Book Read Free

Behind the Mask

Page 19

by J. L. Ostle

  “This is amazing. Thank you so much. It’s perfect. My dream room.” I beam up at her. I feel like it’s Christmas day.

  “I knew you would like it. As soon as you said you were coming, I ran to the hardware store and painted. I’m going to go make dinner and let you unpack okay? If you need me, you know where I will be.” She hugs me.

  “You can cook?” We always had someone to cook for us so I’m surprised that she can. But a lot can happen in three years.

  “Yup. I always wanted to learn so I got some books and taught myself. If I say so myself, my cooking isn’t bad.” She winks at me before leaving.

  I stand in the middle of my new room and look around. I feel like I’m dreaming. This is too good to be true. I see my huge bed and do what I have always wanted to do, knowing I wouldn’t get in trouble for being unlady like. I jump up and down on my bed, ruffling the sheets. I jump one last time and land, lying on my back, laughing and squealing to myself.

  If I am dreaming, I never want to wake up.

  I unpack my things and decide to go help with dinner. I may not be able to cook but I can help set the table or cut something. I close my door and can’t help but look at the one opposite me. I wonder where the guys are. I hope they like me. As I near the kitchen, I can hear giggling and walk in to see a tall guy with his arms around my sister, nuzzling her neck. I feel my cheeks flush. I recognize Leon from the pictures that I’ve seen. Feeling like I am walking in on something, I try and walk back out before they notice me, but as I’m not at all stealthy, I bump into the door frame, banging my elbow.


  At the noise, they both turn. I can’t believe I have only been here for an hour and already I feel like I’m in the way. I should’ve yelled or shouted that I was coming in the kitchen. Maybe I should have waited till she called me for dinner. I look at the ground, my hair blocking my face.

  “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ll be in my room. Just tell me when I need to come down,” I say quickly and turn around. I don’t take two steps before Lake grabs my arm and turns me around. I feel like such an idiot that a tear escapes.

  Lake swipes it away, holding onto my cheeks in her palms. “Don’t you dare apologize; this is your home too. You come and go anytime you please, you don’t need permission to leave your room; you do what you want now, okay?” She wraps her arms around me, but I still feel bad for interrupting them.

  “I interrupted you and your boyfriend.” She pulls back and gives me a serious look.

  “You weren’t interrupting anything. This is just how we are; very touchy-touchy when we’re around each other. It doesn’t mean you have to leave the room. Now come meet my lover,” she says wickedly, linking her arm with mine.

  We take the few short steps to a guy that towers over both of us and could definitely pass as a model. He has light brown hair that is spiked up, giving him that Edward look from Twilight. I never watched the movies but I saw the posters. He has dark brown eyes and tanned skin. I can’t help but look down his body and it appears he works out by how his clothes cling to him. No wonder my sister is in love with him.

  He’s gorgeous.

  He watches me and I see confusion in his eyes as they wander to Lake and back to me. Her hair is down, framing her beautiful face; my hair hides mine. Lake wears clothes that fit her figure; I wear clothes that make me look like a librarian.

  We are total opposites.

  I never felt comfortable in wearing clothes that showed off my breasts or stomach. I don’t even feel comfortable wearing skirts that show off too much leg. Mom always taught me that if any guy is going to want the real me, I don’t need to show off my body. That people who show too much attract men who will use them and walk away.

  “Baby, this is my little sister Sky. Sky this is Leon.” Her smile is so huge that it lights up her entire face. I see the adoration that shines in his eyes when he looks at her and can’t help but feel jealous. Not of Leon, but of what they have. I hope one day someone will look at me like I’m their world.

  “Nice to meet you.” I put my hand out. Before I know what is happening his arms are around me giving me a hug. When he lets go I can’t help but look at the floor. The only person who ever gave me any sort of affection is my sister yet this guy hugs me like I’m family.

