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He Came Upon A Midnight Clear

Page 2

by Desiree Holt

  Great. What if I end up in the frozen tundra of Siberia? No, not glamorous enough. Stop second guessing yourself, Libby.

  She wasn’t sure whether to curse the woman who’d told her about it or thank her. But she’d never done anything this daring in her life. Ever. And if the man Madame Evangeline had paired her with turned out to be anywhere near as sexy as Cody, it would definitely be worth it.

  She thought of the first email she received.

  You have been chosen to receive an invitation to our exclusive Christmas Week at a property owned by Castillo Resorts and Hotels. Travel arrangements and further instructions will be sent to you shortly. I have a particular man in mind for you. I think you two will suit each other well.

  Joyeux Noel

  Madame Evangeline

  But while the instructions that followed were specific, they omitted any mention of the name of the man she was paired with or anything about him. On the one hand, she was excited to know she’d be spending one of the nights with a completely unknown man. One who carried none of her past images in his brain. One who hadn’t been one of the pity dates her girlfriends had fixed her up with.

  She’d never be model thin. She just wasn’t built for it. But she’d trimmed off a lot of excess poundage and worked to tone the rest of it. Oh, she had to keep up with the program. When your body tended to be beyond Rubenesque, it took a lot of work to keep it in shape. But she had incentives now. And if the week ahead and her one-night stand worked out the way she hoped, she’d have a lot more excitement in her future.

  If she had any worries at all, they revolved around the concern that she’d turn out to be a dud in bed. She had limited experience. She just hoped whoever the man she paired up with would be patient with her and appreciate her naiveté rather than be turned off by it.

  “I can almost hear your brain burnin’,” Cody said in his warm, slow drawl. “Some mighty heavy thoughts in there. Care to share them?”

  Not really.

  She shrugged. “Oh, you know. Just thinking to the week ahead. Wondering what our destination is. What the people will be like. You know. Who….”

  “Who your partner will be?”

  Oh, he nailed that one.

  “Yes. I’d been told that Madame Evangeline always sent each party a complete profile on the other.”

  “I thought so, too. But when I emailed her about it, she said this was a little different. They specifically chose the folks to invite for the week and decided to add an element of mystery.”

  Libby fiddled with the fabric of her dress. “I hope that means this is a lucky thing.”

  When he didn’t say anything she looked over at his face. The slow smile that curved his lips sent flashes of heat through her body, hardening her nipples and dampening the crotch of her bikini panties. She had a sudden urge to see him naked, every inch of him, and knew that damn blush was turning her cheeks red again.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” His voice was edged with humor.

  Not even for a hundred pennies.

  “Just, you know, still thinking about this week.”

  “I hope you’ll at least let me buy you a drink.”

  Her eyes widened. “You want to buy me a drink? But…but…but you’re already committed to someone. Just as I am.”

  He shrugged his powerful shoulders. “Not until later in the week. No law against us having a friendly drink before then. Right?”

  He wants to have a drink with me!

  “Oh, um, right. Of course.”

  “So, tell me, Libby Morris. What do you do when you’re not flying off somewhere in a private plane?”

  “At the moment I’m between jobs. But,” she hastily added, “I have some interesting prospects. Why don’t you tell me about your ranch?”

  They fell into an easy, uncomplicated conversation. Libby had a feeling he had things he held back just as she did, but his stories were entertaining and he made her relax. Not think about flying.

  When the pilot’s voice came through the cabin speakers it actually startled her. “We’re getting ready to land, folks. Make sure you’re buckled in.”

  Libby was more than grateful when Cody closed one of his hands over both of hers that were again clenched tightly in her lap. She did her level best to ignore the powerful chemistry that came out of nowhere to envelop them. Looking up at him from beneath her lashes, she saw by the heat in his eyes that he felt it, too. She certainly hoped that whoever she was paired up with set off the same sparks in her.

