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Bent, Not Broken

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Joker dragged an unconscious Bruce by the arm, tossed his ass on the floor of the abandoned warehouse owned by The Soldiers, and stared at his body. The fucker was still breathing for now, and the energy inside of Joker to end his life now ran him hard. But he had been planning this for a long fucking time, and would make the fucker beg for mercy before he was finished with him. He spit in Bruce direction then turned and faced the metal table pressed against the wall. There was a chair and rope beside the table and on top of the scarred, rusted-out metal was an array of things that would bring Joker a hell of a lot of pleasure.

  After he picked Bruce up off the floor and tied him to the chair, he moved back and pulled a joint out of his cut. He didn’t need to be high or drunk for this, but a little weed sounded good before the party got started. For about five minutes he waited for the motherfucker to wake up, and when his impatience got the better of him, he walked over to the sink. After filling up the bucket with cold water, he turned and stared at Bruce. Leaning against the sink, he inhaled his joint, took it out from between his lips, and exhaled. The smoke billowed out in front of him in a hazy white cloud, and when it dissipated he moved the joint to the counter, set it on the edge, and picked up the bucket.

  He threw it on the bastard; he loved it when Bruce sputtered awake and started coughing as he inhaled some of the water. When Bruce caught sight of Joker, he started struggling against his bindings, but there was no fucking way was he getting out of the knots Joker had tied. He watched Bruce struggle and scream out, and then amusement filled Joker.

  “You sorry piece of shit. We are out in the middle of nowhere.” After he had knocked Bruce the fuck out, he’d driven an hour out of town to this secluded spot. “Ain’t no one hearing your soon-to-be dead ass.”

  The rapist sputtered out pleas that he was a changed man, but Joker blocked everything else out. He took a step back, took off his cut and T-shirt, and grinned over at the tools on display. He’d be using many of them on this asshole and enjoying every second of it. He picked up his joint again, inhaled from it, and blew the smoke out softly until a cloud covered his vision. It dispersed, and he grabbed a pair of brass knuckles from the tray, slipped them on, and moved back to Bruce.

  “I didn’t mean to do anything to Amy. She’s my daughter and I love her—”

  Joker didn’t let him finish; he cracked him in the side of the face with the knuckles. “You don’t talk about her, think about her, or fucking say her name. She is no one to you anymore and least of all your fucking daughter.” He hit Bruce again until blood sprayed out of his nose and mouth. The rancid shit got on Joker’s chest, but he didn’t care. He wanted blood running down his chest, wanted it covering the ground, and draining the life right out of this rapist pedophile.

  “Please, stop,” the man sputtered out. Blood dripped out of his nose and mouth and fell onto his chest and the ground. His shirt was already soaking in the shit, but it didn’t matter, because he’d be deader than a damn doornail soon enough.

  Joker swung out again without responding and connected the brass knuckles with Bruce’s face again. He felt power move through him when Bruce’s nose cracked. The rapist howled in pain and tried to get up, but all he accomplished was falling to the side, still tied up like a hog. Something inside of Joker broke, and he reared his leg back and kicked Bruce hard enough that the chair and Bruce’s entire body skidded to the other side of the room. He stalked forward, but not before he grabbed a blade from the tray. Yeah, he had wanted to prolong this, but this evil feeling inside of him rose up, demanding that he finish it. Amy deserved peace, and he knew she’d get it once this waste of space was finished.

  Bruce howled out in pain, struggled against his bonds, but then started to slowly still as Joker moved forward. He hauled Bruce up, took the knife and cut Bruce free, and then immediately strung him up on the meat hook that he’d rigged up for this special occasion. Blood continuously flowed, and a small pool settled on the floor beneath him.

  “Amy kept saying stop, didn’t she?” He hit Bruce again, and again, and once more until the prick as now hanging on to the ropes that bound him. “But you are one sick motherfucker, and couldn’t, stop could you? You wanted to see how far you could push her.” He took the knife and dragged it across the asshole’s cheek, watching as the skin opened up.

