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Raiya_Starter Zone_A LitRPG Saga

Page 24

by Russell Wilbinski

  Kamilla released a dozen green darts from her finger tip, which hit the soldier in the face, sticking in the tender flesh like porcupine’s needles. Dark black veins of poison coursed from the wound, and the soldier fell, clutching his throat and clawing at the dart. Zuka clamped his jaws around the man’s throat and bit down hard, crushing his windpipe in a single attack.

  Skree took a cut to the leg and the arm during their exchange, spotting an opening. He kicked the man hard in the knee, shattering bone with his bonus attack damage. The soldier fell to one knee and Skree cast Ice Dagger and released the projectile at point blank range, directly into the face of his opponent. The blade tore through the delicate skin, a huge gash exposing the bone of his jaw. Clutching at his face he collapsed to the ground, squealing in pain. Skree didn't hesitate, driving his blade through the man’s back. With a shudder, he died.

  The soldiers around them began to panic, trying to flee but Zuka tackled one to the ground and Kamilla fired another poison dart into another. Skree dashed forward, activating Cleave and cut down two more of the fleeing soldiers. A few quick thrusts and all that remained were two mages, one cowering as the other erected a weak shield. Skree realized they must be out of mana or at least very close to it. He swung his sword, the blade glancing off the shield. The mage generating the shield staggered, the protective dome blinking as he struggled to maintain the defensive ward.

  With reckless fury, Skree attacked the barrier over and over until it shattered into a thousand glowing fragments, his blade carrying forward and slashing a deep gash into the shoulder of the mage. Blood poured from the wound as he coughed up blood. Skree drove the blade deeper into the man’s body, feeling muscle give way beneath the deadly weapon until the figure collapsed to his knees. With one final effort, he drove the blade into his opponent’s heart. The cowering mage held up her hands, begging for mercy.

  "Please don’t kill me, mercy, please have mercy!" She cried in desperation. Kamilla walked up beside him, staring down at the pitiful human.

  "Mercy?" She asked with a deeply resonant anger. "Mercy?" She yelled as her hands began to glow with red hot fire. "MERCY!" She screamed, grabbing the woman’s head between her flaming hands. "You deserve none." Kamilla hissed as the woman wailed and struggled, smoke rising from her smoldering flesh. She clawed at Kamilla's hands, trying to pry the fiery digits away from her face, but to no avail. Kamilla spoke a single word of power and flames engulfed the entirety of the woman’s head, her hair instantly disintegrating as the fire consumed her flesh.

  A few moments later, Kamilla released her grasp and the mages corpse fell lifelessly to the ground, nothing but a charred skull remaining. Skree and Zuka both took a step back, shocked by the absolute savagery and cold hatred burning in Kamilla's eyes.

  She slumped to the ground, tears streaking her face. She looked up at Skree. "There can be no mercy for the merciless." Zuka prowled over to her, rubbing his snout against hers. She threw her arms around the wolf and cried, cried for what she had been forced to do and for what she had wanted to do. Most of all, she cried for what she had enjoyed doing.


  Carver, Priestess and Sawbones battled the remaining soldiers, making short work of them. Once they had finished their bloody business, they made their way to Skree, Kamilla and Zuka. Priestess ran to her daughter, embracing her. They held onto each other tightly, rocking gently as Priestess whispered calming words to her daughter.

  Sawbones was bleeding from several cuts and leaning heavily on Carver. Skree checked his mana pool, realizing he had just enough mana to cast Minor Restoration. Golden light surrounded the Kobold king and he straightened as some of the cuts began to close.

  "Thank you Skree, I didn’t have any mana left. If Carver here hadn't shown up when he did, I fear what might have happened." Sawbones explained. "We managed to protect about three dozen younglings and mothers, but we have suffered great losses, and I fear this battle is far from over."

  Skree looked around wondering what he meant. "There are no enemies left. We have won the day!" He said excitedly.

  Sawbones grimaced as Carver set him down. "No, these were only the first wave. A small strike force. Haven’t you noticed there were no commanders here?" He gestured tiredly to the corpses all around them. "No. I am afraid this battle is won, but I doubt the next one will go in our favor."

