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Hand-Me-Down Princess

Page 13

by Carol Moncado

  “A couple more days,” he answered.

  “Have a great time and a safe trip back.” She waved as she left the room.

  Malachi tugged his shirt off and tossed it on one of the chairs nearby. He stepped off the side and into the deep end of the pool. The cool water washed over him. He knew it was heated, and compared to the outside it was warm, but the pool room, like many of them, was warm and humid. In that case, the water always felt better. He did a modified breast stroke toward Jessabelle, stopping several feet away.

  He kept moving just enough to stay buoyant. “Did I tell you Jonathan invited us to a comedy club tonight? Some friends of his own it. He has a blind date, and isn’t sure he wants to go alone.”

  She shrugged. “Sure. Sounds good to me.”

  “We need to leave in about two hours.” He moved back toward the wall. “Will you show me what Alivia’s taught you?”

  An uncomfortable look crossed her face. “Sure.” Jessabelle didn’t sound very confident. “She didn’t teach me the somersault-y flip thingies though.”

  “Then I’ll teach you sometime. Maybe the next time we go to Ravenzario.”

  “Okay.” Jessabelle still seemed uncertain, but she took a deep breath and pushed off the wall.

  The former swim team competitor in him wanted to critique her form, but he restrained that part and focused on how far she had come in the last week and a half. “I’m impressed,” he told her as she finished. “You’ve come a long way in the last week.”

  “I need to get ready. Take a shower and stuff.” Before he could reply she climbed out the ladder on the other side. With a sigh, he decided she still wasn’t comfortable with him. Not in swimsuits. He took a deep breath of his own and launched into a few laps.

  A couple hours later, they were seated at a Mexican restaurant just a few doors down from the comedy club. He held Jessabelle’s seat while Jonathan let his date slide into the bench side of the table first. Jessabelle had never seemed very comfortable in any social setting, but maybe such a small one would be better. A few minutes into the meal, he knew that wouldn’t be the case. At least not this small setting.

  Jonathan had never met his date, never talked to her before, and it showed. Malachi didn’t know Jonathan very well, but he knew this particular woman wouldn’t have been his choice. A bit too loud. A bit too boisterous. A couple too many margaritas. Jonathan seemed grateful they were tucked into a bit of a nook so few people could actually see them. By the time dinner was over, Malachi could practically see Jonathan looking for a reason to end the date.

  Fortunately, his date took care of it for him, claiming she suddenly remembered an early appointment the next morning. Jonathan walked her to her car then returned to meet them in front of the Serenity Landing Comedy Club.

  “It’s not going to work out,” Jonathan told them.

  Malachi gave him a sympathetic smile. “Sorry it was so uncomfortable.”

  “I’m just glad you two were there. It would have been more awkward if it was just the two of us.”

  Jessabelle asked a question of her own, one of the first times she’d ever just jumped into a conversation. “Didn’t you date Princess Anastasia?”

  Malachi tried to control his wince as Jonathan nodded. “I also dated the new Princess Ellie and Queen Adeline.” He sighed. “I never meant to set my sights on royalty, but I think I need to make sure they’re not quite so out of my league or in love with someone else.”

  Jessabelle surprised Malachi with her next words. “You don’t need to find a princess, Jonathan. Find someone who is your princess, but most of all, someone who is a child of God, of the King. Remember, the Prince of Peace didn’t come to live in a palace. He was considered by most to be the bastard child of a carpenter. Not exactly someone who rode in on his white horse and took over the world.”

  Jonathan seemed to soak in her words then nodded. “I know that. There’s wisdom in what you say, but I do think I’m going to forgo dating anyone for a while.”

  Before they could talk any further, the doors opened and those gathered around went inside. The next hour and a half was filled with some of funniest bits Malachi had ever seen, though he knew he didn’t get all of the references because he wasn’t an American. Some reference to “spring training” he didn’t quite understand plus a few others.

  Jonathan insisted they wait around after the show ended. About twenty minutes later, the main couple from the show walked back in. Only the five of them were left in the room. As they neared, both of them stopped a few feet away to either bow or curtsy.

  Malachi shifted uncomfortably, suddenly on high alert. They knew who he was? Did his security team know? And were they a threat?

  Chapter 17

  Jessabelle wasn’t sure how to react when this couple bowed and curtsied in front of them. Malachi tensed next to her.

  Then Jonathan introduced them with a grin. “Malachi, Jessabelle, these are friends of mine. Josh and Stephanie Wilson.”

  So they were a couple. Jessabelle thought Stephanie looked to be about Malachi’s age, but the Josh guy seemed to be a bit older.

  “I do business in Mevendia,” Josh was saying. He looked at his wife. “We actually attended Queen Adeline’s wedding and met very briefly there.”

  “We did?” Malachi asked. “I apologize for not remembering.”

  Josh chuckled. “There’s no reason for you to have. It was a handshake in a line with a bunch of other people. But now, I wish we could stay and hang out longer. We’ve got an infant at home that’s going to be looking for her mom soon.” He held out a hand to Malachi. “It was a pleasure to see you again, sir.”

