Exposed: An Anthology

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Exposed: An Anthology Page 156

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Yes,” I reply.

  “Okay, well if you’d just like to remove your bottom half and hop up onto the bed we can get started. You can go behind the screen there, if you wish and cover yourself with the sheet once you’re ready. I’ll just get your details entered into the computer.” She hands me a white sheet and then she turns to the computer screen.

  “Um, I thought that you just put the wand on my stomach?” My words come out sounding more like a question, than a statement.

  “Usually we would but as Doctor Tobin seems to think it’s only early days the internal probe will pick up a clearer picture of the baby for us. It doesn’t hurt at all, so don’t be concerned about that.”

  “Okay,” I choke out.

  I slip behind the screen and remove my jeans and undies and then climb up on the bed and cover myself with the sheet. Jackson walks up beside me and grips my hand. “You ready, Ace?”

  “Yeah. I can’t wait to see,” I smile excitedly.

  “Me either, darlin’. Me either.”

  Claudette turns around and in her hand she holds a long, thin white wand. She slides a condom over it and squirts some lubricant on the tip. I resist the urge to giggle like a school girl. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jackson’s mouth agape, his eyes wide with horror? Fear? Shock? Maybe amusement? I’m not sure.

  “Okay, like I said this won’t hurt but it may feel a little uncomfortable.” She shifts the sheet and guides the probe inside me.

  Relax. Just relax.

  I grip Jackson’s hand tight and look to the screen. It’s grainy, black and white and fuzzy. I don’t have a clue what I’m looking for. Claudette points to a small jelly bean type image on the screen, “There’s your baby.”

  “Oh my god. That’s our baby, Jackson. Our baby.” Warm tears slide from my eyes as I look at an image I can’t make out too well. But it doesn’t matter because it’s our baby. I love him or her so much already. It’s overwhelming.

  Jackson hasn’t said a word but his hand is holding mine with an iron-like grip. I turn my head to look at him. He’s staring at the screen, tears running unchecked down his cheeks. He’s not saying a word. Not moving a muscle. But his face says it all.

  Claudette measures the baby and looks at it from different angles before announcing that I am nine weeks pregnant and everything looks as it should. She asks if we’d like a printout picture and Jackson and I answer yes in unison. She grins at us and presses a button. “You’ll be able to pick up the picture from reception on your way out. Do you have an appointment with Doctor Tobin again soon?”

  “Yes, today actually.”

  “That’s good. He’ll organize for you to have another scan when you’re around twelve to thirteen weeks. I’ll leave you to get dressed, there’s a bathroom through this door if you’d like to clean up. Have a nice day.” Once Claudette has left the room I go into the bathroom, clean up and then get dressed.

  On the way out, we settle the bill and pick up our baby’s very first picture.

  “That was fucking unreal, darlin’. I’ve seen cows have ultrasounds but nothing even compares to seeing it and knowin’ it’s your own flesh and blood on the screen. Total fuckin’ spin out.” He shakes his in bewilderment.

  “It was pretty amazing, huh? Although, could you please not categorize me with a cow,” I laugh.

  “You know what I meant,” he rubs my tummy gently. “Doctor Tobin next?”

  “Yes,” I look down at my watch, “Our appointment’s in half an hour so by the time we get to his rooms we should be right on time.”

  We make our way through the hospital corridors until we find Doctor Tobin’s rooms. We arrive with five minutes to spare.

  “Hi, Eden Cross. I have an appointment with Doctor Tobin.”

  “Ah, yes, Ms. Cross. Please take a seat.”

  “I hate how they call you “Mizz Cross”,” Jackson grumbles as we take a seat in the almost empty waiting room.

  “Why? They don’t know if I’m married or not, plus it would be unprofessional for them to use my first name without my consent. Why does it bother you? Does it make me sound old?”

  “I just hate it. They should be calling you Mrs. Henley. Eden Henley – it’s got a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

  “Uh,” I choke out. Clearing my throat, I continue, “Are you proposing?”

  “Not right now. But I just wanted to give you some warning that it’s coming.”

