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Inspiration Point

Page 19

by M. A Casey

  “I promise,” I said starting to feel a little awkward.

  She started to head down the stairs. “He’s doing well, by the way, he should be able to get up, and about this afternoon if he is careful.”

  “That’s good news,” then I remembered what he would have been doing this morning. “How did the shower go?”

  “Emin is still is his room, trying to block the memory out I think he said.”

  I couldn’t help but smile – I genuinely wished I could've seen it. Still smiling I quietly opened Zeke’s door in case he was resting but he was sitting up waiting for me. Mum must have just been here retaping his ribs because his shirt was off. Even with the bruises and tape on one side of his chest – he still looked phenomenal. His chest was even more defined than his shirts let on. I took a breath to steady myself before he noticed me drooling.

  “Did you hear me in the hallway?” I asked a little nervously as I thought about what Mum and I had been talking about.

  “Just voices, but I knew it would be you. Why what's was going on?” He asked innocently, obviously not noticing me stare at his body.

  I have never lied to Zeke before, but I wasn’t ready to tell him I’d been talking to my mother about having safe sex with him, so I brushed it off. “I was just filling Mum in on what’s been happening in the lab.” Still true I thought to myself.

  As we ate lunch, I told him about my conversation with Tyler, about his abilities, and that I may share a few of them. He didn’t seem fazed about it, which I was definitely relieved about.

  “What about what you were working on, any progress?” He asked.

  “Yeah I had a good morning, although I’ve had another idea that I am working on now, but I am still trying find the inspiration point.”

  “The what?” He asked.

  “The inspiration point, it’s what Dad calls the moment your vision becomes clear, and you know how to achieve what you are trying to do.”

  “Maybe I could inspire you?” He said with a sneaky grin and those emerald glowing eyes that I get lost in.

  “You do inspire me, although I’m not sure that’s what my Dad had in mind.”

  “Or you mother,” he said quickly.

  “Why do you say that?” He must have heard us talking in the hall.

  “When she was in here earlier she had a talk to me about us and making sure we take it slowly and safely.” He exaggerated the last word so I knew the meaning. Although it wasn’t required as she had given me the same talk, only he didn’t know it.

  “She said the same to me.”

  Zeke’s beautiful eyes trapped me, and without having to say anything, I told him the rest of the story.

  “I’ve learnt that part of my new abilities is that my feelings are enhanced as well. They're still my feelings, but I feel them more intensely, especially when I am sure about something.”

  “Or someone?” He whispered as he reached for my hand I nodded suddenly feeling breathless again.

  “Well I like the sound of that,” he said pulling me closer to him. “What about touch, do you think that feels different because of your abilities?”

  I closed my eyes to tried and recover my brain that was suddenly gone again. “I suppose so, but I have nothing to gauge it off – I mean I have always been this way.”

  “Well, why don’t you describe to me what it feels like, when I do this.” He drew closer to me so his lips brushed lightly on mine, teasing me with a kiss but not allowing me one.

  “I, I don’t think I can,” I said, and it was true, I could barely breathe I wanted him so badly.

  He moved his mouth to my neck and kissed me gently. “Well then, how about I tell you what I feel and you can compare that way.”

  I nodded still not capable of much more and then he looked into my eyes as he spoke to me slowly.

  “When I’m this close to you, it feels like every nerve ending in my body is pulsing.” He traced his fingers from my shoulders down to the palm of my hand. “And when I touch you, the heat I experience in my body, makes me feel more alive than I ever thought possible.” He paused, but neither of us moved or breathed for that matter. “And right now, there is nothing more I want in this whole world than to feel your lips on mine.”

  So that’s what we did. The heat and the electricity between us were just as powerful as the passion and love I felt for him. His body was warm under my fingertips. My mind raced forward thinking of all the things I would like to do - we seriously needed some alone time. I was catching my breath from his kiss when he asked me how that compared to what I felt.

  I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “It sounds exactly like how I feel, every part of it,” I told him honestly.

  “Well that’s good I wouldn’t want to be missing out on something,” he teased. “Now could you help me get my shirt on?”

  “Are you going somewhere?” I enquired.

  “Yes, I’m going for a walk downstairs, your Mum said I could after lunch. Would you like to escort me?”

  “Are you sure we don’t need Emin, I mean are you strong enough?” I said looking at his chest again.

  “I’m fine Hayl’s, besides I think Emin still needs his space after our shower scene this morning.”

  “It sounds like you had more fun with that than you should of – poor Emin.” I said shaking my head as I stood up to look for his shirt. Then I saw it folded on the dresser. If I was alone, I probably would have inhaled his scent from the shirt, but I controlled myself in his presence.

  “Here you go,” I said as I passed him his shirt. When we touched we got a little zap of static electricity.

  “Wow,” he said smiling at me casually. “I always knew there was electricity between us.”

  That’s when it hit me. My inspiration point. I knew what I wanted to do, and, I knew how to achieve it. I just had to get to the lab.

  “The joke wasn’t that bad,” Zeke said looking at my expression.