  At last the plane touched down, but the landing felt different to her. In scant moments the pilot emerged from the cockpit and opened the cabin door, releasing the foldout stairs. Cody waited until Libby had put her coat on then guided her to the opening. She was startled to realize they weren’t on land and the stairs led to a dock.

  “We landed on the ice?”

  The pilot chuckled. “This is an amphibious plane, made to take off and land on either tarmac or water. And ice. Works great for these trips from Seattle.”

  It was cold, but to Libby it was the kind that made her feel glad to be alive.When she looked up at the sky it was a black velvet mantle over the earth, with stars embedded in it that glittered like diamonds.

  A man in heavy pants and a fur-lined parka stood on the dock, holding a hand out to help her.

  He grinned at the look on her face. “I’ll be taking you to your final destination, the Castillo Lodge. Welcome to Castle, Alaska.”

  Chapter Two

  Cody stood to one side of the lobby of Castillo Lodge. Activity and noise filled the area, with people in colorful winter clothes standing or sitting in small groups, laughing and chatting. He clutched the coffee in the take-out cup he’d just bought at the coffee shop, taking in the scene. As jittery as his nerves were, he probably should have ordered decaf.

  Day Three. I hope I find out who I’m paired up with soon.

  His gaze lit briefly on the huge magnificent Christmas tree in its place of honor on the planked floor. Lights twinkling and decorations sparkling, it reached upward to the raftered roof. Christmas carols played continuously over a built-in sound system. Members of the staff, decked out in Santa caps, bustled around making sure the guests were taken care of.

  Automatically his gaze raked the lobby searching for Libby. He’d looked for her since their arrival, remembering that drink he promised and actually looking forward to it. But the very few times he’d seen her, she was hurrying from one place to another, always by herself. That struck him as odd. Never mind that he himself had put out an invisible Keep Away sign. But a woman as appealing as Libby should have been the object of a lot of attention.

  Or had she already hooked up with her date? Well, then, why wasn’t he with her?

  Which is none of my damn business and I have other things to worry about.

  Not much for winter sports, he’d been hard pressed to find things to occupy himself. He was on his cell so often to his ranch foreman, the man threatened to have his service cancelled. The waiting and the edge of expectation played havoc with his nerves. He only wished someone would identify his date, they could hook up and he could make his pitch. The week was drawing to a close and his deadline hovered like the ghost of Christmas Past.

  As if to give him a little jog, his cell phone rang. Caller ID popped up the name of Uncle Cesar’s attorney, the only person with whom he’d shared this crazy plan. His ranch hands thought he’d left for a much-needed vacation.

  Swallowing his irritation, he pushed talk. “I’m working on it,” he said by way of greeting.

  “Good morning to you,” Emilio Macias said. “Nice to hear you sounding so chipper.”

  “Yeah, right,” he snorted. “Listen, like I said. I’m working on it. The plan’s still in place.”

  “Only a few days until the new year,” the attorney reminded him.

  “I got it. Okay? It will be taken care of.”

  Cody heard the sigh across the connection.

  “I feel
badly for you, hermano,” Emilio said. “But I’m obligated to abide by the terms of the will. And there is a buyer lurking in the wings.”

  “Yeah? Well, he can lurk all he wants, but he’s not getting his mitts on Rancho Alvarez. Period. I’ll get back to you.”

  Angrily, he snapped the phone shut and shoved it into his pocket.

  “I’m sorry to see you looking so unhappy,” a soft voice near his elbow said.

  Cody whirled and came face to face with Libby Morris herself. She was in red again, this time wearing a sweater draped lovingly over breasts he suddenly itched to get his hands on. Black slacks fell casually over her hips in a way that made his mouth water. Her full lips, painted a glistening red, looked so tempting he had to restrain himself from rubbing his thumb over them.

  Holt shit, Alvarez! Get a hold of yourself.

  “Hi.” He backed up a half step.

