Book Read Free

Inspiration Point

Page 17

by M. A Casey

  I could hear my parents pleading desperately with him to stop. I saw Davis and Ian viciously restrain Emin and Zeke as they lunged towards me. Finally, Tyler stood in front of me, catching Spencer’s hand inches before it connected with my face.

  Spencer looked at him incredulously. Tyler kept his cool, after all he had been in this situation before.

  “I’m sorry Sir, but it seems to me like we will need Hayln fit and well to help her father. I am pretty sure it was her who separated the strain.”

  Tyler let go of Spencer’s arm. He rubbed where Tyler had gripped it, thinking about what he had said.

  “You might be right, one of them then.” He said signaling towards Emin and Zeke.

  “No,” I screamed. Tyler’s arms were now restraining me, his strength was incredible.

  “I think we should take lover boy,” Davis suggested. “He was happy for a fight a few days ago.”

  “Whatever,” Spencer said dismissing them. “Take him away to do it, but not too far, I want them to hear.”

  Tears were pouring down my cheeks now as Spencer held a gun to Emin’s head while Davis and Ian pulled Zeke upstairs.

  “Hopefully this will keep you focused Knox, but if not we still have your son and wife.”

  I slumped to the floor, sobbing. Dad and Mum were embracing each other, and Emin was standing defiantly, glaring at Spencer. Almost willing him to take the shot. Then they started.

  They must have only taken him to the hall because we could hear the noise above us. I could tell he was trying not yell or scream for our benefit. But whatever they were doing to him left agonizing sounds coming from upstairs. Each thud and crash was heartache to me. I could hear his body resisting the beating – I could feel myself starting to be physically ill. I covered my ears, it was unbearable and then after what seemed like forever Zeke’s cry’s slowed and then stopped altogether, I prayed it was over, and he was still alive.

  “It’s over Hayln,” Tyler whispered to me. “He’s strong, he will be okay.”

  Mum and I were still sobbing when I heard them moving upstairs. Tyler was right they had finished.

  Davis walked down to the bottom of the stairs, gun drawn. Spencer signaled for Emin and Mum to leave the lab, I wanted to go to, but he insisted I stay.

  Emin looked at me seeing how much pain I was in and knew I wanted to be with Zeke. He held his hand up to tell me to stay. I knew he and Mum would do all they could for him, but that didn’t stop my yearning to be by his side. It was my fault he was in this mess, in the first place.

  I couldn’t move from the floor, I couldn’t do anything. How could my perfect day have gone so wrong? Tyler and Dad were the only ones left in the lab now, and I could hear them whispering, as I lay on the floor.

  “I’m sorry Professor.”

  “This isn’t your fault Tyler, we knew there was a risk in doing what we did. I just wish that was me upstairs and not Zeke, he’s innocent in all this.”

  “So what are you going to do now?”

  He walked over to join Tyler and me on the floor. They both carefully helped me up and carried me to the chair at the window.

  “I don’t have a choice anymore, I won’t let that happen again to anyone I love.”

  He brushed the hair away my eyes and spoke softly to me, trying to ease the tears. I took some deep breaths looking at his face. He needed me now, they all did, and I had to pull myself together. After a few moments, I spoke to Tyler.

  “You knew didn’t you,” I paused to look at him and knew I was right. “You knew what we were doing and what he would do to us.”

  “Yes and no,” he began. “I knew you were working on something other than what he had asked you to, but I didn’t know what. I couldn’t fully understand your notes. I guessed what his reaction would be though, he doesn’t like to think he’s not in control, but I hoped. I hoped you had found a way out of this.” He sighed. “I’m sorry Hayln, I should have stopped you.”

  I didn’t speak for a moment trying to get my thoughts together.

  “Dad’s right Tyler, this isn’t your fault, and we probably would have still tried anyway.”

  “I just wished it worked. What you both created Hayln was truly phenomenal.”

