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The Tycoon's Reluctant Bride

Page 10

by Jenn Roseton

  “Oh?” Laura hoped her tone didn’t betray her turmoil.

  He shook his head. “I shouldn’t bore you with it.”

  “I don’t mind,” she murmured. And she realized it was the truth. She wanted to know more about her husband, and learning about what he actually did would help. Besides, Crawson’s voice mail message gnawed at her. Was she the reason why he’d missed out on a profitable deal?

  “Somehow what seemed like a sure thing fell apart at the last moment.” He frowned, his thoughts elsewhere for a moment. Then he turned his attention back to her. “I’m sure I’ll find out what happened.”

  Laura’s breath stalled in her throat. “I’ve got all I need to damage Alex where it hurts - his hip pocket.” She had no doubt that her husband would get to the bottom of the matter - after all, he’d barely taken any time at all to discover the root of the problem that had plagued King Royale for the last few months. But what would he do when he learned that Crawson had soured the merger for him? Would he blame her? Would he regret that he married her? What if not getting a piece of this deal ruined him financially?

  “And now he’s not getting his monthly millions from his grandfather’s will because he married you.”

  Had Alex needed the money from his grandfather’s will to become a successful businessman - in fact, a billionaire? What would happen now that he was no longer receiving that money? Did he need it to survive?

  “Are you okay?” He looked at her in concern, then led her over to the lounge. “Sit.” He crossed to the bar and poured her a drink from an expensive looking bottle. “Drink.”

  Laura peered at the finger of amber colored fluid in the balloon glass. “What is it?”


  Taking a cautious sip, she coughed as the fiery but smooth alcohol that tasted like toffee and vanilla slipped down her throat. Unused to drinking much besides the occasional glass of white wine, the cognac licked a trail of warmth through her body.

  “Good.” He nodded in approval as a hint of pink crept into her cheeks.

  Laura took another sip, then placed the glass on the coffee table. “Thanks.”

  Alex sat beside her, the heat of his thigh warming her even more. “You shouldn’t be working so hard,” he chided, clasping her hand. “Now that Crawson won’t bother you again, King Royale should be able to get back its market share and you’ll be able to afford to take on more employees.”

  Taking comfort from the touch of his hand, Laura ventured, “What about the clients who haven’t paid their bills?”

  His hand tightened on hers. “I’ve taken care of that too. Starting tomorrow, you should start to receive the outstanding checks.”

  Laura smiled in relief. If she could get the catering business back to where it was when her parents left the country, she mightn’t even need to explain the problems she had when they returned home. But … how would she explain marrying Alex? She decided to deal with that explanation when the situation arose.

  “What about you?” Reluctantly, she pulled her hand from his grasp on the pretext of reaching for the glass of cognac.

  “What about me, sweetheart?” He reached for her, but she drew back slightly.

  “The Madison merger.” She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes, clutching the glass. “Will you be okay … financially?”

  “Yes.” His jaw clenched and a shuttered look swept across his features.

  Laura crinkled her brow. Alex suddenly seemed aloof. Did he suspect she was to blame for missing out on the deal? But how? And why? He’d seemed perfectly happy a moment ago, but now …

  She shivered, a chill creeping in her bones. How could she tell him about Crawson’s message on her phone now? Would he hate her when he discovered why he’d missed out on this merger?

  “I haven’t heard of the Madison merger before today,” she said in a small voice.

  “You’ve been busy.” His tone was clipped.

  “Was it a huge deal?” She bit her lip, watching his closed off face for a clue as to his feelings.


  His icy assent surprised her. Where was her Alex? The Alex she’d fallen in love with? Now, in an instant, he’d turned into a remote stranger. Even before they married he’d been friendlier than this.

  “Oh.” She put down the tumbler. “I’m sorry.” She’d worried that Alex confronting Crawson about trying to ruin King Royale would backfire, and now she had her proof. Not only had it disadvantaged Alex financially, but now it had touched their relationship … their marriage.

  “Don’t be.” He scrutinized her coolly. “You didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  Guilt blanched her face. How could she tell him she was the reason he’d missed out on the Madison merger?

  Before she could say anything, he stood. “I’ll be in my study. Don’t worry about dinner.”

  Laura watched him walk down the hall. What had just happened?


  That night, Alex came to bed at midnight. Although she was tired, Laura hadn’t been able to sleep, wondering if her husband would join her. But when he did, he barely made a sound and was careful not to touch her.

  She ached to feel his strong arms around her, holding her tight. In the short time they’d been married, she’d become addicted to his touch at night. Even before they’d made love for the first time and had just nestled together all night long, she had reveled in his embrace. Now, she felt empty and alone.

  What had gone wrong? She’d gone over it again and again in her mind. He had seemed to change when she’d asked if he’d be okay financially after missing out on the deal. She’d only asked because she was concerned Crawson’s claims about Alex now hurting financially might be true. Surely her husband didn’t think she was a gold digger?

  Laura clenched her hands against the cream silk sheets. Alex hadn’t given her much choice in the matter of their marriage, or had he forgotten that? He could have helped King Royale without marrying her, but he’d insisted that they wed.

