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Ohber_Warriors of Milisaria

Page 12

by Celeste Raye

  Ohber kissed her mound and swirled his hot tongue over her entrance. She spread her legs wide, allowing him full access. He swept over the nub, and she shuddered. His long tongue dove inside the wetness, setting off an eruption of pulses. Valeri drenched his mouth in wetness. Her body went slack.

  Ohber stood and ripped off his clothes. He fell on his knees and impaled himself to the hilt, touching her core. He moaned in pleasure. This was his true home. He felt complete when he was joined to Valeri. She used her legs to push at his thighs and shoved her hand against his shoulder. He understood that she wanted him to roll over and obliged. They remained joined as she straddled him. As she rode his manhood, he was able to freely play with her body. Four arms came in handy. He placed a hand on each breast, squeezing them and pulling at the taut nipples. A third hand held her hip, setting a rhythm for her ride. The fourth rubbed against her nub, bringing her closer to an explosion. His manhood pulsed inside her as he gathered speed. Their simultaneous climaxes rocked the walls of the new house and burned brighter than the fire.

  Tears fell from Valeri's eyes. The emotions she felt were too intense for words. She laid on Ohber's chest, letting the feelings roll over her. Ohber clung to her like he would never let her go.

  He continued to caress her back as he said, "We have to talk. I need to know where we stand. I am aware that you are worried about your father. He will be brought before courts and face imprisonment. He did bad things to us, but he was once a good father to you. Are you going home for his trial?"

  "I do still love him. If I thought he could be rehabilitated, I would do all I could to help,” Valeri said. "However, I don't think he feels any remorse for his actions. His only love now is money. The only regret he would have is not being able to enjoy the spoils of his work. Besides, how would I get home?"

  "King Siefer would get you there. You only need ask." Ohber's heart ached at the idea of her choosing to return to Earth.

  Valeri sighed, "No, I don't want to see my father. I would either be sad or angry, depending on his attitude. We said our final goodbyes when he tossed me out of the building. He knew our relationship was over and won't expect me to be there for him."

  Ohber took a deep breath and asked, "What about Victor? He is your only other family member. Do you miss him? Do you want or need to go to him?"

  "You are right. I love and miss him dreadfully. We are very close despite our father's discord with him. I would love to continue being a part of his life. I wonder if he will accept the FBI's offer of a job? Will he attend daddy's trial even though they were estranged? I wish I could talk to him."

  "I can ask King Siefer to send you on the next trade transport, unless you want to leave sooner." Ohber's heart was breaking now.

  Valeri pushed against his chest. She lifted her body and stared down into his sorrowful eyes. "Are you trying to get rid of me? Do you want me to leave?"

  Ohber looked confused. He replied, "I am not trying to be rid of you. I want you to be happy. I do not wish you to leave, but your family is on Earth. Your desires and needs are more important to me than my own."

  "I have a new family here. I want to stay in touch with Victor. Alexis and the queen can help me with that. They reach out to their families somehow, I'm sure. I belong here. I am useful in this lab. I like this planet and its community feeling. Looking at your handsome face is a treat as well. Do you think the king will let me stay?" Valeri bent down to plant a kiss on his nose.

  "If he even considered saying no, I would fight him. He would win, but I would fight to the death. I want you here." Ohber controlled his fear and said, "I love you as I have no other."

  Valeri glowed at his sweet words of admission. She had been waiting to hear them forever. She blushed from head to toe, curled up on his chest and speaking straight to his heart replied, "I love you more than I thought it possible to love anyone." Strong arms surrounded her, holding tight. She snuggled down and fell into a dreamless sleep listening to the answering love beating from his heart.

  Daylight streamed through the windows, waking them. They still lay on the rug in front of the fireplace. The fire was out and the morning had a slight chill. Ohber wrapped them in the rug, cocooning their nude bodies. Valeri groaned and said, "No matter how much I want to, I can't stay here. Alexis expects me in the lab, and I have to find King Siefer and the queen. I have to get permission to stay on Milisaria from the king. I also need Queen Destiney to assign me a permanent chamber. The one I have now is just temporary, like the little one you used to have. No one is building me a house."

