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Somewhere Far Away

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  I grabbed the front of his t-shirt then slammed my fist against his face as hard as I could. Both his nose and mouth started to bleed.

  “Fuck.” He covered his face with his palms and wiped the blood away. “What the hell was that for?”

  Dee watched us with approval in her eyes.

  “Lay off Dee.” I continued to hold onto the front of his shirt. “Harass her again and you’re out of the band. I won’t put up with it. I mean it, Razor.”

  He shoved my arms down. “I get it. Calm down.”

  I turned to Scotty. “That goes for you too. If she complains about either of you I’ll replace you.” When I looked at Dee there was a look of respect and gratitude in her eyes. Irritated by the memory of what happened to my wife, I walked out without saying goodbye. I didn’t even grab my guitar.

  That’s how mad I was.


  I had dinner with Trinity and Skye. We had spaghetti and meatballs with asparagus and garlic bread. They chatted away about the baby, excited about the new edition to the family.

  I was still excited but my anger had drained it away. Instead of participating in the conversation, I ate as quickly as possible then left the table without saying a word.

  “Is he okay?” Skye whispered.

  “I’m not sure,” Trinity said back. “Something is obviously on his mind but he must not want to talk about it in front of you. Otherwise, he would have said something.”

  “Maybe he just had a bad day.”


  I headed upstairs and stopped listening to their conversation. I got into the shower and scrubbed myself clean before I returned to my bedroom. The clothes I’d thrown on the ground earlier were in the hamper, and my fresh laundry had been hung up in my closet or put into drawers.

  One of the perks of having a wife.

  Trinity sat in the chair by the window and she was reading. “Do you want to talk about it?” She cut right to the chase.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and crossed my arms. “Not sure.”

  She returned her gaze to her magazine. “I’m here whenever you’re ready.” She was so calm and suave. She knew I would open up to her when I found my thoughts. She knew me that well.

  “It’s about that new girl in my band…”

  She put the magazine in her lap. “Yeah?”

  “She’s a really good guitarist and she’s mature and does what she’s told. But Razor and Scotty…won’t leave her alone. They keep hitting on her and staring at her. I’m afraid they’re going to chase her off.”

  Trinity rested her hands in her lap. “Is she that pretty?”

  That was a dangerous question. “She’s a pretty girl, but I think the guys are more into her because she plays the guitar and has tattoos.”

  “She has tattoos?” Suspicion was in her eyes.

  “On her arms. She kind of has a badass vibe to her. I think that’s why they’re so attracted to her.”

  Trinity’s eyes changed slightly, like she felt threatened.

  “Anyway…Razor was hitting on her today and wouldn’t knock it off. Then he smacked her ass. That pissed off Dee so she put him in his place. But I was so pissed off that I punched him in the face as hard as I could.”

  Trinity just listened.

  “I lost my temper because…it reminds me so much of you. I hate the fact men gawk at you and do whatever the hell they want. I hate the fact that all men are pigs and have no respect. It just…reminds me of everything and I see red.”

  Her eyes fell in sympathy. “I’m sorry, Slade. That’s just how the world is.”

  “Well, I don’t like it,” I snapped. “Razor and Scotty are my friends but I thought they were different. But once they are around a girl they can’t have they turn into dogs. It disgusts me.”

  Trinity fidgeted with her ring. “It sounds like Dee can take care of herself.”

  “Why does she have to?” I demanded. “Why can’t she just play music with us and be treated like another guy? It’s ridiculous.”

  “At least she has you there.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I threatened to kick them out of the band if they bother her again. I would much rather lose them than her. She’s a much better musician.”

  “I’m sure they learned their lesson.”

  “But it was a lesson I shouldn’t have to teach.” I felt the adrenaline course through my body when I remembered that afternoon on the beach when Trinity and I were on our honeymoon. I remembered the guy at the bar as he wouldn’t stop hitting on me because he thought I was a girl. Being a chick sucked.

  Trinity left her chair then sat on the bed beside me. She wrapped her arm around my waist then rested her head on my shoulder. “I wish I could make you feel better.”

  “Knowing I keep you safe is the only thing that makes me feel better.” I pulled her into my lap and held her close to me. I would never let someone treat Trinity that way ever again. My purpose in life was to keep her safe and happy. If someone disrespected her in any way I would kill him.

  “You do keep me safe,” she whispered. “So relax.”

  “But I want to keep all women safe. It gets under my skin that things happen every day. Men take advantage of women because they’re weaker. It should be the other way around. We should look after them because they’re weaker. Why am I the only one who sees it that way?”

  She cupped my face and looked into my eyes. “Because you’re the sweetest and most compassionate man in the world.” She looked into my eyes with affection heavy in her stare.

  I moved my face into her neck and inhaled her scent. The only time I felt at home was when my wife was in my arms. She understood me in a way no one else did. I could tell her every thought and emotion running through my mind without censoring it. I could be brutally honest and she would love me anyway.