  “But you didn’t stop for her, and I bet you didn’t know someone would come calling all these years later, ready to extract revenge in her name.” Joker stopped talking and shook his head. He inhaled deeply for a moment, trying to get the image of Amy, scared and crying, out of his head. The rage that came over him stole his breath away, stole his very fucking sanity. He had said he didn’t need liquor, but seeing a crying Amy in his head almost did him in. He turned and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the counter, popped the cap, and took a long drink from it.

  “No, you’re not passing out yet, fucker,” Joker said through his teeth. He took one more drink and put the bottle down. “I wanted to make this last, but I better end this now before you pass out again and can’t feel how much I make you hurt.” He grabbed a serrated knife, ran his finger over the blade, and walked over to the man who had hurt the woman Joker loved. He grabbed Bruce’s chin, turned his beaten face up so he was forced to look at Joker, and growled out low. He felt feral, felt like he was going to snap even further until he couldn’t control himself enough to enjoy this.

  Joker took the blade and ran it along each side of the asshole’s face, watched the blood pool and slip down his flesh. He would be dead soon, and then he’d focus on making Amy his.

  “You made my woman afraid of being with me.” Joker stabbed Bruce in the gut. “Your death will make her rest easier, breathe at night, and not flinch and push me away when I want to comfort her.” He felt rage burning brightly inside of him. Joker moved the blade up, opening up Bruce’s stomach, and taking the blade out to press it to his neck.

  The blood dripped off of the blade and landed on his chest. He stared into Bruce’s eyes, saw them widen when Joker pressed the blade into his flesh, and then he bared his teeth at the asshole. Joker continued to move the blade slowly across his throat, heard the gurgle of Bruce choking on his own blood, and looked down to see the bright red blood start to spurt out of his jugular.

  He took a step back, the knife he held dripping the red, viscous fluid onto the ground, and this warmth and release filled him. He stared at Bruce, watched the life fade from him, and knew that this was what true vengeance felt like.

  Amy sat at the kitchen table, across from David, and thought about how many times she had done this with her mom, her step-father, and Reese back in the day. The silence between them right now wasn’t uncomfortable, and in fact, she saw the smile on David’s face and knew he was thinking about her mother.

  “Your mom used to make the best sweet rice I have ever had.” He stared at her and smiled wider. “Do you remember the first time she made it; you and Reese were hesitant to taste it because you said it looked slimy?”

  She started chuckling and nodded. “Yeah, but Reese is actually the one who got me to try it. It was the best.”

  David nodded. “Yeah, your mom could cook like no other.”

  The room was silent again, and she thought about Reese. “David, how is he doing anyway? I mean I’ve spoken to him, but how is he really doing?”

  David didn’t speak right away, but instead picked up the sandwich she had made for him and took a bite. He chewed for a moment, swallowed, and then he took a sip of water. He set his water down as he looked at her again. “Reese has changed a lot since he was a teenager. The few times I’ve seen him in the last few years he was a harder man, more dangerous even.”

  She nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. “Yeah, I’ve seen a change since he became a member of the MC.” There were times, at first, when staring at him, just being in his presence, had made her nervous. He was big and strong, easily over six feet in height, with muscles that were stacked on top of each other. H
e was dangerous, there was no doubt about that, and he was violent. She knew he had killed men, knew that he did illegal things, yet she still wanted him. God, did she want him, but who in the hell would want a woman like her?

  “Did you get it all out of your system?” Demon asked.

  Joker climbed off his bike. He’d cleaned up the remains of Bruce in the warehouse. No one would ever find his body and if someone did try to look for him, or even care about where the sack of shit was, there wouldn’t be anything left to find.


  “So long as it’s where it needs to stay.”

  “I don’t have a fucking problem anymore. He’s gone.”

  “You’re going after her now, right? The bitch you claim not to care about?” Demon walked beside him as they made their way toward the clubhouse.