  “It’s not that Zeke,” I said giving him a big kiss. “You’re brilliant you know.”

  “Thanks Hayl’s, but I really have no idea what you are talking about,” he said looking very confused. I helped put his shirt back on being careful not to hurt him.

  “I just had my inspiration point Zeke, thanks to you. I know what to do, but I have to go to the lab. Can I get Emin to help you?”

  “Yeah sure Hayl’s, you go and be brilliant I’ll be fine,” he said smiling, his eyes full of love.

  I smiled back at him and quickly left the room not wanting to move too fast in case I drew attention to myself. I knocked on Emin’s door and told him Zeke needed help to get downstairs. I didn’t wait to hear his response, I didn’t have time, and I needed to get to the lab. I quickly, but cautiously headed down stairs. Tyler was still sketching, and Dad was concentrating on his DNA strain. I decided to work on this alone for now. If everything went how I planned it would, I would talk it over with my family tonight.

  Change of Plan

  Neither of the boys paid me much attention as I went about my experiments. And with each one, I got closer to my goal, this could actually work I thought to myself. I methodically proceeded with the rest of my tests and by the end of the day I was ready for the next step. But before I could do that I needed to talk to my family.

  I packed up my work for the day and put my notes in the safe. I walked over to Tyler who had been watching me without asking any questions. He was packing up too. I decided it might be best if I diverted the attention from me for a moment.

  “How did you go with the drawing?” I asked.

  “Not bad I think. Would you like to see?” He sounded excited.

  “Absolutely,” I said, happy he wasn’t asking about my behavior this afternoon.

  He pulled his folder back out and found his drawing. He looked at it again before handing it to me, looking a little nervous. I reached out to take it, and was speechless for two reasons. Firstly because I couldn’t believe how good it was – although good wasn�
�t the right word. He was talented - truly talented, as if he had been sketching for years. The second reason I hadn’t said anything was because the drawing was of me.

  He drew me sitting across from him at the desk, concentrating on my work. My face was happy and peaceful which made me think he drew that part from memory. My hair hung down with gentle curls, and I think I may have even looked a little curvier in the chest from his point of view - but I thought it best not to mention that.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything,” he sounded anxious.

  “Are you sure you haven’t been practicing, I mean is this really the first time you have done a portrait?”

  “You like it?” He questioned.

  “I love it Tyler, it’s unbelievable, and the detail is amazing, I can’t believe how talented you are. To have gone all this time and not realize that you’re an artist – a truly fantastic one is just crazy.”

  I honestly was taken aback by his talent, but I thought it best not to ask about his subject. I didn’t want to have that conversation just yet, I needed to work out how to get my family to support my idea. Tyler had been watching and must have misread my expression.

  “You will have more abilities too Hayln, we just need some time to figure them out, you’ll see.”

  “I just hope we get that chance,” I said honestly.

  “I’ll do everything I can to make sure we all get out this Hayln, I promise. You have to trust me.” I could see from his face he meant every word he was saying - which was good.

  “I might just take you up on that,” I said without explaining anything.

  “Is there something you would like me to do?” He looked at me intensely. “Something to do with what you were up to this afternoon?”

  Of course, it was too much to ask that he wouldn’t have noticed. But I thought I should use this opportunity to my advantage.

  “I can’t say anything about it until tomorrow. But it would be particularly handy to know more about Spencer, anyone who works for him, and anyone who would know about us.”

  Tyler nodded at my instructions when I thought of one more. “And if it's at all possible how much information he has on us and where he keeps it.”

  He threw his backpack over his shoulder and gave me another nod to say he understood.

  “One more thing Tyler,” I reached for him as he was about to leave the lab. “If it’s too dangerous for you, I don’t want you to do it okay. You have to promise me, you'll stay safe.”

  “Hayln, didn’t you listen to anything I said to you today. I am practically a super soldier – I will be fine.” Then he winked at me as he left the lab.

  I turned to see Dad watching me with a curious expression on his face.

  “Later,” I mouthed to him as I left the room.

  I went upstairs to the kitchen where Mum, Emin and Zeke were. They all stopped talking and watched me cautiously as I entered the room. Mum was dishing up dinner, and I took a plate and went to the table. When Ian came in, to collect their dinners, he stopped beside me.

  “Everything went well today Hayln?” He asked with a strange look on his face.

  “Yes thank you, Spencer should be pleased. Hopefully this will all be over in a couple of days,” I said politely.

  “I hope so too Hayln.” He said with honest concern is his voice, and then he went to the lounge.

  I looked at the faces of all my family including my Dad who had joined us now – they all looked guarded.

  Feeling uncomfortable, I ate quickly then took my plate to the sink and went outside. I found my way to the love seat on the verandah. The sun had just about set, and the evening was still warm. It was a peaceful place to relax and plan how I was going to tell my family what I had done. Obviously everybody including Davis and Ian knew I was up to something. That in itself gave me another problem. If my family did decide to agree with my change of plan, Davis and Ian would be watching us like hawks.

  “You okay Hayl’s?”