  “No formalities needed. You’re going to be my little sister one day so, remember, if you need anything, you come to me. Need to kick someone’s ass, you come to me. Okay?” I look at him and he gives me a warm smile and a wink. I can’t help but giggle at him.

  “You got it.” What else can I say? But with the look on Lake’s face, she is thrilled that we made a good first impression.

  We ate dinner and talked. I still can’t believe that my sister cooked this. I told her over and over how amazing it was and she beamed with my compliments. She made lasagna with homemade garlic bread and I never tasted anything like it. After having some ice cream, the day started taking its toll. My stomach also feels like it’s about to explode.

  I kiss my sister goodnight and give a small wave to Leon. I walk to my room and can’t help but notice that I still haven’t met Dominic. I hate that I never brought it up. At least Leon likes me. Well, I hope he does.

  He seems to.

  I quickly grab a shower and change into a tank and shorts before I take out the Kindle that I hid from my parents over the years. The only literature I was allowed to read was what they permitted; anything else would delude my brain. Lake bought me this before she left and downloaded some books. Trust me, the books she recommended definitely had some hot scenes that made me blush. I tuck myself in but realize I don’t have anything to drink.

  I walk back to the bathroom to see if I can find anything to use as a cup, but no such luck. I sometimes wake up dehydrated, so I learned to always have a glass of water near me so I don’t need to leave the warm comfort of my bed. I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen, opening the fridge to see it stocked full of bottled water. I take one and am about to head back up the stairs when I hear my name being said.

  I know that it’s wrong to eavesdrop. I know I should just go back upstairs and tuck myself in, finish the book I’m reading, but I can’t help myself. What if Leon doesn’t want me here? Or what if I did something wrong? I need to know so I can make it right. I tip toe closer so I can hear them clearer.

  “I missed her so much, three years away from my baby sister; I can’t believe she is actually here. She was strong enough to leave the comfort of her life, the only life she knows. I just hate how much she hides herself. She has turned into such a beautiful woman and I bet they made sure she covered that up; they really dug their nails into her. I hate them for it. I hate...”

  “How submissive she is?” Leon finishes her sentence. I flinch.

  “The way she kept apologizing, hiding behind her hair, looking at the ground constantly. They’ve really done a number on her. She listened more than talked during dinner; spoke when spoken to.” I swallow and look down. I hate that I just looked down, it’s a bad habit.

  “She’s here now. She’ll come out of her shell with the help of her loving, big sister. She has you. Now she has me. I have to admit I was shocked when I saw her. You can see her innocence a mile away. That look in her eyes, you can tell all this is new to her. We need to make sure we keep her safe. There are some dicks out there that would take advantage of that. I love you Lake, I’ll protect her for you. The line of business we are in; the bands, the future tours, they will eat her up if we don’t keep an eye on her. But we need her to spread her wings. We can’t smother her.”

  “I know. We will. Talking about dicks, why didn’t he show up? I told him my sister was coming and he couldn’t take ten minutes out of his life to meet her?” Her voice rises.

  “You know what he’s like. Was probably screwing some girl and forgot. I’ll have words with him.”

  “The one thing I’m glad about is that he wouldn’t go near her. If I didn’t know his nu
mber one rule, I would threaten his dick and balls. My sister deserves happiness from everything she’s been through and no womanizer is going to take her light.”

  “Light? Is that what kids are calling it these days?” I hear him chuckle followed by a thump, which I think is her hitting him. “Ow.”

  “You know what I mean. I want her to be happy, find love; if she doesn’t...” I feel tears in my eyes, and I know she is probably getting upset.

  “She will.”

  “I can’t lose her Leon. I can’t let them take her away. I can’t let them control her anymore. It would kill me. I know what they want from her. She won’t be happy.”

  “They aren’t going to take her. They don’t know where you live. Plus, they would have to get through me.”

  “I love you. Thank you for being there. For Sky.”

  “I love you, too. I will always be there, for both of you. You are my world; I won’t let anyone upset my girl.” With that I walk away, wiping the tears away.

