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Claiming Gigi

Page 4

by Erica Lynn

  “I know,” Gigi repeated for the billionth time, her heart aching a little. “Trust me, I know.”

  “Look—” Jackson began “—we’re going to figure this out. And this thing in Dallas, who knows when it’ll actually happen.”

  Gigi practically choked on her eggs. She looked up at Jackson and Stassi, both eyeing her with surprise. “Dallas?”

  “Yes… I told you this.”

  “You told me you wanted to open up your own studio, but I assumed it was in town. You never said anything to make me think otherwise. Dallas is, what? Three hours away? Four?”

  “Somewhere in there,” Stassi remarked.

  “Nothing is for certain, yet.” Jackson said. “There’s a lot going on in the area, and if I’m going to make a move in this world, then now’s the time. There’s an art studio out there looking to expand. They put a call out for photographers in the surrounding areas. That’s where I sent my portfolio. If I’m picked, I’ll get my own exhibit. It’s great exposure. The kind of money I could make from something like that…”

  Gigi said nothing. She felt like her heart was sinking. “So if you won, you’d, what? Move to Dallas?”

  “Well…yeah. I’d have to.”

  The three of them remained silent, Gigi trying to calm herself down, Jackson looking at her in concern, Stassi eating her steak and eggs and trying to look anywhere but at them.

  Finally Stassi broke the silence, standing up and rinsing her plate in the sink before placing it in the dishwasher. “Well, I think it’s time for me to head out.”

  “So soon, Stass? Already tired of stirring the pot?” Jackson asked.

  “Never,” Stassi replied, coolly. “I can just see that you two lovebirds have plenty to talk about.”

  Gigi was about to make a smart-ass remark in return, but the sound of Jackson’s ringing phone stopped her.

  Jackson got up and took his phone of the iPod doc, looked at the screen, then answered. “Cameron. What’s up, my man?”

  “You had no idea he might be moving to Dallas?” Stassi whispered across the table.

  “No,” Gigi admitted. “I don’t even know what to do with that information. Why would he want to start something with us if he’s going to be leaving? I know it’s not Alaska, but it’s far enough.”

  Stassi shrugged and offered Gigi a sympathetic smile.

  Gigi felt like she was going to be sick. Idiot. This is why we made the rules. This is why we shouldn’t have crossed the line. But we did, and now I’ll have to deal with it.

  “Yeah, hold on, Stassi and Gigi are right here.”

  They looked over at Jackson as he put his phone on speaker.

  “Hey, ladies,” Cameron’s voice rang out. “Get your stuff packed. It’s hot as hell and the lake is calling.”

  Chapter 4

  Are you going to take pictures the entire time?” Alec asked, handing Cameron a bag of worms.

  “If I can get away with it. This place is beautiful.” Jackson adjusted the lens until the trees stood out a little more than the water, then snapped the picture.

  “It really is. Thanks for having us, man.” Cameron said to Alec.

  “Of course,” Alec said. “I’m glad I thought to call you. I reserve this site for Jen and Gracie every July, but this year Gracie is going on a trip with her youth group at church. It was going to go to waste until I talked to you.” Alec had realized earlier that morning that a camping trip might be something a country boy like Cameron would jump at. Turned out he was right, and then Cameron had the idea of them going as a group.

  “What kind of trip?” Jackson asked. “Kumbaya and s’mores?”

  Alec chuckled as he threw his line into the lake. “She might wish that’s all it was once it’s over. Jen says they’re going to be helping build and paint houses.”

  “Damn. That’s impressive.” Cameron said. “Gracie seems like a good kid.”

  “She’s the best,” Alec agreed. “I just wish Jen would find a good man.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t need a man,” Stassi interjected as her and Lacey and Gigi came up behind them.

  “I know she doesn’t need one, my love,” Alec said, putting his arm around her shoulders. “But I want that for her.”

  “I know. I do, too. She’s always been kind to me.” Stassi said.