  I looked at Dad now knowing what was ahead of us, but knowing I couldn’t do it – not yet.

  “I can’t deal with this yet Dad, not with Zeke upstairs, and I don’t know what’s happening.”

  “I know Hayln, but I don’t think we have much choice. Just stay there and I will start. Hopefully that will be enough for now.”

  I curled into a ball on the chair, wrapping my arms around my legs, and listened for any sounds of Zeke upstairs. I couldn’t hear anything, and I started to get even more worried. Finally, I heard footsteps entering the lab and turned to see who it was. I was disappointed to see Davis.

  “Spencer has left for the day, but I have instructions to make sure you are both working down here. So get up.”

  He was watching me with a smug superior look in his eye – I wanted to smack it off his face. Then Tyler spoke before I could.

  “Davis, I think we should let her go to check on Zeke.”

  “He’s alive, he doesn’t need babying,” he spat out angrily.

  “I know, but until she sees him for herself, I doubt we will get anything productive from her. Just a few minutes.”

  He seemed to give up, but I am sure it wasn’t for my benefit. Perhaps he knew Tyler was right or perhaps he wanted me to see Zeke so I would know just what he was capable of. He signaled for me to go upstairs. I went to thank Tyler, but he had already turned back towards Dad. I took a deep breath and went up.

  They had him on the lounge, he looked pale but not as terrible as I expected. I stood behind Emin and Mum who were working on him, they hadn’t noticed I was there. His face was only lightly bruised with blood coming from his nose. I could tell there had been more blood, but it had been wiped away, in a rush to check for injuries I suppose. Then I saw his chest and fell to my knees once again. His torso was covered in the worst bruises I had ever seen. Almost every inch of him had blood under his skin or was black and blue.

  “It’s all right Hayln,” Emin reassured me. “He will be okay I promise, Mum is taking good care of him.”

  I looked at Zeke’s face, he didn’t register we were here – he seemed to be unconscious.

  “What wrong with him?” I asked as I crawled over to his side putting his hand gently in mine. Even his hand was swollen, I imagined he had been protecting his face with it, then shuddered at the thought.

  “He’s unconscious at the moment, which is probably a good thing until we patch him up, but his vital signs are clear. It’s just his bodies was of dealing with the trauma,” Mum responded.

  “We need more ice Emin,” Mum ordered before she continued. Emin left the room.

  “I think he has fractured at least one rib, which is what I am taping now. The rest is just bruising. Painful of course, but superficial more than anything. The tops of his legs are the same.”

  I rested my head on his arm and brushed the hair out of his eyes.

  “We are lucky he is so fit and strong, I doubt anyone besides Emin could have taken a beating like that so well.”

  “When will he wake up?” I whispered, I was desperate see his eyes open.

  “When he’s ready, it is best that he rests at the moment. I will let you know as soon as he wakes, I promise.”

  I looked at her kind eyes and then noticed as she glanced behind me. Davis was there ready to drag me back to the lab. “Time’s up.”

  I didn’t argue because I wanted to be able to come back when he woke. I kissed his hand and forehead and whispered in his ear that I loved him. I hoped he would know I was here and that I was sorry this had happened to him. Emin came back with more ice and towels.

  “Take care of him,” I whispered wiping a tear from my eye.

  “You know we will,” he said empathizing with me.

I nodded and walked with Davis silently returning to the lab. As we passed Ian I thought I sensed some remorse in his eyes, but I could have been wrong.

  I paced around in the lab not being able to concentrate on anything except Zeke.

  “How is he?” Tyler asked after a moment.

  I stopped walking and put my hands on the bench for support.

  “At least one fractured rib Mum thinks and the bruising is horrible over his chest and the top of his legs too apparently. He is unconscious – although Mum doesn’t seem worried about that. She said she would let me know when he wakes.”

  “He’ll be fine Hayln, your mother will take good care of him, you know that,” Dad reminded me.

  “I know, I suppose I’m still in shock. He shouldn’t even be here, and he didn’t deserve that.”

