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Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups

Page 37

by David Wayne

  Therefore, we can conclude with a high degree of probability, that the victim had sexual activity shortly prior to his death which resulted in the four inch semen stain. The obvious question is “With whom?” and the answer is that we do not know. But it does lend a further degree of suspicion to an already extremely suspicious death.

  Blonde hairs were also found on the victim—blonde hairs that do not match the victim or his wife. No attempt was made to ascertain their origin.

  A large purplish wine stain was apparent on the upper front of the victim’s white dress shirt. No official attempt was made to ascertain its origin either. The large stain is dramatically out of keeping with Foster’s history and with the last known image we have of the typical Vince Foster leaving his White House office after a typical morning and lunch. He was very neat—even fussy neat—and was certainly not an afternoon drinker, by any stretch of the imagination. Therefore, the stain is highly incongruous with his personal history and yet another indication of possible foul play. Why wasn’t it investigated?

  The multi-colored carpet fibers found from head-to-toe on Foster—of six different colors—provide an indication that he was somehow immersed in that carpeting; either laying on it, rolling it, or having had his body wrapped in it. No search was made for a match. Normally, investigators would search his trunk and car for a match, as well as his home, his office, and surrounding areas. The fact that this was not done is highly suspicious because it would be standard investigatory procedure in a gunshot death. The fact that the fibers recurrently showed six colors should have made it an easy match.

  One investigative journalist found evidence that rooms of the White House (bear in mind that Foster’s office was in the White House, and no log entry or video recording shows him actually leaving the White House that day, even though it is one of the most secure buildings in the world) were totally re-carpeted in the days following Foster’s death, even though they had been virtually new carpets.

  “The Clintons had ordered that one of the White House offices be completely re-carpeted shortly before the death of Vince Foster. The day following his death, a crew of workmen arrived at the White House and completely ripped up and removed what was a nearly brand new carpet. They hastily piled the carpeting into a van and quickly left. The final desti-nation of that carpet and why it was so hastily removed during the chaos and trauma following the death of Foster are mysteries I’ve never been able to solve. However, it strikes me as entirely possible this carpeting was evidence of a crime committed within the White House. Was the carpet bloodstained? Did it contain other forensic clues? In short, is it possible Vince Foster was actually murdered within the White House? The fact that two key videotapes, which would have shown Foster leaving the White House on the day of his death, are both missing. What did they show?”502

  The intrigue thickens when we consider that Foster was planning to resign his position as White House Counsel and even had a private audience appointment scheduled with the President for the following day:

  “Vincent Foster’s intention to resign is from his wife’s interview in the New Yorker Magazine. Life After Vince by Peter J. Boyer confirms that Vincent told his wife numerous times he had made a mistake coming to the White House and planned to resign.

  That Vince has a private appointment scheduled with Bill Clinton the day after his murder is established White House record.

  The unavailability of any logs or videos showing Vince Foster leaving under his own power that day is from the Robert Fiske Investigation into the matter. Ken Starr’s Whitewater probe also confirmed there was no security record of Foster’s departure.”503


  As Crime Scene Investigators know, a “neat” crime scene for a gunshot wound is an indication that either the victim did not die as a result of the gunshot wound, or that the body was moved after death, i.e., what is known as a staged crime scene. Everything about the Vince Foster crime scene hints at staging:

  •Blood pooling is the first thing that investigators look for at a gunshot crime scene. The absence of sufficient blood is a huge red flag that the body may have been moved and a murder staged as a suicide. At the site of Foster’s body, there was very little blood when there should have been a massive blood pool, especially from a .38, especially at point-blank range, and especially with high-velocity rounds. It should have poured out in large quantities from both the entrance and exit wounds. Yet even the Fiske Report concedes that “relatively little blood was visible.”

  •Homicide experts know it’s physically impossible that a gun as powerful as the Colt Army Special .38 fired into the mouth at point blank range does not splatter blowback of blood and tissue on the victim’s body, clothing, and on the gun itself. The fact that they are all virtually pristine is vivid evidence that it simply did not happen.

  •Body was found in a very neat, symmetrical position, face up, arms extended neatly at both sides The first EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) at the scene noticed that it was just too neat to be natural and testified that it was”coffin-like” as though it had been “placed” like that and that he had “just never seen a body lying so perfectly straight after shooting a bullet in his head.” Another officer at the scene also confirmed that the body looked like it had been laid out “ready for a coffin.”

  •No fingerprints on the gun is a standard indicator of the obvious possibility that the gun was placed in the victim’s hand by his killers, to stage it as a suicide. A suicide victim would have to handle the weapon several times, transporting it, checking and/or loading it, then firing it. Had he actually shot himself with the gun found in his hand, then his prints should have been all over the weapon, especially on such a hot, humid day. The fact that they were not is an indication that the gun may have been placed in his hand after he was already dead, when the prints would no longer adhere to the gun.

