Somewhere Far Away

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Somewhere Far Away Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  “It’s just…it felt real, not like other dreams. When I touched you, it felt real. And when the dream started, I felt like I was being transported somewhere.”

  My heart was racing quicker than it ever had. “Were we on a yacht in Greece?” I held my breath as I waited for her to respond.

  Her eyes didn’t widen, but they dilated. A million thoughts entered her mind, and I could see them dance on the surface of her face. Seconds passed and she didn’t speak. She just examined me, like she couldn’t believe what she heard. “Yes…”

  The truth fell on my shoulders but I still couldn’t believe it. “Was I sitting on the floor against the chair wearing—”

  “Red swim trunks and a white t-shirt.” Her voice came out shaky.

  It suddenly became eerily silent. “You cupped my face and asked me to fight for you. You begged me not to leave.”

  Her eyes watered. “Then you asked me to kiss you.”

  My heart stopped beating. “And you did.”

  We stared at each other for minutes, neither one of us saying anything. Simultaneously, we both wondered if we were crazy. We wondered if we dreamt the whole thing. But how could both of us have the same dream at the same time?

  Her hand moved to my face and she felt my cheek. “How is that possible?”

  I didn’t have an answer. The experience was unnatural and out of this world. It was like the universe had stopped just to make sure we pressed on. Everything changed in that moment before death, and just her will alone kept me on this side of the gate. I was so close to crossing the threshold but my devotion to her steadied me. It didn’t make any sense and it simply wasn’t possible. “Because it’s us.”


  I didn’t believe in a higher power. And I certainly didn’t believe that I was special. Whatever I had with my wife wasn’t something that other people would understand. It wasn’t something strong enough to stop the universe.

  But it was.

  Somehow, inexplicably, I fell more in love with her. I didn’t think it was possible at this point, twenty something years after we’d gotten together, but it was. I always knew my love for her was pure. Only a soul mate could make me so devoted, could make me so faithful that I hadn’t even glanced at another woman since the moment I fell for her.

  And now it all made sense.

  She really was my soul mate. She really was the other piece of me, the piece that was missing when we weren’t together. She was the missing piece to my puzzle. She was the one thing that could make my body push on.

  Just her.

  We didn’t say anything else about the supernatural experience we shared, and we silently agreed not to tell anyone. Of course, they would think we were crazy—as they should. But it really happened. There was no mistaking it. We had the exact same experience, and it was her touch that helped me push onward. She visited me on whatever plane I was in and told me to come home.

  She saved my life.

  As much as I wanted to spend all my time with my wife, I had kids and the rest of the family to see. Now that Scarlet was calm and believed I wouldn’t slip from her grasp again, I allowed the rest of the visitors to see me.

  Roland came in first, looking heartbroken. He stared at me, seeing my pale skin and bruised body. He eyed the monitor and tubes hooked up to me. Sadness spread across his face. He didn’t look happy to see me alive. In fact, he looked devastated that I was there to begin with. “Dad…” He moved into my embrace and hugged me.

  I held him tightly and rubbed his back. “I’m here, son.”

  He breathed hard while he held me. “I’m so sorry…”

  “Please don’t apologize,” I said quietly. “I’m okay and that’s all that matters.”

  “I should have stopped him. I should have—”

  I pulled him away and looked him in the eye. “My job is to protect you, not the other way around. You’re my son and I will always take care of you. I don’t have any regrets and I don’t blame you for what happened. The only person I blame is the asshole who stabbed me in the back.” I patted his cheek gently. “Don’t carry that weight.”

  He held my gaze and released a deep breath. “I’m so glad you’re okay…”

  “I am too.” I rubbed his shoulder. “But it would have taken a lot more than a knife to take me out.” I gave him a gentle smile to cheer him up. “Now relax.”

  He nodded slightly. “I love you, Dad. You’re my hero.”

  My heart melted at his words and I felt weak. “I love you too, Son. That means a lot to me.” I kissed his forehead and let him pull away.

  Skye came forward, looking devastated just like her mother. I was close to my son, but I had a unique relationship with Skye. She and I were so much alike it was eerie. As a result, our emotions were always strung high and we were both aggressive. And we were also very emotional. She came toward me, her eyes hollow. “Dad…” She hugged me tightly and buried her face in my neck. “I’m so glad you’re all right.”

  “I am too, pumpkin.”

  She cried against my chest. “I was so scared…”

  “There’s nothing to be scared of now. I’m okay.”

  “I’m so sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve it.”

  I rubbed her small back with my hand. “I know. But sometimes bad things happen to good people.”

  “I love you, Daddy.” Skye only referred to me like that when she was particularly upset or vulnerable. It was one of the few times where she silently asked me to take care of her, to comfort her because she couldn’t do it herself.

  “I love you too, pumpkin.” I pulled her closer to me and allowed her to cry against me. I continued to rub her back as I listened to her heavy breathing. I waited for her to calm down before I released my hold. Just like her mother, she needed me. I symbolized power and strength to her. To see me so weak and demised must be frightening to her. “I’m okay now. Everything will be all right.”

  She nodded her head slightly. I know.” She pulled away, her eyes still glossy.

