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Stone (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #1)

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by Victoria Ashley

  “You’ve got it bad for that boy. Just admit it and make it easier on all of us. You guys had fun together and that’s how it should be.”

  Both of our eyes go back toward the stage once the music stops and Kash jumps down into the crowd, getting his moment that he loves so much. Being felt up at the end is his favorite part. Figures . . .

  “Looks like your man’s up next. Think you can handle his hotness?” She lifts a brow at me, while taking a sip of her drink. “That boys been working out some frustration or something. Damn . . . don’t tell Hemy, but he’s looking mighty fine. The last seven months have been good for his body.”

  We both watch as Stone walks away to get ready to make his way to the stage, most likely getting in position, waiting for his song to start.

  Why the fuck does he have to be so sexy? Stupid jerk . . .

  The room suddenly goes dark. I mean completely pitch black. I can’t even see my hand in front of me.

  A few women even scream, not expecting us all to be pooled in darkness. Hell, I almost screamed my damn self, surprised. I even spilled my drink some.

  A small spotlight has us all staring at the stage as the DJ begins to play In Chains by Shamon’s Harvest.

  It’s hard to make out at first, but at closer look, Stone is now down on his knees, shackled in chains.

  Gripping the chains, he moves his hips in a way that is so damn sexy and hypnotizing that I accidently bite my bottom lip too hard, while watching him move.

  “Fuck me . . .” I breathe. “Is it hot in here?” I tug at my blouse, not removing my eyes from his every move.

  “Well damn. Look what you’ve done to him,” Onyx breathes. “So much sin in that fine as hell body.”

  The more he moves around, the longer the chains get, allowing him to move closer to the edge of the stage, on his knees, while flawlessly fucking the stage at the same time.

  Out of nowhere, surprising us all, water sprays all over the stage, soaking him and everyone in the front as he continues to fight the chains, his muscles flexing in the best ways possible to make him look even more irresistible.

  We’re on the side of the stage and we even get a bit wet, and that’s on top of the wetness between my damn legs now.

  When the music speeds up, pumping us all up, he finally breaks free from the chains, causing my heart to race in excitement, as if I’m watching some intense movie or something, and the part I’ve been waiting for has finally just happened.

  The women scream louder than I’ve ever heard, and wave their hands around, hoping that they’ll choose them, as he walks to the edge of the stage and hops off.

  I lose track of where he is, until I see a cute brunette, get lifted onto the stage, followed by him, jumping back up, sliding across the water on his knees to get to where she’s standing.

  Thrusting his hips, he slowly runs his hands down the front of his slick body, while standing up and removing his low hanging jeans.

  He’s wearing white boxer briefs. White! Wet and white! Dammit, Stone.

  Running a hand through his dark, wet hair, he grabs the woman’s hand with his free hand and runs it down his body, stopping at the top of his briefs.

  I get nervous, thinking he’s going to go lower, but he doesn’t.

  Biting his lip as the women scream, he thrusts his hips really fast, while pushing the woman down to her knees and grinding in her face.

  All I can think about while his dick smacks her face, is how he used to grind his hips in my face, when giving me private dances and just how hot it made me.

  Watching it happen with another woman just pisses me the fuck off.

  I’m jealous. I’m actually jealous right now and this is not what I was hoping for.

  Seeing this never used to bother me. Not when I was getting it at home, but now . . .

  “I want to cut that bitch,” I mumble, surprised at my own words.

  Onyx’s eyes widen at my words. “Whoa there, killer. You act as if you haven’t seen this a million times before.”

  I empty my glass and set it down. “Yeah, that was before, but I haven’t seen it in a while. Maybe I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.”

  I stand up and suck in a deep breath when Stone’s eyes somehow find mine and lock on. The way he’s looking at me, steals my damn breath away. There’s so much intensity behind his eyes, knowing that I haven’t been here in months and now here I am. I’m pretty sure he knows that I’ve been avoiding watching him dance.

