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Vampires of the Sun

Page 2

by Andrea Glenn

  "Very well.” Wolf walked over and held his wrist in front of Sebastian's face. “Here,” he said simply. “Take."

  Without another word or guilty thought, Sebastian took the frail arm and bit into the prominent vein, sucking deeply, feeling the hot sticky fluid sliding down his throat. An explosion of heat and power ripped through him and he gripped Wolf's arm tighter.

  "Enough!” The boy pulled free with more strength than he looked to possess. “That is all, Immortal. That will sustain you for now. You are to go far away from here. Do you understand all I've said to you?"

  Sebastian nodded, eyeing the boy with a mix of sadness and regret. “Si."

  "Until we meet again, Sebastian.” Wolf ran off at an unnatural speed.

  Overcome with so many emotions, Sebastian cried out into the night. “Por qué?” he repeated over and over again. Why me???

  * * * *

  Sighing, Sebastian allowed the water to come up and cover his black leather boots. He kicked at the spray, smiling as the water shot into the sky. The sand was packed firmly as he glanced down at his footprints.

  "Am I alive?” he whispered softly, all alone in the darkness. It was a question he had asked himself many times over the years.

  He hadn't thought about his creation in a very long time. It all seemed like a dream; running through the nights and sleeping in the earth or in caves by day until he was able to find a ship to stow away on and bring him back to Spain.

  He thought back to his travels throughout Europe, and all he had seen and experienced. None of it was a dream. He heeded all the warnings Miakoda had given him, and he learned to survive as a vampire.

  At first he was disgusted by the prospect of killing humans, but he tried to only slay the dregs of humanity he found in the back alleys and pubs. Eventually, he was able to devour much more easily ... murderers, robbers, rapists ... but never took the innocent—women or children. He was surprised at how good he was at the hunt, but he only hunted to live, never as a game.

  Glancing up at the sky, he noticed the moon was full and he stopped, allowing the glow to shine down into his pale face. He missed the sun. He missed companionship. He missed so many things. Reaching up, he took the suede tie from his ponytail and shook his head, letting his hair fall around his broad shoulders. He ran his fingers through the long locks, trying to ignore the sudden yearning that was beginning to fill his thoughts. His desolate soul hungered for more than sustenance. He wanted to love and to be loved once more.

  He swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his throat, and briefly thought about the many women he had been with over the years. He thought of Miakoda. He had been back many times, hoping to find her and his son, but never could. He wondered if she somehow knew he was looking and hid from him. He knew in what was once his soul that he would find her someday and he would also find the child he created that night. She had said that time would come and for some reason he believed her.

  Through his travels, he met many like him, darkened creatures that roamed the night. He wondered how many of them were actually a part of him. He thought of his son, Salvador, every night, and wondered if he had ever been in his presence. Deep inside Sebastian knew if he ever came across his seed he would know him, just as he knew who he was.

  As for companionship over the years, there were plenty of opportunities for him to transform someone into an immortal. It was very easy. What was not easy was finding someone he wanted to spend an eternity with. His life was much more than passion. To be with someone until the end of time was something that had to be taken into much consideration. He needed a companion, a soul mate—not just a fellow hunter and lover.

  There was someone in his past he'd seen and fallen in love with the moment his eyes met hers. It wasn't long after he had become an immortal. At that time, being so naive to the ways of his new life, he didn't understand the repercussions of his rash actions. He had traveled to London and created a vampire from a young woman he saw walking down a lonely road one night. He was mesmerized by her beauty. Her fair skin shone in the moonlight, her long blonde hair moved around her shoulders in the breeze. She was a goddess in his eyes.

  By that time, Sebastian had learned many languages and was able to converse freely with many people on many continents. So, when he saw this beauty before him, he felt confident and was compelled to speak to her in her own tongue. When he finally got the courage to step from the shadows, his voice caught in his throat as he saw the terror in her lovely green eyes. “I will not harm you.” He spoke in English, although his Spanish accent was still very much intact.