  The only thought Joker had was of Amy. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Killing Bruce had been designed to set her free. She needed to know he was dead to start living her life.

  “Amy’s not a bitch. You be careful what you say about her.” Joker turned on his friend.

  Demon raised a brow. “She’s special all right. You’re going to have to bring her by the club.”

  At the mention of the club, Steel walked out with three bitches on his arms. They were running their hands up and down his body, and the women were completely naked.

  “I’m going to fuck each of you and then you’re all going to lick each other the fuck out.”

  “Yes, Steel,” all three women spoke together.

  “That fucker is dirty,” Demon said, scrunching up his nose.

  “Amy wouldn’t last two minutes in this club.” The very thought of bringing her to the club broke Joker out in a cold sweat.

  “You don’t have a choice. There’s no out from the club, Joker. You’re my VP. The only out is six feet under.”

  “I could be voted out,” Joker said.

  “It’s not going to happen. You’re too well liked for them to get rid of you. You’ve got more chance of being fucked by one of the boys than voted out.”

  “I didn’t peg you as the kind of club that fucked each other,” Deanna said, coming out of the clubhouse. She went straight to Demon, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too. I’m trying to convince Joker that he’s got to bring his woman around here.”

  Deanna asked, “What kind of woman is she?”

  “A civilian, like you. She’s not had the best life starting out. The club, it’s not for her.” Joker gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to leave the club nor did he want to live without Amy. Could he have both? Was there a way for Amy to move beyond the demons of her past? “I’ve got to head out. I hope that’s okay?”

  “You’re going to her?”

  “I’ve got to see her. When I know she’s ready, I’ll bring her around. I’m not leaving the club. I’m by your side all the way until the end. We’re brothers, Demon. I wouldn’t dream of turning my back on you. We’ve still got Zeke to take out.” Joker reached out to grab Demon’s hand.

  Demon pulled him in for a hug. “Good thing, bro. You’re the best man I’ve got.”

  “I’m going to take a shower. I’m not seeing my best girl stinking like a pig.”

  He passed Demon and Deanna, making his way toward his room. Several women tried to stop him but he shoved them away. He wasn’t interested in free skanky pussy. There was only one woman he wanted, and he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.

  Inside his room, he locked the door, and stared at his space. Closing his eyes, he imagined Amy’s sweet face. Her innocence went bone deep and yet she’d never felt worthy of his love. That’s what he hated more than anything… the complete lack of respect and value she had for herself. Her past made her think she wasn’t worthy of love. In his opinion, she deserved love more than anything else. He’d give her a life that she’d only ever dreamed about.

  Scratching the back of his head, he walked toward the shower, knowing he’d done the right thing. There’s no way Amy would be upset by what had happened. Everything he’d done was for her.

  Steel stared at the three bitches on the ground. They were club whores, used pussy, and fucking willing snatch. He didn’t have to do anything but snap his fingers to get what he wanted. They didn’t demand better of him or ask him to take them on a date. Swigging from his bottle of Jack, he watched the fake blonde start to unbutton his jeans. He wanted his dick sucked, and this slut was just the one to do it. The brothers talked about her. She had a mouth like a fucking vacuum. He doubted miss prim and proper, Eloise, would have such a nice fucking mouth. The bitch who worked at the supermarket wouldn’t know the first thing about sucking dick. He’d first seen the mousy woman three months ago when he went in for a pack of cigs after a long ride with the Soldiers. Steel didn’t know what it was about her that drew him in. She was rounded in all the right places and had nice big tits. Fuck, no she wasn’t perfectly rounded… she was chubby. He could have any bitch he wanted and did. Eloise wasn’t worth anything, yet she drove him fucking mad. He couldn’t stop thinking of her.

  She’d done nothing wrong other than turn him down. Who turned him down when he was offering sex? It was ridiculous. He may not have been nice about it, but she didn’t need to tell him to fuck off.

  “That’s it, bitch, suck my dick.”