  •Gun still in victim’s hand is another standard red flag. The gun is ordinarily “thrown” by the shot, and especially so with a high-velocity weapon like the .38. The first EMT on the scene also testified that the gun just seemed too neatly positioned in the hand next to the body. Note that this fact cannot be explained away by a spasmodic reflex known as “cadaveric spasm” because the officer who removed the gun from Foster’s hand stated that the hand was still pliable, therefore, rigor mortis had not even begun, and cadaveric spasm could not have taken place. Two New York Homicide veterans who examined the evidence stated in their report that in their “combined experience of fifty years of investigating homicides, never seen a ... gun positioned in a suicide’s hand in such an orderly position.”

  •Dried blood stains traveled in opposite direction, i.e., they would have had to defy gravity to travel that way in the position the body was ultimately found (a sure sign that they dried while the body was in a different position earlier in time).

  •Even though the body was found in a very remote area of the park, the underbrush in that area had been trampled, as though several men had busied themselves with something there.

  •Whenever a gunshot victim turns up in a remote location, it is a source of investigative concern. The fact that the location is a remote area of a remote park is not consistent with suicide— there are much easier ways to kill one’s self. There’s no need for a suicide to go to a remote location. It is consistent with the modus operandi of professional hits because they need to make sure that they are unseen when transporting a body.

  •The absence of an exit wound (confirmed by the treating EMT at the scene) is simply totally incongruent with a wound from a .38 directly into the victim’s mouth.

  •The fact that two EMTs and the doctor at the scene identified a gunshot wound in the neck is inconsistent with suicide and is evidence that Homicide Investigators would consider indicative of foul play. Lead Prosecutor Miguel Rodriguez also confirms a neck wound—Rodriguez saw the original crime scene photos (before they conveniently disappeared) that showed a very evident large gash wit
h black gunpowder marks on the right side of Vince Foster’s neck.

  •Ballistics angles indicate that the victim’s eyeglasses actually should have been thrown in the opposite direction from where they were found.

  •The summer flies hadn’t laid eggs at the crime scene which, on a hot and humid summer day, is a scientific indication that the body had been there for only a very short time.

  •Other evidence also indicates the victim had not been dead long: Blood was still draining from the wounds when police arrived at the scene.

  •The victim’s car arrived in the parking lot after the victim was already dead in the park.

  •The victim’s car keys were not found on the victim or anywhere else at the crime scene (there was a thorough search for them).

  •The FBI Report indicates that the victim’s head was moved while the blood was still wet—that’s an indicator that the body was moved prior to the arrival of investigators.

  •One of the trickles of blood on victim’s face had dried when the body had to have been in a much different position for it to travel that way. That’s huge sign that the body was moved.

  •The fact that the fatal bullet was never located is highly unusual because if a bullet traverses all the way through a human skull, then it loses its force, does not traverse far, and is ordinarily found nearby.

  •Huge block of totally unaccounted time—no one ever came forward to fill in the many missing hours of what happened to victim after his 1:00 p.m. lunch when everything was fine until about 6:00 p.m. when body was found.

  •A tow truck driver stated that the same evening that Foster’s body was found, he was called to remove a car from the same park. The car had blood on the seats, and dashboard, and also had a broken driver’s side window.

  •The contradictory witness statements:

  •First witness is sure there was no gun in either of victim’s hands or anywhere near him (and he was looking for one).

  •Paramedic is positive there was an automatic in victim’s hand, not a revolver, and described it in precise detail.

  •Revolver (non- automatic) is officially found in victim’s hand.

  The above seem to reveal bungled crime scene staging, rather than poor witness recall.

  The preponderance of evidence indicates that the victim was killed with a gun different than the .38 found in his hand, probably a .22 or other low-velocity weapon, in a different location, then dumped at the park with a different gun placed in his hand for a plausible suicide. Crime scene also indicates multiple perpetrators due to the extent of trampled underbrush in the remote location near the body.

  KILLERS INEVITABLY MAKE MISTAKES: The victim’s car arrived later, after Foster’s body was already in the park.

  The car seat was in a dramatically different position— Foster was very tall, almost 6’5”— but the driver’s seat was pulled so far forward that it would have been extremely awkward for a tall person to sit in it (indicating a shorter person probably drove the car to the park).

  Consider that his car keys were not found at the crime scene, which included a search of his person— so how could he possibly have driven there?

  NO SUICIDE NOTE: It was well-known that Foster was an excellent father and dedicated family man, therefore, it is dubious that he would do something as devastating as shooting himself without leaving behind some explanation. He wrote a note to his mother, with whom he was still very close, only a few hours before his death. In that letter there was nothing at all out of the ordinary. His morning was normal work, followed by a normal lunch in his office. He casually offered a co-worker some candy, then left his office, telling his secretary “I’ll be back soon.” Nothing was wrong. So something dramatic happened shortly thereafter.