  The young woman stood straighter. “I'm not afraid of you."

  It was then Sebastian knew he wanted her, not thinking about the future. He moved to her quickly. “Your eyes speak differently, My Lady.” He moved closer.

  The young woman's eyes narrowed as she looked up into Sebastian face. He gazed into her now dilated pupils and tried to calm her. He could see the pulse in her neck slowing down a fraction as his mind entered hers. He watched as she breathed deeply through her nostrils, still ready to bolt. “Easy."

  "I'm not afraid of you,” she repeated, not nearly as confident as she had been a moment before.

  "Maybe you should be very frightened.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling her relax in his grip.

  "Just ... take me.” She looked down, obviously ready to accept her fate, whatever that might be.

  Sebastian laughed wickedly. “I don't think you know of what you ask, Fair One. I'm not like the men of your village. What is your name?"


  "Elise, do you want to leave here? Do you want to go on an adventure with me?"

  She looked at him, her eyes misty. “I ... I don't know."

  Sebastian laughed. “I can show you the wonders of the world. You will be free to live your life as only a select few can. I can make you live forever."

  "Ah!” she snorted. “What have you been drinking, Stranger?” She stiffened in his arms.

  It was only then that he smiled broadly, allowing his sharp teeth to show. “Blood."

  Elise fainted, and he carried her to a bench near an old church. When she came around, Sebastian was holding her in his lap, softly stroking her hair. “Do you feel better?"

  "What are you?” Her lips trembled in fear and revulsion.

  "Why, I'm your salvation, Elise. I've come to give you the gift of life through my blood. Will you accept it?"

  "You're a monster ... a blasphemer!” she shouted, sitting up. She moved as far away from him as she could get. She glanced around their surroundings quickly, obviously wanting someone to come rescue her.

  "Are you looking for someone to come save you, Elise?"

  Her eyes bulged. “Look, Sir. I don't have any money. If it's my body you want, take it, but please...” her voice became quiet as she began to sob softly into the hem of her faded dress.

  "A monster? No. I'm here to give you life. I'm the only one who can save you. What do you have now?” He gazed down at her dirty face, torn dress and worn shoes.

  She lowered her head. “Nothing."

  "Will you accept my gift, then?"

  Elise lifted her face and with confusion in her eyes, looked at Sebastian. “Yes.” She whimpered.

  Sebastian created his first immortal. She became his lover, mother, teacher, and friend. The time they spent together was at first very awkward, as he tried to show her what needed to be done to live in the world of shadows. She didn't want to kill, and it almost destroyed her. Eventually, she overcame her fear and immense guilt, but he felt a deep bitterness from her. He loved her with everything he was, and at times thought she felt the same way. She looked at him with tenderness, and touched him softly as they made love. He wanted to live inside her forever, sharing all the joy they could in the world of continuous night.

  But, he knew there was something distant in her, something he would never be able to reach. He knew she also hated him for what he had done to her. Her moods r
eflected her contradictions, and he had to hold her many nights as the blood soaked tears poured forth from her lovely face and anguished soul.

  To Sebastian, there seemed to be more good times than bad, until he woke one evening and she was gone. She didn't leave a note, nothing. There had been no warnings, no odd feelings from her. Elsie was just gone, and she never returned to him. He searched years for her, but it was though she just vanished into another world. He missed her, terribly. She became a ghost in his mind, forever haunting his thoughts when he needed her most.

  Chapter Four

  Now, as he was walking the beach, Elise was once again enticing his memories, causing him to long for her special touch once more. A movement in the distance caught his eye. A figure was walking toward him in the sand. Sebastian squinted, hoping his heightened sense of sight would help him see who this was. What he saw made his heart leap in his chest. It was definitely a figure of a woman. “Elise?"

  The woman stopped as if she heard his voice across the distance.

