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The Pirate Empress

Page 14

by K R Martin

  Fedor skid to a halt, and she could feel him tense even more. One eye tentatively opened, and her heart sank. They had men in the woods, men who now blocked their escape. Glancing over his shoulder, she saw that two others had followed them. They were trapped.

  “Put the girl down and leave.” the large man spoke from behind them. Her body trembled in his arms; it really was too good to be true.

  “Not happening,” Fedor growled at them, but he did release her legs, holding her closer with his arm, his now free hand reaching for his sword.

  “You can either give her back and walk away with your life, or we can kill you and take her by force.”

  “You won’t lay a hand on her.” His hand wrapped around the sword’s grip.

  “No,” she shook her head. “I can’t let you get hurt for me; I’m not worth it.”

  “Yes. You. Are.” His eyes bore into hers with such intensity that all breath fled her body.

  “Enough; we’re taking her back.”

  “Actually, that lady will be coming with us.” A new voice joined them, accompanied by horse hooves. Desiree turned to see two horses joining them, atop of which sat Will and a masked Renee, her faithful falcon perched on her shoulder.

  “Your Majesty,” the men around them sputtered as they fell to their knees.

  “Someone informed me that you have objections to rumors of my possible alliance with this lady.” Will’s voice rang with authority, and even Desiree felt like cringing.

  “I... we... that is...” the man stammered.

  “I want to make myself perfectly clear,” his eyes took a dark hue. “The kidnapping of my guest is unacceptable, and I refuse to give in to demands of scoundrels who do so. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” the men mumbled.

  “You are lucky I am allowing you to go free, but I had better not hear any more rumblings against any guests. I know how to find you.”

  The men mumbled in defeat. She couldn’t believe they’d given in so easily, but they did seem to care for their monarch. Fedor released his grip, his now free hand patting her arms in comfort.

  “Come on,” he said as he gently pulled her with him, not removing his arm from her back. They reached his horse, and he finally stepped back, placing his hands on her waist. His hands fit at her side so well. “Ready?” She nodded, giving a little jump as he lifted her. There was no mistaking his strength, and she fought to calm her racing heart as she settled on the horse. Fedor swung up behind her, pulling her back against his chest. So much for calming down her heart, especially as one arm wrapped around her waist.

  He urged his horse into a trot, heading to Will and Renee. They merely nodded before reining their horses around, leading the way through the trees. Hoof beats approached them, and Jonathan broke through the trees, all of them halting before they ran into each other.

  “And here I thought you’d be needing my help,” he joked.

  “Sorry. It turns out Fedor had everything under control,” Will teased back.

  “More or less,” Fedor replied.

  “How about we get back to the castle and tell our stories with some hot drinks.” Renee spoke.

  Desiree closed her eyes as the all rode comfortably to the castle. They slipped through a back entrance, and she enjoyed sliding from the horse’s back and into Fedor’s arms.

  “Ahem,” Renee cleared her throat and Desiree stepped back, her face feeling as though she’d caught fire. Renee chuckled, and Desiree noted the falcon no longer rested on her shoulder. Will offered his wife his arm, as she took it as they led the way into the castle.

  After a few twists and turns, they stepped into a library. “Go ahead and get comfortable,” Will said. “I’ll get someone to bring us drinks.” He disappeared out the doors.

  Desiree moved to a large char, sighing as she sank into the cushions.

  “Are you alright?” Renee asked as she took a nearby chaise.

  “Yes,” Desiree responded. “It wasn’t bad, just... lonely.”

  “Alright,” Will spoke as he reentered the room. “Hot drinks will be here soon.” He moved to sit beside Renee, his arm draping over her shoulders, pulling her tight into his chest. They had such few moments to be together, it made her glad that some good came from her imprisonment. After all, there was no way they could just cuddle like they were now at Espan’s court.

  “I’m sorry I’ve put you all through so much trouble,” Desiree told them.

