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Tailing Her

Page 2

by Celia Kyle

  “Do it. We’ll discuss it later.” Yes, they’d discuss quite a bit later. Specifically, why the top-secret safe house for pride members in trouble sported a non-top-secret visitor.

  “Hey, Beta, isn’t that—”

  Brett was going to kill Lennox. “Shut it.”

  “—Candy, your ex?”

  Yep, Lennox was a dead lion. Double dead when Jennifer’s attention fixed on him and her rage struck him like a physical thing, punching him in the chest. “Baby…” He reached for her, intent on stroking away some of her fury, only to have her snap at him with those large teeth and powerful jaws. “Okay then, we’ll talk at my place.”

  It was where he’d wanted her from the beginning, but he’d already committed to taking her to the primary safe house. Now that it was compromised, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. And right now, all he wanted to do was fuck. Against the wall, on the floor, in the bed… He didn’t care where as long as it meant being inside her with both his cock and fangs. Based on the deadly glare she was shooting him, he didn’t imagine it’d happen any time soon.

  But a guy could hope.

  Chapter Two

  When they finally stopped their mad dash from the courthouse, Jennifer intended to find out what the hell was going on, except there was a teeny, tiny three hundred pound problem. Specifically, she was still lion shaped and three hundred pounds. She sneered at Brett as she padded past him into his condo. This wasn’t their original destination, and her lion was still pissed about the reason they’d changed their plans.

  “…Candy, your ex?”

  Oh, she was so hearing that story.

  Now on two feet and freshly showered, Jennifer rubbed the towel over her head, soaking up the moisture that remained. Even now, fifteen minutes later, frustration thrummed through her. No amount of snarling and growling got Brett talking about “Candy.” Nope, he had simply kept urging her toward the shower with assurances they’d talk after she shifted and got clean.

  Well, that was then, and now she expected answers. If some chick was after her mate…


  Jennifer had a mate. And not some pushover lion that her father and brother could intimidate. Nope, this guy was one hundred percent dominant, badass male. And he was hers. He was gorgeous with muscles on top of muscles covering his body from head to toe. His burnished gold hair had her fingers itching to sift through the strands. His blue eyes, when they weren’t filled with desire for her, held evidence of a teasing nature, and he was so strong… So damned strong. Two bullet wounds and still he laughed and joked as another pride member dug the hunks of metal from his body. He was bossy and sexy and snarly… Yup, perfect for her.

  She finished drying her hair and then wrapped the damp towel around her body, tucking the edge within the fold to secure it. She shook out her hair, running her fingers through the wet strands in an attempt to untangle the mess. It didn’t take her long to give up, since she didn’t have a brush on hand, and simply used her hair clip to keep it out of the way. Skin covered—mostly—she padded from the massive bathroom. She was getting answers. She wanted Brett to tell her what the hell was going on, give her a brush, and hand over some clothes. Not necessarily in that order. Actually, he was her mate. If they were alone, clothing was optional.

  Barefoot, she padded through the expansive condo, following the low murmur of voices down the hall. She passed several rooms, some easily identifiable as guest rooms while others looked like additional family areas and a study. How large was this place?

  She finally emerged into what had to be the central living area and came to an abrupt stop. Holy fucking sexy lions! She remembered having a few men in the SUV with them when they left the courthouse, and there’d been another behind them, but she didn’t remember them being so damn sexy. Rawr.

  She must have made a sound, must have whimpered or whined the tiniest bit because Brett whirled in place so he could stare at her. Those eyes locked on hers, his gaze sinking into her as if he were attempting to read her mind. She tore her attention from him. He didn’t get to see her secrets. Not yet anyway.

  Brett growled low, his blue eyes flashing yellow as he approached. He stomped across the polished wood floor, the room seeming to tremble with each step. It took no time for him to close in on her, lessening the distance within seconds, and then he was reaching for her. Gold fur slid free of his skin, coating his arms in shades of yellow and cream. His blunt, calloused fingers rapidly shifted from human to lion. It was evident the beast was making decisions and not the man.