  As if in response to his words, a flash of light came from one of the tunnels and half a dozen charred corpses bounced into the warren. Several of the remaining warriors rushed toward the flash, disappearing into the dark tunnel.

  "He's right." Priestess said, resignation creeping into her tone. "This was just a probing force, meant to keep us distracted and reduce our numbers before the main body arrives." She released he daughter, walking over to stand before Skree. "I want you to take my Daughter and flee this place. We will hold them as long as possible."

  Kamilla shot to her feet, screaming her disagreement. "No mother, I will not abandon my home! I will fight until our enemies are destroyed!" She clenched her fists in anger, tail swishing violently through the air.

  "Kamilla is right." Skree said, placing a hand on priestess’s shoulder. "I cannot abandon you now. If we die here, then we die. But I plan on taking as many of them as possible with me."

  Sawbones smiled but there was no happiness in it. "Skree, you have already done so much for our people. But now you must do this for me. Take Kamilla, head to your boat and flee. Take the Heart of the Island, keep it safe and use its power to create something beautiful." His large reptilian eyes were shining with pride.

  Skree gritted his teeth in frustration. "Bones, I can't..." he started to say, but was interrupted as more explosions rumbled through the warren. The sounds of battle and screams of death were getting louder. "You can't expect me to just leave you!" He yelled, hot tears welling up in his eyes.

  Kamilla pounded her fists into her mother’s chest, crying openly. "Mother, no, don’t make me go. Please, we can still save our people!" She screamed, then sobbed when her mother pulled her close, pinning her in place as she struggled meekly.

  "My heart, you have shown your courage this day. In the face of tremendous sorrow, you fought for your people." She held Kamilla's face gently in her hands, staring into her eyes with the love only a mother can express. "You must live on, you must fulfill your vow, to serve our Lord Skree. Become Priestess and carry our legacy with you." She kissed her daughter on the forehead, a gentle and tender expression of love and goodbye.

  Kamilla hugged her mother then, no longer a child, but a woman forged in the flames of battle. She took a few deep breaths, her composure returning. "I shall serve our people, in this life and the next. I am priestess, my solemn vow unbreakable."

  Priestess extended a single finger, touching Kamilla just above her heart. A warm light suffused her, body growing stiff. Tendrils of power enveloped her, wrapping her arms and legs with streams of glowing golden light. Kamilla began to float, her clawed feet no longer touching the ground. The light grew brighter and then, slowly faded as Kamilla gently floated to the ground.

  Priestess spoke, her voice carrying the weight of centuries. "Our memories were returned to us, by the Heart of the Island. Our power and minds restored. A priestess must carry the torch, the soul of our people with her. I name you Kamilla, I name you Matron, I name you Daughter. I strip these vestiges from you, and name you Priestess."

  Kamilla stood tall and proud, her body strengthened. She had grown several inches and her eyes were now rimmed with golden rings, much like her mother. "I take my names and discard them, I am Priestess."

  Mother Priestess smiled lovingly at her daughter. "Go now, take the defenseless and find a new home. Protect them and serve Lord Skree. He will guide you.” Kamilla nodded, then walked toward the cavern where dozens of Kobolds were peeking out, crying and holding each other.

  A prompt appeared in his vision.

  Critical Quest - Protect the Blue Stone Clan - Part
2: You have won the battle but the war is far from over. High King Sawbones has survived but is prepared to face his death to ensure the survival of his people. An unknown force approaches and you have been tasked with saving the of the Kobolds. This quest is mandatory.

  Rewards: Experience, Unknown treasure.

  Failure: Death of the Kobold Race.

  Skree winced as he read the prompt, listening as the fighting grew closer. He dismissed the prompt and looked to Sawbones. "I will keep them safe. I want you to know that. If it costs me a hundred deaths, I will exact my vengeance for this day."

