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Traitorous Heart

Page 4

by Breena Wilde

  After I paid the cab driver I walked up the stairs to my apartment. My legs were shaky and a little sore, but in a good way. I opened the door, walked down the hall, and peeked in on Birdy. She was asleep. There was a guy asleep in there with her. I continued on to my room and quietly closed the door.

  Thank God it was Saturday. No interviews. No place to be. I kicked off my shoes, got out of my clothes, and put on my pajamas. I didn’t bother to brush my teeth. I needed sleep.

  I closed my eyes. Exhausted. Images of Griffin and I fucking, the way he looked at me. His warm brown eyes as he watched. His perfect lips on my mouth, on my pussy. I shuddered, my body aching for more.

  I rolled onto my side and punched my pillow. Reid’s smirking face appeared next, which brought on tears. I loved him. I thought he was a good man. Up until last night he’d treated me a little dismissively maybe, but always with respect. Hadn’t he?

  Nothing made sense anymore. It was as though everything I’d known was a lie. I needed to talk to him.

  I’d call him right after I got a few hours sleep.


  I heard someone pounding on a door. My eyes pushed open. The sun shone through the window. The clock next to my bed revealed in was eight in the morning. Not nearly enough sleep. I covered my head with my blankets, hoping whoever was knocking would go away.

  More banging.

  “Damn it.” Why did Birdy have to be such a heavy sleeper? I rolled out of bed, stepped into my slippers, and went to the door. I checked through the peephole and gasped. It was Reid.

  “Go away, Reid. I have nothing to say to you.” My voice sounded gravelly, like I’d swallowed rocks.

  “I’m not leaving until we talk.” He looked angry and sounded even angrier. He could go fuck himself.

  “I guess you’ll be standing out there a while.” I leaned my head against the door and fought back tears. After a few minutes I didn’t hear anything and hoped he was gone. I checked the peephole. He paced back and forth in front of my door. I noticed he looked rumpled, his tan pants and black button up shirt slightly wrinkled. His cropped blond hair wasn’t combed to perfection the way he normally wore it.

  “I’m coming in,” he said and pulled a set of keys from his pocket.

  I’d forgotten about his key, the one I’d given him eight months ago but he’d never once used. “Don’t,” I said, stepping away from the door.

  Reid pushed it opened and walked in.

  “Get out,” I shouted.

  “Katie. Please.” Tears filled his eyes. “Let me speak.”

  I sat on the couch, picked up a throw pillow, and hugged it. “What? Tell me. What’s your excuse for the way you acted last night?” I wanted an answer, even though I was sure I wouldn’t like what Reid had to say.

  He slumped into a chair across from the couch. His hands were in his lap and his head hung low, ashamed. “You know all the pressure I’m under.” His jaw clenched. “I’ve told you some of it, but you don’t even know half.” He looked up. Tears streamed down his face. “Sometimes.” He paused and clenched his fists together. “I can barely breathe.”

  Reid looked over. I knew he wanted me to understand. He wasn’t a man of many words, but that excuse wasn’t going to cut it. My life wasn’t exactly easy either. Sure all the pressure I felt I put on myself, but that didn’t change the fact that it was hard, that sometimes I wanted to throw in the towel, give up on all my hard work. I didn’t though. I kept fighting.

  “Come on, Kate. It was just some harmless fun.” He shrugged.

  I leaned forward. “It wasn’t harmless, Reid. You hurt me.” I patted my chest for emphasis. “In here.” Tears collected on my lashes. I fought to keep them from spilling over.

  “That wasn’t my intention,” he said, his face hardening. “I can’t control what makes you sad and what doesn’t. That’s on you.”

  I felt my mouth fall open. Was he for real? I clamped my mouth shut and swallowed. “So if I’m hearing you correctly, if I slept with someone last night, I should assume that won’t hurt you because there was no physical pain involved on your end?”

