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Raiya_Starter Zone_A LitRPG Saga

Page 5

by Russell Wilbinski

  “Sawbones not small now is he.” Stab. “Sawbones not eat poop.” Stab. “Sawbones kill you, you eat poop now.” Stab.

  Walking up behind Sawbones, placing a gentle hand on its shoulder Skree said “I’m pretty sure he’s dead buddy.”

  When sawbones did not stop stabbing he grabbed Sawbones wrist, speaking softly. “You are strong Sawbones. You won.”

  The creature looked up at Skree, its eyes burning with hate. “This one,” he said, spitting on the corpse. “He breaks Sawbones fingers for fun.” Sawbones stood and walked over to the second corpse.

  He plopped down onto its chest and stabbed it in the face, twisting his blade around in the creature’s eye socket. “This one break Sawbones nest, eggs still inside.”

  Skree grimaced at the brutal sight but did not look away. Despite his initial thoughts, Sawbones appeared to have real reasons for killing his fellow Kobolds. He wasn’t just looking for an opportunity to seize power or whatever it is these creatures wanted. With a renewed effort, Skree pulled the small Kobold off its freshly mutilated enemy.

  “Listen to me Sawbones. Before this, I was just helping you so I could escape this underground shithole. Now I understand there is more to you than I thought.” He patted Sawbones on the head. “We have more work to do. And…” he paused dramatically. “We have to do this together.”

  The creature relaxed, putting the knife back into his waistband. Sawbones wiped the tears of rage from his eyes and nodded. “Follow, we go armory next.”

  While they walked down the tunnel, Skree took a moment to review a number of prompts that he had not had a chance to read since falling down that damn hole.

  Congratulations, you have reached Stealth level 3 and 4. You are now 39% harder to detect when hiding and can move slowly without breaking stealth. Attacks made from stealth now deal 104% bonus damage.

  Congratulations, you have reached level reached level 4 in Archery - your attacks with ranged weapons now deal 4% more damage

  Congratulations, you have received 1000 relationship points with Sawbones - Relationship has improved from Wary (-500) to Neutral (500).

  Achievement Unlocked - Dive Bomb - Fall more than 75 feet and survive.

  “This game has achievements? Hell yeah! I love meaningless trophies.” He thought excitedly. He had always been a bit of an achievement whore.

  Skree was very happy to see his Archery skill improving. It had proven invaluable, and so had stealth. His improved relationship with Sawbones was interesting though. He had thought this was just a run of the mill monster but now, perhaps there was more to his run in with the Kobold than just plain chance.

  He closed his prompts and focused on the task at hand. Sawbones was walking with determination; his first taste of blood had gotten him fired up. Perhaps they could recreate their flawless victory a second time.

  Sawbones looked up at Skree. “We good team. Sawbones thinks of next plan.”

  Skree nodded for him to continue.

  “Armory is small area but has guards. Find hiding spot for you and lure guards and quartermaster that way.” Sawbones explained. “Agree?” He asked, his tail wagging happily.

  Skree considered the plan for a moment, then remembered something in his pouch. “Sawbones, I have a trap in my bag. Perhaps I can set it up and when you lead them back, you lead them into the trap. That might kill one of them. Will that work?”

  Sawbones rubbed his hands together, giving off that creepy merchant vibe again. Or perhaps it was the evil mastermind. Maybe calling him mini-me would be thematically appropriate. Either way, he liked this little guy.

  “Yessss…” the Kobold hissed with excitement, “Traps will kill stupid Kobolds. We kill rest.” Sawbones answered, nearly bouncing up and down as they walked.

  “Okay then, let's find a good spot to ambush these bastards.” Skree said, sharing in the excitement. He had forgotten about his trap and was excited to see how well it would work. Perhaps he could get an actual skill in trapping.

  They walked for another fifteen minutes before Sawbones stopped and looked around. “There.” He said, pointing at a recess in the wall with a bit of an outcropping. “Hide there, trap here.” Sawbones pointed to the rock outcropping and then to the opposite wall.

  Skree stepped over to the recess and slid into the space backwards, looking out. He activated stealth and saw the closed eye icon again, even though Sawbones was looking right at him.

  “Skree?” Sawbones asked, a tinge of worry in his voice.

