Book Read Free

Inspiration Point

Page 23

by M. A Casey

  I read over the procedure a number of times, double checking the details of the anesthetic with Dad, and going over the amounts of serum to use. With Spencer’s memories being the most ingrained his procedure would be the most difficult and the most crucial. I then started triple checking all of the equipment to monitor their progress during the procedure, and I was left wondering if there was anything else I could do.

  “We’re ready for this Hayln,” Dad reassured me. I took a deep breath and hoped he was right.

  Moments later Tyler came down the stairs looking exhausted but happy. He dropped his bag by the window and came over to talk to us.

  “How was your B&E mission? I asked curiously.

  ‘Not bad,” he said putting Dad’s keys on the bench. “It took a little longer waiting for the night guards to leave Professor Gregor’s section, but I got it. Zeke’s car is parked around the corner when we are ready.”

  “Did you get any sleep at all, you look like hell?” I commented.

  “Thanks Hayl’s that makes me feel much better. I suppose I got just over three hours, but I will be fine.”

  “Well Spencer’s not here until two so it might be a good chance to catch up on your sleep. We need you at your supernatural best today.” He scoffed at the use of the word supernatural, but he went to the window seat and settled in. Just then I remembered I wanted to ask him about Davis and Ian.

  “Before you doze off, could I pick your brain for a moment?” I asked, sitting next to him.

  “Go ahead,” he encouraged me.

  “I wanted to know what you know about Davis and Ian. I just want to prepare myself for when I give them new memories,” I explained.

  “Okay,” he said yawning. “Ian I don’t know too much about except he was hired by Davis a couple of days before the benefit. He lives around here and is a bit of a tech-head. I think he keeps to himself mostly, doing a bit of work here and there, but he only took this job because he needed the money.”

  “Davis has been around a little longer, but only by a few weeks. Spencer had him as a contact from his government days. Davis was discharged from the military a few years ago for insubordination. I am not sure where he lives Hayl’s,” he said as he stretched.

  “That’s okay, I expect he will have his license on him, I can check on that,” I said. “What else do you know?”

  “He has a sister, I have heard him talk to her on the phone. She doesn’t know what’s going on, he told her he's a bodyguard. That’s about it Hayl’s, does that help?” He said yawning again.

  “Yeah it does, thanks Tyler. I’ll let you get your beauty sleep now.”

  He chucked to himself as he tried to get as comfortable as he could in the chair. When I turned to look at him a few minutes later, I was surprised how quickly he went to sleep. I sat down and made some notes for myself to use during the procedure.

  Mum came downstairs looking more worried than I had seen her in days. This situation was taking its toll on all of us. But this is the first time I have noticed my mother with any visible signs.

  “Is everything alright Evelyn?” Dad questioned. He didn’t seem anxious about her mood.

  “I’ll be glad when this is over, and we are all safe,” Mum said with her hand on my shoulder.

  With both of them in the lab and Tyler sound asleep, this was the perfect opportunity to go over a few things I had been putting off. “I actually wanted to talk to you both before Spencer arrives… about Plan B.” Dad made a resigned sigh, I guess he knew this was coming. Mum, on the other hand, had gone pale.

  “If this doesn’t go well today I have to go with Spencer, it’s the only option we’ll have left. He will be pretty pissed off that we tried to trick him, but I'll make a deal with him that none of you are to be harmed in any way.”

  I was expecting an argument from at least one of my parents, but I didn’t get one. They were both silent watching me.

  “You’re mother and I spoke about it this morning Hayln, and unfortunately, I think you are right. It’s the only way to keep everyone safe until we can figure a way to get you and Tyler away from Spencer,” Dad said slowly.

  Mum reached out to put her hand on the side of my face. “It wouldn’t be for long Hayln, and we won’t stop until we get you back,” she said as a tear escaped her eye. “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” she said burying her face in her hands. “I feel sick at the thought.”

  “Let’s not worry about all that just yet okay,” I reassured her. “But I’m glad we are on the same page.”