  The woman on her knees smiled up at him. “Anything for you, Steel.” She tugged down his jeans, revealing the hard ridge of his cock. He was ready to explode just from the sight of her tongue. Her tongue was pierced and the little barbell was a little cold against his flesh. Damn, he loved fucking.

  Closing his eyes, he fisted his hand in her hair, and slammed his dick so deep into her mouth that she started to gag on his length. He didn’t care. With his eyes closed, he imagined another woman taking his shaft. Steel didn’t have the first clue who Eloise was. He’d only ever seen her at the supermarket either serving customers or stacking shelves. She meant nothing. There were far more willing women out there, yet the only one he imagined was her. It didn’t make any sense to him at all.

  Speeding up his thrusts, he imagined her smile, and that was all it took. He exploded his load into the bitch’s mouth. She swallowed his spunk, moaning as she did. When he was finished, he opened his eyes, and looked at the three women. None of them were the one he wanted. This was not what he desired at all.

  “What’s the matter, Steel?” the one on the left asked.

  Shit, he didn’t even know any of their names.

  “I forgot my shit back at the house.” He turned on his heel and made his way back to the clubhouse. By the time he reached the building, he leaned against the side, dragging in lungful’s of fresh air. This shouldn’t be happening to him. He never thought too long about a particular woman.

  Resting his head against the brick, he stared up at the night’s sky, wishing something would come and give him a sign. Years ago he’d lost the right to want a woman. This life, the club life was in his blood. He’d killed people in the name of the Soldiers. Eloise was not a club whore. She was like Deanna, Demon’s woman. The kind of woman a man kept by his side to treasure and adore. He didn’t deserve a good woman. There was nothing good about him, yet what he wanted was the shy woman that consumed his thoughts. What would she say if she knew the kind of pleasure he liked? She’d fucking run in the other direction, and rightly so.

  Amy stood on the landing outside of her room listening to David as he answered the door. She’d decided to stay the night at his home because going back to her place seemed lonely. Her mother was dead and she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving David alone. She leaned over the staircase railing and looked at David and Joker.

  “What’s the matter, son?”

  “I wanted to see Amy. Do you know where she is?” Reese asked.

  No, he wasn’t Reese anymore. He was Joker. There was nothing laughable about him, yet that was his name. When he’d lived with them
he’d make her laugh. She loved watching him be silly, stupid really. But he was definitely a changed man now, a dangerous, violent man.

  “Reese, what’s going on?”

  “My name is Joker. Now where the fuck is she?”

  “No, you’re not Joker to me. You’re my boy and I’ll use the damn name I gave to you. Do you understand me?”

  She could practically hear Joker grit his teeth. “Yeah.”

  “What’s going on?”

  She tensed up, expecting to hear Joker lash out. He didn’t.

  “Nothing. I just want to talk to Amy.”

  Silence descended on the room for several seconds. She wondered what David would decide. Why did he have to decide anything? She was a full-grown woman. It wasn’t up to David to keep men away from her.

  “She’s upstairs in her room.” David turned away.

  Rushing toward her bedroom, Amy closed her door and quickly jumped on her bed. She picked up the book she’d been reading. Her heart was racing with anticipation, excitement… fear. Shaking her head at her own thoughts, she looked up when Joker opened the door.

  Joker. Joker. Joker.

  She kept saying his name inside her head so that she’d get used to it.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey. I heard you run across the landing; you were listening again.”

  Opening her mouth, she went to deny it, but Joker raised his finger and shook his head. “Don’t lie, sweetheart. It’s not a good look for you.”

  “I was worried about David. I didn’t want anything to happen to him.”

  “Right and you just happened to be listening in for his good?” he asked, stepping farther into the room.

  “Exactly. I care about David. You could have been an axe murderer.”

  “What did you plan? To beat him to death with a book?” Joker sat on her bed, grabbing the hardback book from her grip. She reached out to take it from him then started hitting him on the arm.


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