  Ohber refused to turn her loose. She laughed and said, "Come on, big guy. I know this feels great, but I need to get up. You do too. Didn't I hear Nabvan say you could work with the trainees? I hear swords clashing already. You are officially late."

  "He said I could help whenever possible,” Ohber teased. "It is definitely not possible at the moment. I am busy with going back to sleep. You tired me out."

  Valeri propped her head on her hands and stared into his dark eyes. With an evil grin, she stated, "I guess that means you need to rest instead of joining me tonight in my chambers. Too bad. I had something special in mind. Alexis claimed that Milisarian males equate love with sex. Either she was wrong, or you don't love me much."

  Ohber growled and began to tickle her for teasing him. Their laughter could be heard over the clashing swords outside. Nabvan smiled, knowing Ohber had finally been able to express his feelings to Valeri and she had felt the same. He was happy for them. It made him want to return to his chambers where his wife was dressing for work and kiss her sweet lips one more time.

  Valeri calmed, stopped laughing, and said, "Really, Ohber, I have to go. I need a shower and clean clothes. They are in my room, and I am late for work."

  "You cannot leave yet. There is no need to hurry. The king fully expects you to stay and there is no reason to find the queen. You do not need a chamber unless you prefer to live alone. I wish you to live here, with me. In fact, I am begging you to stay." Ohber's voice quivered on the last sentence.

  Valeri jumped up and danced around the room naked. She shouted, "You mean it? You want me to live with you? Yes, yes, yes!!! I can't believe you thought I would say no. I want to curl up with you every night and take care of you every day. I don't want to be alone in a capital chamber. I was afraid to ask if I could stay with you."

  Ohber tossed the rug aside as if it was weightless and stood. "We have got to stop keeping our feelings locked away. It only causes us confusion and worry for no reason. From now on, let us be honest with each other about everything."

  "I have no problem with that, except it's scary. What if I say something that upsets or hurts you? I don't want to ruin this. We have come a long way, from experimental scientist and captor to man and woman in love." Valeri's hands shook as she paced the room.

  Ohber caught up to her, took her shaking hands in his, and replied, "If I get upset, do not worry. I will quickly get over it. Lovers argue, but they continue to love. We have disagreed on many things before. It did not stop us from getting to this point. We have overcome being from different species and planets, so I am sure we can overcome anything that gets in our way."

  Valeri sucked in a breath and asked, "Do you think we could have children in the near future? I really want to have babies with you."

  Ohber held her close and answered, "I would not have it any other way. Every time I have seen you with Nexxa and Scyon, I have imagined you with our child. It was a dream I dared not believe could come true. I wish for many children to occupy my time."

  Valeri gently kissed his lips, hugged him one last time, and then pulled out of his arms. "If that is true, then you better get dressed and go to work. You will need to build a lot more furniture and possibly more rooms. I need to go to the lab and mix more of Alexis's vaccine, in case we have daughters."

  She began dressing to leave, but Ohber surprised her once more. He asked, "Shall I build a room for Victor? Do you think he would
come if we asked him to give up the FBI for nieces and nephews of another species?"

  Valeri smiled widely and declared, "I really don't know, but it would make me extremely happy to ask him. Thank you for loving me enough to think of it.

  Valeri went off to work with a big smile on her face. “What are you so happy about?” Alexis asked, already knowing the answer.

  “The future,” replied Valeri.

  The End.

  Renall: Revant Warriors

  (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

  By Celeste Raye

  Chapter 1:

  Clara Waters stood at the bow of the spaceship, her eyes fastened on the world outside that window. The same misgivings she’d had back on Earth came flooding in.

