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Claiming Derryn

Page 3

by Vivian Arend

  “If she hadn’t had manual override we never would have made it. I had to shove the pilot out of his seat when he started panicking. It was actually a little exciting for a minute or two.”

  Trev grinned. Oh yeah, Melina was one of the best pilots around. Everyone aboard the Nottingham knew they’d been searching for her. The crew hoped she would take over as chief space jockey. Their current pilot was a little too reckless, although no one cared to tell him.

  Davis had an overinflated ego when it came to his abilities at the controls.

  “Leaving already?”

  Fuck. Dax stood with a team of men, blocking the passage. Trev shook his head. So close to where they needed to go.

  “How did you get ahead of us?” He stepped toward the side wall and nonchalantly grabbed a handful of loose rocks. Piata quivered on his shoulder and he clicked his tongue to reassure her.

  “Cross tunnels. When you and the woman disappeared from your quarters, I knew something was up. You’re not getting off planet, Trev, or whatever your name is. We’ve worked too hard for you to mess up our plans now.”

  There was no room to maneuver, no time to explain to Melina what to expect.

  “Did you kill my companions?” Melina asked, simmering violence in her tones.

  Dax shook his head. “No, we wanted to deliver the package. Killing them would have made it difficult to get the bomb aboard your vessel. Once the mother ship senses human life forms in the pod, they’ll catch it carefully and bring doom upon themselves. Death to them all!”

  Trev pinched the bridge of his nose. Tyrannical menaces who liked to monologue pissed him off. He held his other hand behind his back, palm open. The sharysa on his shoulder shimmied with delight and crawled down to brush its long fingers over the rocks he’d nabbed a moment earlier. The stones grew warmer, pulsing slightly.

  “You’re fighting a losing battle, Dax. Just because you’ve got a stash of energy crystals doesn’t mean you can take leadership of the known universe.”

  “No, but I can get a fair-sized chunk.” The stocky man motioned with his head to his followers. “Kill Trev, save the woman. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a female around.”

  Trev skipped the stones, sliding them along the floor toward the wall at the rebels’ feet before grabbing Melina and pulling her to the ground under him. A sudden explosion of rocks and light flared, dust and debris raining down on them with a loud and ghastly clatter. Echoes rang through the corridors, the sharp pings of new fault lines cracking the solid rock. He hoped he hadn’t set off too large a blast and sealed their route closed.

  Melina coughed as she scrambled to her feet. The two sharysa sat and groomed each other, picking small fragments of rock from their fur and scolding Trev loudly. The side passage the others had used to reach this point was sealed tight by the rubble of the rockfall. The direction Trev intended to go was partially blocked, but still accessible. Trev led them all forward, making sure to turn Melina away from the remaining traces of the rebel group.

  Melina pulled on his sleeve. “That was too easy.”

  “What, you wanted me to duel him for hours with flashing swords? Sorry, baby, I blow shit up. It’s a whole hell of a lot faster. Come on, there’s still a planet full of people who’d like to separate my head from my shoulders. We’re not out of danger yet.”

  The shuttle was there, covered in a thick layer of dust and ice. Melina did the fastest external system check he’d ever seen before she was willing to start the engines. Once they were both in position, she eyed him suspiciously. “That’s all we have to do? Install crystals and use manual drive?”

  “It’s enough to get us clear of the planet. Then we’ll call the ship and they’ll take exiting the atmosphere off our hands.” He pretended to make a few last-minute adjustments to the crystal brackets.

  Melina twirled in her pilot’s chair to glare at him. “They’re going to do a scoop, aren’t they?”

  Trev grimaced. Trying to sneak information past a pilot—he should have known better. “Yeah, baby, you’re right. You got a problem with that?”

  She smirked at him. “None at all. I’m not the one who gets spacesick.”


  Melina lifted off, smooth and steady in spite of the unfamiliarity of the craft. She was grinning from ear to ear and Trev sucked in a deep, satisfied breath. Damn, he’d missed her. This is what they were always meant to do, have adventures together, right wrongs, and live life to the fullest. The planet disappeared below them and he pulled another crystal from his pocket. After slipping it into the transmitter, he sent a short burst of signals to the Nottingham, signaling them for a pick-up. He debated keeping Melina’s presence a secret but figured Davis would kick his ass.