  Reid stood. Ferocious wrath contorted his pretty-boy features. “You better not have.”

  I swallowed again, fighting to regulate my racing heart. “Why? We aren’t together anymore. I gave you back your ring.” My eyes went to the small cut on his cheek.

  “So you did? You fucked someone just to get back at me?” He ran his fingers over his short hair.

  “I didn’t do anything that had anything to do with you, you narcissistic son-of-a-bitch.” I stood. My legs were wobbly, which made me think of Griffin, which made me blush.

  “Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable!” He went to the door, clasping the handle in his fist. “Who is he? What’s his name?”

  I didn’t respond. It was none of his damn business.

  Reid rushed over and slapped me across the face. “Tell me who the fucker is.”

  The blow knocked me back against the couch. The tears I’d been fighting trickled down my face. My cheek burned and I put a hand to it. I knew I was shocked. I couldn’t believe the man I’d believed to be so kind, so sweet, so caring was nothing more than a raving asshole. I’d planned my life out with him. I’d imagined our children.

  Reid was breathing heavily. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Get the fuck out of this apartment before I call the cops.” The voice behind me was deep.

  Recognition spread across Reid’s face. “Is this the guy? Some filthy drummer from some wannabe rock band who was just using you?” Reid leaned over, his face so close that when he spoke spittle hit my cheek.

  “She didn’t fuck him. I did, Reid.” I knew that was Birdy. “And I’ve already called the cops, so unless you want to deal with more pressure from your father, you’d better leave now.”

  “I don’t believe you’d do that, Birdy. Not with our history together. We go way back, further than you and this bitch. She’s nothing. A nobody. Surely you understand that.”

  What the fuck? I was no longer sad. No longer scared. I was too fucking pissed. I stood and shoved Reid with all the adrenaline I could muster. He stepped back, shocked. “Get out!” I pounded my fists against his check. “Get the fuck out now!”

  Reid laughed. “You’re pathetic.” He slapped me again.

  The drummer stepped forward. I saw he held a tennis racket in his hands. It was raised as though he intended to strike Reid. The guy didn’t look very threatening, but it must’ve been enough.

  Reid opened the door and took off down the hall.

  Birdy was looking at the drummer, a smile on her face. “You’re an awesome lay, an amazing drummer, and a scarer of bad guys.”

  He dropped the racket and rubbed the back of his neck as though embarrassed.

  “You’re my hero,” Birdy continued, throwing herself into his arms.

  He caught her and they kissed obnoxiously for what seemed like forever. Finally they stopped. Birdy untangled herself from the drummer. She came over. “Are you all right?”

  I snorted. “Not by a long shot.” I looked over her shoulder at the drummer. “What’s your name? I keep calling you the drummer in my mind. At this point you deserve a name.”

  “I’m Brian.” He patted my shoulder awkwardly.

  I threw my arms around his waist and tucked my head in his chest. “Thanks, Brian.”

  He didn’t hug back right away. He kept clearing his throat.

  “Hug the girl. You deserve it and she needs it,” Birdy said. “I’m going to make some coffee.”



  Birdy, Brian, and I sat around the breakfast bar drinking coffee and discussing my ex fiancé. I really wanted to talk to Birdy about what Reid said. I knew Birdy and Reid had known each other before he and I started dating. They partied in the same social circles, which was how he and I met. I’d never thought to discuss how far back she and Reid went. Birdy didn’t like Reid and I hadn’t wanted to discuss
why. Maybe if I would have I wouldn’t ben in the situation I was in now.

  “You doing okay?” Birdy caressed my back.

  “I’m pissed. I’m in shock.” I caught her gaze and held it. “I can’t believe I didn’t know this side of him existed. We’ve been together two years.” I watched her eyes, waiting for some indication that she knew the kind of guy I’d attached myself too.

  She sighed heavily, like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “I’m just glad you’ve seen him for who he truly is.”