  He deactivated stealth and the Kobold flinched. “Hide good. Skree scary.” Sawbones said, his voice flat.

  Skree moved out from the alcove and dug through his pouch. He pulled out the wire trap and studied it again.

  Wire Trap, Rarity: common, Quality: Average, Damage 15-18, Durability 3/3, weight .1 kilograms

  Description - Place this trap across an entryway, hallway or other movement constricting area. The tripwire will cause the trap to lash out with thin metal wires, tearing flesh to the bone and entangling the target.

  Skree was again grateful for his free gear. He shuddered thinking about what would have happened to him without the meager starting equipment he had received from Sharktooth. The trap appeared to be single use and was most likely meant for trapping game, thankfully Kobolds were smaller than deer so it should do a fine job as a deadly distraction.

  Placing the spring-loaded canisters at either side of the hallway, he tightened the tripwire until it was taught. A small amount of pressure would cause the trap to trigger releasing the deadly payload and decimate the Kobolds Sawbones would be leading this way.

  As he worked, Sawbones ran ahead, working up a sweat and gasping for air. He rounded the corner and saw the two guards stationed in front of the armory, leaning against the wall lazily.

  He shouted “Help! Clan Rockchewer in warren, Strongbite and Barkbark dead!” he came to a stop in front of the guards who were now on alert. “Need weapon, Sawbones help stop Rockchewers.”

  The first guard growled. “Dead mates and you survive; Puny Sawbones was good runner.” He spat on the ground. “No weapon for coward.” He shoved Sawbones to the ground hard, knocking what little wind he had left out of his lungs.

  The guard looked to his partner. “Get weapons, get Metal-Keeper. We stop Rockchews.”

  The second guard hurried into the armory and began shouting. “Metal-Keeper, need get strong weapon, kill many Rockchews. Strongbite and Barkbark dead.” He pounded a fist into his chest. “Blood for blood.”

  From a curtained alcove, a sturdy looking Kobold emerged, wearing polished metal chainmail and carrying a wicked looking sword. “Metal-Keeper come, make many corpses today. Blood for blood!” It shouted in response. Metal-keeper threw open the curtain revealing several makeshift shelves of weapons and armor.

  The guard Kobold moved inside and grabbed a razor-sharp knife made of glinting steel and snagged a sword, not much longer than the knife and a spiked club. Without grabbing any armor, the Kobold turned and re-entered the tunnel, handing the sword and club to the first guard.

  Metal-Keeper emerged, growling as it noticed Sawbones. “Puny coward, why you here?”

  Sawbones scrambled to his feet, prostrating himself before Metal-Keeper. “Sawbones return from chores, see Strongbite and Barkbark fighting, Sawbones try to help. Strongbite tell Sawbones run and bring more.”

  Metal-keeper growled deep in his chest. With a sudden anger he yelled at Sawbones “Coward run like always!” Then delivered a solid kick to the small Kobolds midsection. “How many Rockchews coward?”

  Wheezing and spitting, Sawbones looked up from the dirt and coughed. “More than a few, but many less than many.”

  With a glance at the guards, Metal-keep bared his fangs. “We handle more than few. Blood for blood!” He roared, raising his sword into the air. “Blood for blood!” the guards roared in response.

  “Sawbones coward, show us where Rockchews.” Metal-keeper demanded in a tone that brooked no ar

  Sawbones got to his feet, as quickly as he could while wincing at the pain in his stomach. The kick had reduced his health by nearly ten percent. “Stupid Metal-Keeper, Sawbones make you corpse soon.” He thought viciously while picturing Metal-Keepers dead body.

  “This way brave Metal-keeper.” Sawbones turned, jogging back to Skree, his deadly friend who waited to spring their trap, hiding in the darkness.


  Skree sat motionless, his stealth icon showing no changes in the last 15 minutes. The tunnel was silent. The kind of silence you can only experience when deep underground. It was oppressive, even palpable. Licking his lips he realized how thirsty he was, wishing he had made a canteen or water skin of some kind when he was at the river.

  “Too late now idiot,” he thought trying swallow some saliva his lips. Then he heard the tell-tale sound of claws clacking on stone. He readied his bow, slowed his breathing, and waited for the sounds to draw closer. He heard Sawbones say, “This way,” as the clatter of claws grew louder. Skree heard them clearly now as they drew near.

