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The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride

Page 3

by Jenn Roseton

  Pulled out of her thoughts, Laura stared at the man seated across the desk. “Excuse me?”

  He smiled kindly at her. “Mr. Trask wants to make sure you don’t suffer any financial hardship if the marriage fails.”

  “I couldn’t--” If they did divorce, she didn’t want anything from Alex. He was already helping her.

  “And if you have children,” the lawyer continued, as if she hadn’t spoken, “Mr. Trask will pay all their expenses and suggests a joint custody arrangement.”

  Her stomach tightened. She hadn’t event thought of that possibility. Although … last night, after she’d accepted his proposal, he’d tilted her chin and said, “I want to be clear. This is going to be a real marriage.” Desire blazed in his eyes and she’d gulped, images rising in her mind of Alex and her entwined, naked, on a large bed.

  She thought her whole body would turn a fiery red, then he’d released her, telling her he’d make arrangements for tomorrow, then he’d left.

  Now, she swallowed hard at the mention of children, wondering if Alex expected to consummate their marriage on their wedding night - whenever that was.

  “But I don’t expect Alex to pay me if we … divorce.” It was hard for her to say the word, even though she hardly knew her husband-to-be. But she definitely didn’t want his money.

  “I have a note here from Mr. Trask’s legal representative. He’s very insistent that this clause is non-negotiable.”

  It was important to her that Alex didn’t think she was marrying him for his money. But isn’t that what she was doing? Laura twisted her hands in her lap. She was marrying Alex because it was the only way to save her parents’ business, not because she wanted his money for herself.

  But why was he marrying her?

  “I’ve also been told that you’re getting married tomorrow.” The attorney smiled his congratulations.

  “I am?” Laura’s eyes widened. She’d guessed that once she accepted Alex’s proposal things would move quickly, but she hadn’t expected lightning speed.

  Why hasn’t Alex told me? Was she even going to see him before the ceremony? Where would it be held? What would she wear? How could she buy a wedding dress in less than a day - or should she even be thinking of wearing a bridal gown, considering the reason for their marriage?

  Laura’s mind whirled as she stared at the lawyer.

  In the end, her choice was simple. Either sign the pre-nup or forget about saving King Royale. As she signed the legal document with a shaking hand, she resolved to speak to Alex about one particular clause. She wouldn’t take his money if they split up.

  Walking out of the office building, she desperately needed a square or two of velvety smooth dark chocolate, preferably fifty percent cocoa, that would just melt on her tongue, and soothe away her concerns that she was doing the right thing.

  Spying a boutique chocolate shop across the road, she prepared to cross when she became aware of a looming presence beside her.


  “I thought I’d meet you after your appointment.” He took her elbow and steered her into a waiting silver town car.

  Laura watched him press the button to the privacy partition, the panel sliding into place behind the well-dressed burly driver. Butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach. Was she really going to marry this man? Tomorrow?

  She must be insane.

  “Alex…” she hesitated. What would it be like to have him in her bed? All six feet of powerful lean muscle - that’s what she imagined anyway, since she hadn‘t yet seen him nude. She guessed she would find out once they were married - if she were brave enough.

  “What?” He looked at her assessingly as if somehow he’d read her mind, and knew what she’d been about to say.

  Her heart rate sped up. Now was her chance - maybe her only chance - to get out of this crazy idea for a marriage.

  “Nothing,” she finally whispered, not sure if she was sorry or glad with her decision.

  “I thought we could have lunch while we discuss tomorrow.” He picked up her hand as he spoke, holding it gently.

  A shiver ran down her spine at his touch. Laura nodded, not sure if she could trust her voice right now.

  The car ride was mercifully brief. After a few minutes, they pulled up outside a luxurious apartment building in La Jolla, one of San Diego’s most prestigious neighborhoods.

  Laura wrinkled her brow. “Where are we?” They were the first words either of them had spoken during the short trip.

  “My penthouse.” Alex helped her out of the car, her lilac dress swirling around her knees as she stood on the pavement.

