  “Answer me.” His voice was thick like honey but not nearly as sweet.

  “I do. I want to feel you in my ass.” She felt herself blush, not because she had said the words he so desperately wanted to hear, but because she had meant them, each and every one.

  “I am so hard for you. Do you feel what you do to me?” He lifted off her back and she felt his erection slide across her ass. The desire to close her legs, to shield that part of her was strong, but the need to feel him actually in her ass was stronger.

  “Y–Yes.” She wanted to tell him to do it, to beg him to end her misery and quit taunting her. Maybe she spoke aloud because in the next second he was slowly pushing all his hard inches into her. Tears stung her eyes, and she started to feel the burn of being filled completely. It was like nothing she had ever felt. The time before she had been so drunk the memory was distant and had holes in it. She may have had a couple of shots, but she was here, feeling everything.

  The burn and sting of the tip of his shaft popping through the tight ring of muscle had her squeezing her eyes shut. When he was completely inside of her he didn’t move. She knew he was letting her body get accustomed to his girth, and for that she was thankful. His hands gripped her ass, squeezing intermittently as if it was agony being still. Maybe teasing him at that moment wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but his slowness was like torture. She pushed back against him, telling him without words she was ready. He hissed under his breath and gripped her hard.

  “You’re tempting something dangerous, Tristan.”

  Maybe she was. She had seen who Kash really was, but with her, alone, he had always been kind, thoughtful. He may have showed her a dominating side, one that hinted that he liked things much darker, rougher, but he had gone slow with her, been gentle, and made sure her pleasure came first. He started moving in and out of her and soon the burn of pain was replaced by something far more pleasing. Each time he pushed into her that desire heightened. His groans behind her were enough to have her nearing yet another orgasm, but it was his hands reaching in front of her and his finger rubbing her clit that had her screaming out. She pressed her face into the mattress and cried out in delightfully erotic pleasure. One thrust, two thrusts, and on the third one he buried himself balls deep and cursed loudly. His language was crass and vile, but it reflected the strong emotions she was sure he felt at that moment. She couldn’t fault him for that. When he pulled out of her and wrapped his body around hers, she let herself slip into an endorphin-filled coma. It was then, when the darkness was creeping up on her and the mere idea of fighting it seemed abhorrent, that Tristan heard Kash whisper against her back, very low, but unfortunately not low enough.

  “What a fucking mistake.”

  She let herself slip into the darkness, because staying in reality seemed far too painful.

  * * * *

  Kash closed his eyes and waited until his heart started to beat a normal rhythm. What he and Tristan had just shared was incredible, and that was what scared the shit out of him. Being with her hadn’t felt like one of his one-night stands. She had been so responsive, and when his dominant side had come out, she hadn’t shied away. In fact, she submitted to him. With each passing day he was finding it harder and harder to keep his distance from her emotionally and physically.

  Foreign emotions and feelings swirled around him like an impending tornado. He didn’t know how to take them, didn’t know how to process how they made him feel. She had seen him covered in another man’s blood, and although there had been shock and fear initially, all of that had melted away and she had looked upon him like she had really seen him.

  Her body, so soft and full, rested against his side and spread warmth throughout him. The warmth wasn’t just physical. He felt it down to his very bones, down to his very marrow. Yeah, being with her had been a mistake, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to walk away from her. He was known to leave people in ruins, and she would just end up being another casualty. He didn’t know how to be any different, and Kash knew she deserved someone so much better than a piece of shit like him that came from a broken family.

  The smart thing to do was for him to leave. He was good at leaving, but the selfish part of him couldn’t bring himself to tear his hands from her lush body. He would hold her while she slept, just for tonight. He could give himself that one simple pleasure and then when she woke he would need to sever whatever was growing between them. It was the only way to keep her mind and heart intact.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tristan woke to the sound of steady thumping right below her ear and the feel of warmth surrounding her. She slowly opened her eyes, and although the room was still cloaked in darkness, the light from the streetlamps outside cast a dim glow through the window. His scent enveloped her, a heady aroma of sweat, sex, and something spicy. Certain parts of her body ached pleasurably, and she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face, but soon that slowly dissipated into a frown. Kash’s words right before she fell victim to blissful sleep echoed in her head.

  “What a fucking mistake.”

  She wanted to confront him about it, but a selfish and stupid part of her didn’t want to break the afterglow silence that resulted from the incredible sex they just had. There was also a part of her that just wanted to pretend it had never happened, that maybe she had imagined his words. She closed her eyes briefly and basked in the feel of him surrounding her. He had his arm draped over her shoulder, protectively she would like to think. Her head rose and fell in time with his breathing. The sound of his heart could have easily lulled her back to sleep, but disappointment and a sense of being used crept into her soul. Had he simply fucked her just because? Did he have no feelings for her like she had for him? The idea that he thought of what they just shared as a mistake ate at her. It was her own damn fault though. She knew what kind of man he was. He had admitted as much before he fucked her. Her stupid brain and stupid heart had fallen for him regardless, and now she had to face the cold, hard truth.

  “You must be thinking about something intense.” Kash’s sleepy voice seemed to fill the room. It was no use feigning sleep now.

  “How did you know I was awake?” She pulled back and tilted her head to look into his face. He smiled down at her and brushed a stray lock of hair off her forehead. Tristan’s heart seized for a moment at the tender gesture. Maybe she had misheard him? Maybe all her worrying was for nothing?

  “I’m pretty good at reading people.” At her silence he continued. “Your body tensed and your breathing changed.” He smiled and brought his lips to hers.

  Warmth spread throughout her body when his lips touched hers. She had so many questions to ask him but didn’t know if now was the right time to bring any of that up. “I’m sorry if I woke you.”

  “You didn’t wake me. I never fell asleep.” He tightened his arm around her and she found herself snuggling in closer. “So do you want to talk about what is on your mind?” His voice had changed on the last part, and she wondered if he knew what kind of questions she had for him.

  The first question that rose to her mind seemed the most logical one to ask, and the one he was most likely willing to answer. “So, that is wh
at you do for a living?” The image of him slamming his fist into his opponent raced through her mind and a shiver crept up her spine. He didn’t say anything for several moments, as if he might be weighing what he really wanted to tell her.


  She was surprised by his admission. For some reason she thought he might try to deny it, although it would have been fruitless since she had seen the destruction he caused with her own eyes. Yet here she was, curled around him like a second skin, her body aroused even though he had just brought her to multiple orgasms not an hour ago.

  “Does what I do disgust you?” He moved another lock of hair off her shoulder. “Do I scare you?” He whispered the last part.

  It should have, he should have, but at that moment she couldn’t feel anything but peaceful ignorance and the aftereffects of their intimacy. “No. Yes.” His chuckle at her response surprised her. She rested her head on his chest again and listened to the beat of his heart. It was steady, strong, just like him. “I should feel disgusted by how you make a living. Beating people up to make money isn’t exactly prideful work.” Had he stopped breathing? At his silence she took that as an indication that he wanted her to continue. “It scared me to see you hurt someone like that, but then there was a part of me that was in awe.” She lifted her head again and looked into his face. He watched her intently, yet there was a shroud of uncertainty covering his perfectly handsome features. “The look on your face, it was frightening, exciting.” The last word left her lips quietly. She glanced at him through the veil of her lashes to gauge his reaction. Would her admission disgust him?


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