  Fuck . . . that look. I can’t . . .

  “I should go.” I lean in and quickly kiss the side of her head. “Tell Hemy I said bye.”

  Knowing that she’s going to try to leave with me, I push her back down when she attempts to stand. “I’m just going to bed so there’s no reason for you to come with me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sage,” she calls out when I turn to walk away. “Drive safe and call me if you need me.”

  “I always do.”

  I allow my eyes to land on the stage one last time, to see Stone standing still, with a small smirk on his lips. That smirk used to be my weak spot when we first met.

  This pushes my ass to move faster and get myself out of here before I do something stupid, without thinking it through.

  Coming here and watching him dance was a horrible idea . . .


  I HAVEN’T STOPPED THINKING ABOUT Sage for one damn second, since watching her walk out that door, leaving me dazed on the stage.

  She’s been avoiding coming here since we stopped messing around seven months ago and the way she was watching me so intently, reminded me of when she used to want me.

  Hell, maybe she still wants me to touch her just as badly as I still want to.

  I barely snapped out of it, until Onyx jumped on the stage and threw her drink in my face, waking my ass up out of the trance I was in.

  “You still over there thinking about Sage? Get a grip on your balls, Dude,” Kash teases. “Don’t be mad that she stayed for my show and yours ran her out.” He cocks a brow, pissing my ass off even more.

  “Fuck you!” I throw my sweaty ass, soaked briefs at his face and laugh when he freaks out.

  “Dude! Your balls were just in these. What the fuck.”

  “Next time it will be my balls slapping your pretty face, Asshole.”

  “I’m out, Dicks. Got a kinky ass woman waiting outside my house. If you get some pictures from me, open with caution, Fuckers.” Styx throws his bag over his shoulder and slaps us both upside the head, before taking off.

  Asshole’s lucky, I don’t feel like wasting my energy on his ass. Fuck, I don’t feel like wasting it on anyone, but Sage. I don’t need sleep. I’d spend the whole night pleasuring her if I got the chance to again.

  I wanted nothing more than to run off the stage and dance for her, but I was worried she might get pissed and the last thing I want is to embarrass her by putting her on the spot.

  Well fuck me . . .

  Why was she even here tonight after so long? If it was for one of these other assholes, I won’t hesitate to fuck them up. None of them are good enough for her and none of them will take care of her like I would if given the chance.

  “Think Sage would let me come over tonight?” Kash teases.

  “Hell no, Fucker. I’m getting out of here before I kick your ass. I’m not in the mood so don’t test me tonight.”

  Smirking, he throws his hands up and backs away to the shower. “It’s all good. My hand’s been good to me.”

  “I bet,” I mumble, once I’m alone. “Mine too. Mine fucking too.”

  I finish gathering up my shit, before going to find Cale in his office, hoping that Hemy is still here so I can ask about Sage.

  He’s not.

  Cale stands from his chair and starts grabbing for his shit. “You good?” he questions. “You look a little stressed.”

  Raking my hands through my wet hair, I let out a breath of frustration. “You saw who was here tonight,”
I point out. “Did Hemy tell you why?”

  He walks out the door, with me following behind. “Onyx made her come, Man. She didn’t want to drink alone.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I figured she wasn’t here to see me or those other dicks. Thanks, Man, I’ll see you later.”

  “Not a problem, Man. Take it easy and I’ll see you later. Try not to stress over her too much. Things will work out if they’re meant to.”

  “You’re probably right,” I say mostly to myself, before we both take off for the night.

  BY THE TIME I GET home, the house is dark and Sage is in her room, asleep.

  Unable to sleep myself, I find myself in the shower at five in the damn morning, jerking my shit to thoughts of Sage’s sexy as sin body, remembering every last detail of how her body felt against mine.