  Ten minutes up, the world shifted, the stars blurred together then smeared across his eyes. Inside, his stomach turned over. While a mid-atmosphere scoop was a great timesaver, it fucked with his body. The queasy sensation in his belly faded as soon as they broke the gravitation pull of the planet. It took until the Nottingham settled into orbit for his head to stop spinning. All the while Melina whistled merrily in her chair, making fine adjustments as she landed the small craft on the open space of the docking bay.

  “Rub it in while you can, baby.” She was going to need all her good humor in a minute. “Hey, nice flying.”

  She flashed him a brilliant smile before checking out the window and motioning him toward the hatch. The sharysa scurried to their usual positions as Trev broke the door seal and escorted her from the shuttle.

  “About time you decided to show up. What the hell took you so long?” Davis rose from behind the control panel and strode closer. He consumed Melina with his gaze like a starving man. She stared at him, a puzzled expression crossing her face.

  Trev paused, stroking her arm gently. “Melina, you okay?” Maybe she didn’t recognize Davis. With his hair cut short and a jumpsuit instead of the rattiest costume possible, he was a far cry from the rebel of the Institute.

  Davis reached a hand forward in greeting. Melina spun in a half-circle and drop-kicked him in the gut.

  Chapter Three

  What had come over her? She hadn’t seen the man in a year and a half and the first thing she did was try to take out his spleen?

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry, Davis, I didn’t mean to do that. Well, yes I did, but still I shouldn’t have. What are you doing here?”

  Davis unfolded his long limbs from the ground, the muscles in his thighs straining against the fabric of his jumpsuit. He groaned, resting his hands on his knees, head still bent over. “Welcome aboard, Melina, so good to see you again as well.” He glanced at Trev. “Decent of you to finally give up being despot of the month. What are those awful furry things you’re both wearing around your necks? They’re tacky. I hope you brought me one.” He sucked in air and released another round of groans and Melina felt impossibly guilty.

  “Excuse me a minute.” Trev nodded sharply at Davis then turned to face her. “Are you out of your mind? Do you intend on greeting every one of our previous classmates with a physical attack? Because we should send off notices or something just to make our arrival more sportsmanlike.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “Oh, and that makes it so much better.”

  “What? I can’t unkick him, and if he thinks he’s getting a second apology you can both go to hell.”

  “Fine—man saves your life and you inflict pain—I’ll remember that. You’re two for two so far, baby.”

  Davis laughed, a deep, rich sound that washed the room with power. It was the same laugh she remembered hearing so many times before and something inside her ached.

  “Damn, I’ve missed you two. It’s been a long, long time. I’m glad we can enjoy each other’s company again. Can we get this show on the road? We’re got places to be, people to rescue, shit to blow up, all that crap.” He turned to the intercom, one long finger pressing the control for a moment. “Get underway. Resume our orbit arou
nd Derryn in direct opposition to the Eagle. Then go on autopilot and meet in twenty.” He glanced at her and Trev before hitting the button again. “Make it an hour.”

  Melina studied Davis’ face. He wore his dark hair military short, the solid angles of his chin covered by a neatly trimmed beard. He appeared almost…regulation. A far cry from the hippie rebel persona he’d presented during their school days. The muscular frame hadn’t changed, and she still looked way up at him. His presence thrilled her and scared her to bits.

  He’d broken her heart. Messed with her soul. Torn them both apart at the seams—her and Trev—and hell if she wanted to experience that kind of pain again. Once she returned to her grandfather’s ship, she’d never have to see him. Surely she could convince Trev to join her.

  Her brain hurt. Trev had no future on any Institute vessel after he’d gone missing. He was still considered AWOL as far as she knew. Or worse, a deserter.

  “Request permission to contact the SIC War Eagle for transfer back to my assigned ship.” She stared straight into space, keeping her face blank. The sooner she did this the better.