  Jennifer eased back a step, unsure if she should hold her ground or run for cover. It was clear he was pissed, again, and that anger was intent on her. She moved backward again, fighting to increase the distance between them but a loud snarl was enough to keep her frozen in place. He flexed his hands once again, nails lengthening further, and now a hint of true fear thrummed through her veins.

  And that snippet of worry was enough to infuriate her inner lioness. How dare this asshole scare her. She wasn’t afraid of anyone. Well, maybe Marcus but he didn’t count. Because he was her best friend’s mate first and North American Alpha second.

  Brett though… He was her mate who was obviously furious as hell about something.

  Clutching the towel with one hand to ensure it remained in place, she held out her other in an effort to forestall him. “Hold up a second.” The towel slipped a bit, but she tightened her grip. “What’s got you so pissed? I’m the only one here allowed to be angry.”

  He curled his lip, flashing all his sharpened teeth. “They can see you.”

  God save her from possessive lions. “It’s not like you have something for me to wear.”

  He simply growled and reached for her, his hands easily encircling her bicep as he tugged her toward him. It wasn’t until he bent at his waist and pressed his shoulder to her stomach that she realized his intention. He was going to toss her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. It was a totally caveman move and while she normally would’ve found it sexy, it so wasn’t at the moment due to one small reason. One typically silk and lace crafted reason.

  Jennifer abandoned her hold on the towel and instead whacked at his back with rapid slaps. “Don’t you dare!”

  Brett simply chuckled and didn’t slow.

  “I mean it! I’m not wearing panties!”

  That got him freezing in place and then he released her and slowly straightened. By the time she was able to look him in the eye once again, she wasn’t surprised to see his features resembled his inner beast more than a man. He quickly crowded her against the wall and then spun to face the other men in the room.

  He released a bone-chilling hiss that had each of them looking everywhere but at Jennifer. It seemed like hours passed but it was only seconds before Brett was satisfied everyone was staring elsewhere. The moment he felt comfortable, he nudged her toward the hallway, returning the way she’d come. He stood between her and the males during their shuffle, ensuring he kept her hidden from view.

  The moment she was near enough to the bedroom she’d been using, Jennifer darted into the space, and put at least twelve feet between her and Brett. He followed, slowly closing the door behind him with a soft click. Then he turned toward her and leaned against the wood panel. He crossed his arms over his chest and simply stared at her intently. He didn’t say a word, didn’t move another inch, but simply stared.

  “What?” she snapped.

  Brett shrugged. “Nothing. Just enjoying the view.”

  His gaze seemed to stroke her body from head to toe, his attention starting at her face and then heading south. His eyes gradually shifted from bright blue to his lion’s gold. His concentration lingered at her breasts and she immediately tugged the towel tighter around herself, ensuring she was covered. That brought a small smirk to his lips, and she glared at him in response.

  But it didn’t matter. He continued his perusal. When he got to the wide flare of her hips, he remained focused on that part o
f her for more than a moment. He licked his lips, and she noted his human canines were longer and more pointed than before.

  “And it is a lovely, lovely view.” He met her eyes. “But you know that already, don’t you?”

  Jennifer squirmed beneath his perusal and fiddled with the damp towel that hid her from his gaze. Lovely view? Hardly. Like her best friend Penelope, Jennifer wasn’t the ideal version of a lioness and she knew it. But she wasn’t about to tell him she knew he was lying about his attraction.

  “Of course.” She shrugged.

  Maybe he really did think she was pretty. He was her mate and she didn’t think she’d end up with a mate who thought she could lose a few pounds.

  Now she treated him to the same intent examination, looking her fill, and her lioness purred at what they found. Massive muscles, wide shoulders, and an attitude that annoyed her as much as aroused her.