  “You, too.” Malachi shook his hand as Jessabelle shook Stephanie’s.

  The five of them walked out together, talking about the show that night, with Jessabelle and Malachi complimenting them on it. Josh and Stephanie both expressed their desire to have them over for dinner, but their time was too short to make those arrangements this trip. They went back to the Langley-Cranston Estate, and Jessabelle got ready for bed.

  She was sitting on the edge of the bed, taking off the cross necklace he’d given her on their honeymoon and laying it on the side table, when she heard him come in.

  “I have something for you.” An envelope dangled from Malachi’s hand as he casually leaned in the doorway.

  “What’s that?” Jessabelle brushed her hair back and wished she felt more comfortable around Malachi.

  He walked toward her holding it out. “Open it.”

  She took it, opened the brads, and slid them through the opening. Lifting the flap she reached in to pull out some paperwork. Jessabelle glanced up at him and pulled the sheaf out. Forms of some kind? In scroll across the top, it read:

  Serenity Landing University

  Application for Admission

  “What?” She didn’t understand.

  “You want to go on to university, correct?” He sat next to her on the bed, something that still made her uncomfortable.

  “Yes. But here? Or is it an online degree program?”

  “You can do some online, but I’d imagine you’d want to do something in the nursing program, and you can’t do that via distance learning.”

  Her head snapped up, eyes meeting his. “How did you know?”

  “I saw what you were looking at in the brochure, and I saw you with the little girl after the museum.” Tremors shuddered through her as he ran a finger down the side of her face. “Was I right?”

  “Yes, but isn’t there a school in Mevendia? Surely there’s at least one that trains pediatric nurses.”

  “There is. But this particular school also has a degree program that interests me. We could move here together in time for the next session. I spoke with Addie. They still own the house here and would be happy to let us use it. They kept it for visiting Charlie, Lindsey, and Ellie’s families, but they can make other arrangements, or there may be enough room for all of us, depending.”

  She looked
back down at the paperwork. “I’ll think about it.” That’s as committed as she was willing to be.

  “Read through it?”

  “I will.” Was this too much, too fast? Given the recent death of her father, should she be making big decisions?

  “Get some sleep. We’re leaving fairly early tomorrow.” Malachi leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “And don’t forget, we’ll be heading to the fundraiser in Ravenzario the next day. We won’t be home long.”

  Jessabelle nodded. “I remember.” Malachi headed for the bathroom, and Jessabelle set the paperwork on the side table before laying down to try to sleep.

  * * *

  Christiana stared over the hay field as she waited for the arrival of the Mevendian and Montevarian royal families. William had agreed to be her escort for the evening. He did not want to find a date, and Christiana’s boyfriend could not take the time off work, not when his business was about to go under. She wanted to help him, but he refused, saying it was something he had to do on his own, if he wanted to feel like he brought something to their marriage. Whenever he finally got around to asking her.

  The Mevendian plane landed on the runway, and a few minutes later, both royal families walked in. All of the younger generation would be there, except for Yvette, who had been deemed too young for the trip by her parents.


  She turned to see Queen Adeline coming toward her, arms outstretched. Christiana hugged the other queen, grateful for the company, although none of them could help her with the issues facing her country. Things were going better in many ways.

  Unemployment had increased in the wake of her uncle’s arrest, but had gone down some and stabilized as long-overdue construction projects began. Building and rebuilding the infrastructure would take time and would provide at least some jobs while they worked to get the rest of the economy back on an even keel.

  “I’m so glad you are here,” Christiana whispered. She had few people she could really talk to. Alexander and Tony. Her personal assistant, Diana. Tony was still working to verify who he could trust and who he could not. If Tony could not trust someone, she could not either. The only other person she trusted was too busy to come see her often, though they talked daily.

  She let go of her one-time foster sister and stepped back to look around. “I am so glad all of you are here.”

  Rick gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek before letting Ana push him out of the way to give a hug of her own. Christiana turned to see Malachi and his new wife. He gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek, too.

  Christiana turned to his wife. “Jessabelle, it’s lovely to see you again.”

  The other woman looked uncomfortable, as though she wasn’t quite sure how to address Christiana. After several awkward seconds, she accepted Christiana’s small hug. William greeted her the same way as the other men in the group. When he moved, she saw someone unexpected. “Yvette! I did not think you were coming.”

  Yvette shrugged. “I convinced my parents to let me.”

  Christiana gave her a big hug and did her best to convince herself seeing Yvette did not remind her of everything that would not be. Not since her parents died and her brother and his nanny were presumed dead. In the next year, Yvette would need to plan her own wedding and deal with the fallout when her groom, Christiana’s brother, never showed. But the contracts had been signed and didn’t expire until a week after the wedding date. Christiana made a mental note to help Yvette as much as she could when the time came.

  Christiana let go but looped her arm through Yvette’s. “Do you have an escort for this evening?”

  “I believe Alexander has been commandeered for the job.”

  An undefinable twinge passed through Christiana when she realized her friend and confidant would be at Yvette’s side for the evening. “Are you certain you wouldn’t be more comfortable with your brother as your escort?”