  I walk back to my room and lay down. I’m new to being independent. Well more independent than what I was before. I will find my way. I don’t feel up to reading anymore, so I stare at the ceiling till sleep finally takes over.

  In the Spotlight - Chapter 2

  I wake up from a peaceful sleep, stretching my arms and looking around my new room. I still can’t believe I’m here. Looking at the alarm on the side table, I see it’s just before ten. I can’t remember the last time I stayed in bed this late. I stand up to play some music when I see a note near my door.

  Didn’t want to wake you.

  Going to get some bacon and eggs.

  Remember, help yourself to anything.

  Love you.

  Lake x x

  I smile and lay the note on my desk, taking notice that I drank all of my water last night. I poke my head out the door and, sure enough, the place is silent. I’ll just go grab a bottle of water and get ready for the day. I wonder what Lake has planned. But bacon and eggs right now sounds so good. Mom never allowed fried foods in the house so I’m looking forward to breakfast.

  I head down to the kitchen and grab a water. Uncapping it, I drop the stupid lid under the counter. Typical. I get on my hands and knees, trying to reach it, and can see it’s pretty far back. I finally get my fingers around it when I hear a cough behind me. I freeze, dropping the lid back on the floor.

  Oh no.

  I don’t make a move. I think maybe, if I don’t move, the floor could open up and swallow me whole. Why can’t I have the magical ability to be invisible? Or why can’t it be my sister that’s behind me right now? But, from the masculine sound of the cough, I know it’s a man. I look down at my tank and shorts and feel my entire body heat up.

  Why didn’t I get ready? Oh yeah, cause I’m an idiot.

  “You going to stay down there all day? Not that I’m complaining, I do have a good view from where I’m standing.” The voice sends shivers down my spine even though the comment was quite crude. Is he staring at my ass?

  I know I need to stand up. I know the longer I stay here, the more it will look like I’m insane. I gather all my strength and stand, my back to him. I don’t want to turn. I’m too embarrassed. Footsteps come towards me and he leans in so close that I can feel his heat radiate off him. He softly strokes a hand down my arm, causing goose bumps in its wake. He opens up my palm and places my cap in it. He picked up the lid.

  No man has ever touched me. I haven’t even seen who this guy is, what he looks like, but my body is screaming for him. I feel him stand in close so that my back is to his front. My breathing is coming in fast and I gasp when I feel his erection press against me. Oh my God.

  He is turned on by me.

  His erection is touching me.

  “You smell so good,” he whispers in my ear. I am sure I just whimpered. All common sense has left me. I’m letting a complete stranger, whose face I haven’t seen, touch me, make my body feel things it never has before. “Tell me your name.” I feel his stubble stroke against my cheek.

  Oh God.

  “Sky,” I whisper and his body tenses up.

  “Sky? As in...”

  “My baby sister, you ass. Get your filthy paws away from her,” Lake interrupts. I feel like someone threw cold water over us.

  “Sorry, how was I supposed to know?” I hear him ask behind me as he moves away. For some reason, I hate that he is no longer near me. That I can no longer feel his heat.

  “Why else would there be a girl in her pjs in our kitchen at this time of day?” Lake scolds him.

  “Wishful thinking? I’m sorry okay? Sorry, Sky.” With that I finally turn around to see my sister giving evil looks to the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

  This guy was just behind me? This God? This perfect specimen of mankind? He is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His massive arms. With how tight his gray shirt is, the rest of his body looks toned and muscular. His jeans hang perfectly on his hips. When I finally look up, even his face is perfect. Bright green eyes; long, thick brown hair. The kind you want to push your fingers through. I can’t help but stare at his lips; hating that I wonder what it would be like for them to touch mine.

  I have never had a chance to kiss a boy, have never felt like I wanted to, but now I needed to. He looks too good to be true. What would have happened if my sister didn’t come back? Would he have kissed me? Why am I even thinking about this? This isn’t me. I don’t care about boys.