  “Hi to you, too. That must have been a bad phone call you received.” She wet her lower lip with her tongue.

  Cody’s cock hardened.

  Great. Maybe I can hide behind a chair.

  “Uh…oh, right. Phone call. Just business.”

  She cocked her head. “You’re supposed to be on vacation,” she pointed out. “I haven’t even seen you at any of the activities.”

  “Yeah, well.” He shrugged. “I’m not much for skiing or snowshoeing.” He gave a dry chuckle. “Or community doings.”

  In point of fact, he’d actually spent most of his time people-watching at different locations in the lodge, trying to figure out who his “date” might be. Wondering when he would find out. The whole situation frustrated him and as Emilio had so craftily pointed out, his deadline loomed right around the corner. And now he had something else to disturb him—his body’s wholly unexpected reaction to Libby Morris, who gave every appearance of a fragile flower about to come into full bloom. He’d give anything to know her story.

  “How about you?” he asked. “You doing the activities thing?”

  She laughed. “I gave it a try, but I think my middle name is uncoordinated. You can only fall down so many times before you figure out you weren’t cut out for something. I’m on to sightseeing.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Really? What can there possibly be to see?”

  “Oh!” Her hazel eyes lit up. “The village is really quaint and you can take the tour of the mountain trails and—”

  “Stop.” He held up a hand, laughing in spite of himself. “It sounds great, but I’m not a sightseeing type of person.”

  She tilted her head. “Really? What kind of person are you?”

  “A rancher. One hundred percent.” He drank some of his coffee, made a face at the now-cool liquid. “Running a ranch is more than a full time operation.”

  “But surely you do something for fun.” She smiled. “All work and that kind of thing, you know.”

  He shrugged and changed the subject. “Have you met your date yet? Had your one-night stand?”

  He didn’t know why he asked except the thought of her in bed with someone else suddenly made him tighten with anger.

  And what’s that all about?

  The smile disappeared. “No, not yet. I wonder what they’re waiting for? Christmas is almost here.” She looked up at him. “How about you?”

  “Same thing. Listen,” he said on impulse. “We’re both still unattached, so to speak. How about having dinner with me tonight?” When she hesitated he added, “There’s nothing in the rules against it. Nothing that says we can’t socialize with other guests. How about it?” He tried on what he hoped was an appealing look. “I’d really like it if you said yes.”

  Her smile returned and hit him like a wave of sunshine. “Okay. Sure. That would be nice.”

  “Seven o’clock? In the restaurant? I’ll make reservations.”

  “Seven is fine. I look forward to it.”

  So did Cody, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why he’d done it. What if he got the message that tonight was the night? That would be incredibly awkward. But he had no intention of cancelling unless he had to. Maybe if his prearranged coupling didn’t work out….

  Forget it. She’s spoken for. Besides, I can’t afford for this not to work out. At least I can have an enjoyable meal. And maybe probe the mystery of Libby Morris.


  “This is nice.” Libby smoothed the napkin in her lap and picked up her wine glass.

  She’d had a real attack of nerves getting ready for dinner. She didn’t know how to make small talk, didn’t have a lot of witty things to say. And even after the weeks at the spa, her figure still had plenty of flaws. So why did this gorgeous man want to have dinner with her when he probably could have had his pick of the women still unattached?

  Then she remembered her goal. A new life. Excitement. Dinner with Mr. Sexy. Why not? Besides, when she ran into him in the lobby earlier, just the sight of him made her body sizzle, her nipples peak and tiny tremors race through her cunt. So what was the harm in it?


  One corner of Cody’s mouth tipped up in a grin. “I think so, too. But I’d like to think it’s a little more exciting than ‘nice.’”

  A funny little feeling swirled in her stomach. Yes, it was much more than “nice” but she didn’t know exactly how to tell him without sounding too forward. God, could she be any more socially clumsy?