  “Okay. Well, don’t you think we should wait a few years before getting married? I mean, marriage is a serious thing. We have to be sure before we enter that sort of commitment, don’t you think?”

  So you’ll have a baby with him but you baulk on the marriage thing?

  “Ace, don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’re having a baby together – that means we’re guaranteed to be in each other’s lives for at least the next eighteen years, so yeah, I know marriage is a big commitment but having a baby is bigger. I’m ready to take that leap with you so how’s marriage any different?”

  “I guess.” I shrug, because he’s right. Having a child together is a much bigger commitment than marriage. “But I want a romantic proposal,” I say sassily.

  We don’t have to wait long for Doctor Tobin to call us in.

  “Eden, lovely to finally meet you.” Doctor Tobin greets me with a warm smile and a firm handshake.

  “Nice to meet you as well. This is my partner, Jackson,” I introduce as Jackson holds his hand out.

  Doctor Tobin talks to us about testing that we’ll need to have done in the upcoming weeks and he gives me a list of vitamins and supplements that he recommends. After asking if we have any questions (we can’t think of any on the spot), he reassures us that he’s always available via the phone if we need him. He fills in my ante-natal card and gives me some pamphlets before we leave.

  “What did you think of Doctor Tobin?” I ask Jackson once we reach the car.

  “He seems alright; knows what he’s talking about. Seems professional.’

  “Yeah, I agree. I like him.”

  It’s been a long day and I can’t wait to get home and relax in the tub.

  “Where are we going?” I ask confused as Jackson pulls into a shopping complex.

  “I’ve just got to run in and grab something. Did you want to wait here, or come with? I won’t be long.” Jackson answers.

  “I’ll wait here, baby. I’m wiped. Could you get me a juice if you see some?”

  “Sure, darlin’. Won’t be long.” He leans across the seat and touches his lips to mine before exiting the car and disappearing inside the mall. I lie back in the seat and sing along quietly to the radio with my eyes closed.

  I open my eyes when I hear the driver’s side door open. “That didn’t take long.”

  “Told you it wouldn’t. Here’s your juice.”

  “Thanks.” I take huge gulp of the refreshing apple juice. “So, what’d you buy?”

  “This,” he says holding up a teeny tiny onesie. “What do you think? Do you like it? I wanted to buy our babies’ first outfit since I figure you and Jules and most likely Ava are gonna go bat shit crazy buying stuff.”

  “Oh look at it. How cute. It’s so tiny. I love it.”

  “I hope it fits. The lady in the store said it’s a four zero so it should fit a newborn.”

  “I can’t wait to shop for the baby. I keep imaging all the beautiful nursery furniture we can buy and the linen! They make the most amazing bedding,” I gush dramatically.

  “I’m going to go broke, aren’t I,” he laughs.

  “Probably,” I grin.

  Chapter Eleven

  Seven months later

  “Have you guys picked out names yet?” Ava asks as we sit at the Coffee House sipping our cappuccinos.

  “We have a deal: If it’s a girl, Jackson chooses the first name, while I pick the second name. If it’s a boy, it’s the other way around.”

  “Oh wow. So have you shared the names?”

nbsp; “No, he wants to keep it a secret.”

  “What are your name choices?”

  “Well, Cookie said to me before anyone knew I was pregnant, that she knew it was a girl and since Jackson said that she’s never wrong, I haven’t really thought of any boys’ names. If it is a girl I’ll choose ‘Rose’ as the middle name.”

  “Oh, that’s pretty. And it will go with almost anything. Why Rose?”

  “I don’t know. I just know I’ve always liked it and wanted my daughter to have it in her name. Roses are my favorite flower so maybe it’s got something to do with that,” I shrug.

  “Has Jackson given you any clue at all as to what he’s chosen?”

  “Yeah, but it’s really cryptic and I cannot for the life of me figure out the name. He said the name has five letters and three of them are vowels.”