  “Oh.” She hadn’t really given any thought to what would happen after the wedding ceremony - except for consummating the marriage. Now, it all seemed very real. “Will I--”

  “Yes. You’ll be living here - with me.”

  Laura’s knees wobbled at the gleam of heat in his eyes. Alex guided her into the pink marble lobby, nodded to the doorman, and pressed the button for the penthouse elevator.

  The elevator arrived with a whoosh. Confined in the golden cage with her husband-to-be, Laura wondered if she was dreaming. She discreetly pinched herself and tried not to flinch. Definitely not dreaming.

  Alex ushered out of the elevator and into the penthouse. She caught her breath, her eyes widening at her luxurious surroundings. Cream walls and large, clear windows dominated the living room, while the plush rose-beige carpet made her feel as if she were walking on air.

  Two comfortable leather lounges were grouped near the fireplace in a conversational nook, a bare walnut coffee table in-between them.

  To her right, a big screen TV hung on the wall, with another leather lounge directly opposite. She fleetingly thought that her whole one-bedroom apartment could fit just in this living-room.

  “My housekeeper has organized lunch for us.” Alex caught her hand and urged her towards the left of the room, where a gleaming dining table awaited with an elegant place setting for two. Two silver covered dishes were placed in the middle of the table and Laura wondered what they contained.

  Alex seated her at the table, and efficiently opened a bottle of Dom Perignon awaiting them in a silver bucket. Laura watched him pour the sparkling wine into two champagne flutes.

  “To us.”

  Laura watched him as he raised the crystal glass to his lips, and copied his motion, the bubbles easily sliding down her throat, despite her reservations. If they were getting married because they were in love with each other, she would have enjoyed the champagne in a fizz of joy. Instead, she continued to second-guess herself.

  “I’ll give you the grand tour after lunch,” Alex said, setting his glass on the table. Taking off the covers of each dish, he gestured at her to help herself. “Sandra makes a great chicken salad.”

  “Sandra?” Laura stared at the gourmet salad - chicken breast, raspberries, salad leaves, cucumbers and crisp croutons decorated the elegant plate, with a small jug of dressing by its side.

  “My housekeeper.”

  With a start, she realized he was waiting for her to serve herself before doing the same. Picking up the silver serving utensils, Laura placed a little of the salad on her plate. Her stomach was tied up in so many knots right now, she didn’t know if she could eat any of the delicious looking food.

  She forked up a small bite of chicken breast and raspberry. The lush berry was plump and succulent, a perfect contrast to the tender chicken.

  “We’re getting married tomorrow,” Alex informed her immediately after he’d taken a bite.

  Laura was glad that she already knew that much. “Why so soon?” she asked, her fork hovering over her plate.

  “Why not?” His eyes swept over her, as if he were taking in every detail - not just of her appearance, but of her. “I see no reason to wait.”

  Reaching for her champagne, she took a hasty swallow, almost coughing from the effervescent bubbles.

  “Besides,” he continued, “once we’re married I can
start looking into the problems your business is having.”

  Laura nodded, reminding herself that was why she was marrying this man. Not because he was gorgeous, tall, and actually paid attention to what she said. Not because he was a billionaire. Nor because of the way her pulse raced when she was in his presence.

  “Where are we getting married?” She crinkled her brow. It was all very well for him to tell her when they were going to be wed, but she’d like a little detail.

  “At the courthouse.”

  She started to panic. “I haven’t got anything to wear!”

  “Go shopping this afternoon. Here.” He pulled out his wallet and handed her a black American Express card. “Buy whatever you want.”

  Laura stared at the card, turning it over in her hands. Her own credit card had a small limit with a balance she wasn't able to pay off completely with her reduced salary. Would she be able to buy anything at all on this card? She thought about the chocolate shop she’d seen this morning. Would she able to buy the whole contents of the store? And would Alex even notice the dent in his bank account?