  I forced a smile to reassure her. “It’ll be alright. I promise.”

  When she saw the certainty in my eyes, she turned away.

  Scarlet remained in the rear and allowed people to visit me. But I knew she didn’t want to be that far away from me. I knew she wanted to be right beside me, my protector.

  Mike came next, and he wasn’t playful like usual. When situations became too emotional, he usually made a joke to lighten the mood. But now he was full of sorrow. “Glad you’re okay…”

  “Me too.” I didn’t touch him and he didn’t touch me.

  “I was scared out of my mind.”

  “I was too.”

  He came closer to me and turned his pained eyes on me. “I’ll kill the fuckers who did this to you.”

  I eyed everyone before I turned back to him. “Let’s not speak of it now.”

  He nodded slightly. “Do you need anything?”

  “No. Just keep an eye on Scarlet while I’m still weak.”

  “You don’t have to ask.” He leaned in and hugged me hard. “Love you, brother.”

  “I love you too, Mike.”

  He patted my neck gently before he pulled away.

  Ryan came next, releasing a deep sigh like he was annoyed. “You scared me for a second.”


  “I thought I was going to be stuck with Scarlet all over again.” He shook his head in disapproval. “Don’t screw me over like that.”

  I smiled because my torso was too tender to laugh. “I’ll be more careful.”

  “Thank you,” he said with relief. “I don’t think I could handle that brat.”

  “She’s not so bad.”

  He patted my shoulder and turned serious. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

  “I know.” I patted his hand before I dropped my touch.

  Everyone else came in the line and told me how relieved they were that I was okay. Seeing my family made me relax, but I was also ex
hausted and irritable. I was trying to fight the medication that was numbing me, and I felt a little nauseous at times. When I opened my eyes and saw my wife, all my discomfort ebbed away. But once she stepped away, everything came back in full power.

  Scarlet remained in the corner while she watched me socialize with everyone. She seemed to know I was hitting my limit for the day. I held my tongue and remained polite because I know how much they wanted to see me, but I was definitely growing weak. She picked up on that. “Thanks so much for coming but Sean needs to rest.”

  Dad wouldn’t release me from his hold. He continued to cradle me like I was a small boy. Mom kept rubbing my shoulder and kissing my cheek. I felt like a child that just broke their arm falling out of an apple tree.

  Everyone else left the room quietly, giving me some space. Roland and Skye remained behind, sitting in the chairs near my bed.

  “Son, I love you.” Dad pulled away and gave me a look full of tears. “I’m so glad my boy is okay.” He ran his fingers through my hair then patted my cheek.

  “I love you too, Dad.” I was a grown man with a family of my own, but I still felt safe with my parents. They made me feel protected, like there was nothing that could hurt me. They could fix all my boo-boos.

  Mom hugged me hard but didn’t touch my lower body. “I’m so glad my baby is okay.”

  “Me too, Mom.” I kissed her cheek. Whenever my mom was upset, I had to spend more time comforting her than the other way around.

  “We’ll check in tomorrow,” Dad said. “You should get some rest and let your wife take care of you.”

  “I will,” I said. “Scarlet will look after me—like always.”

  They finally left the room, leaving me alone with my family. I turned to my kids, who were both tense and afraid. They feared I would drop dead at any moment. “You two run along and get some sleep.”

  Neither one of them moved.

  “I’ll be fine,” I assured them. “I’m just going to sleep. Come back in the morning when I’m awake.”

  Skye fidgeted with her hands. “They said you weren’t going to make it…”

  “And then you somehow came back from it,” Roland said.

  I understood their fear. “I’m not going to slip away again. I’m here—for good.”

  They still looked unsure.

  “I promise I’ll be okay.” I stared at them both as I said it. I never made a promise unless I intended to keep it. “Now get some sleep. These hospital chairs are too uncomfortable.”

  They both finally relaxed and stood up.

  “We’ll see you in the morning,” Skye said as she embraced me. “Is there something you want me to bring?”

  “No.” I kissed her forehead and treasured the feel of my little girl in my arms. “I’ll be fine.”

  Roland moved in next and gave me a hard hug. “I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you too, son.” I rubbed his back then patted it. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I gave him a confident look that told him it would come to pass, that nothing would stop me from living another day.

  Roland nodded then walked out with Skye.

  Once the door was shut, I leaned back into the pillow then stared at Scarlet.

  She approached the bed then grabbed my hand with hers. Her small fingers trailed over the skin gently. Her make up was non-existent because her tears had washed it away. Her hair was messy like she hadn’t combed it in awhile. She looked beautiful, of course, but she also looked exhausted. “Baby, go home and get some sleep.”

  She pulled the chair closer to the bed then sat down. “No.” She crossed her legs then gave me a strong look, like she wasn’t tired even though she clearly was.

  “I’m just going to be asleep anyway,” I said. “You may as well enjoy a mattress instead of these uncomfortable chairs. Stay at a hotel in the city so you don’t have to drive.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m staying right here.” The determination was in her eyes like nothing I said would ever change her mind.

  My wife could be more stubborn than me. “At least take a shower and get something to eat.”