  Sebastian paused, holding his breath. He wanted to run to the vision, but decided to let her come to him. He focused his thoughts on this creature in front of him, hoping to slide into her mind. “Elise? Is it you? How can this be? How long have I searched for you? And ... am I to believe that I can just stumble upon you in the dark? Come to me, My Love. Show yourself."

  The young woman turned from side to side and stopped abruptly.

  Sebastian smiled in the dark. “Yes, Elise. We meet again."

  Suddenly, the shadowed figure turned and began to walk toward the line of buildings at the edge of the shore very quickly. She pulled the black cloak she was wearing around her tightly, hiding her face in the bright moonlight.

  "Wait!” Sebastian called out. “Elise! Don't go! You have found me!” He took two steps and suddenly felt dizzy; and an overwhelming sense of danger washed over him, causing him to stumble. He put his hands to his head and tried to stop the intrusion of what felt like pure evil. With horror, he realized this was not Elise. “This has to be witchcraft!” he mumbled, his words lost over the roar of the waves crashing onto the beach. He wiped his face with the back of his trembling hand, and tried to focus his eyes.

  The young woman moved at an extraordinary pace. There was no way she could be merely human. Sebastian stood on shaky legs, confused, watching this demon dart away. What he was seeing was not a vampire, he was sure, but what could she be? He tried to enter her mind, but was pushed back at full force. No human can do this! He stumbled again, falling to his knees, his head pounding as though he had been hit by a heavy brick. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his racing thoughts. Eventually the pain passed enough for him to stand and he rushed forward, determined not to lose this ... witch?

  * * * *

  Come now, Sebastian ... follow me. Let me lead you to a place where you want to be. The young woman didn't speak aloud as she moved. She wanted Sebastian to follow out of curiosity, not by magic. She had been watching him for an eternity, waiting for the opportunity to make him hers. She had seen him as he stealthy disembarked from the ship he had stowed away on, and followed him. His unnatural beauty enthralled her, and knowing immediately that he was an immortal, she longed for him. Yet, she knew she couldn't have him. She had nothing to give. So, she had to bide her time and watch him over the centuries, following him on his adventures, barely able to contain her rage when he created Elise and had his way with all the other women. She knew in time he would be hers forever. Only now did she have something to give him, something he would accept greedily ... something he would do anything for. Sebastian! She was ahead of him, but not too far. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled at the determination etched across his handsome face. It is time!

  "Please, wait!"

  She read his thoughts. “Elise!” she muttered under her breath as she picked up speed. “Why does he have to think of that little tart?” She sighed knowing it was only because he thought she was Elise that he followed. She was overwhelmed by self-pity, but quickly shook it off. “It's my turn,” she said loudly, not caring if he heard her. She focused her thoughts on him. I'm not Elise, I'm much more.

  * * * *

  The power of this witch's words hit Sebastian as though he had run into a wall. He fell forward onto his knees once more, nausea sweeping over him. He retched and fell back. “Who are you?” His voice carried on the wind. It was as though she was taunting him to follow. Finally an anger rose from deep within him and he stood, shaking off the sand and pebbles that clung to his clothing. “You! Who are you?” he yelled into the night. He dashed forward and literally flew a few inches above the ground. His speed was that of a demon possessed. The thought of something this powerful, yet not a vampire, intrigued him and angered him. No one had ever had this sort of control over him before. This woman was powerful beyond anything he had come across in all his years as an immortal. She could possibly save him from the despondency that was overtaking his very existence. Maybe if she was a true witch she could cure him of his never-ending torture, or possibly help him end it once and for all.

  The moon was now hidden behind thick clouds, but Sebastian's vampire eyes allowed him easy vision as he finally slowed his pace and now calmly strode up the street. He finally had his emotions under control, and was now only eager to find out who this shadow figure was. The woman had slowed her pace as well, glancing back at him. He laughed out loud now, deciding not to rush. He relished the feeling of a chase, a hunt he was made for ... predator and prey.

  Within minutes the woman turned into a hidden drive.