  Wriggling onto her other side, she stared at Alex in the darkness. She could barely make out his features in the gloom, but she didn’t think he was asleep.

  Her voice was tentative. “Alex--”

  “Go to sleep, Laura.” His tone did not invite further conversation.

  Silently huffing with indignation, she rolled over to her other side, until she practically clutched the edge of the mattress. She’d now passed guilt and had ventured into annoyance. How could Alex think she was a gold digger when he’d practically forced her to marry him?


  The next morning, Laura woke to find sunshine streaming in through the large window. Turning her head, she gaze fell on the large expanse of empty bed next to her. Blinking, she focused her eyes on the digital alarm clock. Eight o’clock.

  Where was Alex? In his study? Laura listened carefully but couldn’t hear any sounds that signified her husband was still in the apartment. She padded to the bathroom, and poked her head around the corner. Empty.

  Laura’s mouth drooped. She’d hoped after their brief honeymoon, that their marriage would work. But if Alex kept giving her the cold shoulder …

  Taking a quick shower, Laura dressed hastily. Although Alex had solved King Royale’s problems, there weren’t any more jobs on the books - yet. She didn’t even need to go into the office today, and she’d given Edna the day off. But she didn’t want to mope around the penthouse all morning.

  Laura walked down the short hallway to the living room. Perhaps Alex was having breakfast, and they could talk. But when she surveyed the bare kitchen, she nibbled her lip. No Alex.

  Shaking out some cereal into a bowl, Laura sat at the gleaming dining table. Her gaze fell on a note at the place where Alex usually sat. Snatching up the piece of paper, she scanned it, then tossed it back onto the table, her shoulders sagging.


  I’ll be at the office today.


  She didn’t even know wh
ere his office was! Crunching her cereal, Laura shrugged off her self-pity. It was all very well of her husband to tell her he would be in his office, but not very helpful when he hadn’t bothered to tell her where it was. The only number she had for him was his cell, and she certainly wasn’t going to call him. No apology, no endearments, and no kisses on his note. She glared at the offending piece of paper.

  Why hadn’t he told her about his grandfather's will? What kind of terms did that will have if Alex stopped receiving an inheritance if he married? It didn’t make sense.

  Was his desire to marry her so strong that he would willingly give up millions of dollars per month? Maybe the money didn’t matter to him before he lost out on the Madison merger. Was he now sorry he’d married her?

  Well, if that was the case, she’d happily give him a divorce. Clattering the spoon into the bowl, Laura dumped the dishes in the sink. She didn’t know if she could handle another night like the last one, together but separate in the luxurious king-sized bed. Upon reflection, it might have been better if he’d slept in the guest room last night. At least then his rejection of her might not be so painful.

  There was only one thing for it. She’d have to have it out with Alex. Talk about everything, including the reason he married her in the first place. And then, if they couldn’t salvage their relationship, which if she was honest with herself, had only just begun, she’d move out and ask for a divorce.

  Hurt flared in her heart at the thought of divorcing Alex. Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that. But if it did, she could move back into her old apartment. Although it was empty, the lease didn’t expire for another two months. Their marriage had been such a whirlwind, they hadn’t even discussed breaking her lease. Alex had just seemed focused on moving her into the penthouse, and then he’d become absorbed in solving King Royale’s problems.

  And pleasuring her at night.

  A spine-tingling shiver raced through her at the delicious memory. Surely their relationship wasn’t over already?


  Dammit. Alex stared unseeingly at the computer screen. He’d told his assistant Helen he was not to be disturbed, but now he wished she would buzz him to say Laura was on the line.

  But why would Laura call? He grimaced, remembering the note he’d left his wife that morning. Efficient and to the point. Just like him. Except … ever since he’d met her, she’d brought out a side of him he thought he’d buried a long time ago. He wanted to protect her, love her, and make love to her.

  Just thinking of holding her in his arms, kissing her sweet lips, his arms wrapped around her lush, ripe, hourglass figure made his groin tighten. And the way she responded to him … apart from last night.

  He scowled. He’d known something was off when Laura had arrived home yesterday, but told himself he’d been imagining it. But when she hadn’t kissed him back with her usual sweet passion, he’d known something was wrong.

  And when she’d innocently asked him if he would be okay financially after missing out on the Madison deal, his fears had gotten the best of him.

  The fear she didn’t feel about him the same way. Hell, he’d practically forced her to marry him. Refused to help her save King Royale unless she said I do. Alex savagely raked his hand through his hair, almost tugging out a few strands, but welcoming the pain. What sort of person was he?

  The kind of person who was hopelessly in love with his wife.

  And a total idiot who for one stupid moment thought Laura was similar to his ex, when he knew deep down, nothing was further from the truth.

  He had to fix this mess.

  Picking up the phone, he dialed a number he knew by heart. “I need a favor, Cole.”

  His brother pretended to sigh. “What is it this time?”

  Under other circumstances, Alex would have found his brother amusing. Not today. “Find out why I was cut out of the Madison merger. And give me everything you can on Charles Crawson, including his latest phone calls.”

  “You got it.”