  “The boys might be a little harder to convince,” Dad said.

  I agreed with him and knew I had to talk to them next. “That’s my next job actually, wish me luck.”

  “You’ll need it,” Mum said weakly.

  I gave them both a hug as I left the lab. No matter how I felt about having to leave with Spencer I had to stay composed in front of my family. If the worst case scenario happens I can break down later, when I am alone.

  The boys were in the backyard, playing cards. They must be thoroughly bored because Emin hates playing cards. I sat next to them and watched them play a few hands, Zeke was winning. I was playing with a strand of my hair when Emin noticed my brooding.

  “Spit it out Hayl’s, what’s bothering you.”

  I didn’t even try to deny it, they both knew me too well. “I need you both to promise me something,” I said slowly.

  “You know we will do anything to help Hayl’s,” Zeke answered quickly. He was worried about me, I could see it in his face – I had to pull it together.

  “Wait a minute Zeke, I want to hear what it is before I promise anything,” Emin said calmly.

  Zeke looked a little shocked at Emin’s response, but I knew he knew where I was heading with this.

  “If things don’t pan out this afternoon, you have to stay calm and let me go,” I said looking at both of them.

  “With Spencer!” Zeke sounded shocked.

  “Yes with Spencer, I have spoken to Mum and Dad and they agree that it is the only way for everyone to stay safe until we can figure something else out. It won’t be for long, and I will be taken care of.”

  “Hayln, I don’t know if I can promise you that,” Emin said looked at his cards considering his words carefully. “I know how he has treated Tyler and Aunt Maive over the past few years, and I don’t think I can willingly let him take you. No matter how short a time it might be for.”

  “I don’t want to go either Emin, but we are out of options and you know it. I wouldn’t be considering it otherwise. He will be pissed when he finds out what we have been doing, and it's the only way no-one will get hurt.”

  “It will work Hayl’s,” Zeke said. “You’re brilliant, and I saw Patch, I am sure it will work. We don’t need to worry about this.” He reached for my hand, but I knew I needed them both to promise not to do anything stupid before I could let this go.

  “I think it will work too, but I can’t go into this, this afternoon worrying about you two. If I think you are going to put yourselves in danger or there is a possibility anyone I love will get hurt, I won’t be able to think straight.”

  Nobody said anything for a while and I wasn’t going to break the silence. There weren’t any other options, and they both had to realize it.

  “I promise, nothing stupid,” Zeke said to me. “It doesn’t matter because it is going to work anyway, but I want you to know whatever happens I won’t do anything stupid.”

  That was good enough for me, I turned to look at Emin who looked deflated.

  “Mum and Dad will need you Emin. If I have to go, you have to help them find a way to get to Tyler and me,” I pleaded with him.

  “Like Zeke said, this will work Hayl’s, but you have my word – nothing stupid.”

  “Thank you,” I said to both of them. I stayed for a while and played a few rounds of cards trying to pass some time. At least it made Emin smile, he was finally beating someone. I checked my watch and sighed it was nearly
twelve – just over two hours to go.

  I went inside and made a quiche for lunch. By the time I was finished and we had eaten, it was just after one o’clock. I thought it might be best for everyone to be in the lab when Spencer arrives so we all went downstairs.

  Everyone looked nervous, there wasn’t much time left, we had to pull this together. If Spencer thought there was something going on, we wouldn’t stand a chance. Dad gave the boys a syringe each explaining that it would be easiest to inject them into the men’s necks. They concealed them up their sleeves in their watch bands.

  Officially, we were ready to go, only waiting on Spencer to arrive. But looking at the faces of my family I prepared myself for a pep talk.

  “We will never be able to pull this off, not with all the nervous tension in the room. Spencer or Davis will walk in here and smell a rat immediately.” I sounded way too frustrated to be motivational.

  “She’s right,” Tyler chimed in. “I have spoken to Spencer over the last day or so, and he doesn’t suspect anything, but we can’t give him any reason to.”

