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Exposed: An Anthology

Page 141

by Brooke Cumberland

  “And here I thought you just wanted me for sex.” Her eyes swam with amusement.

  “I want that too.” My lips curved in a cocky smile. “You sure you want to marry me? I’m a demanding, controlling, asshole.”

  “Those things should scare me, but they don’t. Because you’re a demanding, controlling, loving asshole. And you make mean pancakes.” She squeezed my ass cheek through the dark dress pants.

  “You don’t just want me for sex?” My lips curved down into a pout.

  “Oh, I definitely want that.” She slithered her body up against mine, driving me nuts, just like always.

  “Can we just skip to the wedding night?” I groaned as I nuzzled my nose into the soft skin at her neck, inhaling her scent.

  “And miss seeing you all handsome in a monkey suit? Not a chance.” She threaded her fingers through my hair and soothed the nerves from my system.

  “Does that mean we get to have wild monkey sex, later?” I murmured against her skin.

  “I look forward to it.” She tugged on my tie and kissed the corner of my mouth.

  I wasn’t nervous to marry her. On the contrary, it’d been six months since the ordeal at the lighthouse, and it was the soonest I could convince her to marry me. When I’d told her on New Years that I’d be asking her a question soon, I’d meant it.

  I’d asked her a month later.

  As soon as I’d left the hospital, I’d set the wheels in motion to move her into my life, put a ring on her finger, get her out of that cabin on the coast, and with me, where she belonged.

  “Come on, Lane.” Ridge banged on the door.

  “Fuck, I guess it’s time,” I muttered.

  “Don’t act so surly. You’re the one that practically dragged me here.” She placed a soft kiss at the corner of my lips.

  “I just hate this fucking suit. And standing up in front of people,” I growled as I tugged on the tie again.

  “Only for a few minutes, then some pictures, and you can take it off for the reception.”

  “Kay.” I dipped my head and pressed her lips to mine in a kiss. I thrust my tongue in her mouth, tasting her, and reminding her that she was mine. For-fucking-ever. “See you in a few, Sugar.”

  She rolled her eyes but the happiness that sparkled there was unmistakable. I stood for a long moment, taking her in, thinking how fucking lucky I’d been to find her. And how fucking lucky that she’s said yes.


  I held Kat in my arms as we swayed on the dance floor. The wedding had gone off without a hitch, with most of the people I’d grown up with there to celebrate with us. The ceremony and reception were outside, in the park just off from the marina, right at the center where so much of our romance had played out. Now we stood swaying to a song that I’d never heard before, but one that Kat had insisted on. Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I indulged her, because she made me so fucking happy I owed her everything. Although now, as I listened to the words, I understood why she’d chosen it.

  She was my entire fucking heart and sometimes it did feel like the waves were crashing and the stars were falling all for us.

  I would never let her fall. I would be there for her forever.

  She was telling me through the lyrics that I would always be the one even if saving each other had nearly sent us to Heaven.

  The words tore through me, sent shockwaves straight to my heart. I’d almost lost her and the realization of that had haunted me for weeks after.

  I pulled her tighter against me, engulfed her with my body, scented her strawberry hair and reassured myself she was here, this was real, and we were each other’s forever.

  The song ended and another started.

  “Can I cut in?” a familiar voice asked.

  “Dad.” she murmured, surprise written across her face. Her dad had tried to keep in touch over the months since he’d left, but due to the circumstances surrounding that night, he’d had to stay away.

  Because Jeremy had had suspected ties to organized crime, James Bishop feared for his daughter’s safety in retaliation for Jeremy’s death. He’d expressed his concern to the FBI who’d been involved in the investigation. They’d agreed to release a statement that he’d died in the hospital from complications he’d suffered on the night of Jeremy’s death. The FBI then placed him in witness protection.

  We had no idea where he’d been, and he only called from burner phones once and a while. Tears always welled in Kat’s eyes when she spoke to him, and I knew it hurt that she’d only just gotten him back in her life and then he was gone again, after sacrificing everything for her.