  He replaced the receiver. His brother was a crack private investigator, and Alex knew Cole would get back to him before the end of the day.

  Now all he had to do was light a fire under San Diego’s most exclusive jeweler. He needed Laura’s ring ready today.


  Laura dragged her feet from the town car to the lobby of the condo building. As usual, Tony had been waiting for her when she’d left the penthouse that morning. She’d gone to King Royale, but hadn’t gotten much paperwork done. Although a couple of checks had arrived that had made her smile for a moment, all she could think of was Alex. How he’d been so aloof last night.

  Her heart ached at the memory. He’d just cut himself off from her. But maybe … maybe she hadn’t tried hard enough to reach out to him. She hadn’t made him listen to her. And she hadn’t been brave enough to tell him about Crawson’s threatening voice mail message. Perhaps if she had, things might be different right now.

  Laura barely noticed the quick elevator ride to the penthouse. What would she say to Alex? Maybe if she played Crawson’s message, he’d understand why she’d been so worried about him missing out on the Madison merger. If they were honest with each other about their feelings, their marriage might stand a chance.

  Blowing out a shaky breath, she realized she’d probably loved Alex when she’d accepted his proposal, but hadn’t been ready to admit it to herself. After all, she’d barely known him, although she'd been incredibly attracted to him. But now … she definitely knew she was in love with her husband.

  Laura stepped through the front door of the penthouse. Her eyes flew to Alex, pacing the living room in a finely tailored black suit. A large bouquet of red roses lay on the coffee table.


  His face cleared with relief. “Laura.” He crossed the room, taking her hands in his.

  Her stomach flip-flopped as she felt the electricity of his touch.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He looked down at her, his eyes filled with sincerity. “I’ve been an ass.”

  “Have you?” she asked softly.

  “Yes.” He exhaled heavily. “But before I explain everything, these are for you.” He reluctantly let go of her hands, and grabbed the bouquet of long-stemmed roses. “Here.” Alex gently placed the flowers in her arms.

  “They’re beautiful.” Breathing deeply, Laura inhaled the delicate fragrance of the red blooms, brushing a soft petal with the tip of her finger. “Thank you.” She gazed up at him, a tremulous smile on her lips, waiting for him to speak once more.

  “I discovered why I missed out on the Madison merger,” he said, his midnight eyes never leaving her face. “Crawson pulled some strings with his cronies and managed to cut me out.”

  “I’m sorry,” she replied, feeling guilty. She needed to tell him about Crawson’s voice mail message. But before she could, Alex spoke.

  “I’m not. I don’t need to do business with those kinds of people.” He hesitated. “I know Crawson called you yesterday on your cell phone. I had my brother Cole check his phone records as well as the merger details.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut for a split-second. “I wanted to tell you," she confessed, “but I was worried about how you’d react. It’s my fault you missed out on the merger. If you hadn’t helped me with the catering business--”

  “Stop.” He placed a finger against her lips. “It’s not your fault. How could you think that?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide with hope - and love. “He left a nasty message on my phone, saying he was going to make sure you missed out on the Madison deal. And …”

  “And what, sweetheart?” Alex prompted softly.

  “And that you wouldn’t receive your usual monthly millions from your grandfather’s will because you married me.” The words tumbled from her lips.

  “Is that all he said?” Alex’s mouth quirked.

  “Isn’t that enough?” Laura frowned, wondering what was amusing him.

  Alex wrap
ped his arms around her and pulled her close. “We won’t have to worry about Crawson again.” His lips were close to her ear and she shivered at his warm breath.

  Tilting her head back, she asked, “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” His eyes gleamed with confidence. “And as for my grandfather’s will …” He sighed. “I was going to tell you about it one day, but I didn’t think it was that important.”

  Laura wrinkled her nose. Millions of dollars each month weren’t important? She supposed if you were a billionaire, they mightn’t be.

  “My grandfather was a bitter, unhappy man. My grandmother eventually left him, and he became even worse. He made a will stating that each of his grandsons would receive an equal share of his estate as long as they remained single.” His lips tightened for a moment. “That meant no long-term relationships - at all.”

  Her lips parted in surprise, but she let Alex continue.

  “My grandfather was rich. He cut out my father and left everything to me and my brothers. It’s not exactly millions each month, but all of us could live very comfortably on the income and not lift a finger for the rest of our lives.”


  "Let me explain. I don't want there to be any secrets between us again." He kissed her softly. “I’ve been giving away that money to charity for years. It helped pay for college and got me started in business, first playing the stock market, and later on investing in companies, but I don’t need it now and I don’t want it. My brothers feel the same. We weren’t going to let our grandfather dictate our lives.”

  “And your father?” She held her breath.

  Alex smiled. “He’s happily running a bed-and-breakfast in Vermont with Mom. They’ve always refused to take any money from us, even money we’ve made ourselves.”

  Relief whooshed through her. “So you won’t be disadvantaged because of Crawson?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “In fact, he might have done me a favor. Being involved in that merger would have meant some long days at the office, when I’d rather spend that time with you.”

  “Where is your office, anyway?" She couldn’t help asking, still processing his amorous tone when he said he’d rather spend time with her.


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