  This was insane. She couldn’t possibly be on a spaceship flying to a lonely planet as a mail-order bride. She’d hated flying in air planes; the thought of being so far above the ground had never been one she’d liked, but now she was literally hurtling through space, passing by small asteroids and planets cloaked in jewel-like colors.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  Clara looked over at Margie Jones. She had fiery red hair, a porcelain complexion, and a habit of biting her full bottom lip so that it puffed up in a very attractive way. Margie added, “But I’d say it’s way too late to change my mind. We arrive in three days.”

  Clara looked back at the window. Her reflection looked back. Her jet-black hair hung to the waist of the baggy flight suit. Her face, a long oval filled with long-lidded blue eyes and high cheekbones, didn’t show the fear she felt. Why would it? She’d always been good at hiding her emotions. She’d had to be.

  Clara said, “It won’t be so bad.” I hope.

  Margie asked, “Do you think they’ll be hideous?”

  Clara didn’t have to ask whom Margie meant. “No, we’ve seen them before, remember? They’re nearly human in appearance. Well, except for the third arm and the pointy heads, but that’s small stuff.” She thought, Or not. I mean c’mon, a fucking third arm? I don’t know if I can stomach it, really but what else could I do? “I don’t know about you, but if I hadn’t gotten on the ship I would’ve had to do life, and that was in a serio-max. So this is way preferable.”

  Margie chuckled. “What did you do, anyway?”

  Clara said, “My folks were carders. They had a big op running down on the Under Levels below Old Toronto. I ran a few tables for them and I got caught.”

  Margie’s eyes widened. “You’re lucky they didn’t send you to serio-max without giving you the choice to do this. If you got caught with real currency that’s…that’s as bad as murder.”

  She had been caught with currency, thousands of coins and bills. Her lips tightened. “I wouldn’t have gotten caught; none of us would if it hadn’t been for…” She paused. A lacerating pain hit her chest.

  She’d trusted James, and she’d loved him too. He’d betrayed her and her entire family, and now she was on her way to an alien planet, and her family was stuck in cells. It was all her fault, and she knew it. She should never have broken that first rule of carding—never trust anyone, especially someone you love.

  Clara cleared her throat. “How about you?”

  Margie sighed. “I had a bad work record and was declared a bad citizen. They gave me two choices: come and be a bride or be declared unproductive.”

  In other words, Margie’s choices were between being killed in a government-sanctioned ‘sleep facility’ or marrying an alien on the under-populated outer colonies. Clara said, “I guess you made the best of a bad situation.”

  Ariel, a tall and elegant blonde with tanned skin and a trim athletic figure, came toward the two. She said, “What’re you guys talking about?”

  Margie said, “How we got here.”

  Clara asked, “How did you get here?”

  Ariel twirled a strand of hair around one slender finger. “I got sold off for my family’s debt to the government. Lucky me, I’m the pretty sister. Nobody even asked if maybe my parents and grandparents, who ran up the debt, wanted to get sold. It just came down to me whether I liked it or not since all debt’s inherited. It would have been my debt any way they looked at it, and so—here I am. But don’t, for a single second, think I’m happy about this.”

  Margie gave Ariel a sympathetic look and said; “I think a few other women on here are onboard over inherited debt too.”

  Clara looked away. Guilt hit, weakening her knees and sending fresh pain into her chest and heart. If it was possible to buy her family out of those cells, she’d do it in a second, even if it meant marrying a Centipedal from one of the hostile planets to the far left of the system they flew through. Nothing would get her family back, and it was all her fault.

  Her eyes closed. James’ handsome face swarmed up. Auburn hair over a high forehead, a slight dusting of freckles across his wide nose, a mouth made for kissing.

  And a heart made to turn over his lover’s family to the government in order to curry favor and get out of the Base-Level Tenements and into a nice flat above the ground.


  She really hoped the ground below his nice new living quarters cratered and toppled and killed his sorry, betraying ass straight dead.

  The crew came to life with a suddenness that startled Clara. She and the others gawked as crewmembers, galvanized by something the three women couldn’t see, dashed by.

  The loud clang of sirens rang out. Clara, used to danger, reacted by shouting, “They’re running, so we should be too!”

