Inspiration Point

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Inspiration Point Page 3

by M. A Casey

  Even though my relationship with my mother has been strained over the years, it was torture to watch her take care of Mimi when she had no idea who she was. Mimi would often scream at us because she was scared when we came to see her, and if the nurses couldn’t calm her down we often had to leave. I could see what this was doing to my family but especially my mum. She was a nurse when she met my father, so she understood what was happening, but it made it no easier to deal with.

  So this is how my research began, and who knows if I will achieve anything significant. Although I suppose I already have, not that I have told anyone, not even my father or Tyler. It would only be more unnecessary attention, and I would like to finish it on my own before I show the world. But a few months ago I was able to restimulate dead brain cells - just not permanently. And I have also been able access areas of the brain where certain memories are stored. But, like I said, nothing that would restore a person’s memory permanently – not yet anyway.

  I had truly lost track of the time when my mobile rang - it was Tyler.

  “Hey Tyler, what’s up?” I said as I typed today’s results into the computer.

  “Just checking you haven’t forgotten our date. I know you get distracted when you’re working in the lab, which I assume you are since I haven’t heard from you all day”.

  He was right of course, but my mind was stuck on his use of the word date – did he think that’s what this was? Would it even worry me if that were true? I tried to shrug this off; I am probably over reacting because of Zeke’s tormenting.

  I check my watch to see that it is already six o’clock.

  “Thanks, I didn’t realize what time it was, but I haven’t forgotten. I will be there at eight, I promise,” I said trying to reassure him.

  “Okay, then I will meet you at the pizza place.”

  “Actually, Emin and Zeke are giving me a lift, so I can probably meet you there if you like?” I said sounding a little annoyed.

  “Emin and Zeke?” He questioned.

  “Yeah, apparently it would be a good idea for me to have my brother there – in case I need him,” I said sarcastically.

  “No worries,” he said half laughing. “I'll meet you there then – bye Hayln.”

  “Bye Tyler,” I said as I flicked off my computer and phone and headed upstairs.

  I was nearly at the top of the stairs when I heard my father on the phone, he sounded upset. “Just keep an eye on her, I won’t be long,” he pleaded. “Well it’s too late for that now – just do this for me, please,” he listened to whoever was on the phone. “Thanks I will call you again later.” I kept going up the stairs, wanting to know what that was about.

  “Hi Dad, who was on the phone?” I asked as he turned towards me surprised that I was there.

  “Oh, no-one. Just a salesperson trying to sell me cheaper long distance.”

  Whoa - Why would my father lie to me, I think to myself?

  ‘You better get a move on,” he said. “Or you will hold your brother up.” And he walked back upstairs to his study I guess.

  I can’t remember my father ever lying to me – I must admit I am a little worried. I decide to find Emin, maybe he might know something.

  He was alone in the garage, working on his project. It was some sort of robot hand, or at least that’s what it looked like to me. He looked up at me, “why aren’t you getting ready yet?” He said.

  “You're not,” I shot back at him.

  “Hayln, it will take me five minutes to get ready, I doubt you will be able to pick what to wear in that time.”

  Ugh, he was right I hadn’t even thought about clothes yet, but that’s not what I was here for.

  “Did, you see Dad much today?” I questioned.

  “Sure, he helped us on our hand here, why?” He said.

  “Did he seem… weird to you?”

  “No – should he have?” He said, with a confused expression on his face.

  “It’s probably nothing, don’t worry about it,” I said. Maybe I was making too much of it. “You’re right, I better get ready,” I said as I turned to leave the room, no more enlightened than before I entered it.

  “Oh, by the way,” I turn back to him, “what should I wear?”

  He laughs, “anything black would be safe – it is the Sweat Room,” he said grinning.

  Black…. I thought to myself as I headed towards my room, to see what outfit I could find.


  I decided to shower first as I suddenly felt nervous, with no idea why. Once in my room I searched for something to wear. I played with least seven different outfits before I decided that this was no big deal, and grabbed my favorite pair of black jeans and my black suede boots. Then I only needed a top. I still went over a number of options but kept going back to my emerald green silk tank top. It might not be the perfect top, but I love the color and just couldn’t get it out of my mind.

  I must have lost track of time again because I could hear Emin honking the horn of his van out the front. I quickly brushed my hair, deciding to leave it out because I had no time to do anything else. I ran out to the car, yelling out to my father on the way.

  “Night dad, I shouldn’t be late,” and then I closed the door behind me and jumped in the back of the van.

  “I told you, you should have started getting ready earlier,” Emin complained.

  “I made it didn’t I?” I replied, puffing a little whilst I buckled myself in.

  “You look nice,” Zeke said looking over the back of his chair at me, smiling softly.

  “Um…. thanks,” I said not quite knowing what else to say, and suddenly feeling shy.

  Emin glanced at me in the rear vision mirror and then started talking to Zeke about who they thought might be there tonight. It wasn’t a long drive to the club, and once we were there I could see Tyler waiting out the front for me, amongst a group of about twenty people waiting to get in.

  I interrupted their conversation. “Hey, could you let me out here while you go park the van, Tyler’s just there.”