  “Oh, think nothing of it.” Renee replied. “It’s not like we’re strangers to crazy adventures.” Everyone laughed, and even Desiree giggled at the thought.

  “Honestly, it brought back lots of old memories. I almost miss the crazy adventures.” Jonathan added.

  “You missed this?” Fedor asked.

  “I said almost,” Jonathan pointed out.

  Just then, the door opened and a servant entered, bringing steaming mugs on a tray.

  “Good to see you all safe,” the servant said as she set the tray down.

  “Thanks for this,” Renee told her.

  “Of course,” she smiled and gave a curtsy before stepping from the room.

  Desiree caught Renee’s gaze, questions filling her eyes.

  “There are a few trusted servants who know the truth,” Renee responded simply. This was getting beyond complicated.

  Desiree reached out and took one of the mugs, savoring the sweet taste. “Mmm, I will admit that Espan’s delicacy of hot chocolate has to be the best treat ever.”

  “And benefits of being queen, I can make sure all my castles have staff that know how to make it.” Renee winked as she sipped her own mug.

  “Now that we’re all comfortable,” Will’s voice broke the revelry. “Would you mind telling us what happened?”

  “Alright.” In between sips, Desiree told her story, keeping it simple. After all, the days had been boring more than anything, dragging on as she just sat, waiting. “I wish I was more like you,” she told Renee. “You would have escaped the first day. I doubt you would even have allowed yourself to be captured in the first place.”

  “You’d be surprised. In fact, when I was about your age, I had been captured, and would have been taken who knows where if Will and Jonathan hadn’t come rescue me.”


  “Yes. Now, we were lucky; I heard her calling for me and watched them take her. It made catching up and freeing her much easier than it could be,” Will said.

  “How were you able to find me?” Desiree asked.

  “They left a paper naming an inn in town,” Will responded. “Fedor found it and informed us.”

  “I didn’t want to lose the trail.” Fedor seemed uncomfortable.

  “And that’s where you found where they were keeping me?”

  “Sort of, yet not. I had to wait a few days, and even then I had to follow a hunch. I got lucky that he led me to you.”

  “Wait, then how did the rest of you find me?”

  “The innkeeper sent word about where you were.” Renee responded. “And we left word for Jonathan.”

  “Not like you deigned to wait for me,” Jonathan quipped. “No, I got back from scouring the streets for our dear damsel to find that you’ve gone off to rescue her without me.”

  “Hey, you can blame his highness for rushing off as the dashing hero to rescue the kidnapped princess without us to help,” Renee joked back. From the corner of her eye, Desiree caught Fedor turning bright red.

  “Thank you,” Desiree said softly. “Thank you, all of you. I could never repay you for your kindness.”

  “Oh, we’ll have none of that,” Renee chided. “You’re our friend, and friends look out for each other.”

  “As much as I loathe my father and uncle for what they’ve tried to do, I am glad to have met you all, to count you as friends.”

  “Of course! Now, I think we should wait until tomorrow night to return home. We could all use a day of rest. Oh, and while you’re here,” Renee stepped to De
siree, her hands gentle as she removed the pins, pulling off the wig that had not been removed in days. “Since you’re not currently trying to seduce my husband, why not be yourself?”

  Desiree laughed, enjoying the feel of freedom from the itchy wig. “I think I could enjoy this.” She shook her head, loosening her hair to fall behind her.

  “Your hair is blond.” The statement was blunt out of Fedor’s mouth.

  “I never told you?”

  “You did, I think, but. It’s almost white. Why would you hide it?”

  “To look like me,” Renee replied. “And I used to wear a wig of golden hair. Talk about irony.”

  “The life of a princess.” Desiree winked and they both giggled. It felt so good to be free of all responsibilities, and just be herself. Here, in this room with these people, the princess was gone, and only Desiree remained.