  The FBI had offered us the option of witness protection too. I’d thought it was a good idea, at least something to consider, because no one knew how deep Jeremy had been in with the mob, but Kat had flat-out refused. She’d insisted that she loved it here; Maine was the only place that had ever felt like home to her and she was sick of running.

  Unbeknownst to her, I’d hired a private investigator in Chicago to keep tabs on the men that had connections to Jeremy Walsh. Organized crime syndicates cast a wide net and had connections nearly everywhere, but so far, no suspicious activity had come up. Perhaps they weren’t interested in us. Jeremy Walsh was dead. They’d moved on, much like we had. I didn’t now how long I’d keep the PI on the payroll, until I felt safe I guess. But in the meantime, he stayed.

  Kat had also been seeing a counselor, not only to help her deal with those horrific three days when her ex had taken her, but also to help her move forward. What it meant to have a healthy relationship. How to shed the fear and insecurity she carried so we could start fresh. She came home from her appointment each week with some new couple’s exercise that I never ceased giving her shit for, but I secretly fucking loved it. I loved learning more about her, sharing with her, opening up to her. But I couldn’t let her see how soft I’d gone, so I gave her hell every time.

  I watched her dad hold her delicately in his arms. He’d told me that he was going to try to make it to the wedding, but if he did it would be last minute so as not to tip off anyone that may be watching him. It was dangerous for him to be here, but I was so glad he’d made it for Kat’s sake.

  I watched him as he held her hand protectively in his own. My brain recalled the night that he’d first come into my life.

  That night at the lighthouse rushed back to me.

  I scrunched my eyebrows together as I watched, and realized that he loved her just as much as I did. Would do anything for her just like I would. Had been willing to risk his life. That was clearer to me now more than it ever had been.

  A few women in town were hunched around Kat and tittering away about something. Slade sat at the table next to them, tapping his leg anxiously as he stared at his phone. My brother sat next to him, his arm wrapped around his new date as he murmured in her ear.

  He’d introduced her as Amy. I didn’t ask what had happened with him and Mia. I didn’t want to know. If we were going to make an attempt at rebuilding our relationship, some things would have to remain unsaid.

  I stepped up to Kat’s dad, who was watching the festivities from afar. “Means a lot that you came.”

  “I didn’t want to miss it. My only baby, getting married.” The emotion in his voice was unmistakable.

  “She knows how much you love her. And I do too.” The tone in my voice had him turning to face me. “I remember that night.” My eyes held his green gaze, so much the same as Kat’s.

  “Something more? What do you remember son?” Confusion furrowed his brow, but I saw the concern written there too.

  “I know you didn’t kill him,” I said so softly, aware of anyone that may be standing nearby.

  “I don’t know—”

  “I didn’t fall. I had him. And then the shadow . . . I didn’t remember at first, but I’ve been working that night over a lot in my mind, and what you said and what I remember just didn’t add up. I know I killed him,” I finally finished.

is eyes lowered for a minute as he processed my words.

  “Why’d you do it?”

  “Tell them I killed him? Because I wish I would have. I wish I could have saved her from that monster, especially since I knew . . . If those guys knew it was you . . . they’d be after you, Lane.” I knew he was referring to the tough guys that had floated around Jeremy Walsh. The ones that were involved with an organized crime outfit in Chicago. “I had to save my baby girl. I was never there for her, always absent, always such a failure, but when the cops started asking what happened, I knew. I knew I couldn’t let her run the rest of her life, and if they knew you’d killed him . . . she’d never be safe. It was the least I could do. I’m just a drunk, I don’t have a future to live for, but her, she’s got everything.” He looked back to her sitting at the table surrounded by women, a brilliant smile on her face. Her cheeks flushed and glowing. A beautiful smile lighting her features.

  “You shouldn’t have.”

  “I had to. I just want you to take care of my baby like I never could.”