  “Okay, so we just need to all calm down, we have been over this. Everyone just stay relaxed until Dad gives you the sign, and then sedate them as quickly as possible. Once there out, Dad and I can handle the rest, it’s all going to go to plan. There are no other options, and I love you all too much for this to be stuffed up now. So are we okay?” I checked all their faces and once getting over my little rant they all relaxed into playing their parts as Davis came downstairs.

  “What’s going on down here?” He said as he glared at everyone in the room.

  “What does it look like, we are waiting for Spencer,” Emin shot back in his sarcastic tone.

  “There is no need for everyone to be down here - especially you,” Davis growled back at Emin.

  “I would prefer my family to stay if that’s it alright,” Dad said calmly in an even voice. “I had already mentioned it to Tyler. It’s just I am not sure what will happen after we show Spencer the new strain and I would rather spend this time with my family around me, if that’s not too much trouble.” He looked exhausted which worked in his favor. Davis seemed to take delight in the fact that we had all realized our time together was limited. He shrugged and looked at Tyler.

  “If they give you any trouble just give us a yell, we’ll still be watching. He’s right about one thing, this is nearly over, and I don’t want any trouble now.”

  Tyler gave him an official nod and Davis left the room. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  “That was probably our last chance, we can’t afford to give anything else away,” Dad said solemnly. “Look I know we are all here from my mistakes, and I promise you, I am more than sorry about that. But Hayln’s given us a chance to put the past behind us once and for all – for every one of us. I know it will work, and I know we can do it together.” He held Mum’s hand and looked each of us. “I owe you all a much better life than what I have provided you, and I hope when we get through this you’ll all give me the chance to change that.”

  I smiled at my father, and saw the same man who had always been there for me no matter what I needed all my life, just like he is now. It doesn’t matter how I was created, or how the past played out, all that matters is the next few hours. If I can just get through it, I might have a chance at a happy family, best friend, and it looks like a boyfriend. Hell, what was I waiting for?

  After Dad’s words, the mood had changed for all of us. The boys looked confident and ready for what was to come, as was I. I looked over to Mum who was trying to share a somewhat private moment with Dad. She had a warm and happy look in her eyes, and it was reflected in Dad’s eyes to. I snuck a look at Emin, and he had noticed them as well. Maybe there was hope for our family after all.

  We quickly checked over all our equipment, even though there was no real need to, we were ready for this. Dad had taken his work on the DNA strain out to help with our illusion for Spencer. After a few more minutes, we all heard voices from upstairs. I looked at my watch, it was nearly two. This was it. I turned to look at all my loved ones, no words were spoken, but everyone knew our moment had arrived. Zeke was the only one who moved from where he was standing. He walked straight to me and held my face between his warm hands. My heart was racing with the look in his eyes.

  “We ready Hayl’s, we can do this,” he said looking confident and powerful, and I knew he was right. “I love you Hayln Michelle Knox,” he said as he kissed me like there was no-one else in the room. Like always our kisses never lasted long enough, but as I looked into his eye’s I knew we would have our moment soon.

  “I’m ready,” I said to everyone, and we took our places.

  Within seconds, all three men were coming down the stairs, Davis first then Spencer and Ian. Davis surveyed the room and stood between Tyler and Spencer just were we wanted him.

  “Davis tells me, you want all your family here for this Knox,” Spencer said looking around at all of us.

  “That’s right Spencer, I won’t be apart from them now. Not when there is so little time left.” He spoke confidently which seemed to amuse Spencer.

  “Things don’t have to be so dramatic Ethan,” Spencer said shifting his gaze to me. “Didn’t Hayln tell you about my offer?”

  I was kind of hoping that this wouldn’t have come up yet in case I needed a bargaining chip later. But I wasn’t going to argue with him now.

  “I have spoken to my family,” I said watching everyone carefully.

  “And, how was it received?” He said smugly, as if I had a real choice.