  After Stassi’s father had passed, Jen and Grace had gone with Alec to the funeral. Alec and Stassi hadn’t been in a great place then, but just their presence had meant the world to Stassi. She’d had an awful relationship with her dad, if what they had even counted as a relationship, and she’d needed people to lean on. Jackson always swore if he had kids he’d be damn sure to be the father they deserved. Not a piece of shit like her father had been.

  “I’m ready to get my tan on,” Lacey said, shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked for a place to lie down.

  “Babe, you all sunscreened up?” Jackson asked Gigi, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. He loved these moments where they pretended to be engaged. He knew it was wrong, but dammit, if felt good to be able to put his arms around her and kiss her without having to worry about anything. To just do what felt natural. Plus, it wasn’t like he crossed the line or anything. He always kept it appropriate. He’d die before he ever disrespected her.

  “Sure am. Thank you.” Gigi leaned in and gave him a small peck on the lips.

  “There’s a spot,” Lacey said, pointing to an area of flat rocks. “Okay, gentlemen, us ladies will be over there.”

  Jackson watched as Gigi headed off with the girls, tossing him a glance over her shoulder, then smiling when she saw he was watching her, too.

  “Hey, Jackson?”

  Alec’s voice brought Jackson back to the guys. “Yeah?”

  “I…uh…I’m sorry if my sister caused any problems last night.”

  Cameron looked at Alec and Jackson with curious eyes. “What happened?”

  Jackson cleared his throat and looked at Alec. LeAnn was Alec’s sister, after all. If anyone was going to tell her business it should be him.

  Alec cleared his throat as he reeled in his line. “LeAnn is up to her old tricks again, that’s all.” He eyed Jackson and gave him a slight nod, which Jackson returned.

  “I hate to hear that, man.” Cameron said. “LeAnn is a sweet woman. I wish she could get better.”

  “Me, too.” Alec said.

  The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur of fishing and hanging with the guys. They now sat on logs by the campfire, their dinner of fresh caught fish cooking on the grill.

  Jackson couldn’t help but keep sneaking peeks at Gigi. He’d seen plenty of beautiful women over the years, but none of them held a candle to her. What he found so interesting was how completely different she was from Lacey.

  Lacey had more of an exotic look. Curves, long, wavy hair, eyes so dark a man could easily get lost in them.

  Gigi, on the other hand, was the opposite. When he’d met her, her blonde hair and purple streaks had been cut in a long pixie type cut, but now it had grown out into more of a long bob. Her blue eyes were so pale, so soft looking, at times they took his breath away. Her petite body had beckoned him from the first time he’d laid eyes on her, and he’d be a liar if he tried to say he hadn’t spent many a night stroking himself off after seeing her walk around in her night time shorts and oversized T-shirts.

  “You still with us, dude?” Cameron asked. “Want to share with the class what you’re daydreaming about over there?”

  “I can’t imagine it’d be anything besides his fabulous fiancé, right babe?” Gigi asked, lips curled in a playful grin.

  “Speaking of…” Lacey came and sat beside Gigi, handing her a solo cup of who knew what kind of alcohol. “When are we going to talk wedding dates?”

  Stassi made a startled sound as she choked on her own drink, coughing and sputtering as she covered her mouth, trying to clear her throat.

  “You okay, love?” Alec asked.

  Stassi silently nodde
d up and down, trying not to laugh as her eyes filled with tears.

  “I got it,” Jackson called out. He picked up one of the bottles of water by his side, twisted the top, and handed it to her.

  “Thanks for nothing,” Stassi teased, looking at Alec. “If not for Jackson I would have died.”

  “Hey, I’m cooking dinner,” Alec said. “I can only do one thing at a time, and I’m pretty sure everyone here wants to eat, right?”

  “Y’all suck,” Stassi said when they all said they did, in fact, want to eat.

  The sun had taken it out of everyone, and the smell of the cooking fish was making all their stomachs growl.

  “Okay, now that Stassi is safe, let’s talk wedding,” Lacey insisted.