  “I’ll pick you up at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. I’ve got your address.” His smooth, rich voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “How?” Her eyebrows drew together.

  “That would be telling.” A trace of a smile touched his lips, then he looked at her plate. “Not hungry?”

  Laura glanced at the remains on her plate. She’d only had a few bites as she was too keyed up about everything. “It’s delicious,” she said truthfully. “I guess I’m just not very hungry.”

  “I hope you’ve got room for dessert.” He lifted the silver cover of the other dish, revealing two glass bowls of dark deliciousness.

  “Chocolate mousse?” she asked hopefully. Perhaps a touch of chocolate would soothe her jangled nerves.

  “Yep. It’s Sandra’s signature dish.”

  Laura couldn’t help smiling, despite her reservations about the situation she‘d gotten herself into. “Does Sandra do all the cooking?”

  “Most of it. She comes in three days per week and makes me something for dinner. I usually fix something for myself on her off days. We can get her to continue to do that after the honeymoon if you like.”

  “Honeymoon?” The chocolate laden silver spoon paused on its way to her mouth.

  He shrugged. “I thought it would be nice to get away for a few days, get to know each other … properly.”

  Laura felt heat rise to her cheeks at his words. And the way he looked at her when he said properly …

  When she didn’t say anything, he probed, “You can have some time off from the business, can’t you?”

  Nodding her head, she didn’t know whether to be glad or not. People weren’t exactly lining up for her to cater their events, but that meant she could take some time to know her new husband. She wondered if she would get to know him before they consummated the marriage.

  She plucked up her courage. “Where are we going for our,” she swallowed, “honeymoon?”

  “To my ranch in Wyoming. It’s near a small town called Elk View Corner. It’s a bit rustic, but I’ve already arranged for Carol, my brother’s housekeeper, to get it ready for us.”

  “Your brother?”

  “Garrett. He lives on the neighboring ranch. He’s on his honeymoon at the moment. Lake Como.”

  “How many brothers do you have?” she asked curiously.

  “Four.” He grinned, his white teeth flashing. “I’m the eldest.”

  Laura realized that was the most information Alex had given her about himself since they’d met.

  “Do you have any siblings?” He watched intently for her answer.

  She shook her head. “No.” Most of the time she hadn’t minded being an only child when she was young. She’d enjoyed helping her parents in the kitchen and learning to cook. But sometimes, she’d wished she had a brother or sister to play with, especially when her parents were busy and she read or played on her own.

  Laura narrowed her eyes as a thought occurred to her. Alex had only proposed to her five days ago, but already he’d arranged a pre-nup, the wedding date and now the honeymoon.

  “You’ve arranged everything very quickly,” she ventured, watching his expression.

  He surprised her. “I hoped you’d say yes.” For just a second, she thought she’d caught a glimpse of vulnerability on his face, and then it vanished.

  Her heart melted. She had to admit, this man intrigued her, and actually wanted to marry her. When was the last time a guy was so interested in her?

  Panic slivered through her. What if, on their honeymoon … she didn’t want to finish the thought. What if … he didn’t like her curves? Her soft, naked, hourglass body?

  “Something wrong?” He looked at her in concern.

  Laura realized what she was thinking must have reflected on her face and forced a smile. “Nothing,” she said brightly.

  He looked at her thoughtfully. “If you’re finished, I’ll show you the rest of the place.”

  She glanced down at her dessert. To her surprise, most of the delicious dessert was gone. Did Alex have such an effect on her that she didn’t even remember eating the most decadent chocolate mousse she’d ever tasted?

  “Sure.” She rose from the table and followed him into the kitchen. It almost rivaled her commercial kitchen for space and equipment.

  Alex gestured at the large, gleaming refrigerator and double oven. “You might like to cook sometimes.”

  Laura gazed at the kitchen counters, the gorgeous paneled cupboards and the double sink. It put the tiny kitchen in her apartment to shame. “It’s great.”

  He nodded, then clasped her hand in his, guiding her though the living-room into a short hallway. Her hand felt dwarfed in his grasp, and she couldn’t escape a shiver of awareness at his touch.