  Sawbones winked. "You better. Now, take this." He reached into a pouch at his side and withdrew the Heart of the Island. "You must protect the stone at all costs. It cannot fall into the hands of Abrenacht. When the time comes for you to bind the stone, you will learn so much more, more than I could explain in a lifetime." He handed the stone to Skree, who took it hesitantly.

  "How will I know when the time comes?" Skree asked as he placed it into his Nearly Bottomless Bag.

  Sawbones shrugged. "You just will. Now go, Carver and I have a plan, and you must be as far from here as possible. Kamilla knows the way out, just show her on the map where you need to go."

  Skree dropped to his knees and pulled Sawbones in for one more desperate hug. "You are my best friend. You are truly my brother and I love you Bones."

  The King returned his embrace, squeezing as hard as his tiny arms would allow. "You are my brother, my best friend. I love you as well." The held each other, trying to express how important they were to each other. The clatter of claws on stone broke them from their goodbye.

  Skree looked up to see Kamilla, who had at least two dozen small Kobolds behind her, along with several pairs of adults. "Lord Skree, it is time we go." She glanced at Carver. "Promise me, you will make them pay."

  The savage Kobold rolled his knives around his knuckles, a feral grin on his face. "Oh I will do much more than that. I will make them die." He turned to Skree. "Go to my workshop, collect your armor and use the tunnel behind the tanning racks. It might be a tight squeeze, but I think you can fit."

  Skree nodded, watching as Kamilla walked with purpose in the direction of Carver's workspace, the two dozen babes hopping behind her. Priestess whirled toward the tunnel, extending her hands. A wall of force sprang up, sealing the tunnel, blocking off the entrance to the warren.

  Skree watched in horror as a vapory black form with glowing red eyes clawed and scratched at the magical barrier. "Run!" Priestess yelled as she struggled with all her strength to maintain the barrier.

  And he did, sprinting in the direction of Carvers workspace, following the fleeing last vestiges of the Blue Stone Clan.


  Skree, Kamilla and the Kobolds made their way quickly out of the Warren, heading through a small tunnel that lead to the entrance to the workshop. Making their way inside, Skree began erecting a barricade to block the entrance. Kamilla searched behind the tanning racks, quickly discovering the hidden tunnel. Carver was right, it would be a tight squeeze for Skree, but she had a feeling he would make do.

  She gathered the children, lining them up in an orderly line. She knew each of them, having been raised in the same warren and often teaching them songs and playing games with them. She spoke to them with the reassuring tone of a mother, her soft words of encouragement helping to soothe their fears. They had seen and lost so much, and their sorrow was just beginning. They would be orphans, the very last of their people with no one other than her and the few adults left to raise them.

  The thought terrified her, though she would never let it show. She looked around the workshop for anything of value, knowing she would need coin to provide for her new wards. She spotted a small box, tucked under a pile of leathers. She opened the lid and couldn't help but smile. Inside were dozens of sparkling gemstones, assorted rubies, emeralds and even a few small diamonds. Carver had done well for himself and could have lived like a king with his little fortune. He wouldn't mind her taking these, the beautiful stones something she would need to provide for their people. She held back a sob, when she considered that he wouldn't need them at all, once he was dead.

  She closed the lid, stuffing the small box into her pocket. Skree began his search of the workshop having done as much as he could to block the door. He quickly located his armor, or at least, what used to be his armor. He picked up the new and improved gear, marveling at the craftsmanship and rugged beauty of the armor.

  You have found Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Doublet, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Armor: 26, Durability: 240/240, Special: 5% resistance to Magical Damage

  You have found Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Harness, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Armor: 11, Durability: 120/120, Special: 5% resistance to Magical Damage

  You have found Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Gauntlets, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Armor: 16, Durability: 80/80, Special: 5% resistance to Magical Damage

  You have found Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Pants, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Armor: 22, Durability: 140/140, Special: 5% resistance to Magical Damage

  You have found Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Quiver, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Durability: 40/40 Description: 5% bonus to all damage inflicted by stored arrows. Arrows will lose their enhancement when removed from the quiver for more than 5 minutes.