  Chapter 24

  Hours later, Renee stood alone in the garden. Surrounded by the roses she loved, and bathed in the moon’s light, she felt at complete peace. Memories, good memories, crashed over her in waves.

  “There’s my beautiful rose.” Will’s voice never failed to put a smile on her face.

  “Are you referring to me or the flowers?” she teased.

  “Why you, of course, my dear Espan Rose.” His arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as his head descended, claiming her lips for his own. The kiss was free, unreserved, each pouring their love for the other into it. Even if they enjoyed stolen kisses as often as possible, it really was not the same as truly embracing their love.

  “I’ve missed hearing you call me that,” Renee whispered as she leaned away.

  “I think it every time I see you,” Will returned. “At least I can see you now. Two years is far too long a time to believe you dead.”

  “You’re telling me. Just, can we not do it again?”

  “Agreed.” He pulled her even closer, wrapping his arms further around her back. She allowed her eyes to drift closed, resting her head against his chest. A moan vibrated in her chest, a sound of blissful contentment. She yearned for the day when they could spend all day together like this.

  “I’ve missed this place,” Renee eventually spoke, stepping back a little. Will’s arm linked in hers, and her head leaned naturally on his shoulder. Together, they strolled through the pathways, and she couldn’t help but use her free fingers to brush the flower petals.

  “I haven’t had the heart to be here without you,” he responded. “I came here once, right after the attack; I sat on that bench and sobbed. After that night, I made plans to travel to Espan and live there. The thought was that the children could be close to your parents, and in a way, you. With your death, your parents just couldn’t bring themselves to rule. So, I took over the duties of Espan’s monarch, and appointed Jonathan to care for Cartiana’s affairs. Tonight is the first time I’ve been here since that night.”

  “After your death, I spent every moment I could in this garden, at our clearing, or in the city, especially the cliffs above the sea. It made me feel like you were still with me.”

  Will’s arm slipped from hers, wrapping around her shoulder. “Soon, my love. Soon this will all be over.”

  “Just not soon enough,” she sighed, already dreading the coming day.

  “Our dawn will come, and the night will end. I promise.”

  “I know.”

  Footsteps seemed to echo, and Renee’s gaze darted to Will. He grasped her hand, pulling her into the shadows of the corridor. Turning back, they watched as Desiree emerged into the garden’s moonlight. Her face filled with wonder as she began to wander through the flowers.

  “That brings back memories,” Will whispered. “You had that same look on your face the first time I saw you here.”

  “Ah, to be young and somewhat innocent of the world’s darkness,” Renee added. “Although, she isn’t as sheltered anymore. I’m just glad the darkness hasn’t diminished her light. I think she’s going to be a wonderful ruler truly beloved of her people.”

  Another figure emerged from the corridor, bringing a smile to Renee’s lips. “I think we might want to take our leave,” she said.

  “Yes, it does seem that the garden is now occupied,” he agreed. “Granted, we haven’t quite had a chance to really enjoy your former quarters, being so focused on rescuing our new friend.”

  Renee giggled, and allowed him to lead her to a room filled with even more pleasant memories, ready to make even more pleasant ones.

  The garden was stunning. Unable to sleep, mostly due to having spent the majority of the past three days sleeping, she decided to enjoy her new freedom, and had stumbled on the moonlit garden. When Renee and Will spoke of their courtship, she never imagined a place as gorgeous as this. Somehow, it made her kidnapping worth it.

  “Lovely,” the word was whispered with reverence, and not from her lips. Turning around, she saw Fedor outlined by the castle’s entryway, illuminated by the lights behind him. His eyes, his eyes were most definitely not looking at the flowers. Heat flooded her face as she turned from him. “You couldn’t sleep either?”

  “I slept enough in that tower,” she responded. “Though I’m surprised you’re still awake.” Unless he slept the days away too. Somehow that thought made her sad.

  “No. I mean, I made myself sleep, but it wasn’t easy. I think my adrenaline is still coursing through me, keeping sleep away.” she could hear him striding closer. “And, I wanted to make sure you were alright.”