  Sebastian followed cautiously and was suddenly in the backyard of an older home, a home rotten with decay. He moved through aged trees engulfing the property, the ground beneath his feet thick and spongy with fallen leaves mixed with sand. Unlike a mortal, he felt no fear. He knew he was stronger than any creature that dared come near, but something had affected him before. A power that made him shiver with anticipation. A tiny ripple of apprehension flowed through his body and he wondered if he was the most powerful creature here at this place.

  The woman ahead moved quickly to a clump of trees. He followed, hanging back a little just to make sure there were no other surprises waiting for him. He took his time and within a few short minutes arrived at the entrance to the lair of this ... witch. It was merely a cave, crudely dug in a hillside beneath the roots of a centuries old tree. The massive roots formed the arched doorway through which he entered.

  The rounded cave reeked of dank earth and rotted vegetation, its ceiling and walls thick with dead and dying wood. All about him, Sebastian noticed shelves hung heavy with glass bottles containing all manner of ghastly ingredients. He looked around for the woman, but she must have moved further back into the dark void of the cave. He stood still, trying to decide if he should stay or if he should go. “Damn!"

  "That's not very nice,” a voice said softly to his right.

  Sebastian spun on his heel and saw a very young girl looking at him with large, curious eyes. At first he thought she was only a child, but then he realized she was a young woman, very small and delicate.

  "Where is she ... the woman who just came in here?"


  Sebastian's mouth dropped. “The woman who just came in here ... where is she? She is a witch, correct? Do not lie to me!"

  "Don't call her a witch.” The young girl shook her head. “She's gone, but will return soon."

  Sebastian felt anger rise in his throat. How dare this imp tell him what to do? “Who are you and why are you being so mysterious?” He was peering at her carefully. What a strange creature she was. Everything about her appeared silvery and shimmering as if moonlight emitted from her very being. Her long, almost white hair shone and glistened, even though there was no source of light in the dark cave. It hung in pale waves down to her knees.

  He suddenly realized she was extremely beautiful. Her large, wide-spaced eyes glowed green and radiant, and reminded him immediately o
f Miakoda and Elise. Her lips were pale, but well shaped, round and full. The beautiful head sat upon a long slender neck, and Sebastian's amber eyes searched and found the throbbing vein rich with blood beneath its silky smoothness. She wore a simple sheath of gossamer thinness, so fine was its material he could freely view the naked body beneath. And an excellent body it was. This young girl had full, high breasts, and a flat, smooth stomach.

  "Staring is rude.” She looked down, shaking her head sadly.

  "Yes, it is, but then again, I'm not always the perfect gentleman.” He allowed his gaze to move over her figure again. A soft crop of blond and curly hair was easily seen between her long slender legs. She was a fine creature, no doubt about it.

  "I am Olivia.” Her voice was as whispery and silvery as her very entity. “I'm a servant to Madame, and I'm not trying to be mysterious. You, Sir, just barged in here demanding things, and frightened me."

  "I see.” Sebastian's eyes traveled down those long legs once more and he then he saw she was chained to a metal ring securely affixed to the wall of the cave. Her slim ankle was cut and bleeding from the cruel hard metal that confined it. “What the...” his voice trailed off. The sight of blood usually excited him. But he felt nothing except contempt for the witch who kept this beautiful girl so callously chained in a dark cave.


  Sebastian moved to her side and lifted the small delicate foot in his hand. He studied the metal that encased her so completely. It was a strange substance, for it felt warm and smooth in his hand.

  "Oh, that. It's a spell.” Her voice was so light and breathy. “You cannot break this spell. I am to be here until I grow old and cannot be of service to the Madame anymore. It will be only then that I shall be set free."

  "That's madness!” He growled in outrage. “I will speak to Madame when she returns. I think she was seeking me earlier. I'm very surprised she left. I'm sure she knew I was following her.” He eyed Olivia suspiciously, something about her setting off an alarm in his weary brain.


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