Soldiers of Pearl 1: Invasion of Hearts (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She shook and cried. He pushed her skirt up and she knew she was in serious trouble.
He used the blade to control her as she thought about fighting him off and letting him kill her. She wouldn’t want to live if he raped her and took her virginity. That was hers to give. She’d held on to it for the right man and the right time.
She cried as he leaned down and kissed the top of her mound over her panties. “I don’t want this,” she whispered and then felt the blade cut her skin.
“Don’t fight me on this, Arabella. I’m making you mine, today.” She screamed as he cut her skin along the groin and then cut her panties. The banging on the door had her gasping and crying out. She heard Anthony’s voice.
“Come down now. Fuck her later, this is important.”
Kever took his time and touched her, inhaled against her mound, before using her hips to push up and off of her. Her body jerked on the bed and he pointed at her. “Later, you and I.”
He walked out of the room and she rolled off the bed onto the floor, feeling the bile rise in her throat. She grabbed the small garbage pail by the desk and threw up until she was dry heaving.
The door opened and she cried out, falling backward against the wall thinking it was Kever, but it was her mom, carrying baby Liam. She was crying and looked at her and the blood that dripped from her groin to the beige rug below.
“Did he?”
She shook her head. “This has to end. I’m not staying here any longer.”
* * * *
“It’s now or never. Do or die, Cora!” Arabella yelled at her sister. Cora was crying, holding baby Liam while Julia sat on the floor cuddling her baby doll.
“I don’t know if I can leave him. He’ll hunt me down. He’ll kill the babies.”
Arabella looked at her mother, Mary. She was crying, and at her wit’s end, too. Arabella took a deep breath. “He’s out of control. He doesn’t give a shit about you, the babies, or us. You need to get out from under his thumb now, Cora. We can do this together. He beat you up. He threatened you. He’s placed you, all of us, in danger.”
“He’s protective of me, and gets jealous easily. If I leave…If we leave, then he and Kever will come after both of us. I’ve done things for him, Arabella. I’m scared to leave now. I can’t handle another beating.”
Arabella stepped closer and placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “I know you’re scared. I’m scared, too. But it’s time. I know he forced you to make deliveries for him, to stand by him while he negotiated his crimes. If you leave now, if we get the hell out of here where Anthony, Kever, and them can’t find us, then we can put this shit behind you. I could have been raped.” She took a deep breath and willed herself to be strong. Her sister and mother had no idea what went down at the club. They only knew partially about what went down in her bedroom with Kever. She would have a scar on her groin as a reminder forever.
“We’ve talked about getting out of here. It’s the only way to protect the kids. He’s already shoved Julia. He nearly pushed Liam down out of your arms when he attacked you. You’re battered and bruised and these monsters are taking over our lives. We’ll die if we stay here. It’s time, Cora. We can do this. I’m going to take care of all of us. I promise.”
“And if Anthony and Kever come after us?”
“Then I’ll handle that, too.”
“But Kever already tried to rape you once. He was going to force himself on you last night. He’s going to be so angry. Both he and Anthony will take it out on you. Anthony will blame you for making us leave.”
Arabella raised her hand up. “I don’t care about any of that. All I care about are you, the kids, and mom. I’ll handle whatever comes next. Besides, Kever didn’t succeed and by the time they realize we’re gone it won’t matter. They’ll never find us. I’d give my life for you, Mom, and the kids. It’s leave now or stay here, risk your kids’ lives around these men, and probably die here. Trust me, Cora. I’ll protect all of you.”
Her sister cried. The tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at Julia and then at Liam.
Her mom clasped her hand and then took Arabella’s hand so they were linked together.
“Trust, Arabella. She’ll protect us all. It’s time, Cora. He can’t change. This life will only lead you to the grave quicker,” her mom said.
“Let’s go. I love you both so much.”
Arabella looked in the small safe that Anthony had set up in Cora’s bedroom. She wanted extra insurance that these men could never hurt her family again. She got the safe open and saw the documents and the thumb drives from the robbery. She didn’t know if this was a mistake or not, but she grabbed one of the thumb drives. The only one in silver. The others were plastic and black. She pocketed it and locked up the safe then headed to help her family get out of here.
Arabella felt the tightness in her gut. She was now responsible for the lives of four other people and herself. Cora’s words of acceptance hit Arabella hard. She took an unsteady breath and nodded.
God help me to keep them safe and alive. Let my plan work. Please.
Chapter 1
“You still considering leaving?” Brock Reynolds asked Smith Spencer, his best friend and fellow team member.
Smith leaned on the fence that surrounded the ranch. Their ranch, the one Smith, Rex, Reno, and Brock bought together and had built up in the last year. Smith was antsy. Always had been despite their shared construction and development company. Brock wondered if this town, the military soldiers buying out the lots and purchasing the land quicker than their construction company could build, was making him feel overwhelmed.