  Jackson pulled Gigi’s legs into his lap, massaging his thumbs against the outside of her thighs. He could see her mind scrambling for a reason not to get into it, so he quickly stepped in. “We’re just enjoying being engaged right now, aren’t we babe?”

  “Yep,” Gigi agreed, her eyes offering him a silent thank you. “Just living in the moment.”

  Even though she’d laughed off Lacey’s comment, he saw a subtle look pass between Stassi and her. He squeezed her leg a little harder to get her attention. When her eyes focused on his, he gave her the tiniest of nods and a smile.

  Gigi nodded in return, then leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “Are we okay?” he whispered to her. Ever since he’d brought up his possible move to Dallas, she’d been tense. Far away. He didn’t know why this Dallas thing was such a big deal, and he worried they were over before they’d even started.

  “I’m not sure,” Gigi admitted. “We can talk about it later.” She offered him a small smile, but he could tell it was empty and forced.


  “Fine. Be that way,” Lacey pouted. “But I’m ready to plan my sister’s wedding, and I won’t be put off much longer.”

  “While you plan her wedding, we’re going to eat,” Alec called out. “It’s ready, guys. Grab some plates and let’s do this.”

  The rest of the night went by event free. They ate, drank, talked, and looked up at the stars. He enjoyed this group of friends. Everyone got along and seemed to genuinely enjoy each other.

  He glanced again toward their tent, small and tucked away in the corner. At some point it had dawned on him he’d be sleeping in the same area as Gigi, and his heart had started to pound like a madman. It was hard enough sleeping in the same townhouse as her, imagining her naked beneath the sheets. Fuck, to be those sheets. To get to feel her body all night long. Her legs, her hips, her stomach, other places…

  “Earth to Jackson?”

  “Sorry, what?” Jackson looked up, startled to find everyone had left except for Gigi.

  “Everyone’s headed to bed so we can get up early and watch the sunrise.”

  Jackson nodded and pushed himself up from the log he’d been sitting on. Neither of them said a word as they walked to the tent, the leaves and twigs crunching underneath their shoes. “I love the smell here,” he said. “The lake. The trees.”

  “Really? I think it’s nice, but I much prefer the smell of cinnamon. Oh, or fresh baked apple pie.”

  Jackson chuckled as the unzipped the front of the tent and held it to the side so she could enter. “Those are nice, but there’s nothing like the smell of nature.”

  “Did you get some nice pictures today?” she asked as she placed a small, battery operated lantern on the ground, turning it down as low as she could.

  “I did. Lots of them. Hey, the tent has little zipper window things, if you want to let some of the moonlight in instead of using that. I’m…” Jackson stopped and took in a deep breath, his cock immediately hardening. He turned to look the opposite way, but couldn’t get the image of what he’d just seen out of his head.

  Gigi had brought a sleeping bag for both to of them, plus extra blankets. She’d said she hated feeling confined, so she’d prefer to sleep on top of the bag. She’d been on her hands and knees, straightening the material of the sleeping bag. Her tiny green pajama shorts had ridden up, showing the curve of her gorgeous ass.

  Jackson tried to think of something else, anything else. When sports didn’t work, he pictured the United States map and started plugging in the states…but all he could think of was her. And her ass. And his hands on her ass. And other things… Fuck.

  “Are you okay?” Gigi asked.


  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  Jackson didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t hide his erection. Gigi had the other blanket by her, so it wasn’t like he could just pull it over him and hide his…um…predicament.

  “Jackson, what’s going on?”

  Jackson took a deep, mortifying breath, and turned toward her. He motioned with his hands toward the tent in his pants, his heartbeat racing in his chest. “This.”

  Chapter 5

  Holy mother of God in Heaven. Gigi’s mouth dropped open when she saw his massive hard-on poking up from his pants. The sensitive area between her thighs immediately began to pulse. To ache. To get wet. Her face heated. Her nipples hardened. Every single thing you didn’t want to happen in front of someone you weren’t sure if you should have feelings for was happening, and Gigi was powerless to stop it.