  VICTIM’S BRIEFCASE DISAPPEARED: Four eyewitnesses saw Foster’s briefcase sitting on the front seat of his car in the parking lot. One witness was medical technician George Gonzalez who remembered it in detail: It was “a black briefcase-attache case.” It vanished.

  VICTIM’S PAGER WAS ERASED: Foster’s pager was found at the crime scene, but the memory had been erased from it. Rather than preserving it and analyzing it, it was immediately turned over to the White House. Why? That’s a blatant flaw as far as proper crime scene investigation. Foster was attorney to the President of the United States and had a very busy schedule—it’s logical to infer that he would have several messages on his pager, at any given time. A person committing suicide would have very little reason to erase the memory in their pager. However, persons covering tracks at a murder would have logical reasons to erase the memory. The fact that his messages were erased at death certainly points to individuals other than Foster.

  FOSTER’S OFFICE SEARCHED: Victim’s office was ransacked and items known to have been there disappeared, including Foster’s files, other items from his office safe, and his file index that listed all of his files. That took place even though the police asked the White House to seal off Foster’s office and treat it as a crime scene, i.e., stay out of it. So who took what, and why? Foster’s appointment book also vanished (it was either in his briefcase or his office). Obviously, Homicide Investigators would want to look at that appointment book for the day of his death, since the victim’s whereabouts for the last five hours preceding his death are completely unknown.

  FAKE SUICIDE NOTE APPARENTLY PLANTED: A highly suspicious note turned up in one of Foster’s briefcases four days after an official search had been conducted— the briefcase had actually already been searched twice and in the presence of police— on those two occasions, there was nothing in the briefcase. Be that as it may, a torn up note eventually appeared in the very same briefcase and, lo and behold, was quickly called a “suicide note.” In reality, it was nothing of the sort; the note indicated nothing about suicide, it was simply a list of reasons for leaving Washington, D.C. and its power games. Three handwriting experts (one of whom is considered the foremost expert in the world) concluded independently of each other that the “suicide” note was a forgery. In fact, it was so obvious a forgery that it was deemed to be the clumsy work of an amateur.

  Source material for the above chart was derived primarily from the following:

  Citizen’s Independent Report, Hugh H. Sprunt; 1995

  Source material for the above chart was derived primarily from the following:

  Failure of the Public Trust, John Clarke, Patrick Knowlton & Hugh Turley, 1999

  The Strange Death of Vincent Foster, Christopher Ruddy, 1997

  Citizen’s Independent Report, Hugh H. Sprunt; 1995

  The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 1997

  The Murder of Vince Foster, Michael Kellett, 1995

  “New Evidence Exposes Vince Foster Murder: Victim Not Shot With .38 Caliber Revolver”, Wesley Phelan, The Washington Weekly, October 26, 1998.

  “101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster”, Richard L. Franklin,

  “The Death of Vincent Foster”, Michael Rivero, WhatReallyHappened. com, RANCHO/POLITICS/FOSTER_ COVERUP/foster.php

  The government wishes that the whole Vince Foster controversy would just go away. The holes in the official version aren’t explainable, nor are they small. They are gaping wounds; much like the one that Vincent Foster should have had, had he actually been shot with a .38 caliber gun like the government says he was.

  The Vince Foster murder is recognized as the ultimate potential political consequence of not playing politics with The Powers That Be. In fact, it’s even recognized as such “within the industry.” For example, when a high-ranking political aide who was a longtime insider and trusted friend of the leading contender for President recently resigned amid a cover-up of a sex scandal involving that candidate, fears of becoming the “next Vince Foster” were openly voiced:

  “Young also told Good Morning America today that after he broke wi
th Edwards, tensions over the cover-up got so heated that he feared for his family’s safety.”

  “For several months, I used to get up at 3:00 AM and walk around the house with a baseball bat and a knife,” he said.

  During that time, Young said he had his three young children sleep with him and his wife.

  That fear, he said, peaked during a car ride “out in the middle of nowhere” with Edwards. During that ride, “all I could think about was Vince Foster.”504


  “For a comprehensive resource list,” consult: vincefoster.htm

  Failure of the Public Trust, John Clarke, Patrick Knowlton & Hugh Turley, 1999

  “The Knowlton Addendum” (attached to the Starr report by the three panel judges: The Honorable David B. Sentelle, The Honorable John C. Butzner, the Honorable Peter T. Fay; UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT, Division 94-1 for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels Re: In re: Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan Association, Patrick James Knowlton, Request to include comments and factual information, pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, As Amended, to the Report on the Death of Vincent Foster, Jr.). http://www.


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