“I don’t know. Why are you pushing this?” Smith asked, standing up to his full six foot four inches. Brock was two inches shorter, but he was the team leader. At least he had been until they’d retired from the military and headed out here to the town of Pearl. Brock came from money. When he retired from the military, he had taken back a construction and development company his other cousins on his mother’s side had been maintaining for him. In the last five years the company called Liberty Construction and Development grew to be worth millions.
When Dale and Virgo London had called them about them getting married along with their cousins, Matt and Quaid, to some pretty young thing. It shocked them to learn about a place where ménage relationships were acceptable. It was something he and his men shared. Women. Plus other men they knew, ones retired from the service and trying to transition to civilian life, had recommended the town of Pearl. They had discussed settling down near their friends Gunner, Garrett, and Wes McCallister near their fathers’ place called Casper’s, but after visiting for the wedding, they all wanted to settle down here.
As he offered a partnership with Brock, Rex O’Rourke, and Reno Davis, they brought out large acres of land to develop a housing community similar to ones they owned across the United States. Housing that consisted of four-acre lots where people could come build their dream homes through Liberty Construction and Development. They had established a program especially for retired military personnel. Wyatt Cantrell, a friend of Brock’s cousins, jokingly called the development an invasion of military into Pearl.
“Listen, I’m not going to back out of my share of the company. I don’t want to leave here. I’m just feeling antsy, and I still can’t get this sensation of being on edge out of my system,” Smith explained.
“I understand. I get that way, too, sometimes. You need a little break. You need to stop stressing over everything we have going on. The work is going to be there whether you take a break or not. We’ll get through this chaos. Phase two is under way and if you’re feeling overwhelmed about selling the lots for phase four and five so early, then we’ll hold off. Wyatt said the town board wants to meet again to discuss the approvals for the various store owners who want to move here to start their businesses. The Town of Pearl is expanding.”
“Maybe it’s expanding too quickly. Maybe Wyatt, Matt, and Quaid and the Santos brothe
rs have a point in slowing down for a bit to ensure the town remains safe and maintains that Southern charm.”
“We’ve abided by the rules established by the development and construction committee. The communities we’re building on the edge of town are stunning. People coming into town from that direction get an impressive first glance at Pearl and all it has to offer. Besides, it’s not like just anyone can come in here to buy a lot. The Santos men, our cousins, and the security company in town evaluate and approve potential buyers and future residents. By offering homes at affordable prices to recently retired military and their families, we’re building an even stronger, safer community.”
Smith nodded. But Brock still felt like more was bothering him.
They had all just retired from the military and were looking for peace and quiet. At least they’d thought so until they entered the town and wound up smack in the middle of an abduction. They immediately intervened, saving one of the young women from the shelter in town. They met the sheriff, Wyatt Cantrell, his brothers, and then Virgo and Dale’s cousins. It seemed the town was expanding in leaps and bounds and the law enforcement needed help keeping the criminals out of Pearl.
Rex and Reno took the positions as deputies in Wyatt’s sheriff department while Brock and Smith began to start developing the land they’d purchased after presenting their ideas to the town board. A board he and Rex now sat on. Pearl had instantly become their home. They even helped with security details when Matt and Quaid needed assistance. They also traveled further into Texas to assist Sully “Sandman” Sandstone when he had some extra special assignment right up their crazy Special Forces alleys.
Two weeks ago the case they helped on ended badly. Just as they located the suspect and were about to infiltrate a holding facility where he kept a young woman and her little sister, the man had killed them both. The mission was a complete failure as far as Brock and Smith were concerned. Women and children came first. They were to be protected and watched over to the fullest extent. The mission left every investigator, officer, and especially Sully in poor spirits. But Smith took it very badly. He had lost his baby sister to some monster asshole who knocked her around and eventually killed her while Smith was serving in Iraq.
“If it’s any consolation, I really don’t want you to leave. You’ve helped develop Liberty Construction and you have a keen eye for details that I sometimes just don’t focus on. We’re doing awesome. We don’t even have to work as hard as when we first got here. I’d hate to lose you. The team wouldn’t be the same, and our goal of finding that perfect woman to share just as our friends have would disappear. We’ve all learned to depend on one another, Smith. We need you here,” Brock admitted.
Which was kind of hard being the team leader, the oldest of the crew. Even though they were retired, they kept their positions and ranking intact. They were all military in everything they did. Discipline, respect, hard work, it all boiled into civilian life one way or the other.
“I feel like I need more. Which is crazy. I’m rich, thanks to you and your business skills, but something is missing. I can’t figure it out and maybe it’s out there somewhere. I can’t help but to think that.” Smith looked around the ranch. Brock knew Smith didn’t want to leave. He needed something to keep busy. Something to get his mind off of the last mission.
“Hey, if you’re bored, you could head into Keanter with me tonight. Grab some beers, blow off some steam. Rex and Reno are working. What do ya say? We can talk more about leaving Pearl and whether or not it’s the right move.”
Smith looked at him. That dark, hard look in his eyes. The man was intimidating to just about everyone he met. Brock couldn’t even count the number of times people asked him if Smith was sane. That was if they had the guts to approach Brock or even Rex and Reno. They all had that look in their eyes. Smith had it worse. Killing for survival changed a man.