  “There! Up ahead!” Sawbones shouted.

  The guard hissed “See nothing.” He moved ahead of Sawbones, peering into the darkness. “Stonethrow, you see Rockchews?”

  Stonethrow stepped up beside the first guard and growled. “Smell blood. Smell death.”

  The first guard nodded walking slowly forward, moving in front of the group. Stonethrow growled, moving to catch up. As they had planned, Skree threw a small rock deeper into the tunnel, the sound of the rock clattering causing the two Kobold Guards to howl in challenge, sprinting forward into the tunnel.

  Two forms ran past the alcove where Skree crouched silently. Ten paces past the end and the metallic whine of snapping metal was followed by yowls of agony. Both Kobolds fell in a heap, screaming as they struggled against metal wires wrapped tightly around their legs, cutting deep rents into their flesh.

  “Damn, that was effective,” Skree thought as he activated Careful Aim. Time slowed, and his vision became brighter. He aimed for the center of a Kobolds chest and loosed his arrow. The twang of a bow string was the only sound, going unheard thanks to the constant howls of the entangled Kobolds.

  The arrow hit its target with precision, triggering a critical strike and his stealth attack bonus. Blood erupted from its chest as it slumped onto Stonethrow. Again, he followed up immediately with Power Shot and fired a clean shot that hit its target in the shoulder, a meaty thwack as the shaft buried deep into the muscle and bone.

  Stonethrow screamed again, louder than before clutching at the arrow in his shoulder. He struggled hard against the wires which began to snap one by one. Skree hurriedly nocked another arrow and fired, hitting one of Stonethrow’s flailing legs. Again, a howl, but this time it was a howl of rage.

  “This guys a pin-cushion and he still isn't dead.” Skree muttered to himself, knocking another arrow. As he fumbled to get a good draw on the bow, a strong clawed hand grabbed him by the back of his neck, sharp claws tearing his flesh as he was dragged up and over the rock outcropping.

  Pain shot through him as he was slammed on the ground, staring up at a monster of a Kobold. Through his pain he pieced the fact together, this must be the quartermaster that Sawbones had mentioned. Skree’s eyes widened as the creature raised a curved and serrated blade over its head, preparing for a downward strike.

  Skree tried to scramble backwards but struggled to find purchase on the damp stone floor. He stared in horror at the dangerous blade as the creature roared angrily at him. The Kobold drove the blade downward, Skree reflexively closing his eyes but the blow never landed. Metal-Keeper turned his head and opening his eyes Skree saw Sawbones standing behind the monster Kobold, his stone knife hilt deep in the Kobolds butt cheek.

  The massive creature roared and back handed Sawbones so hard he flew off his feet, several teeth flying free from Sawbones mouth. “Coward Sawbones is also Traitor?” It asked in a mocking tone. “Dare attack Metal-Keeper from the back?”

  The creature whirled on Sawbones, stalking forward with violent purpose. Skree didn't hesitate. Scrambling to his bow, he snatched an arrow from the floor and activated Power Shot again, releasing an arrow into the back of Metal-Keeper. It penetrated the chainmail sticking deep into the meat of his back. Metal-Keeper flinched and stopped walking, a dangerous growl rumbling from his throat.

  “Both cowards attack from the back.” Metal-keeper snarled through gritted fangs. He glanced at Sawbones, then to Skree who was already trying to get another arrow knocked. The large Kobold turned to focus on Skree, dashing forward in an attempt to beat his opponent to the draw.

  Skree pulled frantically on the string and loosed, but in his haste the arrow sailed wide, missing Metal-Keepers head by several feet. Metal-Keeper did not break stride as it swung in a heavy overhead arc. Skree tried rolling out of the way but the blade caught him on the side of his leg, serrated blade tearing through his skin and muscle with ease. Pain washed through his whole body but Skree managed to stand, his injured leg nearly giving out as he did.

  Even though Metal-Keeper was large for a Kobold, at nearly six feet Skree towered over his opponent. Metal-Keeper was no coward though and lunged forward, aiming his blade for the soft midsection of his opponent. Skree twisted, barely escaping being impaled, the blade scoring a minor slash as is whooshed past him.