  Yvette wrinkled her nose. “No. I have no desire to accompany my brother. I know Alexander well enough, and we both know I’m essentially engaged. It will be fine.”

  Christiana nodded. “Very well then. I am certain Alexander will be along shortly.” It was his family’s facility and their fundraiser. He was likely busy with last minute details. His family owned the property, but Alexander ran the entire complex.

  “Besides,” Yvette continued, “he’s far too old for me.”

  She had a point, though Christiana had never really thought about Alexander’s age. Perhaps because she was several years older than Yvette herself.

  Christiana looked around the room. Four of the six in her generation were with their life partners. Three were already married and it was only another couple of months until Ana married Jonah. Christiana would need to show up with a smile on her face and hide the bitter, cynical side that seemed to emerge whenever she was reminded that she was not yet engaged.

  A door on the other side of the room opened, and Alexander walked in.

  “Everyone ready?” he asked, shaking hands and kissing cheeks as he went around the room.

  There was no need to explain the hierarchy within the group. Everyone knew the “more important” people went last. In this case, it was based on title, distance from inheriting the crown, geography, and age. As the second in line for their respective crowns, Ana and Jonah went first, followed by Malachi and Jessabelle. First in line for his throne, Rick escorted his wife, Ellie. Then came Queen Adeline and Prince Consort Charlemagne. Alexander, as host of the event, was next to last with Yvette on his arm. Christiana, as queen of the host country, was always the last to enter, this time with Prince William at her side.

  Unlike the last fundraiser she had attended, this one was in the ball room rather than the barn. There was something to be said for wearing jeans and cowgirl boots, but Christiana found she felt more like herself in the more formal attire of this evening.

  William helped her down the few steps into the room. Time to put on her happy face.

  * * *

  Malachi kept watch on his wife out of the corner of his eye. Her comfort level seemed to be increasing, at least around Adeline, seated on the other side of her. He had known his distant cousin would put her at ease again. Jessabelle ate more of the meal than she had at any other since he’d known her.

  Before long there would be dancing. Malachi hadn’t danced with his wife yet, and he looked forward to it. Then there would be an auction of items none of the royalty would bid on. It was an unwritten rule. The royalty donated money and items to be auctioned, but never bid. Though he doubted Jessabelle would be bold enough to bid on anything, he needed to tell her so she knew.

  About the time he finished his main course, the wait staff came around to pick up the plates. The music changed in tone as Christiana and his older brother walked to the dance floor. William bowed. Christiana curtsied. The two of them moved around the floor with a grace Malachi hoped he could master. He heard a few whispers, not for the first time, wishing that William were not the Crown Prince so he could marry Christiana. The whispers picked up in intensity after Rick and Ellie announced their engagement. For a time, there had been hopes she would marry Rick, to solidify the relationship between those two countries. That was part of the reason for the arranged marriage planned between Yvette and Christiana’s younger brother, who had been the Crown Prince until his death. There was more going on there that Malachi didn’t truly understand.

  The dance came to an end, and the floor opened up to the rest of the guests. Malachi wiped his mouth on the cloth napkin and pushed back from the table. He bowed slightly to his wife. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

  She looked nervous, but Jessabelle nodded, taking his offered hand. He led her to the dance floor, pulling her into his arms. He held her close, though not as close as his Montevarian cousins held their significant others.

  “Are you having a good time?” he asked, quietly.

  “Dinner was good.”

  “Is that the
only good thing so far?”

  Jessabelle ducked her head. “I liked talking with Queen Adeline.”

  “You can call her Addie, you know.”

  “No. I can’t. After two months, I have trouble calling you Malachi. I can’t call her Addie. Even if she told me to, I’d probably have a hard time with it. It’s the way I was raised.”

  Malachi didn’t respond. He tried to understand where she was coming from and hated that she still wasn’t comfortable around him. The way she held herself stiffly in his arms was further proof of that. Definitely better than it would have been a few weeks earlier, but not comfortable like the other couples on the dance floor. Even Yvette and Alexander were more comfortable.

  Maybe someday.

  He debated pulling her a bit closer, but decided not to. This time. “There will be an auction in a little while. I don’t know if there’s anything you might want to bid on, but it’s customary for the royal family to refrain from trying to win any of them.”

  She gave a slight shrug. “Okay, but why?”

  “Because all of us have access to enough money that we can just go buy anything being offered.”

  Jessabelle didn’t respond. Maybe she didn’t know how or, more likely, she still wasn’t used to having access to those kinds of funds.

  The song ended, and he started to move away from her, to hand her off to another acquaintance, but she gripped his sleeve. “Don’t leave me, please,” she whispered.

  Malachi hesitated. “I can for another dance or two, but we’ll both need to dance with others at some point. I will do my best to make sure you only dance with people you know. My brother, Rick, Charlie, Jonah, Alexander, and maybe his brother. Christopher is here I think.”

  He pulled her closer, hoping others would think the newlyweds wanted to dance together a bit longer.

  She let him, though she still felt a bit stiff. “I can’t just sit down and not dance with anyone?”


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