  It didn’t help that she came into the club tonight somehow looking even sexier than usual, sporting a new hair style. With her wild hair, fresh tattoos and lip ring . . . fuck me. She looks wild and sexy as fuck.

  What I wouldn’t do to suck that piercing into my mouth and nibble it. Hell . . . I want to feel it on my dick.

  Closing my eyes, thoughts of her take control of me.

  The curve of her hips.

  Fuck yes.

  The fullness of her beautiful breasts.

  Fuck me.

  The way her tight little pussy hugged my cock so perfectly.

  Fuck . . . so damn perfect.

  Gripping the shower wall, my hold on my shaft tightens and my strokes speed up, bringing me so close to losing my shit, that I almost can’t handle it.

  A few more long, hard strokes and I’m growling out my pleasure, while shooting my hot cum down the drain, pretending it was Sage’s plump ass. How I’d love to see my release drip down her sexy little asshole.

  “Oh. Fuuuuck!”

  Standing in the warm shower, I close my eyes harder, while fighting to catch my breath.

  That woman does something to me that I can’t fight.

  And it turns me on like nothing else . . .

  AFTER MY SHOWER, I SOMEHOW managed to pass out and not wake up until close to noon.

  The first thing I did when getting out of bed this afternoon, was start thinking about how Sage was at the club last night, watching me.

  She looked like she was sweating from watching me. I could tell, even in the darkened room.

  “Fuck this.” I’m tired of this new arrangement and tired of pretending as if I don’t want her.

  I’ve stepped back for seven months now and have respected the fact that we weren’t going to be physical anymore, but I want more with her and I’m tired of holding back.

  I’m about to refresh her damn memory of me and remind her of what she’s missing.

  When she first moved here to Chicago, over a year ago, she couldn’t stay away from me, despite her brother giving us a hard time for messing around.

  We had fun. We were good with each other . . . for each other, until she got scared and decided we were done being friends with benefits. I wasn’t ready to stop, but kept my mouth closed out of respect.

  I want to show her that not everyone in her life will disappear. Not everyone will hurt her and abandon her like her parents did. Especially me.

  I want to make her mine and I’m not stopping until I do. The old Stone charm is coming out to play . . .


  THERE’S NOTHING I HATE MORE than trying to avoid Stone while being in the same house, but after going to the club last night, I haven’t been able to stop thinking sexual thoughts about him.

  I thought I could handle living with him and not wanting more with him, but it’s becoming harder and harder with each day.

  The truth is, I never wanted to stop in the first place, but I was starting to depend on him being there for me.

  The feeling scared me, because after my parents abandoned us when I was a child and Hemy and I got separated; alone was all I had.

  There was never anyone that I had to worry about losing, because I ended up with a family that didn’t even know I existed. They were just in it for the money and couldn’t give a shit whether I lived or died.

  There was no one for me to lose. No one that had the power to hurt me. Hemy was already gone and he was the only person who ever mattered to me.

  Then the day that Onyx found me working in that coffee shop, she became my friend. She was the first person I had let in since losing my brother.

  Stone was the second and I didn’t even mean to let him in. The fucker charmed his way in and got stuck.

  Distancing myself was the only thing I could do to protect myself from falling and getting hurt and the more nights we spent having fun, flirting and having sex, the more I started to feel for him and fear him disappearing too.

  I knew I shouldn’t have gone to W.O.S last night. One reminder at what he could do with his body and I was completely done for. If I even give him the chance to talk to me right now; I’m utterly screwed.

  It’s my day off and I plan on spending it in my room, finishing up this damn book and keeping my mind far away from Stone.

  Stone doesn’t exist . . .

  “Stone doesn’t exist,” I say out loud this time. “And neither does his humongous dick.”

  “Sure I do, Honey and my humongous cock definitely exists as well.”

  Scared shitless, I practically jump out of my chair, while spinning around to the sound of Stone’s voice.