  Congratulations, you have found 4 of 6 pieces of the Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Armor Set. Set bonuses unlocked for wearing multiple pieces Mana-Enhanced Wild Leather Armor.

  Bonus unlocked - (2) pieces: additional 5% bonus reduction in damage from all magical attacks. Total Resistance: 25%

  Bonus unlocked - (4) pieces: Arrows now have the piercing attribute - Ignore light armor and reduce the penalty to damage from Medium and Heavy Armor.

  Bonus locked - (6) pieces: When wearing 6 pieces of Mana-Enhanced Leather Armor, you gain a minor magical shield that will absorb 100 points of magical damage, calculated before damage reduction.

  He teared up at the sight of the armor. It was magnificent, every piece a true work of art. The dark green leather was covered in scales that shimmered with a strange light, like the moon reflecting off an ocean. It was flexible and soft, and he knew that he would have no problems moving silently in the armor. This was made with materials from an apex predator and he knew he would have to become the same.

  He started donning the armor, struggling to slip into the doublet. Kamilla approached him, offering her help. He handed her the armor and held out his arms. She helped him slide into the armor, moving behind him to make sure it was situated. She helped him throw the harness over his shoulders, pulling the cords tight around him. He reseated the hatchets into their proper resting place, the deadly blades returned home. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered the gruff leather worker helping him during his first fitting.

  He slid the gauntlets onto his hands, then threw the quiver over his shoulder. It magnetically locked into place with a click. Skree pulled on the quiver and it resisted his efforts. He gave it a firm yank and it came loose, the strap allowing him to swing it around his shoulder with ease. Testing the strength of the magnet, he threw the quiver over his shoulder and it snapped into place again, closing the six-inch gap nearly instantly.

  Kamilla looked him over, nodding her approval. "Carver did fine work my lord. Use it well." She said.

  Skree nodded back, moving his arms and testing the flexibility of the armor. It felt like comfortable cloth, barely making any noise as the supple leather moved with ease. "I intend to." He pulled the map from his bag, spreading out on the table. He pointed to the area of the beach where he was supposed to meet Fenna.

  "Can you get us there?" he asked.

  She bobbed her head back and forth, considering their options. "Yes, Carvers secret tunnel isn't so secret. I used to play in the tunnels when I was a youngling. I should be able to get us to the surface, a few miles from the area. It will be slow going with them, but we ca
n do it."

  "Okay, let’s get out of here. You take the lead, Zuka and I will cover the rear. We move as fast as possible, and if we are engaged, you will run to the beach. Ask for Fenna and tell her that I sent you. I can't guarantee that she will take you, but I have to hope." He said, his tone brooking no arguments.

  He saw the concern etched clearly on her features. “What’s wrong?”

  “Something I just considered, I can’t speak human.”

  Skree gritted his teeth. “That's a problem. I will teach you the words I can while we walk.”

  She nodded and moved over to the younglings.

  "All right everyone, listen carefully. I want you to grab the tail of the Kobold in front of you. Do not let go and try your best to keep up. We are going to the beach to see the ocean; doesn't that sound fun?" she asked with as much as excitement as she could. Many of the younglings nodded, but their faces betrayed their emotions.

  "Where is my mommy?" one of the young Kobolds asked, his scaled face streaked with tears.

  Kamilla controlled herself, a momentary flash of sadness crossing her face. "She is gathering your things, and will be right behind us okay? But I need you to follow me the best you can."

  “They’re dead. They’re all dead.” One of the adults snapped. A female kobold slapped him.

  “Shut up Grelo, you don’t know that.”

  “If they aren't dead yet, they will be soon. Just like all of us.”

  Kamilla stepped in front of the male, her eyes cold and hard. She leaned in, whispering something in his ear, his tail quivering as he listened to her words. He snapped to attention, his eyes focused on the tunnel ahead.

  Skree slid over to her, squeezing between the few adults.

  “What did you say to him?”

  “That if he didn’t shut his yapping snout, I would leave him in the warrens to be torn apart by those soldiers, leaving his body to be devoured by rats as we sailed away from the island.”


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