  “You sound pretty keen to get to someone who is not your boyfriend, can’t he wait five minutes?” Zeke complained.

  “Just let me out,” I said firmly and Emin double parked while I jumped out.

  “Hey Tyler,” I said, happy to be out of the uncomfortable situation I keep finding myself in with Zeke. It will be refreshing to spend some time with someone I am at ease with.

  “Hi, nice to see you remembered,” he smiled teasingly. “You look fantastic, by the way.”

  “Thanks, you do too,” I said suddenly finding myself feeling shy again. He had on his favorite pair of faded jeans and a white button up shirt that fit him really well.

  “So where are your babysitters?” He asked.

  “Parking the van,” I muttered.

  We made our way into the club and grabbed a table on the mezzanine level where we could see the band downstairs. The club was already full of people enjoying themselves while the band did their final checks. It was quite dark inside. The lower level had several seating areas positioned around the dance floor, and I could see some of Emin's friends already settled in for the night. Tyler went to get some drinks for us and was back just as the music started. We started talking about our day, but found it was too difficult with the noise of the band.

  “There are Emin and Zeke,” Tyler yelled, and pointed to the left of the stage where they joined their friends. We'd just finished our second drink when Tyler suggested that we should dance. I nodded, and we walked downstairs towards the dance floor.

  Tyler and I had never been anywhere where we'd danced before. We usually just hung out at the coffee shop or the movies if we weren’t in the lab. As we made our way to the dance floor, I glanced over to the boys. I noticed there were a number of girls vying for their attention. Typical I think to myself - just what their ego’s need.

  Dancing with Tyler was pretty easy, although I must admit, with this music it actually was just a lo
t of jumping around. After a few songs, I was dying for another drink and was just about to suggest a break when the tempo slowed. Before I could say anything, I found myself with Tyler’s hands lightly on my waist. I smiled nervously and mimicked the same position, putting my hands on his hips as we danced. I was hesitant to look up into his eyes, as I felt the mood change between us, and I wasn’t sure what to do now. Before I could do anything, he pulled me a little closer so my head rested on his shoulder. I relaxed a little knowing that at least now I didn’t have to look in his eyes. We were turning in a small circle when I noticed Zeke staring at me from where he was sitting. When our eyes met, he looked away quickly.

  I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the last twenty four hours with these two boys and began comparing it to something I felt more comfortable with – an experiment, but this time I was the subject. These strange situations and conversations felt as if they were designed to make me feel awkward, shy and frustrated. I didn’t know how to react. Zeke had always been like an annoying brother, and Tyler my reliable best friend – but I had no idea what was happening now?

  The music stopped, and I took a deep breath before I looked up into Tyler’s eyes. He smiled down at me, and he looked…. happy. I suggested we get another drink, and we went back to our table. I watched him as he went to the bar. Had his feelings for me changed in some way, or was something else happening? I have no experience with boys at all – I’ve never even had a boyfriend. So, if there were signs - I was obviously missing them. I decided when he came back to try and get things back to normal – control the environment, I needed time to think.

  Whilst Tyler was being served, I noticed Emin at the bar leaning over to talk to a pretty girl who was serving drinks. She seemed to be enjoying his attention. She was a tall, slim girl with blonde hair pulled up in a high ponytail. The way they were talking they seemed to be friends, but I wouldn’t know, Emin never talks about girls to me. By this time, Tyler was back with our drinks. Straight away I started commenting on the songs the band were playing, other kids from our school who were here, anything I could think of to keep things normal. It worked, we had no more… moments until we left the club.

  We were outside waiting for Emin and Zeke when Tyler reached out and took my hand.

  “I had a good time tonight,” he said as he looked at me with his dark brown eyes. “What about you?”

  This is exactly what I didn’t want, I needed more time to figure out what was going on with him.

  “Yeah, it was fun,” I responded nervously.

  Just then a group of boys were thrown out a side door of the club interrupting our conversation and then Zeke called out to me.

  “Ready to go Hayl’s?” Zeke said looking at Tyler, not me.

  “I suppose, where is Emin?” I asked, expecting him to be there too.

  “Let’s just say he's a little tied up at the moment,” he said as he nodded towards the darker side of the entrance where I saw him embracing the blonde girl - kissing.

  “I don’t think I needed to see that,” I said squinting.

  “No-one does. He said for me to take you home, he might be a while,” Zeke said.

  “I can get her home safely,” Tyler added, obviously not wanting the evening to end just yet. But I did.

  I needed a break from this experiment so I said, “its fine, Zeke is staying with us anyway, so it’s probably easier. Thanks for a nice night though.”

  He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before I knew what was happening and said, “night Hayln, I had a fantastic night too, I’ll call you tomorrow”.

  “Okay,” I stuttered, still feeling his kiss on my cheek as Zeke grabbed me by the arm to lead me to the van.

  As we turned and walked away Zeke let go of me and went ahead to the van, unlocked it and got in. He didn’t seem as if he wanted to talk, and that was fine with me, I needed to think. I hadn’t expected Tyler to kiss me, but I was surprised how warm and happy it made me feel. Maybe things were changing with us, and maybe I was going to like the changes after all. We'd almost arrived home before Zeke spoke to me again.