“I’ll think about it. I’m not really into socializing. Plus, I liked Casper’s better. There were more of our friends there.”
“Neither am I, but we haven’t been out anywhere in weeks. Casper’s was great and I miss it all, too. I miss the Haas brothers, but heck, we can go see Ice, box in Vegas if we want to next month. We could head to Salvation any time we want to check in on the developments there even though that’s Storm, Winter, Weston, York, and Zin’s job since they’re running the site out there.”
“I know,” Smith said as he looked out across the land. “Maybe visiting Salvation and Tranquility near Casper’s will be a good idea. We just saw Justice and Seno. Can’t believe that Ellie is having a baby. Justice, Hunter, Mace, and Seno must be thrilled.” Brock understood Smith’s longing. They’d talked about having a woman of their own one day. Not some one-night stand wanting to get a little wild and say she did a ménage. They wanted what a lot of their friends had.
They weren’t the only retired soldiers to move out to Pearl in the last few years. The men definitely outnumbered the women in this town. The women who entered or moved here were instantly under the protection of every man. Women and children who were scared or even on the run felt safe and secure here, and they were fully protected. After Brock and the rest of his team felt so much loss, the meaningless murders and destruction of innocent lives they witnessed while serving in war, they were more than happy to abide by the rules of Pearl, and to put every woman and child under their protection. Smith especially loved that about Pearl.
“I guess since there isn’t anything better to do, I’ll go with you.”
“Hey, maybe we’ll meet up with Tatiana, that little blonde we played around with a couple of months ago?”
“Not interested,” Smith said and walked away. Brock knew that Smith wasn’t interested in Tatiana or any other easy lay. None of them were interested in just fucking some woman to do it. It seemed they were getting older, and now looking deeper into their emotions and what they wanted. This town and its people had a special quality and effect on each of them. But letting down their guard, getting comfortable, was not an option for retired Special Forces. They just didn’t do that, and it seemed that Smith was having the most difficulty transitioning to civilian life. Which was kind of funny considering that it was usually Smith who met with potential clients and spoke about the development of homes in Pearl and all the town had to offer retired military personnel.
Brock looked out at the land. He knew some buddies of theirs were building their new home on their own land. Asher, Avery, Beau, Blade, and Cason were just starting off their lives in Pearl. He’d drive over tomorrow to check on them. Right now he needed to shower and get ready to go into Keanter. He hoped to get Smith’s mind off of leaving. The team just wouldn’t be the same without him.
* * * *
Arabella was perspiring and she wasn’t even out of the shower ten minutes. It was damn hot in the trailer. She had worked out earlier in the morning before the temperature rose to the regular unbearable hundred degrees. With no air-conditioning, two toddlers, her sister and mother living with her, it was cramped and it sucked. Three years ago she had a decent life. A small house, a picket fence, two jobs, one teaching martial arts self-defense and one as a chef. She even took the local police exam and passed with flying colors. She was going to become a police officer. Then things changed.
Arabella swallowed hard. There was no need to ponder over the past three years and being on the run with her sister, the kids, and Mom. They were out of Chicago. She lost track of all the places they had lived over the past three years. But she knew one thing for sure, she had to put her own life on hold and save her family. Making money to feed the babies was priority. Then came caring for her mom, Mary, and her sister Cora, who was scarred both physically and mentally.
Arabella looked into the small mirror and adjusted her top. She hated flaunting her body, but that was what got the great tips and ultimately put food on the table. Her stomach quivered as she thought about Victor and the club. She swallowed hard. That was in the past.
he lifted and tucked her large breasts into the two-sizes-too-small tank top she wore. Tonight was a rodeo theme night and the bar went all out with an electric bull, best dressed cowboys and cowgirls contest, lasso contest, and a bunch of other typical things that country people did.
She had to admit that she liked it out here. Texas people were strong and they were friendly. She could see herself living here and settling down if life was normal. But her life wasn’t. She’d suddenly gone from single, twenty-three, and working on finding the right man to lose her virginity with, to twenty-six, mother of four, and breadwinner. She worked so many hours just to be able to provide for them. Liam was a newborn when Anthony went psycho on Cora. Julia was only two.
Arabella shivered when she thought about the scene. That night would stand out in her head forever. Still brought her nightmares even with the little sleep she got. But she kept training. Was always prepared to defend and protect her family. To the death if necessary. Unfortunately, she wasn’t being dramatic. It could happen if Anthony decided to pursue them and track them down. He was getting out of jail soon, which meant his psycho best friend and business partner Kever would be hunting her down, too. Thoughts of Kever gave Arabella the shakes. She thought about the scar on her inner groin and how close he had come to forcing himself on her.
“Arabella, you go to work now?” Julia asked as she snuck up and hugged Arabella’s leg from behind her. Not that she really snuck up. The trailer was too damn small. Hopefully in a month or so they could find a bigger place. They may have to move on. Staying in one place too long wasn’t a wise idea.
Arabella picked her up and Julia hugged her. “Yes, I am, baby girl. Are you going to be a good girl for Grandma and Mommy?”