  No one said anything for a few minutes, and then Tyler reminded me that I should at least try to look busy. I agreed and started making some pretend notes on Dad’s pretend experiment he was doing. After an hour or so, Emin came down to the lab with some food.

  “He’s still under,” he said before anyone could ask.

  “Mum is with him, she asked me to make lunch.” He looked glumly at his offering. “This is all I could manage, I hope he wakes up before dinner.”

  I know this was his attempt at humor, but it just made me more worried about how long is too long to be unconscious.

  “Should we be worried – I mean how long should it take?” I asked desperately.

  “Mum hasn’t left his side, she’s monitoring his vital signs. She will let us know if there is reason to be concerned,” Emin assured me. “We’ll let you know though Hayl’s, I promise.”

  “Thank you,” I said weakly reaching for some food.

  Minutes and hours past whilst we played our roles in the lab. Dad working tirelessly, I was taking notes and Tyler checking our progress periodically. My thoughts were always upstairs with Zeke. Every minute he didn’t wake made me more fraught with worry.

  Late afternoon Emin bounded down the stairs with the news I had been waiting for - Zeke had woken. I looked to Tyler who seemed to give me permission to go see him, although I wasn’t sure if Davis would be so accommodating. I was relieved to see he wasn’t waiting for me when Emin pulled me to the stairs to our bedrooms rather than the lounge.

  “What’s going on?” I asked anxiously.

  “He’s not in the lounge anymore,” he explained. “Ian and I took him upstairs to his room – we thought he would be more comfortable.”

  “Is he alright?”

  “Mum had to give him some painkillers, but he will pull through. I thought I’d better get you up here before dozes off. I think it was pretty painful for him when we moved him up here.”

  “Why couldn’t we have left him there – we shouldn’t add to his pain.”

  Emin’s voice lowered. “If we are to have a meeting tonight, we need him in his room.”

  Of course, I thought to myself stupidly, I am glad Emin was thinking for all of us.

  “Mum made me change his clothes, I’m not sure how long that will take to erase from my memory,” he said shaking his head. “We’re lucky they didn’t hurt his face too, or that would have been a dead giveaway tonight.”

  We were at his door now, and I noticed that Emin looked thoughtful. “I’m sorry I have given you two such a hard time Hayl’s, I can see now what you mean to each other.”

  “You were just protecting me,” I assured him.

  “I’m not saying the kissing and stuff won’t bother me, but I promise to behave.”

  I laughed a little, “thank you.”

  He left me in the hallway, giving us some privacy. I knocked lightly and walked into the room. Zeke’s eyes were shut, but there was still a sign of pain on his face. I walked to the bed and sat on the edge not wanting to disturb him. But he stirred immediately and happiness flew through me to see the emerald of his eyes again.

  “Hayln,” he croaked.

  “I’m here, but try not to talk if it hurts alright,” I said holding his hand.

  “It’s fine really, I’m just happy to see you.”

  I smiled, but my smile quickly turned to guilt, and I let go of his hand. “I'm so sorry Zeke, this never would have happened if it wasn’t for me – I will never forgive myself.”

  He tried to sit up, but I stopped him.

  “You have nothing to apologize for Hayln, besides I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I’m just glad he did this to me and not you.”

  I shook my head to disagree, tears filled my eyes, the last thing I wanted to hear was that he did this for me.

  “Hey, no tears okay. Besides, shouldn’t I be getting all the attention here? I was hoping you might be here to nurse me back to health. It was a little scary with your brother in here earlier.”

  “You’re unbelievable,” I said kissing his hand.

  “How about you come up here and do that,” he said playfully.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” I insisted, although there would be nothing I would rather do.

  “Your Mum has found some wonderful drug to take my pain away leaving me perfectly capable of accepting your kisses, and whatever else you may like to do with me.”

  I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm, but I wasn’t about to deny him. I leaned over him as carefully as I could, trying not to put any weight on him.