  “So, did you have a good time tonight? Or were you just saying that for his benefit,” he said.

  “Of course I meant it. Tyler is my best friend why would I lie to him?” I said starting to get upset.

  “Best friend!” He spat out, “I doubt that’s all he thinks he is from what I saw tonight”.

  I didn’t reply, because honestly I didn’t know what to say, and it wasn’t any of his business anyway. This overprotective brother routine was going a bit far. He waited for me to say something, but I didn’t. We started to turn into our street, and I thought if I kept my mouth shut that maybe I could get inside before we had to continue this conversation. But it didn’t work.

  “So, how do you feel about that?” He asked in a softer voice.

  “Um, I don’t really know,” I said honestly. “I mean, I was taken by surprise a little, I didn’t see it coming. I guess that’s why I let you take me home. I needed time to sort things through by myself.”

  We were in the driveway now, Zeke had unbuckled and was getting out of the van. “That makes sense I suppose… but, I wonder.” Then he stopped talking and hopped out. I quickly unbuckled and jumped out too.

  “Wonder what?” I asked as he came around to my side of the van to meet me. It was the first time I had seriously looked at him tonight. He was dressed entirely in black. Black jeans that I hate to admit, fitted him perfectly, and a classic black t-shirt that hugged the contours of his chest and arms.

  “Well I was wondering if I had asked you to dance - would you still be uncertain of how you felt?” He moved forward so he was close enough for me to reach out and touch. Not that I could move any part of my body, I was frozen not knowing what was happening.

  “I don’t understand,” I whispered feeling my face blush, I looked down to avoid his gaze.

  “Well, maybe we should give it a try. We could think of it as an experiment if you like,” he said. I looked back up at his face now, he was sincere.

  “An experiment?” I questioned, not quite believing that he used the same words I did, only moments before. “Who would determine the results?”

  “You of course, although I have a few ways to measure the results myself.” His hand swept around to the small of my back and pulled me closer to him. Then he slid his other hand from my shoulder, down my arm and held my hand, entwining my fingers with his. I held my breath as I shivered at his touch.

  “Firstly, if you put your hand here,” he said as he pulled our hands up so they were pressed between our chests. “You can feel the other person’s heart beat.”

  I looked down again thoroughly embarrassed. My heart was definitely racing, but his was too. He leaned forward, placing his forehead on mine.

  “Second,” he whispered. “Is to listen to the other persons breathing. Normal breathing isn’t generally a good sign, but if the other person is holding their breath, or maybe breathing a little unevenly, it could show their level of… anticipation,” he continued.

  We were both silent for a moment listening. I was holding my breath, not knowing if I could breathe even if I wanted too. And he was unmistakably breathing unevenly.

  “And finally,” he said. “Is to look into the other person’s eyes, to see what they are feeling.”

  Still I couldn’t move, I didn't want to shatter this strangely perfect moment. He let go of my hand placing it on his chest, and then brushed my face gently before he lifted my chin to look into his eyes. As soon as our eyes met I realized something. The color of my shirt that I was so drawn to today was reflected in front of me. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of emerald green and looked more alive than I had ever seen on another person before now – almost glowing. I couldn’t stop myself, my hand left his chest and went to his face, brushing his hair away from his beautiful eyes. Then, as if that was a sign, he pulled me closer again, until there was no space between us at all. O
ur lips met, and the heat of his mouth reached every part of my body. My hands went to his hair, twisting it through my fingers. I didn’t want to stop, but before long I needed to catch my breath.

  He leant his forehead back on mine and said, “So how do you feel now?” He was still catching his breath too.

  I decided to be honest and try and get some answers. “Well more confused actually, where did that come from? Don’t get me wrong, I liked it – obviously, but I don’t understand. Was this just an experiment?” He took both my hands in his as he tried to explain.

  “No, it wasn’t just an experiment. Hayln the truth is, I have felt this way for a while now. The last few times I saw you, I started noticing different things, like the way you smile when you’re nervous, and the way your hair falls in curls down your back. Things I probably shouldn’t have been noticing.”

  His face was so sincere now, I could see it was a relief for him to talk to me like this. “You see, there's an unwritten law between best friends, sisters are off limits. And you know your brother is like a brother to me too, I didn’t want to jeopardize that. So, I stopped visiting when I knew you would be around, thinking maybe time would change how I felt. But it didn’t. As soon as I walked through the door last night I knew it immediately. It took every bit of self-control not to go onto that dance floor tonight and take you away from Tyler. I wanted to be the one with my arms around you.”

  He waited for me to respond, but I still had no idea what to say. I had just left Tyler to avoid a similar situation with him, and now here I was with Zeke.

  “I know this seems to have come out of the blue Hayl’s, and to be honest, I didn’t plan on laying all of this on you so fast, but Tyler kind of forced my hand. But it’s the truth – all of it,” he said.

  I stood there trying to take everything in, my body still felt the heat of our kiss, then he spoke again.

  “I think we should go inside, I don’t want your father coming out here. And I'm guessing that you probably need that time alone now.”


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