  Her head whipped back around, almost slamming into Fedor with how close he was. “You were worried about me?”

  “Yes,” he replied, his voice coarse in this throat. She could see his throat bob as he swallowed the action somehow sending her heart fluttering. His eyes were hypnotic, and she found she couldn’t tear away from them, so raw, so open, and so full of despair.

  “I’m so sorry,” they seemed to speak as one, and each released a soft chuckle, allowing the air to release, and some tension with it.

  “I’ve been such a beast,” Fedor said.

  “I haven’t exactly been an angel either,” Desiree replied.

  “Could we begin again? Be friends, not just cordial or friendly?”

  “I would like that.” The smile blossomed from her heart before reaching her face.

  “Well then,” he finally took a step back. “I am Prince Fedor of Vikieva,” he said as he gave her a flourished bow.

  “Lady Desiree, Crown Princess of Retanny,” she replied with her own graceful curtsy, extending her hand.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.” He took her outstretched hand raising it to his lips. She never knew a soft kiss could feel so wonderful. “Now, I am genuinely interested in those six languages you speak.” He offered her his arm, and she dipped her hand inside the crook. It felt... right, resting there.

  “I had an active mind and limitations for that outlet.” They began strolling together, the scents so sweet and calming. “As a daughter, I was expected to learn embroidery, dancing, all sorts of useless information.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. While I did not learn embroidery, I did spend a lot of time escorting my sister along the dance floor. And I’ll admit, I really do enjoy a good dance.”

  “I thought as much at the masquerade; too bad we never got a chance to test it.”

  “Then I would very much like to rectify that. The very next ball, I would love to escort you on the dance floor.”

  “I would like that. Very much.”

  “Good. Now, about those six languages...”

  Desiree’s laugh left her throat, raising high into the sky, filled with pure joy. If only life could stay like this, she would be the happiest woman to ever exist.

  Chapter 25

  The days following their return were quiet, and Renee wasn’t sure if she was glad for the quiet or not. Things had gone back to the way they were, and their adventure had been written off as a secret trip for the king to get to know his hopeful bride. Many
seemed confused that no formal announcement had been made.

  At least they were due to sail to meet Ama Lei soon. Oh, how she missed her dear friend, and she hoped her journey had been productive. Just a few days more and they’d sail for the island just off Espan’s coast where they all planned to meet. It would be good to have her entire crew, her family, together again. Well, aside from Bartholomew; he would still be sailing back from the new world after returning Little Wolf’s people home. But Luca promised to return soon and she missed his advice. The charade had long gotten old.

  “I know the sound of that sigh,” Caleb spoke as he joined her.

  “Yes, well, I’ll be happy when I can finally be me again.”

  “Have you ever actually been just you?”

  “Aboard the Dawn Chaser. Those are some of the best memories I have. Especially the journey after defeating Andre.”

  “Do you think we’ll ever have real peace?”

  “I have to hope. Otherwise, what was the point to any of this?”

  “This will pass. You’ve fought too hard for too long not to gain your happily ever after.”

  “For the record, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” His hand ruffled her head, making her feel like his little sister.

  “Hey!” She protested with laughter. As much as she enjoyed Ama Lei’s friendship, it wasn’t quite the same as Caleb’s teasing. An infant’s cry bounced off the stone walls. “I believe that’s an order from your new captain.” Renee almost danced away.

  “Hey, I’m a captain now.” His indignation was comical.

  “Trust me, that baby girl’s pulling all the strings now. Besides, it would help Sonia out a great deal.”

  “I am well aware.” He winked at her. “I’ll see you later, Captain.” He strode off, his steps so sure. He really was a great father, and she was so happy he found love with Sonia. They both deserved happiness and really were good together.

  “Captain!” And that would be her other brother. If Caleb had become her big brother, then Little Wolf was her little brother.


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