  “Like what you see?” His deep voice vibrated through her, and she couldn’t fight the little snippet of desire that slid into her veins.

  “Maybe.” No sense in letting a guy know she wanted to bang him non-stop for the next twenty-four hours.

  “Uh—huh.” He pushed away from the door and slowly padded toward her.

  He walked like the cat that lived inside him, slow and sure and with all the grace of a feline. He didn’t pause in his approach until he stood less than a foot from her. She’d held her ground, refusing to give him even a centimeter or retreat the slightest bit. They were both strong lions in their own right, and she wasn’t about to back down.

  Brett lifted his hands, skimmed his fingertips up her arms, then across her collarbone before tracing the upper swells of her breasts. Jennifer couldn’t suppress the shiver of need that assaulted her or the sudden heating of her center, body already slicking and preparing itself for him.

  She craved him like her next breath and was shocked by her desperate need for her mate. She owed her best friend an apology. She’d teased Penelope over jumping right into bed with Marcus, and yet Jennifer was more than willing to find the nearest flat surface with her mate.

  Oh look, there’s a bed. Let’s use that.

  He continued teasing her with his touch, fingers never slowing as they glided over her skin. He skimmed the long line of her neck before finally sifting his fingers through her hair to cradle her skull. “There will be plenty of time for a bed… later.”

  It was only when a new flare of need filled his gaze that she realized she’d spoken the words aloud. At the prospect of not getting what she most desired, Jennifer’s lioness whimpered. It also had her cheeks heating with a furious blush as she fought to turn her head away from him but he held her fast.

  “No hiding. I like that you want me.” He stepped closer, and evidence of his arousal pressed against her lower stomach. “Because I sure as hell want you.” He lowered his head and treated her to a teasing kiss. “But first we need to deal with our current situation.”

  “Current situation?” she whispered, mind consumed with need for him. She couldn’t follow their conversation. Her brain sort of shorted out with his I sure as hell want you.

  Brett captured her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled the plump bit of flesh, gifting her with a little sting of pain that merely stoked her arousal. “You have to focus, baby. Once we figure out who came after you, and how to eliminate the threat, I’ll lay you out on my bed and mate you… Tie you to me so hard that you won’t ever think or look at another male.”

  “Yes…” she hissed. She wanted that, a lot of a lot of a lot.

  “Good.” He nibbled again. “Marcus filled me in a little. I know it’s the Colletti family that’s after you, but what do you have against Niccolo Colletti that makes you think you can put him away? Why have you taken on such a big human case and involved lions in a human problem?”

  Groaning, knowing she couldn’t lie to her mate just as she wasn’t able to lie to her alpha, Jennifer sighed. “It’s a lion problem because the human Colletti has a half-brother who is a lion. So, they are not just breaking human laws, they’re also breaking ours.” She huffed. “If I can’t fight the werelion Colletti because he hasn’t been caught breaking our laws, I can at least tweak his tail. Hence, the human court proceedings. I wouldn’t have taken such a high profile case otherwise. Marcus thinks—”


  A deafening roar leapt to Brett’s lips. “Marcus thinks?” He snarled for good measure. “Marcus thinks!” He took a deep breath but it did nothing to calm his anger. All it accomplished was bringing him more of Jennifer’s sweet scent. Pulling that into him both soothed and enraged his beast. “Exactly what did Marcus say about all this? And when did he make his opinions known? You’ve hardly been here a month and he’s been traveling with Penelope. You haven’t even been officially welcomed to the pride but Marcus is already involving you in…”

  He needed to cool off before he hunted down his brother and tore him to shreds for risking his mate.

  Jennifer frowned, and he fought the need to kiss away that expression. “We talked about it after I made the initial connection between Colletti-the-human and Colletti-the-lion whose name is Davis. He agreed with me because, while we don’t have any concrete evidence against the lion that would enable him to render judgment, I should go ahead with prosecuting the head of the human side of the organization. Like I said, tweak his tail.”