  While she tried to form words, he leaned across the table and took her free hand in his. “Libby, if something’s bothering you, just let it out. I asked you to dinner because I like the way you look and I like talking to you. But if I make you nervous, I’d like to know about it.”

  She lowered her eyes, looking at their joined hands. Such a strong hand, with fingers so lean and capable-looking. She felt the callouses from hours of ranch work.

  “I’m not very good at this,” she said, slowly.

  He grinned. “At eating dinner?”

  She shook her head, still not looking at him. “At…small talk. Dating. Things like this.” Her cheeks felt so hot she thought they must match her lipstick.

  “Libby?” Cody’s voice barely penetrated the fog of embarrassment. And he still had her hand. “Libby, look at me.”

  Reluctantly, she raised her eyes.

  “I’m going to order us each another drink and then I’d be interested to find out why someone as beautiful and sexy as you has trouble in a social situation like this. Surely you must be beating the men off with a stick.”

  She made herself breath evenly. She might as well tell him. They’d never see each other again and maybe he could give her some moral support. Besides, he made her feel comfortable, something her assigned date might not do.

  The waiter cleared their dessert dishes, brought another glass of wine for her and bourbon on the rocks for Cody. He touched his glass to hers.

  “To us. Two people enjoying a nice dinner.”

  She laughed at that and swallowed some wine.

  “Now. Let’s have it. What’s got you skittish as a newborn calf?”

  “You’ll laugh at me.”

  He smiled. “Darlin’, the last thing I’ll do is laugh. I promise.”

  She took another gulp of wine. “Well, they say it’s easier to tell things to a stranger.”

  “Oh, but we’re not strangers,” he protested. “Are we? We spent all that time on the plane together, right? But Libby, it’s still all right to talk to me.”

  She drained her wine glass and held it out. “C-Could I have another drink? Please?”

  Cody laughed. “Yes, but then I’m cutting you off. I don’t want anyone to accuse me of getting you drunk and taking advantage of you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “I…you….”

  He signaled for the waiter then picked up her hand again. She wished he’d never drop it. It felt so good and secure.

  “Breathe,” he teased gently. “It’s okay. Just relax. If you don’t want to say anything you don’t have to.”

I’ve been fat and frumpy and boring all my life,” she blurted out then wished she could dive under the table. When he didn’t say anything, she made herself look up and saw him staring at her. “What?”

  He cleared his throat. “Libby. I have to say that those are three words I would never associate with you.”

  The waiter brought their drinks and she paused long enough to sip some of hers. “That’s because you didn’t know me. Even now I have a long way to go.”

  “For what?” He sounded astonished.

  “For, you know. To look like everyone else.”

  “Why the hell would you want that? You’re perfect the way you are.”

  She snorted. “Oh, sure. That’s nice of you to say, but you don’t have to be polite. I just spent two months at a spa to get to this point.” He hadn’t stopped staring at her. “That’s why I booked this thing through 1Night Stand.” Her face heated again. “I wanted an exciting, erotic night like my girlfriends talk about. An adventure. You know. Hot sex.”

  Oh, God, maybe the floor will just open up and swallow me.

  Cody downed his bourbon in two swallows and signaled the waiter for the check.

  “Finish your wine. We’re getting out of here.”

  “What? Where? Why?” She couldn’t figure out what was happening. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Of course I did. Now he wants to dump me as fast as he can.

  “No. Something right. I want to take you someplace a little more private than this. The first thing I’m going to do is kiss that mouth that’s been driving me crazy since we met in Seattle. Then I’m going to explain to you why men—at least this man—don’t necessarily want a woman who’s been around everyone’s block and who is so skinny their bones clank when they try to make love.”

  Before she could pull her thoughts together he’d signed the check, helped her out of the chair, and hustled her through the lobby. He took her hand and pulled her down the hallway where there were some private party rooms, trying each door until he found one that opened. Inside he slammed the door shut, backed her up against it, cupped her cheeks with his palms and brought his mouth to hers.


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