  Kissing him again was heavenly, especially after the day we had. He reached up to help keep my hair from falling forward and then his hands traced down my shoulder - then he stopped kissing me.

  “Are you alright?” I said panicked. I surveyed him, I was sure I hadn’t leant anywhere I wasn’t meant to. I looked back at him for some answers only to find the most playful smile spread broadly across his face.


  “And here I was thinking I might never get to see this,” he said playing with my yellow lace bra strap.

  I realized then what he was talking about and smiled too.

  “It was meant to bring us luck – so much for that idea,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t be too quick to judge, from here I’m feeling very lucky.”

  I was still laughing as he pulled me towards him with more force than I thought he could handle, but I didn’t refuse. I lay with him on my side, and he mirrored my position without complaint. He pulled me closer again, my lips were urgent but so were his and when our tongues touched a new wave of desire crushed over me. Without thinking, I wrapped my leg around his closing the small gap that was between us. If it hurt him, he didn’t say.

  His hand found its way into my shirt and was tracing patterns on my back playing with the bra. I suddenly felt dizzy, I had never wanted anything so much, which is of course when his kisses slowed. I sighed, and I am sure he knew what I was thinking.

  “I wasn’t ready for that to end,” I whispered in his ear.

  “Believe me, I know,” he said. “I want to be with you more than anything, but not like this.”

  “You’re in pain?” I said leaning back, worried that my desire to be with him might have hurt him.

  “Hardly Hayln, pain was the last thing I felt.”

  I looked at him a little confused. His eyes flicked to the camera which I had totally forgotten about. I suddenly hoped my family weren’t in the lounge room.

  “I want everything to be perfect when we are together Hayln,” he explained.

  “And dosed on painkillers after a beating, while being watched on camera with your family downstairs hardly fits that picture. No matter how perfect you look at this moment.” His hand was now warm cupping my face.

  I'm sure I blushed, but I hardly noticed. All I could think of is that he wanted me the same way I wanted him – I was blissfully happy.

  “Maybe you should get some rest,” I suggested.

  “Would you stay?” He asked, his emerald eyes trapping me.

  “I’ll just go down to let them know,” I promised, holding his hand. “Do you need me to bring anything

  “No, you will do just nicely,” he said as he settled back into his bed.

  I made my way downstairs wondering how many of them saw our display. Davis and Ian obviously, but hopefully no one else. I was glad to see Mum and Emin both in the kitchen neither seemed aware anything had happened.

  “How is he?” Mum asked.

  “Tired, I think, although he would like me to stay with him. Do you think that would be alright?”

  “I will talk to Ian if there are any problems,” Mum said confidently.

  “Thanks, I might take some water too I think,” I said grabbing the jug and some glasses.

  “That’s a good idea, I’ll bring dinner up soon,” Mum said as I left the kitchen.

  I had just about gotten to the stairs when I heard Davis’s voice.

  “Needed some water to cool off did you?”

  I knew he would have to say something. Well, it could have been worse I suppose. I ignored him and went to Zeke’s room. He was already asleep when I got there so I just pulled the covers up over his wounds and sat across from him in a chair, happy just to watch him sleep.


  I spent most of the night in Zeke’s room, feeding him the soup Mum had made us and watching him sleep. I had only been in my room for about two hours when Emin woke me for our meeting. Tonight we met in Zeke’s room as he refused to miss out on what was happening and we refused to let him move. Because there was no sound proofing, we had to be more careful than usual.

  We all accepted that we had no other choice than to produce the chemical strain that Spencer wanted. In fact, I was pretty confident it wouldn’t be that difficult considering what we had discovered in the last day or so. Dad was suddenly distraught.

  “You are not to be involved Hayln,” he said shaking his head. “It’s one thing to have you all caught up in this, but I will not have the creation of this strain on your head. You have to be in the lab, but you will have to find something else to keep you occupied. I will not let you work on this.”


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