  “I’m fine for right now.” She rested her arms on the armrests. “Is there anything I can get you? You’re the priority right now, not me.”

  “No, you’re always the priority.” I didn’t blink as I said it.

  She held my gaze before she finally looked down.

  I lifted my body with my arms and scooted over slightly. “Lay with me.”

  “No. You need to sleep.”

  “And how am I supposed to do that without you next to me?” I patted the mattress beside me. “Get that fine ass over here.”

  She gave me an irritated look but there was a hint of a smile on her lips.

  “Come on.” I beckoned her to me with my fingers.

  She sighed then crawled into bed beside me. The fact it was so easy to convince her told me this was what she really wanted. She wanted to be near me at all times, to feel my pulse through my skin. She adjusted herself on her side and I did the same. My wound was in the rear, and lying on my left side didn’t cause me pain.

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me. Our faces almost touched, and I stared into her beautiful blue eyes and never looked away. I saw my whole world deep in her irises. I made such an amazing life with her. It was frightening to think I almost lost it all.

  “So…what happened?”

  I didn’t understand her meaning. My hand cupped her face and then my fingers trailed over her lips, feeling their softness. “When?”

  “When…you were with Roland.” She winced when she finished, like it pained her to say the words out loud.

  It seemed like a lifetime ago. So much had happened since, and I had a spiritual experience with my wife that blacked out everything else. “Roland and I were supposed to meet at Mega Shake, and when he didn’t show up I was nervous. I called the office and he didn’t answer. I called this cell phone and got his voicemail. When I stepped out of the diner to head to his apartment, I heard voices in the alleyway. They were saying…very offensive things about homosexuality. Of course, I jumped to the worse possible conclusion. I entered the darkness and saw them hold down Roland.”

  She cringed and closed her eyes like it was too much to think about.

  “I broke one guy’s arm, broke another’s jaw, and chase off a third one. Roland took out one, but his last opponent had a knife. I managed to push him out of the way, but when I attended to Roland…he stabbed me in the back.”

  Her eyes watered slightly before the hatred replaced it. “Do you have names? Faces?”

  “No…it’s all a blur now.” I didn’t have any desire for vengeance. My son wasn’t hurt, and that’s all I really cared about.

  “They deserve a bullet between the eyes.” Venom was deep in Scarlet’s voice.

  It was completely out of character for her to say something like that. She was so forgiving and understanding. She somehow could see other people’s point of view even if it didn’t make any sense. But now…she was full of hatred.

  “They almost killed you…and they deserve the same.”

  I knew she didn’t mean that. She was just worked up over what happened. Twenty-four hours hadn’t even passed yet. There was so much emotion going inside that brain that it was about to explode. “Roland and I are fine so it doesn’t matter.”

  “But if he had it his way he would have killed you both.” Her eyes held a raging fire. “He wouldn’t have granted you mercy. We both know that.”

  No, he probably wouldn’t. “It’s in the past, baby. Let it go.”

  The anger on her face told me she wouldn’t let it go for a long time. “At least track them down and bring them to trial. We deserve justice for what they did. My son may be gay, but he isn’t a bad person. He doesn’t deserve to be ambushed in an alleyway. They should be punished.”

  “I agree.” I ran my fingers through her hair to keep her calm. “But I don’t have a name or a
face. It’s a cold case.”

  “I almost lost my family…” She snuggled into my side.

  “No, you didn’t,” I whispered. “We will leave this earth together like we always said. That’s how it’ll happen, not a moment sooner.” I kissed her forehead while I held her close to me.

  “I hope so…because I can’t live without you.”

  I closed my eyes and listened to her breathe. “I can’t live without you either.”

  Chapter Eight


  I stayed by Sean’s side and never left. He was put under observation so I couldn’t take him home. Every time the doctor came in to examine him, it seemed to be under good pretenses. Sean was slowly getting better. They had to change his dressing several times because the stitches would rip from time to time, but he didn’t lose much blood.

  Sleeping next to Sean was just as comfortable as our own bed, but I hadn’t showered in several days. I was just too scared to leave him. What if I left the hospital and then he took a turn for the worse? I had to be with him at all times.

  Sean kept trying to get me to leave. “Baby, go home and relax for a few hours.”

  My hair was oily and I felt disgusting. The weight of my hair was giving me a headache. I hadn’t washed my face in a long time, and I felt the distant formation of a few pimples along my jaw. “I’m okay.”

  He sighed in irritation. “I’ll be fine. Please take a break.” He sat up slightly, cringing as he moved. “Go or I’ll call Ryan have him drag you out of here.”

  “Like Ryan could get me to do anything.”

  “If I pay him enough.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Just take a few hours to pamper yourself. I can tell you’re miserable.”

  What kind of wife would I be if I left?

  “Mike will come down and keep an eye on me. How about that?”

  I definitely preferred it if he wasn’t left alone. “Okay…”

  He released a sigh and smiled. “Good. Now get going.”

  I leaned over the bed and kissed him. I hadn’t brushed my teeth but Sean didn’t seem to mind. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “I know. And I’ll be here waiting for you.”



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