  “You fucker!” I suck in a deep breath at the sight of Stone gripping the doorframe. Those muscles don’t exist. That body. That bulge . . .”What are you doing in here? Ever heard of knocking. Jeez, Stone.”

  A smirk crosses his sexy as sin face. “Since when have I ever knocked?”

  Closing down my laptop, my eyes follow Stone’s every move as he walks into the room and takes a seat at the edge of my desk.

  I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of his thick, muscled thighs. I always loved that about him. So much power in them.

  “Well it’s always a nice gesture. I was writing.”

  My heart races like crazy as my eyes wander over his body, stopping on his smooth lips, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

  Why does my body have to react this way to him? Why does it have to want him so badly?

  “You got me thinking last night.” He scoots across the desk, until he’s right in front of me, pulling my chair closer, until I’m between his legs. “About how much you used to love me dancing for you.”

  My breath escapes me when Stone’s hands come around to grip my hair and he slowly lowers his body into the armless chair and down to straddle my lap.

  His warm breath tickles my ear as he leans in close, knowing what his closeness will do to me. “It’s been a while, but I bet me being this close still affects you.”

  Letting loose for a moment, I wrap my arms around his firm body and moan when he begins grinding in my lap. “No,” I breathe.

  He runs his lips up my neck, stopping below my ear. “No, it doesn’t still affect you?” Pulling my hand from around him, he places it on his chest and slowly starts moving it down his hard body.

  “Yes,” I breathe. “I mean no.” Trying to keep in control, I yank my hand away from his body, before I can cave in. “Let’s not do this, Stone.”

  “Why?” he whispers, while wrapping his hand in my hair. “Remind you of good times? Of the many ways my body made you come?”

  “You know it does, Jerk.” I push his rock hard chest, until he finally backs away from me. “It’s not like I’ve forgotten just because we haven’t been physical in months. What’s gotten into you?”

  He must notice me checking his chest out, because a cocky smirk appears on his face. “Take my shirt off if you want. I’ll let you lick it.”

  I clear my throat and stop gawking at his body, before he decides to take it as an invite back into my panties. “You’re a pain in my ass,” I say with a small smile. “Do you know that?”

I want to fuck you,” he growls out, surprising me. “This new hair. Fuck me, Sage. There’s nothing you can do to make me not want you as much. You get sexier every damn time I lay eyes on you.”

  I can’t deny the way my body gets all happy and giddy from his words. Him not being afraid to say what’s on his mind always turned me the hell on.

  “Stone . . .” I warn. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I’m thinking about running my tongue over every inch of your body right now. Remember how much you loved my tongue on you?”

  He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and I instantly get wet, at just the memory of how good it used to make me feel.

  The boy had a magic tongue and a magic dick and I miss them both.

  Shit . . . he needs to get out of here. Now!

  “Oh I remember. Trust me, but I’m trying not to. Especially right now so I can work. Please, let’s not bring up the past. I won’t be able to concentrate.”

  “You missed the last part of my dance last night. Come to my private room tonight at eleven and let me make up for it. Just one dance is all I’m asking.” He laces his hands behind my neck like old times and leans in to press a kiss right beside my lips. “One night to be in charge and pleasure you without sex. Just give me that. You look like you need release and I want to help you with that. Nothing more.”

  Exhaling, I close my eyes and run my hands over my face as Stone walks out of my room and leaves.

  I don’t waste any time jumping out of my chair and locking the door behind him so he can’t distract me anymore.

  It’s bad enough that my minds been on him since last night, but now . . . damn him.

  Now he’s asking me to let him give me a private dance. Does he realize what that’s going to do to me?

  Yes, I got off on watching his body and yes I do need it. He wasn’t wrong about that.

  But he wasn’t supposed to notice.

  Fuck my life . . .

  Letting my frustration out on paper, I pull up my work in progress and end up getting in a total of seven thousand words in just under three hours. Only two thousand or so more to go and it’s done. My third book.


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