  “They weren’t keen on the idea actually.”

  “You did promise to take my offer seriously,” he spoke gravely trying to convey a message to me without words. The message was - your family is in danger.

  “I did, and that’s why I’ll agree to come with you on a couple of conditions,” I said cautiously.

  “Conditions?” Spencer questioned.

  “Yes, I need your word that no-one here will be hurt now or in the future. And I would like you to keep your word that I can have visitors while I am with you.”

  “Of course Hayln, like I said, I am not a cruel man,” he said with a slight smile.

  “Then it’s settled, I will go with you tonight as long as you are happy with our work here.”

  “No Hayln, you can’t agree to this,” Zeke moved forward quickly towards Spencer. I wasn’t worried, I could tell by the way he moved he wasn’t trying to start trouble - he was putting himself into position. I grabbed his arm going along with our charade.

  “Zeke we spoke about this, it will be alright, I promise.”

  He followed my lead and now stood next to Spencer who was his mark. This left Tyler with Davis and Emin next to Ian. We were in position.

  “I am sorry about that Spencer,” I said sheepishly wanting him to believe he was in control of this situation, and that I knew he was the boss.

  “No need to apologize, Hayln. I can still remember what it is like to be in love,” he said arrogantly. I tried my best to ignore how painful this man was and looked at Dad. I wanted to get this show on the road.

  Spencer seemed anxious for the same thing. “Well I guess this is the moment of truth Knox, are you ready to show me my DNA strain.” The look on Spencer’s face made me angry. It was pure greed and exploitation.

  “I’m ready, are you Hayln?” Dad questioned looking at me. That was our signal, I only had to say two words, and all hell would break loose.

  “I’m ready,” I said a little breathless. I sent a quick prayer that this would work out and then everything happened at once.

  The three boys moved simultaneously with their syringes. Emin was first with Ian. He wasn’t paying attention, and he went down easily without much of a struggle.

  At the same time, Zeke had Spencer in a headlock. He actually had a little more fight in him that I expected, and for a quick second, I thought maybe he should have been Emin’s mark. Zeke was still healin
g from his injuries. A few seconds later Zeke had him under control. And as he slipped into unconsciousness he mumbled something about regretting what we were doing and then he was out.

  That left Davis, he was always going to be the problem even with Tyler’s extra strength. He was just so quick. He already had his gun drawn before I gave the signal – maybe he anticipated something.

  Tyler was struggling with him as Ian and Spencer went down. Emin went to Tyler’s side to help and grabbed the syringe, but Davis had his gun still pointed at us. I am not sure how I knew, but all of a sudden I could see that the bullet was going to leave his gun, and I could see the trajectory. I moved quickly but not quick enough. As Emin stuck the syringe in his neck Davis fired his gun.

  I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the path of the bullet. I wasn’t sure whether I had been quick enough, but I hoped it would have at least missed her heart, which was where it was going.

  Everything had only taken about twenty seconds, and I don’t remember hearing anything but the gun, but after those twenty seconds, four people were lying on the floor in the lab and my mother was one of them, and then I saw the blood.


  “Mum,” I screamed trying to see where the bullet had hit her.

  “I’m alright Hayln,” she spoke softly, but I could see the pain in her face. “It’s my shoulder.” She tried to move, but Dad and Emin were at her side now keeping her still.

  “I need everyone to listen to me,” Dad’s voice beckoned across the room.

  “Tyler go get Zeke’s car, we need the equipment here now. We only have just enough anesthetic, so we can’t wait. Call Maive on the way and have her come here as well. Now go!” Tyler ran to the stairs and was gone.

  “Zeke do you have any painkillers left?” Dad said as he put pressure on Mum’s wound.

  “Yes, in the bedroom I will go get it,” he said and he disappeared to.

  “Evelyn I can’t sedate you, do you understand,” he cupped her face bringing her eyes up to meet his. “Zeke is bringing pain killers, and then I will have to remove the bullet,” Dad explained to her.


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