  She would always love me.


  The next time we had band practice, it was tense.

  Razor was still pissed at me for punching him in the face. He didn’t say anything to me, and whenever he looked at me there was a threat in his eyes. Scotty acted the same way, quiet and resentful.

  Dee was the only one who acted normal. She either felt safe because I was there, or she refused to let two perverts weigh her down. Either way, I was glad she had a good attitude.

  We got through the session but our musicality wasn’t as strong as it usually was. The chemistry between us was off. Hopefully it would return to normal in a few days when the guys got over our transgression.

  When we finished for the day, both of the guys walked out without saying goodbye. They didn’t look at me, and I knew they both wanted to give me the bird on their way out.

  I didn’t give a damn.

  I packed up my guitar and wondered what Trinity made me for dinner.


  I stood up and faced Dee. “Hey. Good job today. You’re blending right in.”

  “Thanks…” She continued to stand next to me.

  I turned to her when I realized she had more to say.

  “Thanks for having my back the other day.”

  “No problem.” I said as I closed the lid and locked it. “I’m just sorry it happened to begin with.”

  “They aren’t happy with you…”

  “Like I give a damn.” I pulled the case off the counter and held it at my side. “If they give you any more trouble, let me know. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I don’t think they will.”

  I nodded, unsure what else to say. “Well, I’ll see you later.”

  She didn’t return the phrase. “Your wife is very lucky to have you. You seem like a good guy.”

  “It’s the other way around.” I was lucky to have her. “And I’m a good guy because she made me that way. I wasn’t always like this. After I fell in love with her, she changed me—for the better. I’m very protective of my wife. She’s beautiful and perfect, and every guy wants her. I guess I’m just sensitive to the m

  She nodded in understanding. “Well, you make the world a better place. I want you to know I appreciate you sticking up for me. Most guys wouldn’t.”

  “And that makes me sad….”

  She shrugged. “It’s just the way it is. But I can take care of myself.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, I noticed. Where did you learn that?”

  “Older brother.”

  “He sounds cool.”

  “He is,” she said. “Taught me everything I know.”

  “So, do you think you’ll be ready for our next show in a few weeks?”

  “I think so,” she said. “I’ve been practicing at home. I’ll be perfect for the opening night.”

  “I’m sure you will.” I patted her on the shoulder and headed to the door. “Do you need a ride home?”

  “No, I prefer to walk.” She grabbed her bag and guitar.

  “Then I’ll see you later.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Sometimes Silke had to work late so she was the last one home, and sometimes I had to work late so I walked in the door last. But it really didn’t matter who got home first, because either way she was always there.

  Even though she always used to be at my place, having her share the house with me was so much better. I loved having Silke around all the time. I slept with her every night and gave her a kiss on the forehead in the morning when I left for work.

  If I came home first, I got dinner started. There were only a few things I knew how to make but it was better than nothing. And I didn’t think it was fair to have Silke cook after she got off work late just because she was the woman of the house. On the nights when I was running late, Silke jumped the gun and threw something together.

  It was like having a partner, a teammate to help me run the house and take care of Abby. Silke was great with my daughter. She knew exactly when to discipline her and when to nurture her. And surprisingly, Abby did everything she said. She didn’t run to me and try to override Silke.

  It was nice.

  I just finished making the tacos when Silke walked inside.

  “Something smells good.” She approached me at the counter and gave me a kiss. She wore a pencil skirt and a loose blouse. Her legs looked awesome in those heels.

  “Thanks. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Very.” She gave me another kiss, but this one was slow and seductive.

  “Silke!” Abby ran from the living room and approached her.

  Silke immediately pulled away when she realized we had company.

  It was the one drawback to our perfect little family—no privacy. I couldn’t just bend her over the counter and take her the way I wanted to. I guess I couldn’t have it all.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” Silke gave Abby a warm hug. “How was your day?”

  “Good.” She looked down at Silke’s heels. “Can I wear those?”

  Silke chuckled. “Maybe when you’re older. They’re super uncomfortable.”

  “Then why are you wearing them…?” Confusion was in Abby’s eyes.

  Silke shrugged. “It’s an adult thing.”

  Abby looked down at her own shoes. “My shoes have Velcro because I don’t know how to tie my shoelaces…”

  “Daddy never taught you?”

  “He did…I just don’t get it.”

  “I’ll show you,” she said. “Not that your shoes aren’t cute, of course.”

  “Thanks, Silke.” Abby went back to the table so she could work on her homework.

  Silke turned back to me. “You couldn’t teach her how to tie her shoes?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not a very good teacher.”

  “Apparently,” she teased.

  I eyed her in her outfit and wish she’d stopped by my office for lunch. I could have had my fill of her then. Now I was hard and horny.

  Silke read my mind, judging the playfulness in her eyes. “I’m going to shower.”

  I wish I could join her. “Alright. Dinner will be ready when you’re finished.”