  A million thoughts ran through her head. She could run from the tent, screaming into the night and getting as far away as she could from the big, bad erection. She could be sexy, like in the movies, and walk toward him, wrap her fingers around him, and go to town. Yes, that’s what her body wanted her to do, but her brain knew better. He brain told her she wasn’t sure if they should be doing anything more than the kiss they’d shared the night before. He might be moving to Dallas, and she damn sure wouldn’t be. First and foremost, she wouldn’t be following any man around Texas simply because he snapped his fingers. And, truthfully, even if she’d wanted to, Lacey was here. Lacey was more than her sister, she was her best friend. Moving hours away and leaving Lacey would be like leaving a part of herself behind. She couldn’t do that. She’d been alone when Preston left. She wouldn’t allow herself to go through that again. Not even for Jackson.

  Mind made up, she tossed him the extra blanket and laid down on her sleeping bag.

  “Thanks,” he murmured.

  She watched from the corner of her eyes as he stripped his shirt off—hello muscles, I bet you taste delicious—and laid down, pulling the blanket over him.

  Gigi turned onto her side so she couldn’t see him, the silence between them suddenly thick and electric. Don’t ask, she told herself. Gigi Andrews. Do. Not. Ask. “Why are you hard?” Shit. She really needed to work on that.

  “Ha…” Jackson let out a strained laugh. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want to know.”


  They both laid there in silence. The sound of their heavy breathing the only thing to keep them company. Finally, his gravelly voice broke through the silence. “Because of you.”

  Okay. Great. Leave it at that. Go to sleep and leave it be. Let it rest. Hell, let it die. “What did I do?” For fuck’s sake, Gigi.

  “You were bent over fixing your sleeping bag, and your shorts had ridden up.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Fuck that. Don’t be the least bit sorry. Best thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  Gigi giggled, her cheeks heating further, as well as her sex. She held back a groan as she rubbed her thighs together, just a little bit, to relieve the pressure. “Jackson?” she whispered.


  “If we were a real couple, and you saw me and got hard—” Gigi swallowed the massive lump in her throat “—what would you have done?”

  Jackson didn’t say anything, but she heard the hitch in his breathing.

  She laid there silently. Her skin on fire. Her heart pounding.

  The silence felt like it lasted forever, and just as she was about to break it a
nd say never mind, his voice broke through.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Yes,” Gigi nodded to nobody in particular. “Tell me. Please. Show me I’m not crazy.”

  “Okay. But you have to look at me.”

  She remained still, not fully trusting herself to move. Would she be able to simply look at him? Could she trust herself not to crawl across the tent and straddle him?

  “Gigi.” Jackson’s voice was deep. Quiet. Demanding. “Look at me.”

  She tried to calm her breathing as she turned onto her back, then tilted her head to look him. She could just make him out through the dim space, but his green eyes held her the second she met them. She knew in that moment, sure as she was alive, whatever was about to happen, she’d be powerless to stop it.

  “If you were my girl, and I saw you bent over like that, ass peeking out through those tiny cock-tease shorts you always wear, nothing but a thin piece of material keeping me away from that pussy of yours, they’d be torn in half on the floor.”

  Gigi couldn’t stop her eyes from drifting shut, imagining the picture he painted. The feel of his powerful hands ripping her flimsy shorts off her body. To get to be on the receiving side of his palms crawling up her thighs. Her hips. Her—



  “Open your eyes. I’m not fucking finished.”

  She snapped her eyes open, desperate for him to continue.

  “After I ripped them off, I’d keep you on your hands and knees, bent over for me, on display for my eyes only.”

  Gigi’s breasts rose and fell quickly now, her breaths coming out in short, heavy gasps.

  “Take the blanket off, Gigi.”

  She nodded slightly, then slowly pulled the blanket off her body. Her shirt had ridden up a little, exposing her stomach, but she didn’t bother to fix it.

  She watched as his eyes roamed her body, and fuck if she couldn’t feel them. Each inch of skin they fell on burned, as if by simply taking her in he’d branded her. Made her his. And dammit, she wanted to be his. “Take yours off, too.”


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