  Skree felt warm blood trickle down his side, his shirt matting to his skin. “This guy is fast!” Skree thought as he dodged two more attacks, this time managing to avoid them completely. He drew his small dagger and held it in front of him defensively. Behind Metal-keeper, he saw that the remaining guard was pushing Sawbones back, who also had a severe disadvantage wielding only a knife against a larger opponent.

  Their situation was desperate and Skree knew they had to finish this quickly or they would both die here and now. He ducked under an attack meant to decapitate him and rolled away from Metal-Keeper. He came to one knee, looking his foe in the eye. Channeling his best Bruce Campbell, he said, “Come get some”, making the come closer gesture with his hand.

  Infuriated, Metal-Keeper dashed forward, again his speed nearly catching Skree off guard. Nearly. Skree whipped his hand forward throwing a handful of dirt, sand and pebbles into the face of his opponent. Metal-keeper stumbled, recoiling from the attack, his eyes closed tightly due to the burning sensation.

  Metal-Keeper clawed at his eyes for a moment then forced himself to open them. When he did, Skree was gone. He whirled looking back and forth confused. When he couldn’t find the filthy human, he raised his arms in victory. “Run coward, Run!” Metal-keeper gave an evil laugh that any supervillain would have been proud to call his own. He laughed hard, basking in the joy of victory, until a blade slide into the side of his neck.

  While his opponent had been distracted, Skree rushed to a dim corner and activated stealth, moving slowly around his opponent who was clawing at his eyes. He watched as the creature yelled a taunt to the empty tunnel before him. Skree moved in closer, waiting for the right moment to strike. Metal-Keeper raised its arms in the air and laughed.

  “It’s fucking laughing!” Skree thought with a little bit of rage. “Let’s see who gets the last laugh you smelly bastard.” Skree had read a book on World War Two that was written by an ex-SAS soldier that explained how the movies never get slitting someone's throat correct. They always drag the blade across the windpipe, generally giving an opponent time to return the favor or call for help.

  The soldier had explained that this was the worst way to do it and for some messed up reason, it had always stuck with him. He had never been more thankful in his entire life that his mind retained useless facts like that. Now that he was locked in a deadly struggle, it didn't seem so useless. Using the method described in the book, he stabbed the blade through the side of the creature's neck, that was exposed thanks to its manic laughter. The laughter ceased immediately and Skree followed through with the all to specific in

  He punched forward, completely tearing through muscles, veins, and trachea as blood erupted from the nearly decapitated neck. The body collapsed unceremoniously, the life snuffed out in an instant. The hot blood and gore that covered his hand causing him to nearly vomit again.

  He gathered his composure quickly, snatching his bow off the ground. A moment later he had drawn an arrow, knocked and turned to lend aid to Sawbones. His fear for his companion was unnecessary as he saw that Sawbones was on his opponent's back, smashing its face into the ground repeatedly, leaving nothing but a mangled mess of blood and bone.

  Skree rushed to his companion, pulling the diminutive Kobold off his dead enemy. “Bones, buddy, you need to learn some self-control. They are all dead.” He said slumping to the ground. He flopped onto his back breathing heavily as the adrenaline of the fight slowly began to leave his bloodstream. The pain in his leg came rushing back, the gash in his side aching.

  He inspected his health bar and saw that despite his injuries he was only at 48%, much better than what he had thought. His bleeding had ceased, and he was stable for the moment. He looked over at his companion. “You okay buddy?”

  Sawbones collapsed in a heap, mimicking Skree. Taking a deep breath, Sawbones started to laugh, a deep belly laugh that echoed through the tunnel. Skree didn't know what was so funny but he started to laugh to, maybe from the stress, maybe from the joy of victory, he didn't know. He just laughed like an insane person with Sawbones until they both were out of breath.

  Once their fit of uncontrollable laughter had ceased, they both stared silently up at the glowing blue moss carpeting the ceiling. Skree decided to take a moment to check his character sheet to see what progress he had made. This time a new prompt appeared at the front of his vision.

  You have defeated an Elite Kobold Warrior, Metal-Keeper. 5,500 experience awarded.

  You are awarded 2,000 bonus experience for killing your first elite enemy. Tougher enemies lie in wait everywhere, will you have what it takes to hunt them down?


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