  Ariel’s mouth hung open. Margie, obviously blessed with a sense of self-preservation, took off at a dead run. Clara grabbed Ariel’s arm. “Come on!”

  Red lights flashed. A low grating sound ran through the ship. Ariel, her pretty face crumpling, asked, “What’s happening?”

  “Run!” Clara’s fingers clamped down more tightly on Ariel’s arm. Her feet moved, and after a moment, Ariel’s did too. They staggered and ran down the hallways. A loud clanking noise rose above the din created by the sirens. Crewmembers ran on, their faces shocked and frightened.

  Clara thought, Oh, it just figures! I hate flying, and now I’m going to die in a spaceship that must be crashing or something!

  Panting, her feet sliding along the slick floors, Clara kept going. Her survival instincts kicked in. An inner voice told her to leave Ariel, who was just holding her back. Once upon a time she might have, but she wasn’t on the Under-Levels where life was cheap and saving one’s self was something everyone was taught from an early age.

  The other women crowded near the pods, their faces showing their fear. A few shouting crewmembers pushed and shoved at them, thrusting them back toward the door of the pods.

  Clara balked. “What if we get trapped in there? What if there’s a fire or something?”

  It wouldn’t matter. Her heart sank, as she understood that. If the ship was crashing, the pods couldn’t save them, only the small escape ships could: the escape ships that were on the other end of the ship. Anger hit. She shouted, “The escape ships!”

  The crewmembers kept pushing, but a few had begun to run again, headed for the bays on the other side of the ship. That action just highlighted the fear growing in Clara. If the crewmembers could, they’d save themselves and no way could those rescue ships hold them and their cargo. She screamed, “They’re trying to put us in the pods so they can get on the ships and bail on us! They are going to leave us here to die!”

  Ariel shrieked. Her fist flew out. The woman packed a hell of a punch, Clara saw with some satisfaction. Now that the nefarious plot was clear, all the women fought back. One in particular, a skinny blonde, was skilled at fighting, her lean body launching across the floor and her feet and hands both kicking and punching. Clara didn’t have time to admire that. She was too busy just trying to get the crew out of her way and to the ships that were the only shot any of them had. Most of the crew deserted the fight and hauled ass for the escape ships. The women chased be
hind them, but Clara could feel her hopes sinking as she spotted a whole lot of those ships rocketing off into space, leaving them behind.

  Scarier was the sight of a massive, battered hull right above the edges of the wide glass observation windows. Margie, her face pale, asked, “What is it?’

  “I don’t know.”

  Ariel said, “Who cares? Run. We have to try to get to the…”

  Too late. A grating, rending sound tore through the ship. Debris and metal rained down. Clara went to her knees, her hands locking above her head. Her eyes went upward. Terror made her voice die in her throat. A long spike jutted into the ship. The thing whirled and spun and then opened, revealing a group of men.

  Not human.

  Something else.

  They were taller than average, with wide, barrel-chested bodies. They all wore plain brown uniforms, and the first one who stepped out could have passed as a pirate from back in Earth’s glory pre-tech days. He had a raffish black beard, neatly trimmed close to his jaw, which was sharper than it should have been. His hair, also black, hung in long curls to his incredibly wide shoulders. His eyes, long and almond shaped, were a burning blue. Thick fringes of lashes gave those eyes a smoldering look.

  He held up a long hand. The fingers were at least two inches longer than most human fingers. Clara got up. She put her arms out and tried to gather the other women behind her. Groans caught her attention. The crew and others had injured a few women by the spike, which must have been some kind of conveyance between the invader’s ship and the one the women were on.

  He spoke softly. “We are salvaging this ship. You have two choices. Come with us, or stay while it crumples around you.”

  Her rage burned high at that. Clara said, with a lot of bitterness, “So we have no choice. Again.”

  His eyes took in her face. His left eyebrow hooked upward. A flash of desire hit her hard. Her hands curled up into a fist and she stuck her chin out, eyeing him carefully even though her brain was screaming at her to get the hell out of there and fast before she found herself zooming through open space without a chance of survival.


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