  “Five letters, three of them vowels,” Ava muses, “What about Edith?” I scrunch up my nose at her suggestion. “Oh, don’t worry – it’s only got two vowels. It could be Abbie, or Macie. That’s all I can think of,” she mutters.

  “I like Macie but I hope it’s not Abbie – she’ll only get teased and called “Scabby Abbie”, like a girl in my year at school. Kids can be cruel.”

  “True. Well, at least you don’t have to wait too much longer to find out the name he’s picked.”

  “Not much longer at all,” I agree.

  “When does Jules arrive?” Ava asks. Although Jules was hoping it would only take her two months until she could move up here, it had actually taken her over six months. She decided to stay until her flat sold so she didn’t have to deal with that when she left. Now she was on her way up here. She’d hired a truck and loaded her furniture and most of mine from the storage facility (what she wasn’t bringing had already been donated to charity) and began travelling up here four days ago. Originally, I had planned to fly down and then drive back up with her to keep her company but now I was too far pregnant to fly and sitting in a vehicle for long periods would wreak havoc with my body. Jackson offered to take my place but Jules insisted she’d travel by herself. She was due to arrive tomorrow and I was so excited to see her.

  “Tomorrow,” I say happily.

  “I bet you are ecstatic,” she observes.

  “How could you tell?” I deadpan.

  “Oh, are you working tonight?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got an evening shift – it’s karaoke night, remember. Are you coming?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. I still can’t believe you’re working when you’re this heavily pregnant. I’m surprised Jackson hasn’t reamed your ass,” she shakes her head animatedly.

  “Trust me, he tries. I feel okay though so I didn’t want to just stop before now. Tonight is my last shift; I’m going to miss it so much.”

  “You might for the first little bit but once the baby comes you’ll be so busy with her you won’t even remember that the pub exists. Oh my god I almost forgot to tell you,” she surprises me by shouting. “Did you know that Dannika has been sleeping with Blaine?”

  “Who’s Blaine?” I enquire.

  “I’m not sure if you would have met him. He doesn’t go into the pub much. Anyway, he’s a married man – has been for five years. He works on his father in law’s station. Do you know Boris James?”

  I nod. I’d met Boris once or twice when he came in to grab a roadie.

  “That’s his wife’s father. Blaine has been sleeping with Dannika the entire time he’s been married. His wife found out and went ape shit on the both of them. Rearranged Dannika’s face and threatened to shoot them both with a shot gun if she ever saw their faces in this town again. They left together last week. Moved to Queensland apparently.”

  “Holy shit. To be a fly on the wall,” I laugh. “She deserves everything she gets,” I say spitefully. I really have no care for the woman. She’s a disgrace to the whole girl power notion.

  “I don’t think you’ll be having any more issues with her, that’s for sure,” Ava chuckles.


  It is karaoke night at The Cow & Calf and the bar is packed. I’m behind the bar with Doreen and Bear and we’re run off our feet. Actually, I’m not so much “run off my feet” as I am “waddled off my feet”.

  Jackson is sitting on a stool at the end of the bar, next to him is Jeremy and it reminds me of the first time I saw him. It was my first ever shift at the pub. He was sitting in that exact spot with his brother next to him. I still get that zap of electricity every time he touches me.

  Throughout the night the microphone is popular and we’re subjected to screeching, droning, high pitched, off-key renditions of Mustang Sally, The Gambler, Achy Breaky Heart, Bringing Sexy Back, Summer of ’69, a really funny but totally un-sexy version of Genie In A Bottle and a god-awful, slur-riddled but hilariously funny duet performance of Paradise By The Dashboard Lights.

  Suddenly a genius idea springs to mind. I glance around the bar during a lull in service to make sure no one is waiting to be served and then quickly waddle to the other side of the bar to put my plan in action. Once I’ve organized it on that side, I come back behind the bar and run it by Doreen.

  “Knock yourself out, love. Can’t be any worse than what I’ve already heard tonight,” she chuckles.

  “Thanks.” I get back to serving and await my signal.