  I nodded once. Swallowed back the lump in my throat. “Thanks.”

  “Just treat her like she deserves to be treated.”

  “Always,” I muttered just as Kat drifted up to us, a gleam in her eyes as she tucked herself under my arm.

  “Time to cut the cake.”

  “I’ll go grab a seat then.” Her dad smiled at her.

  “Thanks for coming, Dad. I’m so glad . . .” she trailed off, tears flirting in her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I’m glad too, baby girl.” He wrapped her in a tight embrace before pulling away.

  I nodded at him once, then extended my hand to him. “Thanks. You’re being here means a lot. To both of us.”

  He nodded once, shook my hand, then turned, and headed for a table.

  “You’re sweet.” Kat beamed up at me.

  “And you’re sexy as ever in that dress, I can’t wait to get underneath it tonight.”

  “Terrible,” she shook her head and dragged me off to the table with the little frou-frou cake perched on it.

  “I can’t wait to get you home tonight,” I growled in her ear just as a server handed us a knife.

  She placed her hand over mine and we sliced through the confection. “Mmm . . .” she moaned as I pressed a small bite into her mouth.

  “Would taste better if I was licking it off your body,” I murmured in her ear.

  “You’ve got such a dirty mouth.” She dabbed frosting on my nose and then pressed her body up against mine and whispered in my ear.

  I pulled away, my mouth dropping in shock as I processed her words. Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she watched me.

  “How about a few words from the groom?” The DJ pressed a mic into my hands.

  I sucked in a few deep breaths as she watched me. Her curves perfectly encased in all that lace, her soft red waves curling around one shoulder, those beautiful lips turned up into a sexy smirk.

  I shook my head and ran my hand over my face.

  “Sorry. Kat’s just . . . dropped a bit of a bomb on me. Apparently my wife is . . . we’re expecting a baby.” Tears burned behind my eyelids as I struggled to hold back the overwhelming emotion. I thrust the mic back into the DJ’s hands as guests cheered. I heard my best friend’s voice above the rest complaining about another Wild running around town.

  I blocked the rest of it out, except her green gaze that was locked on me. I pulled her into my arms, held her tightly, lifted her off her feet and kissed her like she was my reason.

  My reason for breathing.

  My reason for living.

  My reason for it all.

  My life began with her and it would end with her, and our baby.

  “I love you so fucking much,” I muttered against the soft flesh at her neck.

  “I love you too, Daddy,” she whispered. My heart clenched in my chest and the tears pooled in my eyes. I ran one hand up into her red waves and inhaled her soft scent.

  “I can’t wait to get you home and show you how happy I am.”

  “I think that’s what got us here in the first place.”

  “Sugar . . .” I groaned into her neck as her soft laugh floated in the air around us.

  About the Author

  Adriane was born and raised in a snowbank in Northern Michigan and now lives among the sand dunes of the Lake Michigan lakeshore. She graduated with a Literature degree but never particularly enjoyed reading Shakespeare or Chaucer. She is married to a tall, dark and handsome guy and is mama of two sweet baby girls. She reads tirelessly and wishes she had more time to knit.

  Find Adriane:

  Like or Follow @AdrianeLeigh

  Books by Adriane

  Steel and Lace: The Complete Series

  The Mourning After

  Light in Mourning



  Slade (2014)

  Beautiful Burn (2014)


  Cowboy Town

  by Kasey Millstead

  Ever since her parents passed away in a tragic car accident, Eden Cross has been living a quiet, stable and predictable life in inner Sydney – the total opposite of her carefree, relaxed, happy-go-lucky past. Her parents passing and the fact she’s an only child meant Eden was left with her best friend, Jules and Matt, her boyfriend of three years as her only family. That was until she discovered something about Matt that would turn her life upside down. Eden leaves Sydney in a hurry and begins an adventure that takes her across four Australian states before she lands in Pine Creek, Northern Territory.