  “Not possible, baby.” Trev stepped forward, his concerned gaze sweeping her. “We’re undercover. The Eagle doesn’t know we’re here and that’s how it’s got to remain.”

  What? “One of the Institute’s flagships and you’re hiding from her?” Suspicions crowded her mind as the data fell into place. “Trev, what’s the name of this ship?”

  “Well, baby, you see—”

  “The name, Trev, or I’ll put a hurt on you.”

  Davis stepped forward, tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted her gaze to meet his. The black sharysa on her shoulder squealed and leapt to the floor, chatting angrily at him from a safe distance. “Welcome aboard the Nottingham, sweetheart, your new home away from home.”

  Her stomach fell. The Nottingham? The most notorious ship in the galaxy? Fuck. “Oh fantastic, you’re telling me the two brightest minds in the Institute are now outlaws?” Davis beamed at her but refused to relinquish her chin, his thumb stroking her jawline. She swallowed hard and maintained eye contact only through sheer willpower.

  His touch undid her.

  “She said we were two of the brightest minds, did you catch that, Trev?”

  “I did. Think we can get it in writing?”

  His caress distracted her, but their familiar banter made her heart ache. She wanted to run away before the whole universe went supernova. “Oooh, you are so annoying. How did this happen? You shipped out on a cruiser, Davis, six stinking months early without even saying goodbye. Trev and I were scheduled to join a research vessel prior to—”

  “Getting volunteered for something more in line with my talents,” Trev interjected.

  Davis released her, brushing his fingers against her cheek, and her mouth went dry. Trev leaned against the wall, studying her. Her entire body reacted to his heated stare. Reacted to them. The combination of Trev and Davis played havoc on her libido. Crap, it wasn’t possible. She had to regain control before she ended up doing something she’d regret. She disregarded Davis, although it was difficult to ignore a six-foot-four giant with a gleam in his eyes standing too far into her personal space.

  “Yeah, well, even a peaceful research vessel needs to blow things up occasionally. You would have been fine.”

  “I didn’t leave voluntarily,” Trev complained. “I got pulled into an undercover team for the Institute. I ran with them for five months before Davis tracked me down and appropriated my skills for his team. Now we’re all on the wrong side of the law.”

  Melina glared at him. “Five months. It’s been an entire year. Once you were shanghaied, you didn’t think to contact me? Let me know you were still alive?”

  “She’s got a point, Trev.” Davis stalked over to stand beside Trev, their bodies in matching positions, arms crossed, legs at ease. A mental snapshot of the two of them, together in that same pose as they waited for her to exit a class, flashed into her mind and she fought for a weapon to beat down the memories. Anger, anger would do it. She was mad at them, furious in fact. Work with the emotion. She had to stop her desire before it flared to the surface, unburied itself from where she’d hidden it.

  “Shut up, Davis, this doesn’t concern you. You left us first. For all I know, you volunteered to join the crew of the Nottingham and you’re nothing but a pirate.”

  “But I’m a pirate with morals. That makes me different.”

  Trev mock whispered, “There are pirates without morals?”

  “Government,” Davis whispered back.

  “Ahhh.” Trev nodded slowly before winking at her.

  They were pains in the ass. How had she put up with them for five years at the Institute? More importantly, how had she ever done without them? She had to guard her heart because there was no way she would to open herself up to the pain of being left alone, no matter what Trev said about loving her. They’d let her down once, they could do it again. The best defense was offense.

  “Take a walk outside, Davis, you’re so full of shit it stinks in here.”

  Davis roared with laughter. He smirked at Trev, their elbows jostling together. “She’s obviously learned to relax her rigid sense of propriety a little.”

  He really was impossible. “Go to hell.” She turned to look for a sign of which direction to go, anything to escape from here. From them.

  “Tsk, tsk, is that any way to talk to your new commanding officer?”

  Melina froze. No way. She sucked in a breath of air and tried to stop the world from spinning. “You?”

  Davis nodded. “Me.”

  “No fucking way…”

  “What? So I’m a little colorful and inventive in my leadership style. I think after you settle in you’ll enjoy working under me.” His eyes flashed dark, his gaze dropping to her breasts. “You’ll enjoy being under me again.”