  Brett flexed his fingers, massaging the back of her head, and was careful not to prick her delicate skin with his claws. “And you didn’t feel that you should have some sort of security detail while you go after the city’s most corrupt crime family? He didn’t feel—”

  “Of course, he did.” She shrugged and tried to ease from his hold. His lion didn’t want to release her but he sensed her need for space so he let her go. “But it was my choice. I’m not some girl who needs to hide behind a man. I lived with enough of that in Ryland. I didn’t want to deal with that caveman attitude here.”

  “That’s just stupid. You let your pride get the best of you and almost got yourself shot!” The words rang through the room. The second the last syllable left his mouth, he went silent. He probably could’ve been a little more tactful saying that but he didn’t regret the message. She was his mate, and he’d nearly lost her before he had the chance to have her.

  “Oh, fuck you very much.” She curled her lip at him, issuing a clear threat, and then spun away, presenting him with her back. She strode toward the windows that made up one wall of the room and stared at the world below. Her back was ramrod straight, and fury filled every inch of her body.

  He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted like that. But…”

  He went to her, unable to stomach the new distance between them. She didn’t move away as he approached and he took that as a good sign. Deciding they should begin as they would live, he didn’t allow her to close herself off. He wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her against him, enjoying the sensation of her soft curves against his hard body. Not second-guessing himself, he lowered his head and grasped the flesh of her shoulder between his teeth. He didn’t break skin, he wasn’t about to start something they couldn’t finish, but he wanted her to know how he felt.

  Brett released her and lapped at the bruised skin. He didn’t miss the tremors that wracked her body and he knew she felt the same as he did even if she was being prickly at the moment.

  “You’re mine. Mine. I just met you and already I don’t know what I’d do without you. The fact you’ve been in so much danger enrages my lion. Do I feel like the situation we’re in could have been avoided? Yes. Do I think it was foolish? Yes.” He took a calming breath. “Do I wish you’d taken a different path, and that Marcus would have shoved a protection detail on you? No.” She stiffened for a moment and he encouraged her to turn and face him. She didn’t bite him as he repositioned her and he carefully enfolded her in his arms so they were chest to chest. “Because if you had made the sma
rt decision, I wouldn’t be here with you now.” He lowered his head and brushed his mouth across hers. “And nothing gets a guy hotter than protecting his mate.”

  “Mate…” she murmured.

  It was the first time they’d confirmed the truth between them, the first time either said the words out loud. “Yes. I’m your mate, and you’re mine. As soon as this bullshit is handled, I’m going to tie you to that bed and make love to you until you can’t walk straight.”

  Jennifer whimpered and wiggled against him and it took all of his control not to do exactly as he promised right this second. But they needed to wait until the danger to her had passed which meant he wanted this shit wrapped up ASAP.

  “We could…”

  Brett shook his head. “I want to stay on alert, I want to be ready to protect you. I know the second I get inside you, I won’t be able to think of anything but you. It’s a good idea when we’re alone and safe, but not when there’s someone out there gunning for you.” She opened her mouth, probably to voice an objection and he gave her a quick, fierce kiss. “Not another word. I’m holding onto my control by a thread. I’ve got sweatpants and t-shirts in the bottom drawer of the dresser that might fit you. Grab something and come on out when you’re ready.”

  He stepped away from her, turning to head toward the door, but her low growl had him giving her his attention once again. Her eyes were the lioness’ amber and a light dusting of gold fur decorated her shoulders. He could scent she was pissed—he had no idea why—but damn was she gorgeous.

  It didn’t take her long to tell him what he’d done wrong.

  “Small enough to fit me? You’re over six feet and two hundred pounds and have something that’ll fit me?” She narrowed her eyes and he could practically see the gears working in her head as she made connections that probably wouldn’t make sense to him. “You have another woman’s clothes here?”

  Nope, Brett didn’t get it, but her words did make him grin. “You’re jealous.”


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