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End Days Super Boxset

Page 192

by Hayden, Roger

“How many males? How many females?” the voice asked.

  Marked rolled his eyes. “Some warm welcome,” he muttered.

  “We have two males and three females. But before I say any more, I want to know if we're safe here. I'm personally responsible for the wellbeing of my group,” James said.

  The eyes shifted to the right again. James heard more whispering. Then the eyes were back on him.

  “You're safe here, my friend. Grab the rest of your crew. You may enter.”

  The slot slid closed, followed by an unlocking sound. The two doors slowly opened inward, revealing a spacious area with several cabins and some military-looking tents. James and Mark stood cautiously back from the doors as they opened fully. Two bearded men, one more heavyset than the other, stood at the doors to greet them. They were both dressed in camouflage and holding semi-automatic weapons.

  “Welcome to Camp Liberty,” the heavyset guard said with a gleaming smile.

  Camp Liberty

  “Where's the rest of your group?” the heavyset guard asked.

  Mark looked at James for guidance. The two guards stared at them, keeping both hands on their rifles. They wore bulletproof vests over their shirts and seemed to take their job seriously. James gripped his fully-loaded AR-15 carbine in a show of defiance.

  “The rest of our group is at a safe distance from here. My friend, Mark, and I are scouting the place out, which I'm sure you can understand.”

  The slimmer guard gripped his rifle tightly, mimicking James.

  “And I'm sure you'd understand that anyone wishing to enter Camp Liberty must follow our guidelines,” the slim guard said.

  “I'm sorry, we didn't get your names,” Mark said, interjecting.

  “I'm Rick, this here’s Pete,” the guard.

  “What kind of guidelines are we talking about here?” James said.

  Rick continued. “Biggest priority is safety. Safety for our people, and safety for those who wish to join us. First guideline is that new personnel must relinquish their weapons until they are deemed a nonthreat. Secondly, new personnel must in-process, together all at once, so that we get specific numbers.”

  “In-process?” James asked.

  “Camp Liberty?” Mark added. “The radio message said Survival Camp.”

  “Changed the name,” Pete said.

  “Well, I'm sorry. We've traveled a long way to get here, and all these rules are a little off-putting,” James said. “Like I said, these are my people, and I'm responsible for them. I was under the impression that this was a prepper camp. Somewhere we could get answers and assistance.”

  “Yeah, I mean your radio broadcast did make those claims,” Mark said.

  “Guidelines are guidelines,” Pete said in a monotone. The guards were not being very helpful despite their initial welcome.

  “We're just not comfortable giving you our weapons or bringing the rest of our group in here before we've had the chance to scope it out fully,” James said.

  The two guards looked at each other, conflicted.

  “Can we ask you some stuff about this place first?” Mark asked.

  “Sure, go ahead,” Rick said, though Pete seemed flustered and annoyed.

  “How many people do you have here?”

  “We cannot divulge our strength to outsiders,” Rick answered.

  “Strength?” Mark asked.

  “Their numbers,” James said. He then turned to the guards. “Look, I was in the Marines. I understand protocol, but we're not giving our weapons to anyone. If we can't work something out, then I guess we'll keep moving.” He hoped they wouldn't call his bluff.

  The guards looked at each other for answers. Pete turned to James. “We're going to have to check with the man in charge first,” he said.

  “Nonsense!” a voice called out from the darkness.

  Startled, the guards turned around and looked behind them. James recognized the voice and squinted to make out the figure, or figures, walking toward them, as did Mark.

  Russell and his trusted lieutenant, Kyle, emerged from the shadows, further piquing James's curiosity. The guards cleared a path for them. As the men approached, James and Mark didn't know what to think. Russell, the man on their left, was tall and skinny with long, stringy black hair. He walked slightly hunched over with an arch in his back. He had thick stubble on his face and an American flag bandana wrapped around his head. “No one gets turned away from Camp Liberty!” he boasted.

  Kyle, the other man to his side, was stocky with thick arms. They wore identical camouflage, similar to the guards, but were unarmed.

  “Step aside and let them enter,” Russell said, causing the guards to reluctantly step out of the way. James and Mark remained alert and cautious.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Russell. I'm the owner and proprietor of Camp Liberty,” the stringy-haired stranger said to them, extending his hand.

  “Name's James,” James said, shaking his hand. Mark introduced himself as well.

  “This is Kyle, my number two,” Russell continued.

  Kyle shook both men's hands, offering a friendly nod. “Nice to meet you,” he said.

  “You've met Rick and Pete. They don't mean any harm. Nothing wrong with following the rules here. You and your friends are more than welcome to be our guests if you like.”

  “This is your camp?” James asked.

  Russell stopped, looked around, and took a deep breath of fresh air. “Yes sir. Hard to believe we built all of this only a few months ago. Mind if I ask how you came about our humble little camp?”

  “We heard the broadcast on the radio,” James said. “Figured you were fellow preppers, like us.”

  “That's wonderful!” Russell said with a slight cough. “That's exactly what we are, preppers like you. You might even recognize my voice.”

  “You’re the guy on the radio?” Mark asked. “I mean you're the one who delivered those messages?”