  But he isn’t a boy. He is a man.

  “It’s okay. I’m sorry for looking,” I sweep my hand up and down my body, “indecent.” I notice that his eyes follow my hand movement, stopping at my legs. It feels like he is undressing me with his eyes alone. Now I do feel uncomfortable. No one has really seen my body this close to naked.

  I wrap my arms around myself.

  “Sky?” I turn to Lake and I know she can tell I feel uncomfortable. “Go get dressed and come down in twenty, breakfast will be ready then.” I give her a quick hug, whispering a thank you in her ear before running up the stairs. All the way to the top I can still feel his eyes on me.


  Fuck me sideways.

  That’s Lake’s sister?


  I thought maybe she was a groupie that snuck in last night. Seeing her on all fours, her perfect, tight ass in the air; I felt my dick harden in seconds. Feeling her body tremble against mine, how responsive she was. Touching her flawless, white skin. I didn’t have to see her face, from what I could see, her body was perfect. Her strawberry scent surrounded me.

  Hearing her say her name caused my once hard erection to quickly disappear; especially when Lake walked in. Walked in on me hitting on her baby sister. Lake is hot. Her body is smoking. Perfect ass and tits. I would have tried to bang that if it wasn’t for Leon. They were head over heels and shit. I wouldn’t do that to the guy. He has been there for me since we were kids. Plus, Lake does see through my bullshit.

  Once Sky turned around, I was a goner. She reminded me of a hotter version of Snow White. Raven black hair flowing down her back. Dark blue eyes that I’m sure I saw a hint of purple in. Pale, white, soft skin.


  Why couldn’t she be a groupie?

  She’s going to be living under the same roof as me? Living across the hall from me? I need to control my dick and not touch her. Yeah, easier said than done.

  Fuck my life.

  I wouldn’t do that to Lake. I wouldn’t spoil our friendship. Even though she gives me crap, we are a family. She’s helped our band get out there; working on our social media, booking gigs. She bought the house that we live in using an inheritance she received from her grandparents. I was also given more than enough to live comfortably for a while when my parent’s passed away so, for now, none of us have to work. We get to do the thing we love. Music will always be my number one priority. I don’t need a girl I don’t even know messing up the life we have gotten comfortable in.

p; There are plenty of chicks out there, plenty who are willing to open their legs for the lead guitarist of an upcoming band. Sky is family. I need to make myself believe that.

  Then stop looking at her ass while she walks up the stairs, dick.

  I walk to the living room and lay down on the couch. I’m exhausted from partying all night. I need to get the dark haired girl out of my mind. I hang around gorgeous women all the time. I think the reason I find her appealing is maybe because I was told not to go near her. Maybe I see her as a challenge. Just thinking that makes me sound shallow and, worse of all, a huge ass.

  “I need words with you.” Lake stands in front of me with her hand on her hip. Great. She’s going to go all mother hen on me.

  “I won’t touch her okay?” Well, I hope I don’t.

  “I know you. I’ve known you for years. I know what you’re like and I love you; you are a great friend, we are family, but when it comes to women...” she pauses, “you’re a dog.” Wait, what?

  “Hey, hold on just a minute.” I sit up. How dare she say that?

  “Come on. You don’t see a girl more than once, they come walking in and out of here like it’s a hotel. You’re a womanizer. I love you, but it’s true. You are a great person but you think with your dick.” What the hell?

  “It’s true man. Not saying it’s a bad thing. You tell them where they stand but you don’t hang around one girl longer than a night. I get it, we’re young, but you go through women like toilet paper.” Leon steps up, wrapping his arms around Lake’s stomach. I watch her snuggle into him. I want to vomit.

  “Thanks man, thanks for having my back.” He shrugs.

  “I just want to explain to you that Sky is different. She is sweet and innocent; I don’t want her hurt. She believes in love and happily ever after’s. I don’t want you tarnishing that. She’s a good girl, not one of your girls.”


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