  I turned to see Zeke behind me his emerald eye’s full of concern. He moved slowly protecting his ribs and sat next to me. I instantly felt better with him beside me. He held his arm out for me, and I leaned into his chest – on his good side.

  “Did everything go alright in the lab?” He asked.

  “Perfect, which means we’ve got a big decision tonight,” I said softly.

  “Well your family is dying to find out what’s going on,” he said as he stroked my hair.

  “Yeah I got a bit carried away downstairs, even Ian knows something is up,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t worry about the henchmen, we can deal with them. I do think you need to relax a little though. We don’t want Spencer hanging around at the moment.”

  He was right of course, Spencer is the last person I needed around watching me. I snuggled further into Zeke arms happy to have him with me.

  “I don’t suppose you will tell me what’s happening?” He asked softly.

  “I think its best I tell you all at once – so I am afraid you will have to wait too,” I said smiling at him.

  “Did Tyler figure out what you were up to?”

  “He knows something is happening, but doesn’t know the details. I don’t want him in any more danger from Spencer.” He didn’t say anything but I could tell that he agreed with me. “I did ask him to find some information for me, about Spencer and this project though.”

  “Do you think he can, without raising suspicions?” He questioned.

  “Well, we’ll find out tomorrow, but we really are going to need as much information as possible for what I have in mind.”

  “Okay, not fair – if I can’t know what’s going on let’s talk about it later,” he joked with me. “I’m sure there are better things to do anyway, especially if you need to relax.”

  “Agreed, do you have anything in mind?” I teased.

  “Well since your parents can see us through the window I think we should keep it PG. How about we just sit out here for a while and talk, I am actually pretty tired, and I wouldn’t mind a nap before tonight’s meeting,” he said as he kissed my forehead.

  So we sat there talking about everything. He asked me about school, my mum and my abilities and I asked him about old girlfriends, college and Emin and Tasma. After talking for a couple of hours, I realized there was a chill in the air and thought I should probably get him inside so we could both get some rest before the meeting. I helped him up, and we made our way in when I thought of one more question for him.

  “What did you have planned for our first date the other day?”

  “We are still going to have our first date Hayln – I’ll make sure of it. And until then you will just have to wait and find out.”

  “Not even a hint?” I pleaded.

  “It’s annoying when someone has a secret isn’t it,” he teased.

  “You will know mine tonight though.” I argued as we went upstairs. I didn’t see any of my family on the way so I figured they must have gone to bed already.

  “Be patient Hayl’s,” Zeke said as he kissed my hand softly. I walked him to his room, and he stopped at the doorway.

  “Don’t you need some help to get into bed? You know I don’t mind helping you get changed,” I said grinning.

  “I think I might get a little distracted with your help,” his beautiful eyes were glowing at me. “Besides I can manage myself, but I will see you in a couple of hours, to hear your brilliant plan.”

  “I’ll be there,” I smiled back at him as he leaned in to kiss me.

  His strong arms wound around me, and I felt as if I was ready to face anything. This was perfect, considering what I was going to propose to my family in a few hours. I was still enjoying his warm kiss when we heard someone in the hall.

  “Mum wanted me to check if you needed a hand to get into bed – and apparently I am your personal nurse,” Emin grumbled.

  We both laughed but didn’t let go of each other. “Your off the hook tonight Emin, I’ll be fine.”
  “Thank God – well I’m off to bed,” Emin said and then turned to look at me. “And I will talk to you later.” And with that we all went to our rooms to get some sleep.

  Before going to sleep I lay in bed and went over how to tell my family my plan. I also tried to think of any objections they may have, and worked on my rebuttals. After about an hour, I was as prepared as I could be and I drifted to sleep.

  “Wake up Prodigy - it’s time to fess up,” Emin said softly as he woke me.

  “Coming,” I whispered rubbing my eyes hard to try to wake myself up quicker.

  He grabbed my arm before I could stand up. “Can you tell me one thing first?” I nodded and waited for his question. “Does your plan involve taking these wanker’s down and us living happily ever after?”

  I couldn’t help but smile, “Yes”

  “Well then I’m on your side no matter what. Come on they’re waiting,” he said.

  Dad, Mum and Zeke were already in Emin’s room, just as he said, and all eyes were on me as I entered. When no-one spoke, I figured they were waiting for me to start so I took a deep breath - may as well get this over and done with.

  “So I suppose you all want to know what happened this afternoon?”

  “Of course, we do – hurry up and just tell us,” Emin urged.

  “Alright, well for a while now I have been working with human brain cells and one of the areas I was focused on was restoring memories. It was just something I was doing here at home. When Dad said I couldn’t help him today, I thought I would do some work on my project. The composition of Dad’s DNA strain gave me a lot of new ideas.” I could see they were getting frustrated with my long winded explanation, but I felt I needed to tell them the whole story.

  “Anyway while I was working on it today I was talking to Tyler about his abilities and the future and he said something that gave me an idea. He said he wished he could forget all about this mess we are in.”

  “So you’ve invented a time machine or something have you?” Emin joked. I glared at him because he said he would be on my side tonight.


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