  “Sure am,” Russell said.


  From the distance, the rest of the James’s prepper group waited patiently behind the concealment of trees. Janice tapped her foot nervously as Paula gripped the redwood tightly, clutching bark underneath her fingers. Christina lay still on the ground with her rifle carefully aimed. She could see everything through James's night vision scope affixed to the rifle.

  “What's going on?” Janice asked. “Who are they talking to?”

  “Four men,” Christina said. “I can see James and Mark. They're talking to four men dressed in camouflage. They haven't gone inside the camp yet.”

  Janice sighed. “Guess it's going to be a long night.”

  Christina continued to peer through the optical scope. She had never used the rifle, but she was confident that no one was going to escape her aim.


  “We can never be too careful out here,” Russell said. “For that reason, we ask for visitors to turn in their weapons upon entry into the camp. Now, your people are your people, and it's none of our business. I don't care if it's three others, or a hundred. We want you to be comfortable. Why don't you tell me a little about yourselves to put us all at ease,” Russell said.

  “Well...” James began. Suddenly, Russell hunched over to his ankles and erupted into a giant coughing fit.

  “I...” James continued.

  Russell was in the throes of hacking his guts out when Kyle placed a hand on his back and then looked to James and Mark. “Russell has been a little sick this week, he's OK. Just a little bug that's been going around.”

  Rick and Pete looked at each other with raised brows. Russell lifted his head up, revealing swollen, teary eyes. It sounded like a serious cough to anyone within earshot. Russell caught his breath and spoke in a strained and weary voice. “I'm OK, I'm OK,” he said. “And don't get the wrong idea, this is a sanitary camp. I've just been under the weather the past couple of days.”

  “Fair enough,” James said. “I'll tell you a little about us if you can tell us a l
ittle about yourselves.”

  “Agreed,” Russell said, rising back up as if nothing had happened.

  “We have a bug-out house about ten miles south of here. It wasn't a big camp like this place, but it was spacious enough for me and my friends. I've lived in there for the past five years. I'm a teacher, you see. A professor at the Georgia College, downtown Milledgeville. We met up after the EMP attack a couple weeks ago. We heard your radio broadcast and were intrigued. So we traveled here hoping to meet some people like us.” It wasn't the whole story, but James thought it was good enough.

  “You've made a wise decision,” Russell said. “You seem to be very knowledgeable individuals.”

  “We don’t have all the answers but we do have skills. We figured we could offer them in exchange for food and lodging,” James said.

  Russell methodically scratched his chin. “Interesting,” he said.

  “So if we could check out the place first, we'd be happy to get the rest of our crew. You seem like good people, but I promised everyone that I'd make sure,” James said.

  “Certainly,” Russell said. “So you're from Milledgeville?” he asked.

  “Sort of,” James said.

  “And how about you?” Russell asked, pointing to Mark.

  “I'm from Savannah.”

  “Excellent. Savannah. Well, we're happy to have you guys here. Please, allow us to give you a tour,” Russell said.

  Mark took a step forward as James put his arm out to stop him. “Wait one minute, please,” James said. Everyone stopped, including Mark, and gave James a curious look. He continued. “A little background on yourselves, please.”

  Russell smiled. “Yes, of course. But why not kill two birds with one stone? I'll show you around the place and tell you anything you want to know,” he said.

  James thought to himself. He turned around to look at the redwood tree concealing the rest of his group.

  “We'll even let you keep your weapons,” Russell said. Kyle then gave him a knowing glare of disapproval. “Relax,” Russell whispered.

  James looked to Mark, who nodded back. “OK, Russell. Sounds good.” He saw no reason to keep the others waiting, so he waved his arms in the air, signaling them forward. Russell had gained some of his trust. There had been some initial awkwardness, but he still felt good about Camp Liberty. “Let me round up the rest of my group,” he said.


  From her stealth-like position, Christina saw James waving at them through her scope.

  “What's going on now?” Janice asked. Her questioning had been persistent.

  “Looks like he's waving us on. He's giving the all clear,” she answered.

  “They want us to join them?” Janice asked, surprised.

  “Looks that way,” Christina said.

  “What are we waiting for?” Paula asked

  Christina stood up as the leaves crackled under her weight.

  “Are they sure it's safe?” Janice asked.

  “Safe as it's gonna be, I imagine. Everyone keep their guard up,” Christina said.

  They moved from behind the tree and approached Camp Liberty with reserved apprehension.


  Christina, Janice, and Paula walked to the entrance where Mark and James waited. Russell and his men took a keen interest in the approaching strangers.

  “What do we have here?” Pete said to Rick.

  Suddenly, Russell shushed them. “Go tell the others we have company,” he said.

  “Everyone?” Pete asked.

  “Yes, everyone. Move out,” Kyle answered, stepping in.

  “Yes sir,” Pete said, changing his tune. He marched off, hitting Rick on the shoulder to follow him.

  James took notice of the military-like atmosphere around them. He glanced over to the nearby obstacle course and started putting some of the pieces together. “What kind of camp is this?” he asked.