  Brian looked uncomfortable. He acted like he wanted to say something, but before he could his phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket. “Hey Griff.”

  At the name, I blanched. My heart sped up and my knees got weak.

  “Nah, just hanging with Birdy and Katie.”

  There was a pause. Brian held up his finger and walked toward the living room. He lowered his voice. Birdy and I exchanged a look.

  “What do you think they’re talking about?” I asked. I brought the mug of coffee to my mouth, but couldn’t drink. My stomach turned.

  “Probably you,” Birdy said. She winked. I hadn’t had the chance to tell her where I’d been last night, but somehow she knew.

  “What do you mean?” I decided to try playing dumb.

  “I know you were with him. It’s all over your face.” She brushed some hair out of my eyes. “You’ve got that I’ve-been-thoroughly-fucked look.”

  I looked away, trying not to blush. “Birdy, he… is…” I met her eyes. They were twinkling with happiness. “Amazing.” The word didn’t do Griffin and what had occurred between us justice. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to explain it.

  “I’m glad,” she said, sipping from her mug.

  My phone rang. I answered. “Hello?”

  “Is this Dandelion Katelyn Jayne?”

  The voice on the other end sounded professional. “It is.”

  “This is Bob Jeffries. I represent the Geller family.”

  I covered my mouth.

  “You there, Ms. Jayne?”

  “I am.”

  “It’s been brought to my attention that you assaulted Mr. Geller last night. He’s at the hospital getting stitches.”

  “What? No I didn’t.”

  Birdy gave me a strange look. She mouthed the word, “What?”

  I shook my head.

  “Are you denying that you threw a five carat diamond ring at Reid, which then struck his face, producing a serious cut?”

  Fuck no. “I’m not saying a damn word. You want to take this further, you’d better contact my lawyer.” I quickly hung up the phone.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Brian walked back in the kitchen.

  “Reid told his family lawyer I assaulted him. He’s at the hospital right now getting stitches.” I walked over to the sink and dumped my remaining coffee. “The mother fucker is messing with the wrong girl.”

  Birdy looked nervous. “He doesn’t care if the charges stick. He’s just trying to fuck up your life even more.” She slammed her hand on the counter. “That asshole!”

  I sat on the stool and put my head in my hands. “I won’t let him get away with it.”

  Birdy gave me a sad smile. “Remember earlier when we were talking about how it’s who you know more than what you know?”

  “Yeah?” I didn’t look up. I couldn’t. Fear coursed through my veins.

  “The Geller family can make trouble, big enough trouble that even my dad might not be able to get you a job.” She grabbed my hand, forcing me to look at her. “He’s managing partner, but there are those he has to answer to. In the end it comes down to politics.” She gave me a pointed look.

  I understood all too well what she was saying. “I’m fucked, aren’t I?” I looked away, focusing on Brian. He was texting someone. I absently wondered who it could be.

  “Maybe not.” She didn’t sound convinced.

  I let my head fall to the counter. “Fuck.” All my plans, all my goals, everything I’d ever wanted would be gone before I had the chance to get it, all because of Reid. I couldn’t let him win. But what could I do?

  A light bulb flickered and clicked on. I’d taken an elective on a part of the law I thought was interesting. Private investigation. A lot of lawyers used investigators to get information for clients. It was considered a somewhat shady resource, but I’d found the idea interesting. It’d been one of my favorite classes.

  For our final the professor let us “stalk” a person of interest. I’d chosen her and found out all sorts of interesting things I didn’t want to reveal in my paper or to the class. I’d given her the envelope full of information. She’d had me sign a nondisclosure and given me an A in the class. I hadn’t thought any more of it. There’d been too much else to deal with.