  The counter was blocking our waists from Abby’s view, so Silke placed her hand over my crotch and gave me a gentle caress. “We’ll have our fun tonight,” she whispered.

  That didn’t help my hard-on. In fact, it only got bigger.


  When the shop opened, I deposited the money into the register then flipped on the lights. People usually flooded the place because they wanted to get there first and not wait in line. My secretary handled all of the customers, and my guys remained in the garage.

  The bell rang overhead when our first customer walked inside.

  “Hello,” Stewart said. “Need some work done on your car?”

  I glanced up and saw the same woman I noticed the other day. She wore a wrinkled dress like she picked it up off the floor and threw it on. Her hair was pulled back, but it looked knotted and tangled. She didn’t look homeless, but she didn’t look groomed either.

  Like last time, she just stared at me. It didn’t seem like Stewart was even there. All she cared about was me. Her lips remained immobile and she didn’t speak to Stewart. It was like he hadn’t said anything at all.

  “Ma’am?” he asked. “How can I help you?”

  Like she was mute and deaf, she just stared.

  What was going on?

  Like she had somewhere to be, she stormed out of the shop and headed up the sidewalk.

  I watched her until she was no longer visible through the window.

  Stewart turned to me. “Weird, right?”

  “Really weird.”


  The mysterious woman was getting under my skin. She appeared then disappeared just as quickly. What did she want? Did she need a job but she was too scared to ask? Did she know one of the workers?

  Did she know me?

  I sat at my desk for almost an hour as I tried to figure it out. Her features weren’t distinguishable to me, but her eyes were noticeable. They were artic blue and bright. They reminded me of Abby’s eyes.

  Was I in danger? Was this woman stalking me? Or was I overreacting? Maybe she was just another freak in New York that had no idea what she was doing. Maybe she really was homeless and looking for something to steal.

  I couldn’t figure it out.

  Silke entered my office at lunchtime. She brought sandwiches from the nearby deli and set them on my desk.

  I didn’t get up to greet her like I normally would.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked as she sat across from me.

  I was pulled from my thoughts. “This weird woman keeps coming into my shop. She doesn’t say anything then just leaves.”

  “And why is that so interesting?” She bit into her sandwich.

  “It’s just weird…it rubs me the wrong way.”

  “I can take her out.” She continued eating. Silke was small, but she was fierce.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  “Can you just call the cops next time she comes?”

  “But she isn’t doing anything wrong. She just walks in and out.”

  Silke kept eating. “I wouldn’t worry about it. She’ll stop eventually.”

  I rubbed my chin. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “Do you fear for your safety?”

  “No.” It would take a lot more than an old woman to scare me off.

  “Then I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  I eyed my sandwich but didn’t eat it.

  “Does my man need a blow job to calm down?”

  An involuntary smirk stretched my lips. “I don’t think it’s necessary but I’m not going to turn it down…”

  “Or would you prefer to fuck me in the ass?”

  My eyes widened and my body flinched. That was something we’d never done before. I had experience in that department with other women, but Silke didn’t strike me as that kind of girl. “Where did that come from?”

  She gave me a playful look. “Just thought it would be somethi
ng fun to try…”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and felt my dick grow hard. “I’m happy with what we have.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want to?” There was victorious look on her face, like she knew she had me cornered.

  “No…I’m just saying you don’t have to offer something like that to keep me happy.”

  “I want to.” She stood up and leaned over the desk, her tits pressed together and right in my face.

  The kinkier she became, the stronger our relationship became. The times when she was adventurous and free were the moments I knew she was beyond happy. She could venture into unchartered territory because she trusted me. And I liked that feeling. “Then get your ass over here.”


  When I came home from work, I immediately rubbed her ass. “You doing okay?”

  She stirred the pot then looked at me over her shoulder. “More than okay.”

  “You aren’t sore or anything?”

  “I didn’t sit down for a few hours but after that I was fine.” She nudged me in the side playfully.

  I really liked it. She had a nice ass and I loved fucking it. I gave her a gentle kiss on the neck. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Chicken masala. I’m almost done with the sauce.”

  “Excellent.” I kissed her cheek. “Thank you for making it.”

  She grinned from ear-to-ear. “Now you’re being even sweeter to me. I guess I know what to do when I want something.”

  I smacked her ass playfully. “You know what to do to get me to do pretty much anything.”


  I left my office and headed to the entrance. I was meeting Silke for lunch at a restaurant. Lunch in my office was preferable, but we always did nasty things so I thought that wasn’t the best idea. My staff would think I was the most unprofessional boss in the world.

  When I approached the door, I saw the same woman standing there. She only had eyes for me, but her lips wouldn’t move.

  I stopped in my tracks when I spotted her. Every time I looked at her, I was on alert. I couldn’t describe the sensation, but my body sent out warning signs all over the place. Something wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  When she turned to leave like always, I spoke.

  “Who are you?”


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