  “We've got to be able to defend ourselves, wouldn't you agree?” Russell asked, staring ahead. Christina, Paula, and Janice were close by.

  “I suppose I would,” James said.

  “Welcome!” Russell said in a boisterous tone, addressing the women.

  They approached cautiously even with James and Mark standing right there.

  “Hello,” Christina said.

  Russell and Kyle perked up and put on their friendliest faces. Paula was careful not to make eye contact. Strangers made her nervous. She was inclined to be less trusting of new people, especially after their last encounter. Janice went directly to Mark and stood next to him.

  “How's everything going here?” she asked.

  “Welcome to Camp Liberty,” Russell said. “My name is Russell, and this is Kyle.” Kyle never understood why Russell never let him introduce himself. “I assume you’re the rest of James's group.”

  “Yes, we are,” Christina said. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” She wanted to make a good first impression. With a hunting rifle slung over her shoulder, the last thing she looked was weak or vulnerable. Russell eyed Paula intently. “Hello, little one,” he said with a wave.

  Paula stood close to her mother and didn't respond.

  “Introduce yourself, Paula,” Christina said.

  “Ah, Paula, that's a lovely name,” Russell said.

  “Thank you,” Christina said, glancing at James, who took over again.

  “Russell here offered us a look at the place, so I wanted you guys along too,” James said. Russell extended his arm into the camp in an inviting fashion. “We're all about helping people in need here,” he said. “Ready for the grand tour?”

  Kyle silently nodded. He was pleased to see Russell out of the cabin and engaging with new people. Doing so took a lot of energy, but such commitment was necessary. It was important for morale. The arrival of new people could prove beneficial or problematic.

  The group followed him dutifully as Kyle shut the gate and locked it behind him. James felt apprehensive, but they were low on options. Not having to relinquish their weapons made a big difference. Ultimately, James wanted to trust Russell, even if he seemed a bit too warm and welcoming. The others hadn't made up their minds yet.

  The camp was dark and overwhelming in its size. As they walked toward the cabins, it was hard to tell how many there were. Things were quiet, and the silence made them uncomfortable.

  “So you were about to tell us how many people you have staying here?” James said to Russell.

  “Yes, of course,” Russell said, slightly limping along. “Currently we have twenty-one personnel here, twenty-three counting Kyle and I.”

  “Where did they all come from?” James asked.

  “Some of them were here from the beginning,” Russell said.

  Camp Liberty had a story and an image. Russell had to convince visitors that there was nothing worth seeking in their outside world. In some ways, it was the same method that Christina had employed in pushing Tobias and Paula to accept life at their former bug-out house.

  “We have four cabins on the premises, all built over the past couple of months,” Russell said, pointing to the four long buildings aligned perfectly next to each other. He then pointed to the nearby obstacle course in the front of the camp. “Over there is our training area. It's good for exercise and keeps us active.”

  The course consisted of a variety of military-like obstacles including balance beams, pull up bars, a breaching wall, and a tower with several levels and long ropes reaching to the top. James observed the various obstacles with interest, as they reminded him of a time when he was much younger in the Marine Corps. But with his bad back, he couldn’t do the things he did with ease at twenty.

  Mark, on the other hand, was never the military type, and had last climbed a rope in high school. He thought of asking Russell, in jest, if they had a treadmill anywhere, but decided not to, aware that his sense of humor took some getting used to.

  Janice and Christina looked around closely, searching for anything out of the ordinary. They wondered where
everyone was. There were small, flickering lights in the cabin windows indicating people inside, but how many, and how old? There were many questions, but they didn’t want to overwhelm Russell. It was best--for the time being--to allow James to do most of the talking.

  “There's our dining tent over there,” Russell said, pointing to a large military general purpose tent staked into the ground and held down with rope. “Behind here we have portable bathroom and shower units.”

  “Do you have any power here?” James asked.

  It was the question Russell was waiting for. “What we have, we use sparingly,” he answered.

  He led them toward the dining tent, where they could smell the aroma of cooked ham. “So now that you get the general layout, perhaps it's time to meet some of our people. I'm sure you're all famished.”

  “A little,” Mark said. Their stomachs had been mercilessly growling for the past hour.

  “Excellent, we're having ham tonight.”

  As they got closer, they could hear the loud humming of a generator from inside. All the sides of the tent were closed, but a sliver of light at the entrance could been seen in between two hanging flaps.

  “Please have some food and meet everyone else while you're at it,” Russell said. He looked to Kyle and talked quietly. “Do me a favor and give the others a heads-up of our new guests' arrival.”

  Kyle nodded and ran ahead. Russell led the group toward the tent while continuing to explain Camp Liberty. “What we do here is teach people how to survive and defend themselves. How to live without the modern conveniences we've all been so accustomed to. How to stay strong and healthy without a gym membership, for instance, and a refrigerator. That's why I feel good about you guys. With your prepping knowledge and experience, you could be a real asset here.”

  “That's exactly what we were thinking after hearing your broadcast,” James said.

  Suddenly, Russell stopped the group about five feet from the entrance. “I’m curious though. With all your prepping skills, why would you leave the comfort of your bug-out house and come all the way here?”


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