  But now…

  I’d put my desire to become a lawyer on hold a little while and try my hand at private investigation, and I’d dig up all the dirt on Reid Geller I could find. Then I’d make him suffer. I didn’t know how yet, or even what I’d do, but if I was any good maybe I’d live the American dream and open my own business. I could already see the sign: Katie Jayne, P.I. It had a nice ring to it. “Tell me everything you know about Reid Geller.” A plan was forming. Obviously I’d known nothing about the man I was going to marry. I’d accepted him at face value. I’d believed him, trusted him. I’d allowed him to walk all over me. I was done with that shit.

  It was time I pulled on my big-girl panties and fought for what I wanted. Fire with fire. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Or Miss. Nice Girl. Whatever. I wasn’t going to let that asshole motherfucker ruin my plans. My life.

  “What are you going to do?” Birdy asked, a smile dancing on her face.

  “I’m going to make Reid Geller wish he’d never been born.”

  Traitorous Heart

  Volume 2



  It’d been two weeks since my night with Griffin. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t thought about him. God, I thought about him. In the shower. At breakfast. In bed… especially in bed.

  I kept asking myself why I didn’t want him in my life.

  When I lay in bed and tried to sleep. Images of his glorious body, the way he smelled, the sounds he made while we fucked, his voice, the way he moved, and the way he could sing…

  He was my rock star hottie God. Not a man, but a magnificent and stunning idol—the man of my dreams.


  Birdy had told me about Reid. All that she knew. It hurt some that’d she’d seen the kind of man he was, she’d known, but I hadn’t wanted to listen. I’d chosen him over her. I’d been stupid and naive.

  But no more.

  My eyes had been opened. And while it hurt that all of my carefully laid plans had gone to shit in less than twenty-four hours, I’d resigned myself to my new plan.

  Get Reid Geller.

  “Here’s what I know about my ex fiancé, Reid Geller.”

  Birdy and I were sitting in our living room. Pictures I’d taken of him were spread all over the wood coffee table, as were transcripts, credit card statements, and various other documents.

  “Let’s hear it,” Birdy said, resting her elbows on her knees. She held a glass of red wine in one hand and a picture of Reid and a hooker in his car.

  Anger burned in my heart and fueled my need to destroy the motherfucker.

  “Reid Geller was born at six eighteen in the morning on March twenty-third nineteen eighty-six. He’s the oldest child of Ronald and Ferrah Geller. He has a younger sister, named McKenzie.”

  Birdy nodded.

  I continued to tick off the facts from my yellow pad of paper.

  “There isn’t much on his school records. His grades are slightly above average. He was on student council and played soccer. In college, his grades were barely passing, but he managed to graduate.”

  Birdy’s eyes met mine. “I’ve filled in some of the gaps from high schoo.”

Right.” I went on. “I spoke with some of his college buddies. One important piece of information came from there.”

  “His building need for this type of woman?” She shook the picture lightly.

  “Yep.” I picked up a piece of paper. “Which led me to a rather strange piece of evidence about his mom and dad.”

  To finish Volume 2 in the Traitorous Heart series, sign up for my newsletter by clicking HERE and I’ll send you a text when it’s available.


  Thank you so much for reading the first volume and beginning of the second volume in the Traitorous Heart series. I’m so in love with Griffin Maxwell. And Katie Jayne is definitely a person I’d always want in my corner.

  I can’t wait for you to read more about these two—the hot rock star that should be a billionaire businessman and the beautiful private investigator that wanted to be a lawyer.

  It’s going to be fun!

  If you enjoyed Traitorous Heart, volume 1, please go back to Amazon and leave an honest review. It would mean so much to me.


  Breena Wilde


  Erotic Romance

  Blurred Lines

  Distorted Lines

  Crossed Lines

  Irresistible Lines

  Blurred Lines Volumes 1-4 Boxed Set

  Twisted Lines

  False Lines

  Gratifying Lines

  Blurred Lines Volumes 5-8 Boxed Set


  Breena Wilde would love to hear from you. Contact her at:


  Twitter: @BreenaWilde

  Facebook: Breena Wilde





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