  “This is my study.”

  Laura peered around the doorway into a generously proportioned room. A large mahogany desk, a leather executive chair and a computer graced the den. A photo of five good-looking men, including Alex, all with dark hair, hung on the wall, and she could see the family resemblance.

  “Are they your brothers?” She stepped into the room and looked at the photograph.

  “Yeah.” He came up behind her, his breath almost tickling her neck. They stood like that for a moment, before Alex ushered her to a room at the end of the hall. “The guest room.”

  A double bed took up the center of the room. Cream carpet, and soft green and blue tones completed the neutral look.

  “Both the bedrooms have private baths,” he continued, grasping her hand once more as they walked a short way to the final room. “And this is the master bedroom.” He ushered her into the large room. A huge king-sized bed dominated the room, with a large walk-in closet and plush, royal-blue carpet. Matching rosewood nightstands stood next to each side of the bed.

  “This is where we’ll be sleeping.”

  Laura couldn’t help noticing the emphasis he put on the word “we” and the fact that he hadn’t let go of her hand. She nodded, not sure what to say. This was all happening so fast!

  He turned to look at her. “You can redecorate anything you like in the apartment.”

  “Thank you.” She tried to swallow as he gazed at her with his midnight eyes. The moment stretched, and for a second Laura thought he was going to lean in and kiss her. He didn’t. She couldn’t help the disappointment that flickered through her. Clearing her throat, she began, “Alex, about the pre-nup.”

  “What about it?” His eyes tracked the expression on her face.

  “I don’t want your money if we … divorce.” She didn’t realize until seconds later that she’d squeezed his hand.

  “You signed the pre-nup.”

  It was a statement, not a question and she wondered if he’d been notified the instant she’d put down the pen after scrawling her name. “Yes.”

  “It’s a binding contract, Laura.” His eyes were

  “Yes, but--”

  “You’ll receive the money.” His voice was almost a growl.

  She stared at him for a minute, then nodded reluctantly. Her heart panged with regret at his tone, that made it sound like their marriage failing was already a foregone conclusion.

  “We’ll move you in when we get back from the honeymoon.” His fingers tightened momentarily on hers, reminding her that he was still in possession of her hand.

  Should she give up her apartment? Or should she keep it? How long would the marriage last? Could she ask him such a question? Laura resolved to wait and see what happened after the … honeymoon. Her one-bedroom was in a nice block and conveniently close to King Royale headquarters. She didn’t want to give it up, only to find herself apartment hunting in a few months’ time because her marriage of convenience had suddenly imploded.

  “Laura?” He tilted her chin up to meet his gaze.

  “Yes?” She knew she sounded flustered, but the whole situation was surreal. What have you gotten yourself into?

  “Any questions?”

  She fleetingly thought he sounded a little unsure of himself and instantly dismissed the thought. Alex Trask couldn’t possibly be unsure of anything in his life. She was the one who kept questioning the wisdom of this … this marriage.

  It was no use - she had to say something. "I don't understand why you want to marry me. Couldn't ... couldn't you--"

  "As I said before," he interrupted, "your clients are far more likely to pay what they owe once they know you're my wife. Besides, I have my own reasons for doing things this way."

  She bit her lip. By the forbidding frown on his face, the subject was now closed.

  His eyes zeroed in on the small movement of her teeth attacking her plump bottom lip. “Once we get back from the ranch, I’ll get to the bottom of your company’s problems,” he promised, guiding her back to the elevator.

  She nodded, watching his strong, tanned finger press the button for the ground floor. Discreetly looking at him as they descended, Laura wondered if he would kiss her before the wedding ceremony tomorrow. It would be nice to be kissed, she mused, wondering just how long it had been. Her last disastrous date five months ago had certainly not ended in a goodnight embrace. In fact, she’d toyed with the idea of ducking to the ladies’ room and leaving the restaurant by the back way, but didn’t quite have the nerve.


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