  Melina turned her back on him. Her heart pounded, panic not far away. Adjusting from being alone to having both men reenter her life in less than a day—it wasn’t happening. They pushed buttons she didn’t want to deal with. Trev appeared by her side, sympathy on his face. She wanted to deny the connection between them, ignore the desires rising as each minute passed. Only a whisper made it out. “I need to get back to the War Eagle. I can’t serve with a man who I’ve…that we’ve…”

  “Lived with? Had sex with? Oh yeah, we were amazing together, Melina, admit it.” Trev moved closer, his intentional laziness gone, a dangerous spark that trickled heat through her core warning of his intent.

  “Trev!” Melina stepped away.

  He gave no quarter, circling her slowly in the hallway. To her right, Davis approached like a prowling beast. Trev chuckled, a warm molten sound that hit her in the belly and spread melting fingers through her. “We’ll just have to work at keeping the bedroom and the bridge separated. I was a little surprised myself, but Davis is an excellent captain.”

  “I give great oral…direction.” Davis’ husky tones sent a shiver down her spine.

  She shook her head rapidly in denial. “How can I take orders from a man I’ve seen naked?”

  “Naked and aroused,” Trev reminded her, capturing her from behind. He brushed aside her hair and nuzzled her neck. Memories rose of them surrounding her, wrapping her in their fire and desire and passion. Holy hell, she wanted this and dreaded it at the same time.

  “Naked, aroused and mighty fine, admit it.” Davis stroked a finger down the placket of her shirt, and heat shot through her core with a rocket’s blaze.

  “It’s never happening again,” she swore, clutching her fingers at her sides to stop from reaching for him.

  “Never is a long, long time.” Davis stepped forward and claimed her lips in a kiss that ignited her soul. He drew their bodies together, his spicy male scent enveloping her as his hardness took possession of her softness. He forced his tongue past her teeth, pressing rough and fast, twining with her, consuming her. He dragged his fingers thr
ough her hair and pinned her between him and Trev, two solid barriers of scorching heat. When he finally released her lips, Melina gasped for air, clutching his uniform for stability. It had always been like that with Davis, a no-holds-barred attack.

  Then he reached past her to where Trev suckled on her earlobe, exploring the sensitive tissue of her neck. Grasping the front of his shirt, Davis hauled Trev forward until he hung over Melina’s shoulder. Their mouths met and tongues explored, a kiss as deep and hard as the one Davis had bestowed on her moments earlier. Her pussy clenched as a rush of fluid flooded her body.

  “Fuck, that’s hot.” Her heart pounded at the sight of the men together and the heat of passion rising from them, their rigid cocks pressing her on either side. She wanted this—wanted it more than her next breath. Screw the consequences, the backlash from her family and friends. Like any of them cared anymore. Watching the two men she’d always loved kissing for the first time in forever finally set her world back on the right trajectory.

  They pulled apart slowly, Davis nipping at Trev’s lip before backing away. He grumbled low in his chest, caressing his thumb over lips swollen from his assault. “I missed you.” His gaze darted to meet Melina’s. “I’ve missed you so much. No more of this stinking talk about never. I want you both back where you belong—at my side and in my bed—and I’m not taking no for an answer.”


  Davis knew he should slow down, allow Melina a chance to absorb the immensity of changes thrust upon her, but a part of him was scared spitless she’d run. Run from him and Trev—because they were a threesome again as far as he was concerned.

  Trev’s and Melina’s footfalls synchronized with his as they strode through the corridors toward their quarters and the sensation was so fucking good.

  Joining the Nottingham had been a dream come true—a license to be a rebel among the stars. Originally they were sanctioned troubleshooters for the SIC. They sought creative solutions to sensitive problems, and only if needed let the official military finish up. He’d rewritten his job description a month subsequent to being assigned aboard the Nottingham and never looked back. So what if he worked against instead of for the authorities now? Everything had shaped up exactly how he’d planned back in training, especially after grabbing Trev for the team.


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