  Not too long later, I get the signal so I make my way to the microphone. I go unnoticed as I take my seat on the hard plastic stool. Grabbing the microphone, I try to control the shaking in my hands as I wait for the music to start. I hear the strum of the guitar and then I start to sing Alanis Morissette’s Head Over Feet.

  I lock my eyes on Jackson’s back, waiting for him to realize it’s me. It’s doesn’t take him long. He turns in his stool, his mouth agape as he listens to the words I hope will reach his soul, as they come straight from mine.

  I had no choice but to hear you.

  You stated your case time and again,

  I thought about it.

  You treat me like I'm a princess,

  I'm not used to liking that,

  You ask how my day was.

  You've already won me over in spite of me,

  And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet,

  Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are,

  I couldn't help it,

  It's all your fault.

  When I finish singing Jackson is right there, sweeping me into his arms he dips me right back and kisses me deep. He has to stand off to the side to accommodate my swollen stomach, but he holds me securely and supports my weight. Sliding his tongue into my mouth, he tastes every inch of mine. My lips meld perfectly into his as our mouths make love. He pulls back slightly, but his lips are still touching mine as he murmurs, “I love you, Ace.”

  “I love you, too,” I reply. I vaguely hear the patrons cheering, clapping and hollering things like, “Get a room,” but I don’t care. I’m right where I want to be. In the arms of a man I truly love, who loves me back just the same.


  We arrive home from the karaoke night just after one a.m. I decide to have a nice hot bath to soothe my aching feet. Every piece of my body from my big toe to my head looks swollen slightly and being on my feet all night doesn’t help. So while I’m sad that tonight was my last shift, I’m also relieved.

  “You alright in there, Ace?” Jackson calls from our bedroom.

  “Yeah, just going to take a bath,” I shout my reply.

  “Right-o, darlin’. I’ll meet you in bed.”

  I lie back and close my eyes, enjoying the soothing heat as it relaxes my muscles. I feel the tension ebb from my body.

  Suddenly, I feel something ‘pop’ immediately before an excruciating pain tears through my abdomen. A noise escapes my throat as I turn in the bath, clutching my stomach. Tears spring to my eyes and flow over. Another pain rips through. The water has turned a dull pink colour and I realize my waters must have broken.

  “Jackson,” I groan. “Jackson
!” I shriek.

  “What? What? What’s wrong?” He yells as he comes running from the bedroom. Entering the bathroom, he takes one look at me and curses, “Oh fuck! Are you in labour? Oh fucking fucking fuck.” He starts pacing, back and forward in front of me. “We have to get you to hospital,” he shouts, like ‘Eureka!’

  “Help me out,” I pant, then I cry out as yet another pain shoots through. There’s no break in between pains. They are coming thick and fast. Constant. Relentless. Fuck, it hurts.

  “Oh god, baby. I know it hurts, I know,” Jackson tries to soothe me, but his words are laced with panic. He helps me stand up, but as soon as I do gravity takes over and I feel the urge to bear down.

  I double over and make a weird growling noise.

  “C’mon, darlin’, we got to get you to hospital,” Jackson encourages.

  “We don’t have time. Ring the ambulance,” I rush out before another pain hits.

  “What do you mean, we don’t have time?” Jackson looks pale.

  “Ring an ambulance!” I scream.

  “What’s the number?” He shouts back, clearly panicked and stressed to the maximum. “I got it! I got it,” he heaves a breath of relief.

  He stays on the line with operator as I continue to growl through the pain. “I’ve got to push,” I groan my words as my body’s natural instinct takes over.

  I hear Jackson rushing around muttering things like ‘towels, warm blankets’ and other things I can’t make out. He comes back in and follows the operator’s instruction.

  “Open your legs, darlin’,” he says, appearing much calmer than before.

  I let me legs fall open wide. “Yep, yep, I can see it,” he answers the operator. “Okay, darlin’, the lady says you can push when you need to,” he tells me. Like I could stop it.

  With the next contraction, I push with all my might. I fear I may burst a blood vessel in my head - I pushed that hard. A noise escapes my throat that sounds somewhat like a strangled cat as the most painful burning sensation rips apart my vagina.


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