  Jackson Henley has lived in Pine Creek his entire life. He runs a massive cattle and cropping station with his twin brother, Jeremy, which they inherited when their parents retired. He’s had a bad experience with relationships courtesy of The Bitch - Dannika, so lately he’s preferred to play the field. That is, until he comes face to face with the stunning brunette beauty who’s behind the bar at the Cow and Calf. The problem is, she won’t tell him her name, she won’t give him the time of day, and she won’t give him a chance to prove himself.

  What’s it going to take for Eden to give Jackson a chance? Does he have the patience to even bother fighting for her? How will he handle the competition?

  In the end, will Jackson have what it takes to convince Eden to start living again, instead of just existing?


  Life doesn’t always hand you the happy ever after you dreamt of. Sometimes, living happily ever after is a choice, not a given. Live happy with what you have – not what you thought you would have.

  “Happy birthday, Eden,” Matt whispers in my ear.

  “Hmm,” I stretch out in his bed, “Thank you.”

  He kisses my cheek and then nibbles down my neck to my collarbone, “You’re most welcome.” I feel his grin against my skin. Turning slightly onto my side, I run my hands up and down his sculpted back. I have always liked Matt’s toned, long, athletic body. Just thinking about it hovering over me causes a shiver to run through my body. I run my fingers up over his shoulders and into his perfectly trimmed sandy blonde hair, ruffling it with my fingers. I moan when he takes a nipple into his mouth and laves it with his tongue. He pays each nipple special attention until he’s satisfied, then he spits some saliva on his hand and wipes it on his cock (for lubrication because he never takes the time to get me really excited), then he positions himself over me and thrusts inside in one swift movement.

  “Ah,” I cry out, arching my back.

  “Oh, yeah,” he grunts. He thrusts a few more times before emptying himself inside of me.

  “That was great.” He kisses the corner of my mouth before rising out of bed and heading for the shower. Three years, and every time was the same. Slam, bam, thank you ma’am.

  I lie there for about five seconds before I reach into my overnight bag and pull out my toy. Slipping it underneath the covers I switch it on and I’m rewarded with an enthusiast
ic buzzing sound.

  My hips jerk when I first touch it to my clit and I moan softly, careful to keep the noise down so Matt doesn’t hear. Rolling my nipple between my thumb and forefinger, I use my other hand to work my toy down below until I stiffen, then shudder. I bite down on the corner of my pillow to muffle the drawn out moan that rises from my throat as I convulse. I hear the shower cut off and I quickly place the toy back in its place before taking my shower and readying myself for work.

  I hear the bathroom door open as I rinse the conditioner from my hair.

  “I’m off to work, Eden. Can you lock up when you leave? I’m going to be pretty busy tonight with work. It’s red week starting tomorrow isn’t it? I guess I’ll see you in seven days. I’ll call you, ok? Love you.” He doesn’t wait for me to answer; he just closes the door and leaves. Red week is what he calls my period week. He never comes near me when I’m menstruating. I have no idea why, and honestly I don’t care. My heart sinks. I love Matt; well at least I think I do. We got together just before my parents passed away and along with Jules and work, he’s been a constant steady part of my life since. I do often wonder though, if my parents hadn’t died, would I still be with him? We’ve been together a long time and even though every year previously has been the same, it doesn’t mean I don’t get my hopes up every birthday that he’ll buy me some flowers or some jewelry or just … something to acknowledge me. But this year, same as the previous two, the only thing I get from him is a ‘happy birthday, Eden’ and a thirty second fuck that leaves me hanging.

  I finish getting ready and leave for work, making sure to lock Matt’s door before I go.

  “Hi Eden, happy birthday,” my boss, Dawn, greets as I walk through the doors of Prestige Real Estate.

  “Hi Dawn, thank you,” I reply, smiling. Dawn is middle aged, has a sleek platinum blonde bob, perfectly applied makeup, and she wears tailored skirts, blouses and suit jackets to work every single day – even when it’s freezing. She won’t be caught in trousers.


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